
Defines functions SampleGenoOFWithMs run.ms SampleNormalClusterCoord SampleUnifDirichletG SampleTESS2.3Q SampleDistFromCenterDirichletQ SampleDistFromCenterQ SampleUnifQ SampleFuncQ

Documented in run.ms SampleDistFromCenterDirichletQ SampleDistFromCenterQ SampleFuncQ SampleGenoOFWithMs SampleNormalClusterCoord SampleTESS2.3Q SampleUnifDirichletG SampleUnifQ

#######################Q sampler###################

#' Sample ancestral coefficient matrix such as Q = f(coord).
#' @param coord Coodinate matrix.
#' @param f Function of the coordinate.
#' @return TODOC
#' @export
SampleFuncQ <- function(coord, f = function(X) c(1 / (1 + exp(-0.5 * X[1])), 1 - 1 / (1 + exp(-0.5 * X[1])))) {
  Q = t(apply(coord, 1, f))
  class(Q) <- "tess3Q"

#' Sample ancestral coefficient matrix such as alpha ~ unif(0,1) and Q ~ Dirichlet(alpha).
#' @param n Number of row of Q.
#' @param K Number of column of Q.
#' @return TODOC
#' @export
SampleUnifQ <- function(n, K) {
  alpha = matrix(runif(n*K,min = 0, max = 1),n,K)
  Q = t(apply(alpha, 1, function(r){gtools::rdirichlet(1,r)}))
  class(Q) <- "tess3Q"

#' For population the center mu_k is computed. Then D_i_k = ||coord_i - mu_k|| is computed. finally Q = f(D) and Q is projected to statisfy constraints.
#' @return TODOC
#' @param coord Coordinate matrix.
#' @param n.by.pop Number of individual by population.
#' @param K Number of column of Q.
#' @param f Distribution function.
#' @export
SampleDistFromCenterQ <- function(coord, n.by.pop, K, f = function(D) exp(-D / 0.2)) {

  if (length(n.by.pop) == 1) {
    n.by.pop = rep(n.by.pop,K)
  if (length(n.by.pop) != K) {
    stop("n.by.pop must be a vector of size K or 1 if each pop have the same effective")
  n = nrow(coord)

  # compute center of each cluster
  mu <- t(sapply(split(1:n, rep(1:K, times = n.by.pop)), function(l) {apply(coord[l,],2,mean)}))

  # sample Q
  dist.from.center.aux <- function(c) {
    apply(mu, 1, function(r){return(sqrt(sum((r - c) ^ 2)))})
  dist.from.center = t(apply(coord, 1, dist.from.center.aux))
  Q = f(dist.from.center)
  Q = ProjectQ(Q)
  class(Q) <- "tess3Q"

#'  For population the center mu_k is computed. Then D_i_k = ||coord_i - mu_k|| is computed. finally alpha = f(D) and Q ~ Dirichlet(alpha).
#' @return TODOC
#' @param coord Coordinate matrix.
#' @param n.by.pop Number of individual by population.
#' @param K Number of column of Q.
#' @param f Distribution function.
#' @export
SampleDistFromCenterDirichletQ <- function(coord, n.by.pop, K, f = function(D) exp(-D / 0.2)) {

  if (length(n.by.pop) == 1) {
    n.by.pop = rep(n.by.pop,K)
  if (length(n.by.pop) != K) {
    stop("n.by.pop must be a vector of size K or 1 if each pop have the same effective")
  n = nrow(coord)

  # compute center of each cluster
  mu <- t(sapply(split(1:n, rep(1:K, times = n.by.pop)), function(l) {apply(coord[l,],2,mean)}))

  # sample Q
  dist.from.center.aux <- function(c) {
    apply(mu, 1, function(r){return(sqrt(sum((r - c) ^ 2)))})
  dist.from.center = t(apply(coord, 1, dist.from.center.aux))
  alpha = f(dist.from.center)
  Q = t(apply(alpha, 1, function(r){gtools::rdirichlet(1,r)}))
  class(Q) <- "tess3Q"

