
Defines functions assessTemporalIndependence parseDir splitDir makeSurveyZip calculateTrappingEffort cleanSubsetSpecies adjustCameraOperationMatrix createDateRangeTable checkCamOpColumnNames addNewColumnsToGlobalTable removeDuplicatesOfRecords addStationCameraID separateMultipleSpecies assignSpeciesID addMetadataAsColumns runExiftool.par runExiftool checkForSpacesInColumnNames .pkgVersionCRAN

Documented in assessTemporalIndependence

# Version Check for .onAttach()
# adapted from http://thecoatlessprofessor.com/programming/automatically-check-if-r-package-is-the-latest-version-on-package-load/. Thank you!

.pkgVersionCRAN <- function(pkg, cran_url="http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/")
  # Create URL
  cran_pkg_loc <- paste0(cran_url,pkg)

  # Try to establish a connection
  suppressWarnings( conn <- try( url(cran_pkg_loc) , silent=TRUE ) )

  # If connection, try to parse values, otherwise return NULL
  if ( all( class(conn) != "try-error") ) {
    suppressWarnings( cran_pkg_page <- try( readLines(conn) , silent=TRUE ) )
  } else {

  # Extract version info
  version_line = cran_pkg_page[grep("Version:",cran_pkg_page)+1]

# for all functions in which user specifies column names: error if spaces in column names
checkForSpacesInColumnNames <- function(...){

  z <- list(...)

  # if all arguments are of length 1, do
  if(all(sapply(z, FUN = length) == 1)){
    if(any(grepl(pattern = " ", x = unlist(z), fixed = TRUE))) stop("column names may not contain spaces: \n ",
                                                                     paste(names(z)[which(grepl(pattern = " ", x = unlist(z), fixed = TRUE))], "=",
                                                                           z[which(grepl(pattern = " ", x = unlist(z), fixed = TRUE))], collapse = "\n "),
                                                                     call. = FALSE)

  # if the argument is of length >1, do
  if(any(sapply(z, FUN = length) > 1)){
    if(length(z) != 1) stop("this is a bug in 'checkForSpacesInColumnNames'. I'm sorry. Please report it.")
    if(any(grepl(pattern = " ", x = unlist(z[[1]]), fixed = TRUE))) stop("column names in '", names(z) ,"' may not contain spaces: \n ",
                                                                         paste(names(unlist(z))[which(grepl(pattern = " ", x = unlist(z), fixed = TRUE))], "=",
                                                                               z[[1]][which(grepl(pattern = " ", x = unlist(z), fixed = TRUE))], collapse = "\n "),
                                                                         call. = FALSE)

# for functions reading out and tabulating image metadata

runExiftool <- function(command.tmp,
  tmp1 <- strsplit(system(command.tmp, intern=TRUE), split = "\t")

  if(length(tmp1) == 0) return(NULL) # if nothing returned (no images, no metadata)

  metadata.tmp <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(lapply(tmp1, FUN = function(X){X[2]})),
                                     ncol = length(colnames.tmp),
                                     byrow = TRUE),
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(metadata.tmp) <- colnames.tmp

  # find and remove ._ files created on Macs
  strangeMacFiles <- grep("^[._]", metadata.tmp$FileName, fixed = FALSE)
  if(length(strangeMacFiles) >= 1)  {
    warning(paste("found", length(strangeMacFiles), "JPG files beginning with '._' in", paste(unique(metadata.tmp$Directory[strangeMacFiles]), collapse = ","), ". Will ignore them."), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    metadata.tmp <- metadata.tmp[-strangeMacFiles,]

runExiftool.par <- function(i, command.tmp, colnames.tmp) {
  metadata.tmp <- runExiftool(command.tmp=command.tmp[i], colnames.tmp=colnames.tmp)

addMetadataAsColumns <- function(intable,
  intable[,metadata.tagname] <- as.character(intable[,metadata.tagname])
  tmp2 <- strsplit(intable[,metadata.tagname], split = ",")      # split items of "HierarchicalSubject" at comma
  tmp3 <- lapply(tmp2, FUN = function(X){X[grep(pattern = metadataHierarchyDelimitor, x = X, fixed = TRUE)]})   # get only the ones with values

  # find all metadata categories, remove spaces
  list.tmp <- vector()
  for(xy in 1:length(tmp3)){
    list.tmp <- c(list.tmp, gsub(pattern = " ",
                                 replacement = "",
                                 x =  unlist(lapply(strsplit(tmp3[[xy]],
                                                             split = metadataHierarchyDelimitor,
                                                             fixed = TRUE),
                                                    FUN = function(Y){Y = Y[1]}))))
  cols2add <- unique(list.tmp)    # these are the columns to add

  # add as columns
  if(length(cols2add) >= 1){    # if anything to add
    intable <- data.frame(intable, matrix(NA, ncol = length(cols2add), nrow = nrow(intable)))
    colnames(intable)[seq((ncol(intable) - length(cols2add) + 1),ncol(intable))] <- cols2add

    # fill metadata columns
    for(xyz in 1:length(cols2add)){
      intable[,cols2add[xyz]] <- unlist(lapply(lapply(tmp3, FUN = function(X) {sapply(strsplit(X[grep(x = X,
                                                                                                      pattern = paste(cols2add[xyz],
                                                                                                                      collapse = "",
                                                                                                                      sep      = ""),
                                                                                                      fixed = TRUE)],
                                                                                               split = metadataHierarchyDelimitor,
                                                                                               fixed = TRUE),
                                                                                      FUN = function(Y){Y[2]})}),
                                               FUN = function(Z){paste(Z, collapse = multiple_tag_separator)}))

      intable[which(intable[,cols2add[xyz]] == ""), cols2add[xyz]] <- NA
    } # end for xyz
  } # end if

  which_cols_to_rename <- which(colnames(intable) %in% cols2add)

