
Defines functions print.scqe summary.scqe plot.scqe delta.optim.scqe.1cfull delta.optim.scqe2 delta_optim_SCQE_2C delta.optim.scqe scqe.1csumm scqe.2csumm scqe.1cfull scqe.2cfull scqemethod scqe

Documented in delta.optim.scqe delta.optim.scqe.1cfull delta.optim.scqe2 delta_optim_SCQE_2C plot.scqe print.scqe scqe scqe.1cfull scqe.1csumm scqe.2cfull scqe.2csumm scqemethod summary.scqe

#' scqe: Stability Controlled Quasi-Experimentation
#' The scqe package contains several function for statistical analysis that
#' factor in confounding variables and their impact on estimates
#' (Hazlett, 2019).
#' The main function in the package is \code{\link{scqe}}, which computes scqe
#' estimates and confidence intervals for one or two cohorts with summary or
#' full data given.
#' @references Hazlett, C. (2019), 'Estimating causal effects of new treatments
#' despite self-selection: The case of experimental medical treatments.'
#' Journal of Causal Inference.
#'@section package dependencies:
#' @name scqe-package
#' Stability controlled quasi-experiment (scqe)
#' @description
#' Main scqe function. Computes scqe estimates and corresponding confidence
#' intervals.
#' @param post Binary vector corresponding to T = 0, 1 for each observation.
#' @param treatment Binary or continuous vector corresponding (usually) to [0,1]
#'   (no treatment or treatment) for each observation.
#' @param outcome Continuous vector representing the outcome for each
#'   observation.
#' @param min_outcome Minimum value for the outcome.
#' Optional, not used if \code{outcome} is supplied.
#' @param max_outcome Maximum value for the outcome.
#' Optional, not used if \code{outcome} is supplied.
#' @param delta Single value or vector of possible values for change in
#' average non-treatment outcome between cohorts (if applicable).
#' @param min_delta Minimum delta. Optional, not used if \code{delta} is supplied.
#' @param max_delta Maximum delta. Optional, not used if \code{delta} is supplied.
#' @param cohort Numeric, 1 or 2 depending on cohort membership.
#' @param untr_pre Integer number of untreated patients in the first cohort if
#' applicable (summary statistics input) (T=0).
#' @param untr_post Integer number of untreated patients in the second cohort
#' if applicable (summary statistics input) (T=1).
#' @param tr_post Integer number of treated patients in the second cohort if
#' applicable (summary statistics input) (T=1).
#' @param tr_pre Integer number of treated patients in the first cohort if
#' applicable (summary statistics input) (T=0).
#' @param Y_tr_post Outcome for patients who received treatment at time T=1
#' (summary statistics input).
#' @param Y_untr_post Outcome for patients who did not receive treatment at
#' time T=1 (summary statistics input).
#' @param Y_tr_pre Outcome for patients who did receive treatment at time T=0
#' (summary statistics input).
#' @param Y_untr_pre Outcome for patients who did not receive treatment at time
#'  T=0 (summary statistics input).
#' @param untr Integer number of untreated patients (summary statistics input).
#' @param tr Integer number of treated patients (summary statistics input).
#' @param Y_tr Outcome for treated patients (summary statistics input).
#' @param Y_untr Outcome for untreated patients (summary statistics input).
#' @param alpha Numeric alpha for confidence interval (default is alpha = 0.05).
#' @param ... Extra optional arguments.
#'@return scqe object, results table
#' @references  Hazlett, C. (2019), 'Estimating causal effects of new treatments
#' despite self-selection: The case of experimental medical treatments.'
#' Journal of Causal Inference.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1234)
#' post = c(rep(0,100), rep(1,100))
#' tx = c(rep(0, 100), rbinom(n = 100, prob = 0.27, size = 1))
#' y = rbinom(n = 200, prob = 0.1 + .02 * post - 0.05 * tx, size = 1)
#' # Two cohorts, full data
#' scqe.2cohort.full = scqe(post = post, treatment = tx, outcome = y,
#'                         delta = seq(from = -0.1, to = 0.1, by = 0.05))
#' plot(scqe.2cohort.full)
#' summary(scqe.2cohort.full)
#' # One cohort, full data
#' scqe.1cohort.full = scqe(treatment = tx, outcome = y,
#'                         delta=seq(from = -0.1, to = 0.1, by = 0.05))
#' plot(scqe.1cohort.full)
#' summary(scqe.1cohort.full)
#' # Two cohorts, summary data only
#' scqe.2cohort.sum = scqe(untr_pre = 200,untr_post = 150, tr_post = 50,
#'                        tr_pre = 0, Y_tr_post = 20, Y_untr_post = 1,
#'                        Y_tr_pre = 0, Y_untr_pre = 5, min_delta = 0.1,
#'                        max_delta = 1)
#' plot(scqe.2cohort.sum)
#' summary(scqe.2cohort.sum)
#' # One cohort, summary data only
#' scqe.1cohort.sum = scqe(untr = 100, tr = 200, Y_untr = 5, Y_tr = 50,
#'                         min_delta= 0.1, max_delta = 1)
#' plot(scqe.1cohort.sum)
#' summary(scqe.1cohort.sum)
#' @export

scqe <- function(post,
                 alpha = 0.05,
  scqe.obj <- NA

  # Check that arguments are of the expected (numeric or integer) type
  argument_list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE))
  arguments_type_checker(argument_list, parent.eval.n = 1)