#' sample Q as describe in "Spatial Inference of Admixture Proportions and Segondary Contact Zones" E. Durand et al.
#' @return TODOC
#' @param coord TODOC
#' @param K TODOC
#' @param W TODOC
#' @param sigma TODOC
#' @param rho TODOC
#' @param f TODOC
#' @param beta TODOC
#' @export
SampleTESS2.3Q <- function(coord, K, W, sigma, rho, f = function(X) c(1.0,X[1], X[2]), beta = matrix(0.0, 3, K)) {
  vpmax <-  max(eigen(W)$values)
  if (rho < 0.0 | rho > 1.0 / vpmax) {
    stop("rho must be in (0, 1 / vpmax)")
  if (sigma < 0.0) {
    stop("sigma must be positive")
  n <- nrow(coord)
  Y <- t(MASS::mvrnorm(K, mu = rep(0.0, n), Sigma = sigma ^ 2 * solve(diag(1, nrow = n, ncol = n) - rho * W)))
  log.alpha <- t(apply(coord, 1, function(r) f(r) %*% beta)) + Y
  alpha <- exp(log.alpha)
  # plot(alpha[,1]) # debug
  Q = t(apply(alpha, 1, function(r){gtools::rdirichlet(1,r)}))
  # plot(Q[,1]) # debug
  # plot(Q[,2]) # debug
  class(Q) <- "tess3Q"

#######################G sampler###################

#' sample G such as G_dl+._k ~ Dirichlet(1/(ploidy + 1))
#' @return TODOC
#' @param L TODOC
#' @param ploidy TODOC
#' @param K TODOC
#' @export
SampleUnifDirichletG <- function(L, ploidy, K) {
    # sample G
    G = c()
    for (l in 1:L) {
      G = rbind(G,t(gtools::rdirichlet(K, rep(1.0/(ploidy + 1),(ploidy + 1)))))
    class(G) <- "tess3G"

###################coord sampler###################

#' sample coord such as a mixture of K cluster distributed with gaussian law.
#' @return TODOC
#' @param n.by.pop TODOC
#' @param K TODOC
#' @param sigma1 TODOC
#' @param sigma2 TODOC
#' @export
SampleNormalClusterCoord <- function(n.by.pop, K, sigma1 = 1.0, sigma2 = 0.2 ) {

  # sample pop center
  mu = matrix(MASS::mvrnorm(K, c(0,0), sigma1 * diag(c(1,1))),K,2)

  # sample coord
  if (length(n.by.pop) == 1) {
    n.by.pop = rep(n.by.pop,K)
  if (length(n.by.pop) != K) {
    stop("n.by.pop must be a vector of size K or 1 if each pop have the same effective")
  coord = c()
  for (k in 1:K) {
    coord = rbind(coord, MASS::mvrnorm(n.by.pop[k], mu[k,], sigma2 * diag(c(1.0,1.0)) ))
  # debug
  # plot(coord, col = rep(2:(K+1),times = n.by.pop))

###################TESS3 sampler###################

# #' Sample X such that P(X_i_dl + j) = Sum(Q_i_k G_k_dl + j).
# #'
# #' @param Q TODOC
# #' @param G TODOC
# #' @param coord TODOC
# #' @param ploidy TODOC
# #'
# #' @return
# #' @export
# #'
# #' @examples
# #' n <- 100
# #' K <- 3
# #' ploidy <- 2
# #' L <- 1000
# #' data.list <- SampleGenoFromGenerativeModelTESS3(G = SampleUnifDirichletG(L, ploidy, K),
# #'                                                 Q = SampleUnifQ(n, K),
# #'                                                 coord = SampleNormalClusterCoord(n.by.pop = n, K = 1),
# #'                                                 ploidy = ploidy)
# SampleGenoFromGenerativeModelTESS3 <- function(Q, G, coord, ploidy) {
#   res <- list()
#   res$n <- nrow(Q)
#   res$K <- ncol(Q)
#   res$ploidy <- ploidy
#   res$L <- nrow(G) / (ploidy + 1)
#   res$Q <- Q
#   res$G <- G
#   res$coord <- coord
#   res$X <- matrix(0, res$n ,res$L)
#   P = tcrossprod(res$Q, res$G)
#   allele = 0:(res$ploidy)
#   for (i in 1:res$n) {
#     for (j in 1:res$L) {
#       res$X[i,j] = allele %*% rmultinom(1, 1, P[i,1 + ((j - 1)*(ploidy + 1)):((j)*(ploidy + 1) - 1)])
#     }
#   }
#   return(res)
# }

