
Defines functions .processResults as.zoo.gtrends plot.gtrends summary.gtrends gtrends.default gtrends .getDefaultConnection gconnect

Documented in as.zoo.gtrends gconnect .getDefaultConnection gtrends gtrends.default plot.gtrends summary.gtrends

#' Connect to Google account
#' The resulting connection object is also stored in the package-local
#' environment from which the (internal) helper function
#' \code{.getDefaultConnection()} retrieves it as needed.
#' If the environment variables \code{GOOGLE_USER} and
#' \code{GOOGLE_PASSWORD} are set, they will be retrieved in case no
#' argument has been supplied.  Similarly, the environment variable
#' \code{options("google.user")} or \code{options("google.password")} can be
#' used. Lastly, if the environment variable \code{GOOGLE_AUTOCONNECT}
#' is set to (the text string) \sQuote{TRUE}, or the the R option
#' \code{options("google.autoconnect")} is set to \sQuote{TRUE} then
#' the connection is automatically made at package load.
#' @note Should you have trouble connecting, and also use two-factor authentication on
#' your Google Account, then consider creating another Google account (without
#' two-factor authentication) which should allow automated (i.e. programmatic)
#' connection here.

#' @param usr User name (ex.: yourmail@gmail.com); alternatively the 
#' environment variable \code{GOOGLE_USER} as well as 
#' \code{options("google.user")} can be used to supply the user name.
#' @param psw Account password; alternatively the environment
#' variable \code{GOOGLE_PASSWORD} as well as 
#' \code{options("google.password")} can be used to supply the password.
#' @param verbose Logical for displaying additional information
#' @return A libcurl handle is returned (invisibly).
#' @import rvest
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # use with explicit arguments
#' session <- gconnect("usr@gmail.com", "psw")
#' # use with arguments stored in env.var or options()
#' # this is preferred for scripts shared with others who
#' # can place their secret password in a file only they know
#' session <- gconnect("usr@gmail.com", "psw")
#' }
gconnect <- function(usr = NULL, psw = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
  loginURL <- "https://accounts.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin"
  # authenticateURL <- "https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLoginBoxAuth"
  if (is.null(usr)) {
    if (Sys.getenv("GOOGLE_USER") != "") usr <- Sys.getenv("GOOGLE_USER")
    if (getOption("google.user") != "") usr <- getOption("google.user")
    if (is.null(usr)) stop("No Google Username / account supplied.", 
                           call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(psw)) {
    if (Sys.getenv("GOOGLE_PASSWORD") != "") psw <- Sys.getenv("GOOGLE_PASSWORD")
    if (getOption("google.password") != "") psw <- getOption("google.password")
    if (is.null(psw)) stop("No Google password supplied.", call. = FALSE)
  session <- rvest::html_session(loginURL)
  form <- rvest::html_node(session, "form")
  form <- rvest::html_form(form)
  form <- rvest::set_values(form, Email = usr)
  session <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(rvest::submit_form(session, form))) 
  form <- rvest::html_node(session, "form")
  form <- rvest::html_form(form)
  if (!any(grepl("Passwd", form$fields))) {
    stop("Invalid email.", call. = FALSE)
  form <- rvest::set_values(form, Passwd = psw)
  session <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(rvest::submit_form(session, form)))
  # look if the password was accepted
  if (!any(grepl("DENY", session$response$headers))) {
    if (verbose) cat("Google login successful!\n")
  } else {
    cat("Google login failed! Check your login information.")

  ## store connection handler in package-local environment
  assign("session", session, envir = .pkgenv)

#' @rdname gconnect
.getDefaultConnection <- function() {
    session <- .pkgenv$session
    if (is.null(session))
      stop("No connection object has been created. Use 'gconnect()' first.",
           call. = FALSE

