#' Detect the child documents of an Episode object
#' @description
#' - `find_children()` returns the _immediate_ children for any given Episode
#' object.
#' - `trace_children()` is used _after processing_ in the context of a Lesson
#' to trace the entire lineage from a source parent episode.
#' @param parent an [Episode] or [tinkr::yarn] object (`trace_children()`
#' requires an `Episode` object).
#' @param ancestor an [Episode] object that is used to determine the parent path
#' this also can be `NULL`.
#' @param lsn a [Lesson] object that contains the `parent` and all its children.
#' @return a character vector of the absolute paths to child documents
#' @details
#' It is possible to define [child
#' documents](https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown-cookbook/child-document.html)
#' in \pkg{knitr} documents by using the `child` attribute in code chunks. For
#' example, let's say we have a file called `episodes/parent.Rmd`:
#' ````markdown
#' This content is from _a child document_:
#' ```{r child = "files/the-child.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' `````
#' where `files/the-child.Rmd` is relative to **the build parent**, in this case
#' it is `episodes/parent.Rmd`. This is important
#' The `find_children()` function will extract the immediate children from
#' a single [Episode] object (in this case, it will return
#' `/path/to/episodes/files/the-child.Rmd`), but it will not detect any further
#' descendants. To detect the entire lineage, the Episode must be read in the
#' context of a Lesson (or processed with [load_children()]).
#' This function is used during Episode initialisation to populate the
#' `$children` element of the `Episode` object, which lists paths to the
#' known children for further processing.
#' ## Tracing full lineages
#' It is possible for a child document to have further children defined, but
#' there is a caveat: The child document is going to be read from the context of
#' the `root.dir` knitr option, which in {sandpaper} is set to be `site/built`
#' after the markdown contents and assets are copied over.
#' ````markdown
#' This is the first child. The following content is from the grandchild:
#' ```{r child = "files/the-grandchild.md"}
#' ```
#' ````
#' When an Episode is read _in the context of a Lesson_, the children are
#' processed with [load_children()] so that each document with children will have a
#' non-zero value of the `$children` element. We recurse through the `$children`
#' element in the [Lesson] object to exhaust the search for the child documents.
#' The `trace_children()` will return the entire lineage for a given _parent_
#' document. Which, in the case of the examples defined above would be:
#' `/path/to/episodes/parent.Rmd`, `/path/to/episodes/files/the-child.Rmd`,
#' and `/path/to/episodes/files/the-grandchild.md`.
#' ## NOTE
#' For standard lessons, child documents are written relative to the directory
#' of the build parent document. Usually, these child documents will be in the
#' `files` folder under their parent folder. Overview lessons are a little
#' different. For overview lessons (in The Workbench, these are lessons which
#' contain `overview: true` in config.yaml), the child documents may point to
#' `files/child.md`, but in reality, the child document is at the root of the
#' lesson `../files/child.md`. We correct for this by first checking that the
#' child documents exist and if they don't defaulting to the top of the lesson.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname find_children
#' @examples
#' # needed for using internal functions: loading the namespace
#' pb <- asNamespace("pegboard")
#' # This example demonstrates a child document with another child document
#' # nested inside. First, we demonstrate how `find_children()` only returns
#' # the immediate children and then we demonstrate how the full lineage is
#' # extracted in the Lesson object.