#####################ms sampler####################

#' Helper function which call ms.
#' @param ms.file TODOC
#' @param nsam TODOC
#' @param nreps TODOC
#' @param theta TODOC
#' @param rho TODOC
#' @param nsites TODOC
#' @param M TODOC
#' @return TODOC
run.ms <- function(ms.file, nsam, nreps, theta, rho, nsites, M) {
  res <- list()
  tmp.file <- paste0(tempfile(),".geno")
  ms.command <- paste(ms.file, nsam, nreps,
                      "-t", format(theta, scientific = FALSE),
                      "-r", format(rho, scientific = FALSE), format(nsites, scientific = FALSE),
                      "-I 2", nsam / 2 , nsam / 2, M,
                      "-seeds", sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, 1), sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, 1), sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, 1),
                      " >",tmp.file, sep = " ")
  message(paste0("ms command : ", ms.command))

  # read locus position
  ms.res <- readLines(tmp.file)
  res$locus.pos <- scan(text = strsplit(ms.res[6], split = ":")[[1]][2], dec = ".")
  res$L <- length(res$locus.pos)

  # write only geno

  # read geno with LEA
  res$X <- t(LEA::read.geno(tmp.file))

#' Sample ancestral population with ms 2 island model. Then admixe ancestral population
#' along a longitudinal gradient.
#' @param k TODOC
#' @param min.maf the locus with a maf less than this parameter are removed
#' @param plot.debug if TRUE plot at different stage of the simulation
#' @param n number of indivudual to sample
#' @param nsites.neutral number of site between which recombination occur for neutral loci
#' @param nsites.selected number of site between which recombination occur for selected loci
#' @param m.neutral migration rate for neutral loci
#' @param m.selected migration rate for selected loci
#' @param crossover.proba corss-over probability between adjacent site per generation
#' @param mutation.rate.per.site mutation rate per site
#' @param N0 population size
#' @param tess3.ms ms binary path.
#' @return TODOC
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # tess3.ms <- "~/BiocompSoftware/msdir/ms"
#' # n <- 200
#' # K <- 2
#' # ploidy <- 1
#' # data.list <- SampleGenoOFWithMs(n = n,
#' #                              nsites.neutral = 100000,
#' #                              nsites.selected = 1000,
#' #                              crossover.proba = 0.25 * 10 ^ -8,
#' #                              m.neutral = 0.25 * 10 ^ -6,
#' #                              m.selected = 0.25 * 10 ^ -7,
#' #                              mutation.rate.per.site = 0.25 * 10 ^ -8,
#' #                              N0 = 10 ^ 6,
#' #                              k = 0.5,
#' #                              min.maf = 0.05,
#' #                              plot.debug = TRUE)
SampleGenoOFWithMs <- function(n, nsites.neutral, nsites.selected, crossover.proba, m.neutral, m.selected, mutation.rate.per.site, N0 = 10 ^ 6, k = 0.5, min.maf = 0.05, plot.debug = FALSE, tess3.ms = getOption("tess3.ms")) {

  res <- list()
  res$n <- n
  res$ploidy <- 1
  res$N0 <- N0
  res$nsites.neutral <- nsites.neutral
  res$nsites.selected <- nsites.selected
  res$crossover.proba <- crossover.proba
  res$m.neutral <- m.neutral
  res$m.selected <- m.selected
  res$mutation.rate.per.site <- mutation.rate.per.site
  res$min.maf <- min.maf
  res$k <- k

  maf <- function(x) {
    n = length(x)
    min(sum(x) / n,1 - sum(x) / n)

  if (plot.debug) {

    # define function used for plot debug
    fst <- function(project,run = 1, K, ploidy = 2){
      ll = dim(G(project, K = K, run = run))[1]
      if (ploidy == 2) {freq = G(project, K = K, run = run)[seq(2,ll,by = 3),]/2 + G(project, K = K, run = run)[seq(3,ll,by = 3),] }
      else {freq = G(project, K = K, run = run)[seq(2,ll,by = 2),]}
      q = apply(Q(project, K = K, run = run), MARGIN = 2, mean)
      H.s = apply(freq*(1 - freq), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) sum(q*x) )
      P.t = apply(freq, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) sum(q*x) )
      return(1 - H.s/P.t/(1 - P.t))