  # remove spaces and punctuation in column names
  #colnames(intable) <- gsub(pattern = "[[:blank:]]", replacement = "", x = colnames(intable))
  #colnames(intable) <- gsub(pattern = "[[:punct:]]", replacement = "", x = colnames(intable))

  # rename metadata columns with prefix "metadata_"
  # colnames(intable)[which_cols_to_rename] <- paste("metadata_", colnames(intable)[which_cols_to_rename], sep = "")


assignSpeciesID <- function(intable,

  file.sep <- .Platform$file.sep

  if(IDfrom == "directory"){
    intable[,speciesCol] <-  sapply(strsplit(intable$Directory, split = file.sep, fixed = TRUE),
                                    FUN = function(X){if(is.null(speciesPosition)) {
                                                          } else {
  } else {
      if(metadataSpeciesTag %in% colnames(intable)){

        intable[,speciesCol] <- intable[,metadataSpeciesTag]
        nrow.intable <- nrow(intable)
        species_records_to_remove <- which(is.na(intable[,speciesCol]))
        if(length(species_records_to_remove) >= 1){
          intable <- intable[-species_records_to_remove,]      #remove records without species tag
          warning(paste( dirs_short[i_tmp],":  removed", length(species_records_to_remove), "records out of", nrow.intable,
                         "because of missing", speciesCol, "metadata tag"), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

        intable <- separateMultipleSpecies (intable                = intable,
                                            speciesCol             = speciesCol,
                                            multiple_tag_separator = multiple_tag_separator)

      } else {
        warning(paste(dirs_short[i_tmp], ":   metadataSpeciesTag '", metadataSpeciesTag, "' not found in image metadata tag 'HierarchicalSubject'.", sep = ""), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
        return("found no species tag")
    } else {
      stop(paste("station", dirs_short[i_tmp], ":   cannot figure out species names. Is metadataSpeciesTag defined?"), call. = FALSE)

# find and separate multiple species in same image (only if using metadata ID)
separateMultipleSpecies <- function(intable,

  records0                 <- intable[,speciesCol]
  records_duplicate        <- strsplit(intable[,speciesCol], split = multiple_tag_separator, fixed = TRUE)
  records_duplicate_length <- sapply(records_duplicate, length)

  if(any(records_duplicate_length > 1)){
    intable <- intable[rep(row.names(intable), records_duplicate_length), ]                # replicate rows with >1 species
    intable[,speciesCol] <- unlist(strsplit (records0, split = multiple_tag_separator))    # assign species anew

# add station and camera id to metadata table

addStationCameraID <- function(intable,

  file.sep <- .Platform$file.sep

  # append station ID

  if(isTRUE(hasStationFolders)) {       # take station ID from station directories
    if(is.null(stationIDposition)) {
    intable <- cbind(intable, dirs_short[i])
    } else {
      intable <- cbind(intable,
                       sapply(strsplit(intable$Directory, split = file.sep, fixed = TRUE),
                              FUN = function(X){
    colnames(intable)[ncol(intable)] <- stationCol

  } else  {                             # take station ID from image filenames

    station.tmp  <- try(sapply(strsplit(as.character(intable$FileName), split = "__"), FUN = function(X){X[1]}))      # assumes filenames: STATION__Camera__Date/Time(Number).JPG)
    if(length(station.tmp) == nrow(intable)){
      intable <- cbind(intable, station.tmp)
      colnames(intable)[ncol(intable)] <- stationCol
    } else {
      stop(paste(dirs_short[i], ": numbers of images and station ID extracted from image names do not match. Do image filenames begin with station IDs?"))

  # append camera ID

    if(cameraID == "filename"){
      camera.tmp  <- try(sapply(strsplit(as.character(intable$FileName), split = "__"), FUN = function(X){X[2]}))      # assumes filenames: Station__CAMERA__Date/Time(Number).JPG)
      if(length(camera.tmp) == nrow(intable)){
        intable <- cbind(intable, camera.tmp)
        colnames(intable)[ncol(intable)]     <- cameraCol
    if(cameraID == "directory"){
      if(IDfrom == "directory"){
        intable <- cbind(intable,
                         sapply(strsplit(intable$Directory, split = file.sep, fixed = TRUE),
                                FUN = function(X){
                                          if(is.null(cameraIDposition)) {
                                            X[length(X) - 1]
                                          } else {
        } else {
        intable <- cbind(intable,
                         sapply(strsplit(intable$Directory, split = file.sep, fixed = TRUE), FUN = function(X){X[length(X)]}))
      colnames(intable)[ncol(intable)]     <- cameraCol

# check if date/time information is present and was readable

checkDateTimeOriginal <- function (intable, dirs_short, i){
     # if all date/time information is missing, go to next station
    if(all(intable$DateTimeOriginal == "-")){
      warning(paste(dirs_short[i], ": no readable date/time information. Skipping"), call. = FALSE,  immediate. = TRUE)
      intable <- NULL
    } else {

    # if date/time information is missing for some records only
     if(any(intable$DateTimeOriginal == "-")){
      which_no_time <- which(intable$DateTimeOriginal == "-")
      warning(paste(dirs_short[i], ": omitting", length(which_no_time), "images because of missing/unreadable date/time information."), call. = FALSE,  immediate. = TRUE)
     intable <-  intable[-which_no_time,]    # removing rows with missing date/time information
  # remove duplicate records of same species taken in same second at the same station (by the same camera, if relevant)
  # Note to self: this may also be done outside the station loop, after the final record table is assembled. Saves a few executions of this function.

