Man pages for ccbiolab/svpluscnv
svpluscnv: analysis and visualization of complex structural variation data

amp.delAmplifications and deletions
ave.segmeanAverage sample CNV
bed2chromo.regTransforms a bed format data.frame containing genomic regions...
break.annot-classbreak.annot class
break.densityBreakpoint density map
break.iqm-classData class break.iqm
breaks-classData class breaks
brk.burden.iqmEvaluates the breakpoint burden based on a instance 'breaks'...
chr.arm.cnvChromosome arm mean CNV
chromo.regs-classData class chromo.regs
chromosome.limit.coordsChromosome limit map
chr.sortChromosome ordering
circ.chromo.plotCircular visualization of shattered regions
circ.wg.plotCircular visualization CNV and SVC
clean.cnv.artifactCNV artifact detection and filtering
cnv_blacklist_regionsLow coverage regions
cnv.break.annotIdentification of recurrently altered genes using CNV data...
cnv.breaksIdentify CNV breakpoints
cnv.freqCNV frequency map
cnvfreq-classData class cnvfreq
createRandomStringUnique random string generator
d3gb.chr.limChromosome start and end
dngrGenerate GRanges of downstream regions
extract.bins-methodsReturn the genomicRanges object containing the genomic bins
freq.p.testFrequency hot spot detection Obtains significance cutoff for...
freq.threshold-methodsReturn frequency threshold from null.freq object
geneBreakOverlapFind overlaps between genomic features and breakpoints
gene.cnvGene-level CNV
genecnv-classData class cnvmat coordinates of an specified gene
gene.track.viewGene track visualization
get.chr.binsGenerates a GenomicRanges objact containing genomic bins...
get.genesgrGenes GRanges
hbd.mat-methodsReturn the binary matrix containing high confidence... sample retrieval
IQMInter-quantile mean
IQSDInter-quantile standard deviation
map2colorColor map from numeric vector
match.breaksBreakpoint matching
med.segmeanMedian sample CNV
merge2listsMerge two lists
nbl_segdatTARGET Neuroblastoma CNV
nbl_svdatTARGET Neuroblastoma SVC
null.freq-classData class null.freq
pct.genome.changedPercent genome change calculation
refSeqDat-classData class refSeqDat
refseq_hg19Reference transcript and exon annotations for hg19
refseq_hg38Reference transcript and exon annotations for hg38
segdat_lung_ccleLung CCLE CNV data
segment.gapCNV segmentation gap filling
shattered.evalEvaluate true catastrophic events Evaluate shattered regions... regions genomic map
shattered.regionsShattered region detection
shattered.regions.cnvCNV-only based shattered region detection
svc.break.annotIdentification of recurrently altered genes using SVC data
svc.breaksIdentify SVC breakpoints
svcnvio-classData class svcnvio
svdat_lung_ccleLung CCLE SVC data
sv.model.viewSV integrated visualization
upgrGenerate GRanges of upstream regions
validate.cnvInitialization of CNV data
validate.svcInitialization of SVC data
ccbiolab/svpluscnv documentation built on Sept. 9, 2020, 4:52 a.m.