  # find ms
  if (is.null(tess3.ms)) {
    stop("tess3.ms must be the path to ms executable")

  ###simulate neutral####
  message("# Simulate neutral locus")
  ## ms parameter rho = 4 * N0 * r
  r <- res$crossover.proba * (res$nsites.neutral - 1)
  rho <- 4 * N0 * r
  # ms parameter theta = 4 * N0 * mu
  mu <- res$mutation.rate.per.site * res$nsites.neutral
  theta <- 4 * N0 * mu
  # ms parameter nsites
  nsites <- res$nsites.neutral
  # ms parameter nsam = 2 * n
  nsam <- 2 * res$n
  # ms parameter nreps = 1
  nreps <- 1
  # ms parameter M = 4 * N0 * m
  M <- 4 * N0 * res$m.neutral
  ms.res <- run.ms(ms.file = tess3.ms,
                   nsam = nsam,
                   nreps = nreps,
                   theta = theta,
                   rho = rho,
                   M = M,
                   nsites = nsites)
  neutral.L <- ms.res$L
  res$neutral.locus.pos <- ms.res$locus.pos
  neutral.X <- ms.res$X

  # filter minor allele frequencies
  spectrum <- apply(neutral.X, MARGIN = 2, FUN = maf)
  if (plot.debug) {
    par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
    plot(table(spectrum), main = paste("Folded spectrum of neutral genotype before cutting maf less than",min.maf))
  neutral.X <- neutral.X[, spectrum > min.maf]
  neutral.L <- ncol(neutral.X)
  if (plot.debug) {
    spectrum <- apply(neutral.X, MARGIN = 2, FUN = maf)
    plot(table(spectrum), main = paste("Folded spectrum of neutral genotype after cutting maf less than",min.maf))
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

  if (plot.debug) {
    message("## debug plots on neutral data")
    K = 2
    tmp.file <- paste0(tempfile(),".geno")
    LEA::write.geno(neutral.X, tmp.file)
    capture.output(obj <- LEA::snmf(tmp.file, K = K, entropy = FALSE, ploidy = 1, project = "new", alpha = 100), file = "/dev/null")
    q.K = LEA::Q(obj, K = K, run = 1)
    graphics::barplot(t(q.K), col = rainbow(2), main = "snmf Q computed from neutral dataset")

    fst.values = fst(obj, K = K, ploidy = 1)

    n = dim(q.K)[1]
    fst.values[fst.values < 0] = 0.000001
    z.scores = sqrt(fst.values * (n - K) / (1 - fst.values))

    lambda = median(z.scores ^ 2) / qchisq(1 / 2, df = K - 1)
    message("lambda = ",lambda)

    adj.p.values = pchisq(z.scores ^ 2 / lambda, df = K - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)

    hist(adj.p.values, col = "green", main = "Fst computed from neutral dataset")
    par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
    plot(-log10(adj.p.values), main = "Manhattan plot of p.value computed from neutral dataset", xlab = "Locus", cex = .5, pch = 19, col = "green4")
    plot(-log10(1 - fst.values), main = "Manhattan plot of 1-fst computed from neutral dataset", xlab = "Locus", cex = .5, pch = 19, col = "orange")
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

  ###simulate selected###
  if (nsites.selected != 0) {
    message("# Simulate selected locus")
    ## ms parameter rho = 4 * N0 * r
    r <- res$crossover.proba * (res$nsites.selected - 1)
    rho <- 4 * N0 * r
    # ms parameter theta = 4 * N0 * mu
    mu <- res$mutation.rate.per.site * res$nsites.selected
    theta <- 4 * N0 * mu
    # ms parameter nsites
    nsites <- res$nsites.selected
    # ms parameter nsam = 2 * n
    nsam <- 2 * res$n
    # ms parameter nreps = 1
    nreps <- 1
    # ms parameter M = 4 * N0 * m
    M <- 4 * N0 * res$m.selected
    ms.res <- run.ms(ms.file = tess3.ms,
                     nsam = nsam,
                     nreps = nreps,
                     theta = theta,
                     rho = rho,
                     M = M,
                     nsites = nsites)
    res$selected.locus.pos <- ms.res$locus.pos
    selected.X <- ms.res$X

