### job script to turn normalized count data in log likelihood ratios and apply mnem.
## define dataset
#dataset <- "cropseq"
#dataset <- "perturbseq_cc7d"
#dataset <- "perturbseq_p7d"
args <- commandArgs()
dataset <- gsub("dataset=", "", args[grep("dataset=", args)])
parallel <- gsub("cores=", "", args[grep("cores=", args)])
starts <- gsub("starts=", "", args[grep("starts=", args)])
run <- gsub("run=", "", args[grep("run=", args)])
dollr <- as.numeric(gsub("dollr=", "", args[grep("dollr=", args)]))
donorm <- as.numeric(gsub("donorm=", "", args[grep("donorm=", args)]))
dosmall <- as.numeric(gsub("dosmall=", "", args[grep("dosmall=", args)]))
addendum <- paste0("_run", run)
maxk <- 5
####################################### perturb-seq and crop-seq log likelihood ratio:
if (donorm) {
load(paste0(dataset, "_data.rda"))
if (length(grep("perturbseq", dataset)) == 0) {
exprslvl <- apply(data, 1, median)
data <- data[which(exprslvl > 0), ]
data <- t(t(data)/(colSums(data)/10000))
data <- Linnorm(data)
## data <- log2(data + 0.5)
} else {
data <- exp(data) - 1
exprslvl <- apply(data, 1, median)
data <- data[which(exprslvl > 0), ]
data <- Linnorm(data)
colnames(data)[grep("INTER", colnames(data))] <- ""
## data <- log2(data + 0.5)
save(data, file = paste0(dataset, "_data_norm.rda"))
print("norm done")
if (dollr) {
load(paste0(dataset, "_data_norm.rda"))
llr <- data*0
C <- which(colnames(data) %in% "")
distrPar <- function(i, data, C) {
llrcol <- numeric(ncol(data))
for (j in which(!(colnames(data) %in% ""))) {
gene <- colnames(data)[j]
D <- which(colnames(data) %in% gene)
cdistr <- ecdf(data[i, C])
ddistr <- ecdf(data[i, D])
llrcol[j] <- log2(min(ddistr(data[i, j]), 1 - ddistr(data[i, j]))/min(cdistr(data[i,j]), 1 - cdistr(data[i,j])))
sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = parallel)
llr <- sfLapply(1:nrow(data), distrPar, data, C)
llr <- do.call("rbind", llr)
llr[is.na(llr)] <- 0
llr[is.infinite(llr)] <- max(llr[!is.infinite(llr)])
colnames(llr) <- colnames(data)
llr <- llr[, which(!(colnames(data) %in% ""))] # !!!
rownames(llr) <- rownames(data)
save(llr, file = paste0(dataset, "_llr.rda"))
print("llr done")
## stop()
########### do small set of genes:
if (dosmall) {
load(paste0(dataset, "_kegg.rda"))
load(paste0(dataset, "_llr.rda"))
## if (length(grep("perturbseq", dataset)) == 0) {
## llr <- llr[, -grep("DHODH|MVD|TUBB", colnames(llr))]
## }
llr <- t(apply(llr, 1, function(x) {
x[is.infinite(x)] <- max(x[!is.infinite(x)])
colnames(llr) <- toupper(colnames(llr))
if (length(grep("perturbseq", dataset)) == 0) {
search <- "greedy"
cropgenes <- c("LCK", "ZAP70", "PTPN6", "DOK2", "PTPN11", "EGR3", "LAT")
lods <- llr[, which(colnames(llr) %in% cropgenes)]
} else {
search <- "greedy"
lods <- llr
badgenes <- "Tcrlibrary"
badgenes <- grep(badgenes, rownames(lods))
if (length(badgenes) > 0) {
lods <- lods[-badgenes, ]
sdev <- apply(lods, 1, sd)
lods <- lods[which(sdev > sd(lods)), ]
n <- length(unique(colnames(lods)))
lods <- lods
bics <- rep(Inf, maxk)
res <- list()
for (k in 1:maxk) {
res[[k]] <- mnem(lods, starts = starts, parallel = parallel, k = k, verbose = TRUE, converged = 10^-1, search = search)
res[[k]]$data <- NULL # important to save space
save(res, file = paste0("cropseq/", dataset, "_mnem_small", addendum, ".rda"))
save(res, file = paste0("cropseq/", dataset, "_mnem_small", addendum, ".rda"))
stop("small set done")
#### analyze:
maxk <- 5
starts <- 100
dataset <- "cropseq"
#dataset <- "perturbseq_cc7d"
#dataset <- "perturbseq_p7d"
## load data:
load(paste0(dataset, "_llr.rda"))
llr <- t(apply(llr, 1, function(x) {
x[is.infinite(x)] <- max(x[!is.infinite(x)])
colnames(llr) <- toupper(colnames(llr))
if (length(grep("perturbseq", dataset)) == 0) {
cropgenes <- c("LCK", "ZAP70", "PTPN6", "DOK2", "PTPN11", "EGR3", "LAT")