#' Google Trends Query
#' The \code{gtrends} default method performs a Google Trends query for the 
#' \sQuote{query} argument and session \sQuote{session}. Optional arguments for 
#' geolocation and category can also be supplied.
#' @param query A character vector with the actual Google Trends query keywords.
#'   Multiple keywords are possible using \code{gtrends(c("NHL", "NBA", "MLB", 
#'   "MLS"))}.
#' @param geo A character vector denoting geographic regions for the query, 
#'   default to \dQuote{all} for global queries. Multiple regions are possible 
#'   using \code{gtrends("NHL", c("CA", "US"))}.
#' @param cat A character denoting the category, defaults to \dQuote{0}.
#' @param gprop A character string defining the Google product for which the 
#'   trend query if preformed. Valid options are \dQuote{} (empty string - web 
#'   search), \dQuote{news}, \dQuote{images}, \dQuote{froogle} and 
#'   \dQuote{youtube}. Default is \dQuote{}.
#' @param res Resolution of the trending data to be returned. One of 
#'   \code{c("1h", "4h", "1d", "7d")}. If \code{res} is provided, then 
#'   \code{start_date} and \code{end_date} parameters are ignored. See 
#'   \emph{Query resolution} for more information.
#' @param start_date Starting date using yyyy-mm-dd format. Must be greater than
#'   2004-01-01.
#' @param end_date Starting date using yyyy-mm-dd format. Must be before than 
#'   current date.
#' @param session A valid session which can be created via 
#'   \code{\link{gconnect}}. Users can either supply an explicit handle, or rely
#'   on the helper function \code{.getDefaultConnection()} to retrieve the 
#'   current connection handle.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed on in method dispatch.
#' @section Query resolution: By default, Google returns weekly information when
#'   the requested data spans a period greater than three months. It is also 
#'   possible to obtain \emph{daily} and \emph{hourly} information. However, 
#'   these are only available for a certain period prior to the \emph{current} 
#'   date.
#'   For instance, \code{1h}, \code{7h}, \code{1d} and \code{7d} denote trends 
#'   data for the last 1 hour, last four hours, last day and last seven day 
#'   respectively. Using one of the above \code{res} will return the 
#'   corresponding hourly data.
#'   Note that data requested for a beriod between one and three months will be 
#'   returned daily. For a  period greater than three months, data will be 
#'   always returned weekly.
#' @section Categories: The package includes a complete list of categories that 
#'   can be used to narrow requests. These can be accessed using 
#'   \code{data("categories")}.
#' @return An object of class \sQuote{gtrends} which is list with six elements 
#'   containing the results.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' session <- gconnect("usr@gmail.com", "psw")
#' gtrends(c("NHL", "NBA", "MLB", "MLS"))
#' gtrends("NHL", geo = c("CA", "US"))
#' # Search only for the sport category.
#' gtrends("NHL", geo = c("CA", "US"), cat = "0-20")
#' # Trends between 2015-01-01 and 2015-03-01 in Sweeden. Will be daily data.
#' gtrends("NHL", geo = c("SE"), start_date = "2015-01-01", end_date = "2015-03-01")
#' # Trends between 2015-01-01 and 2015-04-01 in Sweeden. Will be weekly data.
#' gtrends("NHL", geo = c("SE"), start_date = "2015-01-01", end_date = "2015-04-01")
#' # Last 4 hours trends
#' gtrends("NHL", geo = c("CA"), res = "4h")
#' # Last 7 days trends
#' gtrends("NHL", geo = c("CA"), res = "7d")
#' # Using categories
#' data("categories")
#' categories[grepl("music", categories$name, ignore.case = TRUE), ]
#' gtrends(cat = "1087")
#' }
#' @export
gtrends <- function(query, geo, cat, gprop, session, ...) {

#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom utils URLencode
#' @rdname gtrends
#' @export
gtrends.default <- function(query = "", 
                            geo = "", 
                            cat = "0", 
                            gprop = c("", "news", "images", "froogle", "youtube"),
                            res = c(NA, "1h", "4h", "1d", "7d"),
                            start_date = as.Date("2004-01-01"),
                            end_date = as.Date(Sys.time()),

  if (missing(session))  session  <- .getDefaultConnection()

            length(query) <= 5,
            length(geo) <= 5,
            cat %in% categories$id)
  res <- match.arg(res, several.ok = FALSE)
  gprop <- match.arg(gprop, several.ok = FALSE)
  if (length(query) > 1 & length(geo) > 1) {
    stop("Can not specify multiple keywords and geo at the same time.",
         call. = FALSE)
  cmpt <- ifelse(length(query) > 1, "q", "geo")
  if (is.null(session))
    stop("You are not signed in. Please log in using gconnect().",
         call. = FALSE)

