#' Plot raster image
#' @description Small helper function to plot a raster image.
#' @param img a raster object representing a bitmap image.
#' @return A ggplot object.
#' @examples
#' hgrid <- hcl(0, 80, seq(50, 80, 10))
#' img <- as.raster(matrix(hgrid, nrow = 4, ncol = 5))
#' plotRasterImage(img)
#' @export
plotRasterImage <- function(img)
stop("Please install the 'grid' package to use 'plotRasterImage'")
stop("Please install the 'ggplot2' package to use 'plotRasterImage'")
grb <- grid::rasterGrob(img,
interpolate = FALSE,
width = grid::unit(1, "npc"),
height = grid::unit(1, "npc"))
p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::annotation_custom(grob = grb,
xmin = 0,
xmax = ncol(grb$raster),
ymin = 0,
ymax = nrow(grb$raster)) +
ggplot2::coord_fixed(xlim = c(0, ncol(grb$raster)),
ylim = c(0, nrow(grb$raster)))
#' Plot spatial image with data overlay
#' @description A helper function to overlay data onto a spatial image.
#' @param df A \code{data.frame} storing the data to plot.
#' @param col character. A column of \code{df} to use for overlay onto the image.
#' @param img a raster object representing a bitmap image.
#' @return A ggplot.
#' @examples
#' gene <- rep(c("Cd44", "Cd8b1", "Cd79b"), each = 2)
#' x <- c(1693, 1701, 1820, 3188, 1631, 1881)
#' y <- c(1831, 1666, 1855, 6612, 1533, 942)
#' df <- data.frame(gene = gene, x = x, y = y)
#' plotXY(df, "gene")
#' @export
plotXY <- function(df, col, img = NULL)
stop("Please install the 'ggpubr' package to use 'plotXY'")
.data <- x <- y <- NULL
if(!is.null(img)) p <- plotRasterImage(img)
else p <- ggplot2::ggplot()
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = df,
shape = 16,
size = 0.5,
ggplot2::aes(x, y, col = .data[[col]])) +
if(is.numeric(df[[col]])) p + ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_c()
ucsc <- function(n) ggpubr::get_palette("ucscgb", n)
cols <- ucsc(length(levels(factor(df[[col]]))))
p + ggplot2::theme(legend.key.size = grid::unit(0.5, "lines")) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = cols) +
ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2)))
#' Plot a tabset
#' @description Plot a tabset of colData annotations of one or more
#' SpatialExperiment objects over an image.
#' @param spe.list A named \code{list} of \code{\linkS4class{SpatialExperiment}}
#' objects.
#' @param img a raster object representing a bitmap image.
#' @return None. Produces a tabset for rendering with \code{rmarkdown}.
#' @examples
#' # create simulated data as described in the SpatialExperiment man page
#' example("SpatialExperiment", package = "SpatialExperiment", echo = FALSE)
#' spe <- spe_mol
#' # add simulated cell centroids
#' s <- cbind(x = runif(20), y = runif(20))
#' spatialCoords(spe) <- s
#' # add simulated cell type and cell cycle annotation
#' ct <- c("ct1", "ct2", "ct3")
#' cc <- c("G1", "G2", "S", "M")
#' spe$type <- sample(ct, ncol(spe), replace = TRUE)
#' spe$cycle <- sample(cc, ncol(spe), replace = TRUE)
#' # create an example image
#' hgrid <- hcl(0, 80, seq(50, 80, 10))
#' img <- as.raster(matrix(hgrid, nrow = 4, ncol = 5))
#' # plotTabset
#' spe.list <- list(myseg = spe)
#' plotTabset(spe.list, img)
#' @export
plotTabset <- function(spe.list, img)
for (n in names(spe.list))
cat("### ", n, " {.tabset} \n\n")
spe <- spe.list[[n]]
df <- data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe),
rel.cols <- c("sample_id", "cell", "seg", "x", "y")
rel.cols <- setdiff(names(df), rel.cols)
# ...plot each variable
for (col in rel.cols)
p <- plotXY(df, col, img)
cat("#### ", col, '{-}', "\n")
#' Add holes to polygons
#' @description Add holes to a `data.frame` of cell polygon coordinates
#' @param poly A \code{data.frame} storing cell polygon coordinates.
#' Expected columns include \itemize{
#' \item \code{"cell"} storing the cell ID,
#' \item \code{"x"} storing x-coordinates of the polygon corners,
#' \item \code{"y"} storing the y-coordinates of the polygon corners.}
#' @return A \code{data.frame}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- c(2053, 2053, 2053, 2056, 2059, 2059)
#' y <- c(51, 54, 57, 57, 57, 54)
#' poly <- data.frame(cell = 1, x = x, y = y)
#' poly <- addHolesToPolygons(poly)
addHolesToPolygons <- function(poly)
.f <- function(df)
df$x <- df$x + 0.5 * (mean(df$x) - df$x)
df$y <- df$y + 0.5 * (mean(df$y) - df$y)
spl <- split(poly, poly$cell)
dl <- lapply(spl, .f)
holes <- do.call(rbind, dl)
poly$subid <- 1L
holes$subid <- 2L
poly <- rbind(poly, holes)
.getResource <- function(recs, suffix)
suffix <- paste0(suffix, "$")
ind <- grep(suffix, recs$title)
id <- recs$ah_id[ind]
suppressMessages(rec <- recs[[id]])
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