    # filter minor allele frequencies
    spectrum = apply(selected.X, MARGIN = 2, FUN = maf)
    if (plot.debug) {
      par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
      plot(table(spectrum), main = paste("Folded spectrum of selected genotype before cutting maf less than",min.maf))
    selected.X <- selected.X[, spectrum > min.maf]
    selected.L <- ncol(selected.X)
    if (plot.debug) {
      spectrum = apply(selected.X, MARGIN = 2, FUN = maf)
      plot(table(spectrum), main = paste("Folded spectrum of selected genotype after cutting maf less than",min.maf))
      par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

    if (plot.debug) {
      message("## debug plots on selected data")
      K = 2
      tmp.file <- paste0(tempfile(),".geno")
      LEA::write.geno(selected.X, tmp.file)
      capture.output(obj <- LEA::snmf(tmp.file, K = K, entropy = T, ploidy = 1, project = "new", alpha = 100), file = "/dev/null")
      q.K = LEA::Q(obj, K = K, run = 1)
      graphics::barplot(t(q.K), col = rainbow(2), main = "snmf Q computed from selected dataset")

      fst.values = fst(obj, K = K, ploidy = 1)

      n = dim(q.K)[1]
      fst.values[fst.values < 0] = 0.000001
      z.scores = sqrt(fst.values * (n - K) / (1 - fst.values))

      lambda = median(z.scores ^ 2)/qchisq(1 / 2, df = K - 1)
      message("lambda = ",lambda)

      adj.p.values = pchisq(z.scores ^ 2 / lambda, df = K - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)

      hist(adj.p.values, col = "green", main = "Fst computed from selected dataset")
      par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
      plot(-log10(adj.p.values), main = "Manhattan plot of p.value computed from selected dataset", xlab = "Locus", cex = .5, pch = 19, col = "green4")
      plot(-log10(1 - fst.values), main = "Manhattan plot of 1-fst computed from selected dataset", xlab = "Locus", cex = .5, pch = 19, col = "orange")
      par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
  } else {
    selected.X <- NULL
    selected.L <- 0
  ###selected + neutral##
  X <- cbind(neutral.X, selected.X)

  if (plot.debug) {
    message("## debug plots on neutral + selected data")
    K = 2
    tmp.file <- paste0(tempfile(),".geno")
    LEA::write.geno(X, tmp.file)
    capture.output(obj <- LEA::snmf(tmp.file, K = K, entropy = T, ploidy = 1, project = "new", alpha = 100), file = "/dev/null")
    q.K = LEA::Q(obj, K = K, run = 1)
    graphics::barplot(t(q.K), col = rainbow(2), main = "snmf Q computed from neutral + selected dataset")

    fst.values = fst(obj, K = K, ploidy = 1)

    n = dim(q.K)[1]
    fst.values[fst.values < 0] = 0.000001
    z.scores = sqrt(fst.values * (n - K) / (1 - fst.values))

    lambda = median(z.scores ^ 2)/qchisq(1 / 2, df = K - 1)
    message("lambda = ",lambda)

    adj.p.values = pchisq(z.scores ^ 2 / lambda, df = K - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)

    hist(adj.p.values, col = "green", main = "Fst computed from neutral + selected dataset")
    par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
    plot(-log10(adj.p.values), main = "Manhattan plot of p.value computed from neutral + selected dataset", xlab = "Locus", cex = .5, pch = 19, col = "green4")
    plot(-log10(1 - fst.values), main = "Manhattan plot of 1-fst computed from neutral + selected dataset", xlab = "Locus", cex = .5, pch = 19, col = "orange")
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