#' #
#' # `find_children()` --------------------------------------------------------
#' ex <- lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment-with-child")
#' # The introduction has a single child document
#' intro <- tinkr::yarn$new(fs::path(ex, "episodes", "intro.Rmd"))
#' intro$head(21) # show the child document
#' pb$find_children(intro)
#' # this is identical to the `$children` element of an Episode object
#' ep <- Episode$new(fs::path(ex, "episodes", "intro.Rmd"))
#' ep$children
#' # Loading the child document reveals another child
#' child <- Episode$new(ep$children[[1]])
#' child$children
#' child$show()
#' # `trace_children()` -------------------------------------------------------
#' # In the context of the lesson, we can find all the descendants
#' lsn <- Lesson$new(ex, jekyll = FALSE)
#' pb$trace_children(ep, lsn)
#' # This is the same as using the method of the same name in the Lesson object
#' # using the path to the episode
#' lsn$trace_lineage(ep$path)
#' # show the children
#' purrr::walk(lsn$children, function(ep) {
#' message("----", ep$path, "----")
#' ep$show()
#' }
#' )
find_children <- function(parent, ancestor = NULL) {
code_blocks <- get_code(parent$body, type = NULL, attr = NULL)
children <- child_document_from_code_blocks(code_blocks)
any_children <- length(children) > 0L
ancestor_has_parents <- identical(ancestor$has_parents, TRUE)
parent_has_parents <- identical(parent$has_parents, TRUE)
parent_path <- parent$path
lesson_path <- parent$lesson
# {knitr} has two build modes:
# 1. build relative to the file path
# 2. build relative to a root path.
# With {sandpaper}, we are using the second option, builting in relative to
# a root path, which is a path where we conglomerate all of the files together
# for preparation to move them to the website. This means that children are
# going to need to be written relative to the build parent.
# Because we define the parents in a Lesson context, it's not necessarily true
# that the build parent will be known when this function is called, so we do
# three things: check the ancestor's build parent, check the current build
# parent and then grab the current parent path
if (ancestor_has_parents) {
build_path <- ancestor$build_parents
} else if (parent_has_parents) {
build_path <- parent$build_parents
} else {
build_path <- parent_path
build_path <- fs::path_dir(build_path[length(build_path)])
if (any_children) {
# create the absolute path to the children nodes, which should be relative
# to the build parent
abs_children <- fs::path_abs(children, start = build_path)
# NOTE: this is a kludge that we have to use for overview lessons.
# if children do not exist, then put them in the path of the lesson, which
# will contain a global folder maybe
exists <- fs::file_exists(abs_children)
if (any(!exists)) {
abs_children[!exists] <- fs::path_abs(children[!exists],
start = lesson_path
children <- abs_children
# get the child file from code block if it exists
child_document_from_code_blocks <- function(nodes) {
use_children <- xml2::xml_has_attr(nodes, "child")
if (any(use_children)) {
nodes <- nodes[use_children]
children <- xml2::xml_attr(nodes, "child")
res <- vector(length = length(children), mode = "list")
for (child in seq_along(children)) {
res[[child]] <- eval(tryCatch({
eval(parse(text = children[child]))
error = function(e) {
msg <- "could not process child document {children[child]}"
res <- unlist(res[lengths(res) > 0L], use.names = FALSE)
} else {
# trace the lineage of a source file and return a recursive list of child
# documents. This assumes that the lesson has been set up to process children
#' @rdname find_children
trace_children <- function(parent, lsn) {
if (parent$has_children) {
children <- purrr::map(lsn$children[parent$children], trace_children, lsn)
children <- c(parent$path, purrr::list_c(children))
} else {
children <- parent$path
#' Recursively Load Child Documents
#' @description
#' Process a list of [Episode] objects to do two things:
#' 1. recursively read in the child documents declared in the parent
#' documents
#' 2. for each child, update the `$parent` and `$build_parent` elements
#' @param parent an [Episode] object
#' @param child an [Episode] object
#' @param all_parents a list of [Episode] objects
#' @param all_children a list of [Episode] objects
#' @return a list of [Episode] objects from the children. If no children exist,
#' then this is `NULL`. In the case of `add_parent()`, this is called for its
#' side-effect to update the child object and it always returns `NULL`.
#' @details
#' When we want to build lessons, it's important to be able to find all of the
#' documents that are necessary to build a particular file. If there is a
#' modification in a child document, \pkg{sandpaper} needs to know that it
#' should flag the parent for rebuilding. To do this, we need two pieces of
#' information:
#' 1. The earliest ancestors of a given child document.
#' 2. The full list of descendants of a given parent document.
#' Each Episode object only knows about itself, so it can only report its
#' immediate children, but not the children of children, or even its parent
#' (unless we explicitly tell it what its parent is). The [Lesson] object
#' contains the context of all of the Episodes and can provide this information.
