#' Validate headings
#' This will validate the following aspects of all headings:
#' - first heading starts at level 2 (`first_heading_is_second_level`)
#' - greater than level 1 (`all_are_greater_than_first_level`)
#' - increse sequentially (e.g. no jumps from 2 to 4) (`all_are_sequential`)
#' - have names (`all_have_names`)
#' - unique in their own hierarchy (`all_are_unique`)
#' @note This is an internal function implemented for the [Episode] and [Lesson]
#' classes.
#' @param headings an object of xml_nodelist.
#' @param title the title of the document
#' @param offset the number of lines to offset the position (equal to the size
#' of the yaml header).
#' @return a list with two elements:
#' 1. a data frame that contains the results of [make_heading_table()] and
#' logical columns for each test where `FALSE` indicates a failed test for
#' a given heading.
#' 2. a data frame that can be printed as a tree with `show_heading_tree()`
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname validate_headings
#' @examples
#' l <- Lesson$new(lesson_fragment())
#' e <- l$episodes[[3]]
#' # Our headings validators run a series of tests on headings and return a data
#' # frame with information about the headings along with the results of the
#' # tests
#' v <- pegboard:::validate_headings(e$headings, e$get_yaml()$title, length(e$yaml))
#' names(v)
#' v$results
#' v$results$path <- fs::path_rel(e$path, e$lesson)
#' # The validator does not produce any warnings or messages, but this data
#' # frame can be passed on to other functions that will throw them for us. We
#' # have a function that will throw a warning/message for each heading that
#' # fails the tests. These messages are controlled by `heading_tests` and
#' # `heading_info`.
#' pegboard:::heading_tests
#' pegboard:::heading_info
#' pegboard:::throw_heading_warnings(v$results)
#' # Because the headings are best understood in tree form we have a utility
#' # that will print the heading tree with the associated errors:
#' pegboard:::show_heading_tree(v$tree)
validate_headings <- function(headings, title = NULL, offset = 5L) {
# no headings means that we don't need to check this
if (length(headings) == 0) {
htab <- make_heading_table(headings, offset)
VAL <- htab
VAL[names(heading_tests)] <- TRUE
VAL <- headings_first_heading_is_second_level(VAL)
VAL <- headings_greater_than_first_level(VAL)
VAL <- headings_are_sequential(VAL)
VAL <- headings_have_names(VAL)
# Test for unique headings ---------------
# This is a bit more involved because we have to consider the heading level
# (e.g. a level 2 heading is not the same as a level 3 heading, even though
# they may have the same name.
VAL <- collect_labels(VAL, cli = has_cli())
htree <- heading_tree(htab, title, suffix = c("", VAL$labels))
any_duplicates <- label_duplicates(htree, cli = has_cli())
VAL$are_unique <- any_duplicates$test[-1]
htree <- any_duplicates$tree
return(list(results = VAL[names(VAL) != "labels"], tree = htree))
#' @rdname validate_headings
#' @export
heading_tests <- c(
first_heading_is_second_level = "(must be level 2)",
greater_than_first_level = "(first level heading)",
are_sequential = "(non-sequential heading jump)",
have_names = "(no name)",
are_unique = "(duplicated)",
#' @rdname validate_headings
heading_info <- c(
first_heading_is_second_level = "First heading must be level 2",
greater_than_first_level = "Level 1 headings are not allowed",
are_sequential = "Headings must be sequential",
have_names = "Headings must be named",
are_unique = "Headings must be unique",
#' @rdname validate_headings
#' @param VAL a data frame that contains the results of [make_heading_table()]
#' and logical columns that match the name of the test.
headings_first_heading_is_second_level <- function(VAL) {
VAL$first_heading_is_second_level[[1]] <- VAL$level[[1]] == 2
#' @rdname validate_headings
headings_greater_than_first_level <- function(VAL) {
VAL$greater_than_first_level <- VAL$level > 1L
#' @rdname validate_headings
headings_are_sequential <- function(VAL) {
are_sequential <- diff(VAL$level) < 2
VAL$are_sequential <- c(TRUE, are_sequential)
#' @rdname validate_headings
headings_have_names <- function(VAL) {
VAL$have_names <- trimws(VAL$heading) != ""
#' @rdname validate_headings
headings_are_unique <- function(VAL) {
VAL$are_unique[-1] <- VAL$level[-1] > 1L
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