  removeDuplicatesOfRecords <- function(metadata.tmp, removeDuplicateRecords, camerasIndependent, stationCol, speciesCol, cameraCol){
              remove.tmp <- which(
                duplicated(metadata.tmp[, c("DateTimeOriginal", stationCol,
                                           speciesCol, cameraCol,
                                           if(hasArg(countsName)) countsName)]))
              if(length(remove.tmp >= 1)){
                metadata.tmp <- metadata.tmp[-remove.tmp,]
                message(paste(unique(metadata.tmp[,stationCol]), collapse = ", "), ": removed ", length(remove.tmp), " duplicate records")
            } else {
              remove.tmp <- which(
                duplicated(metadata.tmp[, c("DateTimeOriginal", stationCol, speciesCol,
                                            if(hasArg(countsName)) countsName)]))
              if(length(remove.tmp >= 1)) {
                metadata.tmp <- metadata.tmp[-remove.tmp,]
                message(paste(unique(metadata.tmp[,stationCol]), collapse = ", "), ": removed ", length(remove.tmp), " duplicate records")

# add potential new columns to global record.table

addNewColumnsToGlobalTable <- function(intable,

  if( nrow(record.table) >= 1){
    which_cols_to_add_to_d1 <- seq(1, ncol(record.table))[-which(colnames(record.table) %in% colnames(intable))]   # columns in record.table but not in intable

    # if intable lacks columns present in record.table, add them here (filled with NA)
    if(length(which_cols_to_add_to_d1) >= 1){
      intable <- data.frame(intable, as.list(rep(NA, each = length(which_cols_to_add_to_d1))))
      colnames(intable)[(ncol(intable) - length(which_cols_to_add_to_d1) + 1) :  ncol(intable)] <- colnames(record.table)[which_cols_to_add_to_d1]

    # now check which columns are present in intable but not in record.table (new tag groups) and add these (filled with NA)
    which_cols_to_add_to_record.table <- seq(1, ncol(intable))[-which(colnames(intable) %in% colnames(record.table))]  # columns present in intable but not in record.table
    if(length(which_cols_to_add_to_record.table) >= 1){
      record.table <- data.frame(record.table, as.list(rep(NA, each = length(which_cols_to_add_to_record.table))))
      colnames(record.table)[(ncol(record.table) - length(which_cols_to_add_to_record.table) + 1) :  ncol(record.table)] <- colnames(intable)[which_cols_to_add_to_record.table]
    outtable <- intable[,match(colnames(record.table), colnames(intable))]
  } else {
    outtable <- intable
  return(list(outtable, record.table))

# for detectionHistory functions

checkCamOpColumnNames <- function(cameraOperationMatrix){
camopTest <- try(as.Date(colnames(cameraOperationMatrix)), silent = TRUE)
if(class(camopTest) == "try-error") stop(paste('could not interpret column names in camOp as Dates. Desired format is YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. "2016-12-31". First column name in your camera operation matrix is "', colnames(cameraOperationMatrix)[1], '"', sep = '' ), call. = FALSE)

createDateRangeTable <- function(cam.op,

  cam.tmp.min <- apply(cam.op, MARGIN = 1, function(X){min(which(!is.na(X)))})    # 1st day of each station
  cam.tmp.max <- apply(cam.op, MARGIN = 1, function(X){max(which(!is.na(X)))})    # last day of each station

  rec.tmp.min  <- aggregate(as.Date(subset_species_tmp$DateTime2, tz = timeZone_tmp),
                            FUN = min)
  rec.tmp.max  <- aggregate(as.Date(subset_species_tmp$DateTime2, tz = timeZone_tmp),
                            FUN = max)

  date_ranges <- data.frame(rec.min = rec.tmp.min[match(rownames(cam.op), rec.tmp.min[,1]), 2],       # first record
                            rec.max = rec.tmp.max[match(rownames(cam.op), rec.tmp.max[,1]), 2],       # last record
                            cam.min = as.POSIXct(colnames(cam.op)[cam.tmp.min], tz = timeZone_tmp),   # station setup date
                            cam.max = as.POSIXct(colnames(cam.op)[cam.tmp.max], tz = timeZone_tmp)    # station retrieval date

  rownames(date_ranges) <- rownames(cam.op)

    # check if images were taken between setup and retrieval dates (Error if images outside station date range)
  if(any(date_ranges$rec.min < as.Date(date_ranges$cam.min, tz = timeZone_tmp), na.rm = TRUE)) stop(paste("record date outside camera operation date range: ",
                                                                                                                          paste(rownames(date_ranges)[which(date_ranges$rec.min < as.Date(date_ranges$cam.min, tz = timeZone_tmp))], collapse = ", " )), call. = FALSE)
  if(any(date_ranges$rec.max > as.Date(date_ranges$cam.max, tz = timeZone_tmp), na.rm = TRUE)) stop(paste("record date outside camera operation date range: ",
                                                                                                                          paste(rownames(date_ranges)[which(date_ranges$rec.max > as.Date(date_ranges$cam.max, tz = timeZone_tmp))], collapse = ", " )), call. = FALSE)

  # define when first occasion begins (to afterwards remove prior records in function    cleanSubsetSpecies)
  if(!hasArg(buffer_tmp)) buffer_tmp <- 0