#' During Lesson object initialisation, the `load_children()` function is
#' called to process all source documents for their children. This creates an
#' empty list of children that is continuously appended to during the function
#' call. It then calls `read_children()` on each parent document, which will
#' append itself as a parent to any existing children in the `all_children`
#' list, intitialize new [Episode] objects from the unread child documents, and
#' then search those for children until there are no children left to read.
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [find_children()] for details on how child documents are discovered
#' @rdname load_children
#' @examples
#' # needed for using internal functions: loading the namespace
#' pb <- asNamespace("pegboard")
#' ex <- lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment-with-child")
#' lsn <- Lesson$new(ex, jekyll = FALSE)
#' children <- pb$load_children(lsn$episodes)
#' # load_children will start from scratch, so it will produce new Episode files
#' identical(names(children), names(lsn$children))
#' purrr::map2(children, lsn$children, identical)
#' # read children takes in a list of children episodes and appends that list
#' # with the descendants
#' # given a full list of children, it will return the same list
#' these_children <- pb$read_children(lsn$episodes[[1]], children)
#' purrr::map2(these_children, children, identical)
#' # given a partial list, it will append to it
#' new_children <- pb$read_children(lsn$episodes[[1]], children[1])
#' purrr::map2(new_children, children, identical)
load_children <- function(all_parents) {
have_children <- purrr::map_lgl(all_parents, "has_children")
# if there are any children, we need to account for those.
if (any(have_children)) {
the_children <- list()
for (parent in all_parents[have_children]) {
the_children <- read_children(parent, the_children)
} else {
the_children <- NULL
# Read in and/or update all recursive child documents for a given parent
#' @rdname load_children
read_children <- function(parent, all_children = list(), ...) {
# if the parent has no children, return NULL. This is the exit condition
no_children <- !parent$has_children
if (no_children) {
# register existing parents with existing children
existing <- intersect(parent$children, names(all_children))
purrr::walk(all_children[existing], add_parent, parent)
# If there are children, recursively load them and place them in a list
for (child in parent$children) {
# check if the child already exists in our list ---------------------
known_children <- names(all_children)
new_child <- !child %in% known_children
if (new_child) {
is_valid <- validate_child(child, parent)
if (!is_valid) {
# read in the new child with a parent listed
this_child <- Episode$new(child, parent = list(parent), ...)
} else {
# add the parent to the existing child
this_child <- all_children[[child]]
# check if the child has any children that we know about ------------
new_children <- setdiff(this_child$children, known_children)
any_new_children <- length(new_children) > 0L
if (any_new_children) {
# generate a new list, but this will contain the objects from the
# original list that we can filter out and use to append
additional_children <- read_children(this_child, all_children, ...)
additional_children <- additional_children[new_children]
} else {
additional_children <- NULL
# make sure all children of this child have it as a parent -----------
purrr::walk(all_children[this_child$children], add_parent, this_child)
# append the all children list ---------------------------------------
all_children <- c(
all_children, # our existing list of children
stats::setNames(list(this_child), child), # the current child
additional_children # children of the current child (which can be NULL)
# only return the unique files
# update the `$parents` and `$build_parents` fields of a child object with the
# information from a parent object.
#' @rdname load_children
add_parent <- function(child, parent) {
if (length(parent) == 0L) {
child$parents <- union(child$parents, parent$path)
parent_is_build_parent <- length(parent$build_parents) == 0L
# define the build parent which is going to be the furthest ancestors.
if (parent_is_build_parent) {
# if the parent has no build parents, then the parent is the build_parent
new_parents <- parent$path
} else {
# if the parent has build parents, then the we pass down the build_parent
new_parents <- parent$build_parents
# it is possible for a child to have multiple build parents, so we append here
child$build_parents <- union(child$build_parents, new_parents)
validate_child <- function(child, parent) {
if (fs::file_exists(child)) {
parent$children <- parent$children[parent$children != child]
child_name <- sQuote(fs::path_rel(child, parent$lesson), q = 2)
parent_name <- fs::path_rel(parent$path, parent$lesson)
msg <- "could not process child document {child_name} (in {parent_name})"
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