  # Date verification.
  start_date <- as.Date(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d")  
  end_date <- as.Date(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d")  
  if (is.na(start_date)) {
    stop("start_date is not a valid date. Please use yyyy-mm-dd format.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (is.na(end_date)) {
    stop("end_date is not a valid date. Please use yyyy-mm-dd format.",
         call. = FALSE)
  stopifnot(start_date < end_date, 
            start_date >= as.Date("2004-01-01"), # cant be earlier than 2004
            end_date <= as.Date(Sys.time())) # cant be more than current date
  nmonth <- length(seq(from = start_date, to = end_date, by = "month"))
  if (nmonth >= 1) {
    date <- paste(format(start_date, "%m/%Y"), paste(nmonth, "m", sep = ""))
  if (!is.na(res)) {
    # Match Google code (ex. 1-H) to a more user friendly value (1h)
    resolution_code <-
        code = c("1-H", "4-H", "1-d", "7-d"),
        res = c("1h", "4h", "1d", "7d"),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    res <- resolution_code$code[resolution_code$res == res]
    date <- paste("now" , res)

  # Build the query.
  query <- paste(query, collapse = ",")
  ## Change encoding to utf-8
  if (!(Encoding(query) == "UTF-8")) {
    query <- iconv(query, "latin1", "utf-8", sub = "byte")
  countries[, 1] <- as.character(countries[, 1])
  countries[, 2] <- as.character(countries[, 2])
  countries[which(countries[, "country"] == "Namibia"), "code"] <- "NA"
  if (geo != "" && !all(geo %in% countries[, "code"]) && !all(geo %in% countries[, "subcode"])) {
    stop("Country code not valid. Please use 'data(countries)' to retreive valid codes.",
         call. = FALSE)
  geo <- paste(geo, sep = "", collapse = ", ")

  trendsURL <- "https://www.google.com/trends/trendsReport?"

  pp <- list(
    q = query,
    cat = cat,
    cmpt = cmpt,
    content = 1,
    export = 1,
    date = date,
    geo = geo,
    gprop = gprop

  trendsURL <- paste(trendsURL, paste(names(pp), pp, sep = "=", collapse = "&"), sep = "")
  trendsURL <- URLencode(trendsURL)
  resultsText <- rvest::jump_to(session, trendsURL)
  if (any(grep("quota", resultsText, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
    stop("Reached Google Trends quota limit! Please try again later.")
  queryparams <- c(
    query = query,
    cat = cat,
    geo = geo,
    time = format(Sys.time())
  resultsText <- rawToChar(resultsText$response$content)

  res <- .processResults(resultsText, queryparams)

  class(res) <- c("gtrends", "list")

#' @rdname gtrends
#' @param object A \code{\link{gtrends}} object
#' @import zoo
#' @export
summary.gtrends <- function(object, ...) {
  cat("Google Trends results for:\n")
  cat(unlist(strsplit(object$query[1], ",")))
  cat("\nRequested at: ")
  cat("\n\nSummary of trend:\n")
  ## cat("\nMain regions:\n")
  ## print(head(object[["regions"]]))
  ## cat("\nMain cities:\n")
  ## print(head(object[["cities"]]))
  ## cat("\nTop searches cities:\n")
  ## print(head(object[["searches"]]))
  ## cat("\nRising searches:\n")
  ## print(head(object[["rising"]]))

#' @rdname gtrends
#' @param x A \code{\link{gtrends}} object
#' @param type A character variable selecting the type of plot;
#' permissible values are \sQuote{trends} (which is also the
#' default), \sQuote{geo}.
#' @param which Block number containing the geographical data to plot.
#' @param ind A integer selecting the result set in case of multiple
#' search terms.
#' @return When \code{type} is equal to \sQuote{trends}, the resulting 
#' ggplot2 object is returned silently.
#' @import googleVis
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats reshape
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @examples 
#' data("sport_trend")
#' plot(sport_trend)
#' @export
plot.gtrends <- function(x, type = c("trend", "geo"), which = 5, ind = 1L, ...){
  type <- match.arg(type)
  ret <- NULL # by default we return nothing
  if (type == "trend") {
    if (length(unique(x$trend$location)) != 1) {
      color <- "location"
      linetype <- "keyword"
    } else {
      color <- "keyword"
      linetype <- "location"
    p <- ggplot(x$trend, aes_string(x = "start", y = "hits")) +
      geom_line(aes_string(color = color, linetype = linetype)) +
      xlab("Date") +
      ylab("Search hits") +
      ggtitle("Interest over time") +

    ret <- p
  } else if (type == "geo") {
    stopifnot(ind <= length(x[which]),
              which >= 5,
              which <= length(x))
    block <- x[which][[ind]]
    # Try to find if the requested block contains geographic information.
    if (!any(tolower(block[1,]) %in% tolower(locations$Name))) {
      message("The requested block does not seems to contain geographical information. Please choose another block.")
      print(paste(1:length(x), ":", " ", names(x), sep = ""))
      stop(call. = FALSE)
    if (all(is.na(block)))
      stop("Not enough search volume to show results.",
           call. = FALSE)
    df <- data.frame(loc = block[, 1], hits = block[, 2])
      options = list(
        region = "world",
        displayMode = "markers",
        resolution = "countries"