  #if(day1_tmp == "station") {
    date_ranges$start_first_occasion <- date_ranges$cam.min + buffer_tmp * 86400 + occasionStartTime_tmp * 3600     #each stations setup  + buffer + starttime
  #  } else {
  #    if(day1_tmp == "survey") {
    date_ranges$start_first_occasion_survey <- min(date_ranges$cam.min) + buffer_tmp * 86400 + occasionStartTime_tmp * 3600    # first station's setup  + buffer + starttime
  #      } else {

        if(day1_tmp %in% c("survey", "station") == FALSE) {
          if(as.Date(day1_tmp, tz = timeZone_tmp) < min(as.Date(date_ranges$cam.min,  tz = timeZone_tmp))) stop(paste("day1 (", day1_tmp, ") is before the first station's setup date (",  min(as.Date(date_ranges$cam.min,  tz = timeZone_tmp)), ")", sep = ""))
          if(as.Date(day1_tmp, tz = timeZone_tmp) > max(as.Date(date_ranges$cam.max,  tz = timeZone_tmp))) stop(paste("day1 (", day1_tmp, ") is after the last station's retrieval date (",  max(as.Date(date_ranges$cam.max,  tz = timeZone_tmp)), ")", sep = ""))
          date_ranges$start_first_occasion <- as.POSIXlt(day1_tmp, tz = timeZone_tmp) + occasionStartTime_tmp * 3600

    # define when last occasion ends
    date_ranges$end_of_retrieval_day <- as.POSIXct(paste(date_ranges$cam.max, "23:59:59"), tz = timeZone_tmp, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")    # end of retrieval day

 # if maxNumberDays is defined, find which is earlier: start + maxNumberDays or station retrieval?
  if(hasArg(maxNumberDays_tmp)) {

    if(day1_tmp %in% c("survey", "station") == FALSE){
      # count maximum number days from the beginning of each station's 1st occasion
      date_ranges$start_first_occasion_plus_maxNumberDays <- date_ranges$start_first_occasion_survey + (maxNumberDays_tmp * 86400) - 1   # -1 second ensures that last occasion does not spill into next day if occasionStartTime = 0
    } else {
    # count maximum number days from the beginning of survey's 1st occasion
      date_ranges$start_first_occasion_plus_maxNumberDays <- date_ranges$start_first_occasion + (maxNumberDays_tmp * 86400) - 1   # -1 second ensures that last occasion does not spill into next day if occasionStartTime = 0

   for(xy in 1:nrow(date_ranges)){
      date_ranges$end_last_occasion[xy] <- min(date_ranges$end_of_retrieval_day[xy], date_ranges$start_first_occasion_plus_maxNumberDays[xy])   # use smaller value
      attributes(date_ranges$end_last_occasion) <- attributes(date_ranges$start_first_occasion)   # assign the attributes: POSIX + time zone (to convert from numeric value back to date/time)
    } else {
      date_ranges$end_last_occasion <- date_ranges$end_of_retrieval_day



adjustCameraOperationMatrix <- function(cam.op,

if(any(date_ranges2$start_first_occasion > date_ranges2$end_last_occasion)){
  remove.these.stations <- which(date_ranges2$start_first_occasion > date_ranges2$end_last_occasion)
  if(length(remove.these.stations) == nrow(date_ranges2)) stop("In all stations, the occasions begin after retrieval. Choose a smaller buffer argument.")
    cam.op [remove.these.stations, ] <- NA

# set values before beginning of first occasion NA in camera operation matrix (so effort is 0 before): only relevant if buffer was used
 first_col_to_keep2  <- match(as.character(as.Date(date_ranges2$start_first_occasion, tz = timeZone_tmp)), colnames(cam.op))

   for(xxx in 1:length(first_col_to_keep2)){
     if(first_col_to_keep2[xxx] > 1){         # if it does not begin on 1st day of camera operation matrix
        cam.op[xxx, seq(1, first_col_to_keep2[xxx]-1)] <- NA

# set values after end of last occasion NA in camera operation matrix (so effort is 0 afterwards)
 last_col_to_keep2  <- match(as.character(as.Date(date_ranges2$end_last_occasion, tz = timeZone_tmp)), colnames(cam.op))

   for(yyy in 1:length(last_col_to_keep2)){
     if(last_col_to_keep2[yyy]+1 < ncol(cam.op)){   # if it does not end on last day of camera operation matrix
        cam.op[yyy, seq(last_col_to_keep2[yyy]+1, ncol(cam.op))] <- NA

# trim camera operation matrix (taking into account buffer, occasionStartTime, maxNumberDays)
# based on data frame   date_ranges   computed by    createDateRangeTable

  if(day1_2 == "station") {    # 1st day of each station OR some specified date

      cam.tmp.min <- apply(cam.op, MARGIN = 1, function(X){min(which(!is.na(X)))})    # first occasion of each station
      cam.tmp.max <- apply(cam.op, MARGIN = 1, function(X){max(which(!is.na(X)))})    # last occasion of each station

      diff.days.tmp <- cam.tmp.max - cam.tmp.min

      cam.op2 <- matrix(NA,
                        nrow = nrow(cam.op),
                        ncol = max(diff.days.tmp)+1)

      # make all stations begin in 1st column
      for(l in 1:nrow(cam.op)){
          cam.op2[l, 1:(diff.days.tmp[l]+1)] <- as.vector(cam.op[l,cam.tmp.min[l]:cam.tmp.max[l]])

      if(day1_2 == "station") {
        colnames(cam.op2) <- paste("day", 1:ncol(cam.op2), sep = "")

      rownames(cam.op2) <- rownames(cam.op)

      cam.op <- cam.op2

  } else {

# remove all columns of cam.op that were before beginning of 1st occasion
 first_col_to_keep <- match(as.character(min(as.Date(date_ranges2$start_first_occasion, tz = timeZone_tmp))), colnames(cam.op))
 if(first_col_to_keep != 1){
  cam.op <- cam.op[,-seq(1, (first_col_to_keep-1))]