  # keep not admixed genotype
  res$selected.locus.index <- (neutral.L + 1):(neutral.L + selected.L)
  res$neutral.locus.index <- 1:neutral.L
  res$L <- neutral.L + selected.L
  res$not.admixed.genotype <- array(NA, dim = c(res$n, res$L, 2))
  res$not.admixed.genotype[,,1] <- X[1:res$n,]
  res$not.admixed.genotype[,,2] <- X[(res$n + 1):(2 * res$n),]
  res$K <- 2
  res$Freq <- apply(res$not.admixed.genotype, c(2,3), mean)
  # compute fst before convolution
  auxFst <- function(f) {
    sigma2s <- sum(0.5 * f * (1 - f))
    sigma2T <- sum(0.5 * f) * (1 - sum(0.5 * f) )
    return( 1 - sigma2s / sigma2T)
  res$Fst <- apply(res$Freq, 1, auxFst)

  message("# Admixe genotype")

  res$coord <- cbind(sort(c(rnorm(res$n / 2, -2, 1), rnorm(res$n / 2, 2, 1))), runif(res$n))
  sigmoid <- function(x){ 1/(1 + exp(-x)) }
  res$Q <- SampleFuncQ(res$coord, f = function(X) c(sigmoid(k * X[1]), 1 - sigmoid(k * X[1])))

  if (plot.debug) {
    graphics::barplot(t(res$Q), col = rainbow(2), main = "admixture Q")

  # compute latent factor matrix
  # res$Z <- outer(1:res$n, 1:res$L, Vectorize(function(x,y) sample(c(1,2),1,prob = res$Q[x,]) )) # Too slow !
  res$Z <- ComputeZHelper(res$Q, res$n, res$L)

  # compute admixed matrix
  # res$admixed.genotype <- outer(1:res$n, 1:res$L, Vectorize(function(i,j) res$not.admixed.genotype[i,j,res$Z[i,j]])) # too slow
  res$admixed.genotype <- ComputeAdmixtedGeno(res$not.admixed.genotype,res$Z, res$n, res$L)

  if (plot.debug) {
    message("## debug plots on admixed data")
    K = 2
    tmp.file <- paste0(tempfile(),".geno")
    LEA::write.geno(res$admixed.genotype, tmp.file)
    capture.output(obj <- LEA::snmf(tmp.file, K = K, entropy = T, ploidy = 1, project = "new", alpha = 100), file = "/dev/null")
    q.K = LEA::Q(obj, K = K, run = 1)
    graphics::barplot(t(q.K), col = rainbow(2), main = "snmf Q computed from admixed dataset")

    fst.values = fst(obj, K = K, ploidy = 1)

    n = dim(q.K)[1]
    fst.values[fst.values < 0] = 0.000001
    z.scores = sqrt(fst.values * (n - K) / (1 - fst.values))

    lambda = median(z.scores ^ 2)/qchisq(1 / 2, df = K - 1)
    message("lambda = ",lambda)

    adj.p.values = pchisq(z.scores ^ 2 / lambda, df = K - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)

    hist(adj.p.values, col = "green", main = "Fst computed from admixed dataset")
    par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
    plot(-log10(adj.p.values), main = "Manhattan plot of p.value computed from admixed dataset", xlab = "Locus", cex = .5, pch = 19, col = "green4")
    points(neutral.L, max(-log10(adj.p.values)) , type = "h")
    plot(-log10(1 - fst.values), main = "Manhattan plot of 1-fst computed from admixed dataset", xlab = "Locus", cex = .5, pch = 19, col = "orange")
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

    message("## debug plots : comparaison of fst")
    par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
    plot(-log10(adj.p.values), main = "Manhattan plot of p.value computed after admixture", xlab = "Locus", cex = .5, pch = 19, col = "green4")
    points(neutral.L, max(-log10(adj.p.values)) , type = "h")

    fst.values <- res$Fst
    fst.values[fst.values < 0] = 0.000001
    z.scores = sqrt(fst.values * (n - K) / (1 - fst.values))
    lambda = median(z.scores ^ 2)/qchisq(1 / 2, df = K - 1)
    adj.p.values = pchisq(z.scores ^ 2 / lambda, df = K - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
    plot(-log10(adj.p.values), main = "Manhattan plot of p.value computed before admixture", xlab = "Locus", cex = .5, pch = 19, col = "green4")
    points(neutral.L, max(-log10(adj.p.values)) , type = "h")
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

cayek/TESS3_encho_sen documentation built on July 4, 2023, 7:51 p.m.