#' @rdname gtrends
as.zoo.gtrends <- function(x, ...) {
  z <- zoo(x[["trend"]][, -(1:2), drop = FALSE],
           order.by = x[["trend"]][, "end"])

#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
.processResults <- function(resultsText, queryparams) {

  vec <- strsplit(resultsText, "\\\n{2,}")[[1]]
  headers <- unname(sapply(vec, function(v) strsplit(v, "\\\n")[[1]][1]))
  # Make sure there are some results have been returned.
  if (length(vec) < 2) {
    stop("Not enough search volume. Please change your search terms.",
         call. = FALSE)
  # Section to deal with trend data.
  kw <- unlist(strsplit(queryparams[1], ","), use.names = FALSE)
  cat <- unlist(strsplit(queryparams[2], ","), use.names = FALSE)
  geo <- unlist(strsplit(queryparams[3], ","), use.names = FALSE)
  if (length(geo) == 0) {
    geo <- "World"
  # meta data
  meta  <- strsplit(vec[1], "\\\r\\\n")[[1]]

  # trend
  trend <- read.csv(textConnection(strsplit(vec[2], "\\\n")[[1]]),
                    skip = 1,
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # block date
  weeks <- data.frame(date = do.call(rbind, strsplit(trend[, 1], " - ")),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  trend <- trend[, 2:ncol(trend), drop = FALSE]

  trend <-
    as.data.frame(lapply(trend, function(x)
        "([0-9]+).*$", "\\1", x

  # No keyword provided, it must be a category
  if (length(kw) == 0) {
    kw <- gsub("\\.+", " ", names(trend))

  tmp_kw <- paste("kw", 1:ncol(trend), sep = "_")
  names(trend) <- tmp_kw

  if (ncol(weeks) == 2) {
    weeks <- lapply(weeks, as.POSIXct, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    weeks <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, weeks)
    names(weeks) <- c("start", "end")[1:ncol(weeks)]
  # Either daily or hourly data
  if (ncol(weeks) == 1) {
    if (nchar(weeks$date[1]) == 7) {
      # Sometimes data are returned without a day. Asusme it is first day of month.
      weeks <- as.POSIXct(paste(weeks[, 1], "-01", sep = ""))
      weeks <- data.frame(start = weeks)
      warning("Data was returned monthly.", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (nchar(weeks$date[1]) == 10) { 
      weeks <- as.POSIXct(weeks$date)
      weeks <- data.frame(start = weeks)
    } else {
      weeks <- as.POSIXct(weeks[, 1], format = "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M", tz = "UTC")
      weeks <- data.frame(start = weeks)
  trend <- cbind(weeks, trend)

  if (length(geo) == 1) {
    times <- kw
    timevar <- "keyword"
  } else {
    times <- geo
    timevar <- "location"
  trend <- reshape(
    varying = tmp_kw,
    v.names = "hits",
    direction = "long",
    timevar = timevar,
    times = times
  trend <- trend[, -ncol(trend)] # Remvoe the generated id
  row.names(trend) <- NULL 
  if (length(geo) == 1) {
    trend$location = geo
  } else {
    trend$keyword = kw
  # Remove lines with all NA (happens sometimes to the last line of the df)
  trend <- na.omit(trend)

  # Section to deal with geographical data
  # Data likely returned monthly, so no geographical information.
  blocks <- NULL
  if(length(vec) >= 3) {
    ## block 3+: geographical info
    start <- 3 # Always start at index 3
    blocks <- lapply(start:length(vec), function(i)
        textConnection(strsplit(vec[i], "\\\n")[[1]]),
        skip = 1,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    blocks <- Map(assign, 
                  value = blocks)
  res <- list(query = queryparams,
              meta = meta,
              trend = trend,
              headers = headers)

  res <- append(res, blocks)

  # if data was returned monthly, it will not be possible to plot maps
  res[lapply(res, length) == 0]  <- NA
  class(res) <- "gtrends"
cemigo114/GoogleAPI documentation built on July 18, 2020, 6:06 p.m.