# remove all columns of cam.op that were after end of last occasion / after retrieval of last camera
 last_col_to_keep  <- match(as.character(max(as.Date(date_ranges2$end_last_occasion, tz = timeZone_tmp))), colnames(cam.op))
   if(last_col_to_keep != ncol(cam.op)){
    cam.op <- cam.op[,-seq((last_col_to_keep + 1), ncol(cam.op))]


cleanSubsetSpecies <- function(subset_species2 ,

  nrow_subset_species2 <- nrow(subset_species2)

    # remove records that were taken before beginning of first occasion (because of buffer, occasionStartTime, day1)
  corrected_start_time_by_record <- date_ranges2$start_first_occasion[match(subset_species2[,stationCol2], rownames(date_ranges2))]

  remove.these <- which(subset_species2$DateTime2 < corrected_start_time_by_record)
    if(length(remove.these) >= 1){
      subset_species2 <- subset_species2[-remove.these,]
      warning(paste(length(remove.these), "records out of", nrow_subset_species2, "were removed because they were taken within the buffer period, before day1 (if a date was specified), or before occasionStartTime on the 1st day"), call. = FALSE)
      if(nrow(subset_species2) == 0) stop("No more records left. The detection history would be empty.")
      rm(corrected_start_time_by_record, remove.these)

# remove records that were taken after end of last occasion (because of maxNumberDays)
corrected_end_time_by_record <- date_ranges2$end_last_occasion[match(subset_species2[,stationCol2], rownames(date_ranges2))]

  remove.these2 <- which(subset_species2$DateTime2 > corrected_end_time_by_record)
    if(length(remove.these2) >= 1){
      subset_species2 <- subset_species2[-remove.these2,]
      warning(paste(length(remove.these2), "records out of", nrow_subset_species2, "were removed because they were taken after the end of the last occasion"), call. = FALSE)
      if(nrow(subset_species2) == 0) stop("No more records left. The detection history would be empty.")
      rm(corrected_end_time_by_record, remove.these2)


calculateTrappingEffort <- function(cam.op,

  # calculate trapping effort by station and occasion

  if(occasionLength2 == 1){
    effort <- cam.op          # if occasionLength2 = 1 day, it is identical
  } else {
    effort <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(cam.op), ncol = ceiling(ncol(cam.op) / occasionLength2 ))

    index <- 1
    for(m in 1:ncol(effort)){    # for every occasion in the effort matrix
      # index for columns in camera operation matrix to aggregate
      if(index + occasionLength2 <= ncol(cam.op)){
        index.tmp <- index : (index + occasionLength2 - 1)
      } else {
        index.tmp <- index : ncol(cam.op)

      # calculate effort as sum of active days per occasion
      effort[, m] <- apply(as.matrix(cam.op[,index.tmp]), MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE)
      # if full occasion NA in cam.op, make effort NA
      effort[, m] <- ifelse(apply(as.matrix(cam.op[,index.tmp]), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(X) {sum(is.na(X))}) == length(index.tmp), NA, effort[,m])
      # if full occasion = 0 in cam.op, make effort NA
      effort[, m] <- ifelse(apply(as.matrix(cam.op[,index.tmp]), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(X) {all(X == 0)}),   NA, effort[,m])
      # if full occasion is smaller than 1 (i.e. all 0 or NA), set effort NA
      effort[, m] <- ifelse(apply(as.matrix(cam.op[,index.tmp]), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(X) {all(X < 1)}),   NA, effort[,m])

      # set cells in effort matrix NA (according to input arguments)
      # this is later used to adjust the detection/non-detection matrix
      if(includeEffort2 == FALSE){
        if(hasArg(minActiveDaysPerOccasion2)){   # includeEffort = FALSE and minActiveDays is defined
          # if occasion has less active days than minActiveDays, set NA
          effort[, m] <- ifelse(apply(as.matrix(cam.op[,index.tmp]), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(X) {sum(X, na.rm = TRUE) < minActiveDaysPerOccasion2}), NA, effort[,m])
        } else {                                 # includeEffort = FALSE and minActiveDays not defined
          # if any day NA in cam.op, make  occasion effort NA
          effort[, m] <- ifelse(apply(as.matrix(cam.op[,index.tmp]), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(X) {any(is.na(X))}), NA, effort[,m])
          # if any day = 0 in cam.op, make occasion effort NA
          effort[, m] <- ifelse(apply(as.matrix(cam.op[,index.tmp]), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(X) {any(X == 0)}),   NA, effort[,m])

          if(length(index.tmp) < occasionLength2){  # if occasion is shorter than occasionLength (i.e. last occasion), set NA.
            effort[, m] <- NA

      } else {
        if(hasArg(minActiveDaysPerOccasion2)){   # includeEffort = TRUE and minActiveDays is defined
          # if occasion has less actice days than minActiveDays, set NA
          effort[, m] <- ifelse(apply(as.matrix(cam.op[,index.tmp]), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(X) {sum(X, na.rm = TRUE) < minActiveDaysPerOccasion2}), NA, effort[,m])
        } else {                                 # includeEffort = TRUE and minActiveDays not defined
          # if all days of occasion NA in cam.op, make  occasion effort NA
          #effort[, m] <- ifelse(apply(as.matrix(cam.op[,index.tmp]), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(X) {all(is.na(X))}), NA, effort[,m])
          # if all days of occasion = 0 in cam.op, make occasion effort NA

      index <- index + occasionLength2
    rm(index, index.tmp)