lods <- llr[, which(colnames(llr) %in% cropgenes)]
} else {
lods <- llr
badgenes <- "Tcrlibrary"
badgenes <- grep(badgenes, rownames(lods))
if (length(badgenes) > 0) {
lods <- lods[-badgenes, ]
sdev <- apply(lods, 1, sd)
lods <- lods[which(sdev > sd(lods)), ]
n <- length(unique(colnames(lods)))
lods <- lods
## get results:
bigorsmall <- "small"
lls <- matrix(0, 5, starts)
llmins <- matrix(0, 5, starts)
resMax <- list()
for (i in 1:starts) {
if (file.exists(paste0("cropseq/", dataset, "_mnem_", bigorsmall, "_run", i, ".rda"))) {
load(paste0("cropseq/", dataset, "_mnem_", bigorsmall, "_run", i, ".rda"))
} else {
lls[1, i] <- res[[1]]$ll
for (j in 1:min(maxk, length(res))) {
lls[j, i] <- res[[j]]$ll
llmins[j, i] <- min(res[[j]]$limits[[1]]$ll)
if (i == 1 | length(resMax) < j) {
resMax[[j]] <- res[[j]]
} else {
if (resMax[[j]]$ll < res[[j]]$ll) {
resMax[[j]] <- res[[j]]
## load log odds before next step
res <- resMax
res[[5]]$data <- res[[4]]$data <- res[[3]]$data <- res[[2]]$data <- res[[1]]$data <- lods
## save(res, file = paste0(dataset, "_mnem_", bigorsmall, "_final.rda"))
load(paste0(dataset, "_mnem_", bigorsmall, "_final.rda"))
cropres <- res
cc7dres <- res
p7dres <- res
res2 <- list(cropres, cc7dres, p7dres)
app <- res2
## make app smaller:
for (i in 1:3) {
for (j in 1:5) {
app[[i]][[j]]$data <- app[[i]][[j]]$data[1, , drop = FALSE]
app[[i]][[j]]$limits <- NULL
## save(app, file = "app.rda")
## some analysis:
res <- app[[2]]
ics <- lls <- numeric(maxk)
for (i in 1:maxk) {
ics[i] <- getIC(res[[i]])
lls[i] <- res[[i]]$ll
plot(ics, type = "b")
plot(lls, type = "b")
paltmp <- palette()
paltmp[3] <- "blue"
paltmp[4] <- "brown"
pdf("temp.pdf", width = 12, height = 10)#width = 16, height = 14)#width = 10, height = 8)
plot(res[[which.min(ics)]], showweights = FALSE, showprobs = FALSE, bestCell = FALSE, shownull = FALSE, cells = FALSE, egenes = FALSE)
sets <- c("cropseq_small", "cc7d", "p7d")
for (i in 1:3) {
tmplls <- numeric()
for (j in 1:5) {
tmplls <- c(tmplls, getIC(app[[i]][[j]]))
for (j in 1:5) {
if (j == 3) { tmp <- "_overfit" }
if (j == 1) { tmp <- "_underfit" }
if (j == 2) { tmp <- "" }
if (j %in% c(4,5)) { tmp <- j }
tmpwidth <- j*8
if (j == 1 & i == 2) { tmpwidth <- 2*tmpwidth }
tmpwidth <- tmpwidth + 4
pdf(paste0(sets[i], "_network", tmp, ".pdf"), height = 14, width = tmpwidth)
graph <- c("TOP=PTGER2", "TOP=CIT", "PTGER2=AURKA", "CIT=AURKA")
pdf("Fig9.pdf", width = 8, height = 4)
plotDnf(graph, width = 1, nodelabel = list(TOP = ""),
bordercol = list(TOP = "transparent", PTGER2 = "blue", CIT = "blue", AURKA = "blue"))
plotDnf(graph, width = 1, nodelabel = list(TOP = "", AURKA = "Hidden\n Player"),
bordercol = list(TOP = "transparent", PTGER2 = "blue", CIT = "blue", AURKA = "blue"))
transitions_0 <- matrix(c(4,1,0), nrow=3, ncol=1)
transitions_1 <- matrix(c(3,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
transitions_2 <- matrix(c(2,0,1,0,0,2,2,1,3), nrow =3, ncol =3)
transitions_3 <- matrix(c(4,1,0), nrow = 1, ncol = 3)
transitions <- list(transitions_0, transitions_1, transitions_2, transitions_3)
trans_prob_0 <- matrix(rep(0,6), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
trans_prob_1 <- matrix(rep(0,9), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
trans_prob_2 <- matrix(rep(0,9), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
trans_prob_3 <- matrix(rep(0,3), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
transition_probabilities <- list(trans_prob_0, trans_prob_1, trans_prob_2, trans_prob_3)
for (i in 1:4){
trans <- transitions[[i]]
for (k in 1:ncol(trans)){
for (l in 1:nrow(trans)){
transition_probabilities[[i]][l,k] <- (trans[l,k] + 1)/(sum(trans[,k])+nrow(trans)) }
print( transition_probabilities[[i]])
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