# scale effort, if required
    if(occasionLength2 == 1) stop("cannot scale effort if occasionLength is 1", call. = FALSE)
    if(length(table(effort)) == 1) stop(paste("all values of effort are identical (", names(table(effort)), "). Cannot scale effort", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)

    scale.eff.tmp <- scale(as.vector(effort))                       # scale effort (as a vector, not matrix)
    scale.eff.tmp.attr <- data.frame(effort.scaled.center = NA,     # prepare empty data frame
                                     effort.scaled.scale = NA)
    scale.eff.tmp.attr$effort.scaled.center[1] <- attr(scale.eff.tmp, which = "scaled:center")   # write scaling parameters to data frame
    scale.eff.tmp.attr$effort.scaled.scale [1] <- attr(scale.eff.tmp, which = "scaled:scale")
    effort <- matrix(scale.eff.tmp, nrow = nrow(effort), ncol = ncol(effort))                    # convert effort vector to matrix again

  rownames(effort) <- rownames(cam.op)

  # return objects
    return(list(effort, scale.eff.tmp.attr))
  } else {

# for function surveyReport

makeSurveyZip <- function(output,
                          CTtable ,

  wd0 <- getwd()

  dir.tmp <- tempdir()

  file.sep <- .Platform$file.sep

  dir.zip <- file.path(dir.tmp, paste("surveyReport_", Sys.Date(), sep = ""))
  dir.zip.short <- paste("surveyReport_", Sys.Date(), sep = "")
  unlink(dir.zip, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(dir.zip, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  # create directories
  invisible(sapply(file.path(dir.zip, c("surveyReport", "activity", "scripts", "detectionMaps")), dir.create, showWarnings = FALSE))

  # save input tables

  write.csv(recordTable, file = file.path(dir.zip, "recordTable.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
  write.csv(CTtable, file = file.path(dir.zip, "CTtable.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

  # save surveyReport tables

  dir.tmp2 <- file.path(dir.zip, "surveyReport")

  for(xyz in 1:length(output)){
              file = file.path(dir.tmp2, paste(names(output)[[xyz]], ".csv", sep = "")),
              row.names = FALSE)

  # make activity plots

  activityDensity(recordTable          = recordTable,
                  allSpecies           = TRUE,
                  speciesCol           = speciesCol,
                  recordDateTimeCol    = recordDateTimeCol,
                  recordDateTimeFormat = recordDateTimeFormat,
                  plotR                = FALSE,
                  writePNG             = TRUE,
                  plotDirectory        = file.path(dir.zip, "activity"))

  # make detection maps

  if(hasArg(Xcol) & hasArg(Ycol)){
    detectionMaps(CTtable       = CTtable,
                  recordTable   = recordTable,
                  Xcol          = Xcol,
                  Ycol          = Ycol,
                  stationCol    = stationCol,
                  speciesCol    = speciesCol,
                  richnessPlot  = TRUE,
                  speciesPlots  = TRUE,
                  printLabels   = TRUE,
                  plotR         = FALSE,
                  writePNG      = TRUE,
                  plotDirectory = file.path(dir.zip, "detectionMaps"),
                  pngMaxPix     = 1000

  # prepare scripts

  scriptfile <- file.path(dir.zip, "scripts", "camtrapR_scripts.R")
  file.create(scriptfile, showWarnings = FALSE)

  # load basic data

  sink(file = scriptfile)
  cat("###  load data tables  ### \n\n")

  cat("directory.data <- PLEASE_SPECIFY        # this is the directory you got after unzipped the zip file to (e.g. .../surveyReport_2016-02-29/)  \n\n")

  cat("CTtable     <- read.csv(paste(directory.data, 'CTtable.csv', sep = '/'))\n")
  cat("recordTable <- read.csv(paste(directory.data, 'recordTable.csv', sep = '/'))\n\n\n")


  # make detection maps   # no, because of coordinate columns

  sink(file = scriptfile, append = TRUE)
  cat("###  plot species detections  ### \n\n")
  if(hasArg(Xcol) & hasArg(Ycol)){
    cat(paste("Xcol <- '", Xcol, "'\n", sep = ""))
    cat(paste("Ycol <- '", Ycol, "'\n\n", sep = ""))
  } else {
    cat("Xcol <- PLEASE_SPECIFY\n")
    cat("Ycol <- PLEASE_SPECIFY\n\n")

  cat(paste("detections <- detectionMaps(CTtable = CTtable,
            recordTable  = recordTable,
            Xcol         = Xcol,
            Ycol         = Ycol,
            stationCol   = '", stationCol, "',
            speciesCol   = '", speciesCol, "',
            writePNG     = FALSE,
            plotR        = TRUE,
            printLabels  = TRUE,
            richnessPlot = TRUE,
            addLegend    = TRUE
  ) \n\n\n", sep = ""))


  # camera operation matrix

  sink(file = scriptfile, append = TRUE)
  cat("###  camera operation matrix  ### \n\n")

  cat(paste("camOp <- cameraOperation(CTtable = CTtable,
            stationCol                                  = '", stationCol, "',
            setupCol                                    = '", setupCol, "',
            retrievalCol                                = '", retrievalCol, "',
            hasProblems                                 = '", CTHasProblems, "',
            dateFormat                                  = '", CTDateFormat, "' #,
            #writecsv                                   = FALSE,
  ) \n\n\n", sep = ""))


  # make detection histories

  sink(file = scriptfile, append = TRUE)
  cat("###  detection histories  ### \n\n")

  cat("day1              <- PLEASE_SPECIFY \n")
  cat("occasionLength    <- PLEASE_SPECIFY\n")
  cat("speciesOfInterest <- PLEASE_SPECIFY\n")
  cat("timeZone          <- PLEASE_SPECIFY \n\n")

  cat(paste("detHist <- detectionHistory(recordTable = recordTable,
            species                                  = speciesOfInterest,
            camOp                                    = cameraOperation,
            stationCol                               = '", stationCol, "',
            speciesCol                               = '", speciesCol, "',
            recordDateTimeCol                        = '", recordDateTimeCol, "',
            recordDateTimeFormat                     = '", recordDateTimeFormat, "',
            occasionLength                           = occasionLength,
            day1                                     = day1,
            #buffer                                  = 0,
            includeEffort                            = TRUE,
            scaleEffort                              = FALSE,
            occasionStartTime                        = 0,
            datesAsOccasionNames                     = FALSE,
            timeZone                                 = timeZone,
            writecsv                                 = FALSE #,
            # outDir
  ) \n\n\n", sep = ""))


  ### write description text file ###

  readmefile <- file.path(dir.zip, "readme.txt")
  file.create(readmefile, showWarnings = FALSE)

  sink(file = readmefile)

  cat(paste("this zip file contains a summary of a camera trapping survey:\n\n"))
  cat(paste("total survey period:              ", min(output$survey_dates$setup_date), "-", max(output$survey_dates$retrieval_date), "\n"))
  cat(paste("Total number of stations:         ", nrow(output$survey_dates), "\n"))
  cat(paste("Number of operational stations:   ", length(which(output$survey_dates$n_nights_active >= 1)), "\n"))
  cat(paste("Total number of cameras:          ", sum(output$survey_dates$n_cameras), "\n"))
  cat(paste("Total number of active trap days: ", sum(output$survey_dates$n_nights_active), "\n\n"))


  cat(paste("the following table shows a summary of survey period for each station \n\n"))
  print(output$survey_dates, row.names = FALSE)

  cat("legend to the data structure in the zip file:\n\n")
  cat(".../activity/              plots of activity density estimations for each species created with activityDensity\n")
  if(hasArg(Xcol) & hasArg(Ycol)){cat(".../detectionMaps/         maps of observed species richness and numbers of species records\n")}
  cat(".../scripts/               a prepared R script for occupancy analyses\n")
  cat(".../surveyReport/          the tables created by surveyReport summarising the survey\n")
  cat(".../CTtable.csv            table of camera trap station IDs, operation times and coordinates\n")
  cat(".../recordTable.csv        table of species records\n")
  cat(".../readme.txt             this file\n\n")


  cat(paste("species images are located in:\n\n"))
  cat(paste(as.character(recordTable$Directory)[1], "          # the first record\n"))
  cat(paste(as.character(recordTable$Directory)[nrow(recordTable)], "          # the last record\n"))


  cat("information about who created this report:\n\n")

  cat(paste("\n\n\n\n ***   report created by function surveyReport on",  Sys.time(),  "   ***\n\n\n"))


  # make final zip file

  # list files
  files2zip <- dir(path = dir.zip, full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  files2zip <- file.path(dir.zip.short, files2zip)

  # write zip
  cat("compiling zip file \n",
      paste(sinkpath, paste(dir.zip.short, ".zip\n\n", sep = ""), sep = file.sep))

  suppressMessages(zip(zipfile = file.path(sinkpath,
                                           paste(dir.zip.short, ".zip", sep = "")),
                       files   = files2zip,
                       flags   = ""))

  # remove temporary directory
  #unlink(dir.zip, recursive = TRUE)


splitDir = function(x, directoryInfoPosition) {
  tmp <- unlist(strsplit(x, split = "/", fixed = TRUE))

parseDir <- function(intable, directoryInfoPositions) {
    t(data.frame(lapply(intable$Directory, splitDir, directoryInfoPositions))))

#CP version
#' Assess temporal independence and generate a record table
#' This function is intended for situations where a detection
#'table has already been generated, for examples a \code{recordTable} has been
#'generated and has been manipulated based on specific user's need, and there is
#'the need to assess the independence of the detections.
#'@param intable data.frame or data.table. A data frame or a data.table with the
#' detections (e.g. the output from recordTable)
#'@param columnOfInterest Character. Either the name of the species or individual
#'column ID. The latter to obtain a recordTableIndividual
#'@param cameraCol Character. The name of the camera column (e.g. "Camera")
#'@inheritParams recordTable
#'@import data.table
assessTemporalIndependence <- function(intable,
                                       columnOfInterest,     # species/individual column
                                       countsName) {

  ############################ Helper function #################################
  extact_sel_groups <- function(i, sel.groups) return(as.list(sel.groups[, i]))

  sel_independent <- function(sel.group, intable, deltaTimeComparedTo,
                              countsName) {
    ref <- 1
    setkeyv(intable, cols = c(stationCol, if(camerasIndependent) cameraCol,
    subtable <- intable[sel.group, ]

    if(deltaTimeComparedTo == "lastIndependentRecord") {
      repeat {
        setkey(subtable, rn)
        ref.time <- subtable[J(ref), DateTimeOriginal]
                  delta.time.secs := difftime(DateTimeOriginal, ref.time, units="secs")]
        if(hasArg(countsName)) {
          max.count <- max(subtable[rn >= ref & delta.time.secs <= (minDeltaTime * 60),
                                countsName, with=FALSE])

          setkeyv(subtable, c("rn", countsName))
          ref.rn <- subtable[rn >= ref & get(countsName) == max.count, min(rn)]
          setkey(subtable, rn)
        } else {
          ref.rn <- ref
          setkey(subtable, rn)
        subtable[J(ref.rn), independent := TRUE]
        subtable[J(ref.rn), IndepRecStartTime := ref.time]
        if(sum(subtable[J(ref:max(rn)), delta.time.secs] > minDeltaTime * 60, na.rm=TRUE)) {
          ref <- subtable[rn > ref & delta.time.secs > (minDeltaTime * 60), min(rn)]
          } else {
      subtable[independent == TRUE,
               delta.time.secs := c(0, difftime(tail(DateTimeOriginal, -1),
                                                head(DateTimeOriginal, -1),
                                                units = "secs"))]
    } else { # if "lastRecord"
      subtable[ , delta.time.secs := c(0, difftime(tail(DateTimeOriginal, -1),
                                                   head(DateTimeOriginal, -1),
                                                   units = "secs"))]

      if(hasArg(countsName)) {
        repeat {
          if(ref == subtable[, max(rn)] |
            !isTRUE(as.logical(sum(subtable[rn > ref, delta.time.secs] > minDeltaTime * 60, na.rm=TRUE)))) {
            ref.lim <-  subtable[, max(rn)] + 1
          } else {
            if(sum(subtable[rn > ref, delta.time.secs] > minDeltaTime * 60, na.rm=TRUE)) {
              ref.lim <- subtable[rn > ref & delta.time.secs > (minDeltaTime * 60), min(rn)]
          max.count <- max(subtable[rn %in% ref:(ref.lim - 1), countsName, with=FALSE])

          setkeyv(subtable, c("rn", countsName))
          ref.rn <- subtable[rn %in% ref:(ref.lim - 1) & get(countsName) == max.count, min(rn)]
          setkey(subtable, rn)
          subtable[ref.rn, independent := TRUE]
          ref.time <- subtable[J(ref), DateTimeOriginal]
          subtable[J(ref.rn), IndepRecStartTime := ref.time]
          if(ref.lim <= subtable[, max(rn)]) {
            ref <- ref.lim
          } else {
      } else {
        subtable[1, independent := TRUE]
        subtable[delta.time.secs > (minDeltaTime * 60), independent := TRUE]
        subtable[independent == TRUE, IndepRecStartTime := DateTimeOriginal]
    subtable[, IndepRecStartTime := NULL]
    return(subtable[independent == TRUE, ])

  if(hasArg(stationCol) == FALSE) stationCol <- "Station"

  if(is.data.table(intable)) setDF(intable)

  # check if all Exif DateTimeOriginal tags were read correctly
    which.tmp <- which(is.na(intable$DateTimeOriginal))
    if(length(which.tmp) == nrow(intable))
      stop("Could not read any Exif DateTimeOriginal tag at station: ",
           paste(unique(intable[which.tmp, stationCol])),
           " Consider checking for corrupted Exif metadata.")
    warning(paste("Could not read Exif DateTimeOriginal tag of", length(which.tmp),
                  "image(s) at station",
                  paste(unique(intable[which.tmp, stationCol]), collapse = ", "),
                  ". Will omit them. Consider checking for corrupted Exif metadata. \n",
                  paste(file.path(intable[which.tmp, "Directory"],
                                  intable[which.tmp, "FileName"]), collapse = "\n")),
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    intable <- intable[-which.tmp ,]

  intable[, stationCol] <- as.character(intable[, stationCol])

  # Ensure that the table is sorted correctly (sort by station, (camera), species or individualID and time)
    if(camerasIndependent == TRUE) {
      intable <- intable[order(intable[, stationCol], intable[, columnOfInterest], intable[, cameraCol], intable$DateTimeOriginal),]
    } else {
      intable <- intable[order(intable[, stationCol], intable[, columnOfInterest], intable$DateTimeOriginal),]

  # prepare to add time difference between observations columns
  intable.dt <- data.table(intable)

  # introduce column specifying independence of records
  if(minDeltaTime == 0) {
    intable.dt[, independent := TRUE]    # all independent if no temporal filtering
  } else {
    intable.dt[, independent := FALSE]

  intable.dt[, rn := 1:.N, by=c(columnOfInterest, stationCol,
                             if(camerasIndependent) cameraCol)]

    sel <- intable.dt[, unique(.SD), .SDcols=columnOfInterest, by=c(stationCol, cameraCol)]
  } else {
    sel <- intable.dt[, unique(.SD), .SDcols=columnOfInterest, by=stationCol]

  sel.groups <- sel[, apply(.SD, 1, c), .SDcols=c(stationCol,
                                                if(camerasIndependent) cameraCol,
  sel.groups <- lapply(1:ncol(sel.groups), extact_sel_groups, sel.groups)

  loutTable <- lapply(sel.groups, sel_independent, intable.dt, deltaTimeComparedTo,
  # keep only independent records
  outtable <- rbindlist(loutTable)
  outtable[, independent := NULL]
  outtable[, rn := NULL]

  # compute delta time in hours and days
  outtable[, delta.time.secs := as.numeric(round(delta.time.secs, digits = 0))]
  outtable[, delta.time.mins := round(delta.time.secs / 60, digits = 0)]
  outtable[, delta.time.hours := round(delta.time.mins  / 60, digits = 1)]
  outtable[, delta.time.days  := round(delta.time.hours / 24, digits = 1)]

carlopacioni/camtrapRdeluxe documentation built on Nov. 29, 2023, 3:37 a.m.