  # first define class of object is.numeric(post) = TRUE indicates 2 cohort case
  # is.numeric(untr) indicates summary case
  if (missing(post) & missing(untr) & missing(untr_post))
    class(scqe.obj) <- "1cfull"
  } else if (!missing(post) & missing(untr) & missing(untr_post))
    class(scqe.obj) <- "2cfull"
  } else if (missing(post) & !missing(untr) & missing(untr_post))
    class(scqe.obj) <- "1csumm"
  } else if (!missing(untr_post))
    class(scqe.obj) <- "2csumm"

  # call the main scqe function
  return(scqemethod(scqe.obj, post = post, treatment = treatment,
                    outcome = outcome, delta = delta, cohort = cohort,
                    untr_pre = untr_pre, untr_post = untr_post,
                    tr_post = tr_post, tr_pre = tr_pre, Y_tr_post = Y_tr_post,
                    Y_untr_post = Y_untr_post, Y_tr_pre = Y_tr_pre,
                    Y_untr_pre = Y_untr_pre, untr = untr, tr = tr, Y_tr = Y_tr,
                    Y_untr = Y_untr, min_delta = min_delta,
                    max_delta = max_delta, alpha = alpha))
#' Stability controlled quasi-experiment (scqe)
#'@description Dispatches to correct scqe function
#'@return scqe object of class "scqe", results table
#' @param ...  Arguments from scqe
scqemethod <- function(...)
#' Stability controlled quasi-experiment (scqe) for 2 cohort case, full data
#' @description
#' This function returns the scqe estimates and confidence intervals for the
#' 2 cohort case when the user inputs full data.
#' @param post Binary vector corresponding to T = 0,1 for each observation.
#' @param treatment Binary or continuous vector corresponding (usually) to 0,1
#'   (no treatment or treatment) for each observation.
#' @param outcome Continuous vector representing the outcome for each
#'   observation.
#' @param delta Single value or vector of possible values for change in
#' average non-treatment outcome between cohorts (if applicable).
#' @param min_delta Minimum delta. Optional, not used if \code{delta} is supplied.
#' @param max_delta Maximum delta. Optional, not used if \code{delta} is supplied.
#' @param alpha Numeric alpha for confidence interval (default is alpha = 0.05).
#' @param ... Extra optional arguments.
#'@return scqe object of class "scqe." Returns results table for the 2 cohort,
#'full data case.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1234)
#' post = c(rep(0,100), rep(1,100))
#' tx = c(rep(0, 100), rbinom(n = 100, prob = 0.27, size = 1))
#' y = rbinom(n = 200, prob = 0.1 + 0.02 * post - 0.05 * tx, size = 1)
#' # Two cohorts, full data
#' scqe.2cohort.full = scqe(post = post, treatment = tx, outcome = y,
#' delta = seq(from = -0.1,to = 0.1, by = 0.05))
#' plot(scqe.2cohort.full)
#' summary(scqe.2cohort.full)
scqe.2cfull <- function(post,
                        min_delta, max_delta,
                        alpha = 0.05,
  # Check that arguments are of the expected (numeric or integer) type
  argument_list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE))

  value <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))

  delta_list <- delta_setter(delta, min_delta, max_delta)

  if (all(post == TRUE | post == FALSE))
    post <- as.numeric(post)

  # check if delta is in range for binary case
  if (all(outcome == 1 | outcome == 0))
    if (any(delta_list > 1 | delta_list < -1))
      warning("One or more deltas out of expected range (-1,1)")
  } else
    # checks if delta is in range for non-binary case
    quant <- stats::quantile(outcome, probs = c(0.25, 0.75))
    diff <- quant[[2]] - quant[[1]]
    if (any(delta_list > diff | delta_list < -diff))
      warning("One or more deltas out of expected range")
  y2 <- outcome - post %*% t(delta_list)
  r <- data.frame(term = numeric(length(delta_list)),
                  estimate = numeric(length(delta_list)),
                  conf.low = numeric(length(delta_list)),
                  conf.high = numeric(length(delta_list)),
                  se = numeric(length(delta_list)))
  for (i in 1:length(delta_list))
    iv.out <- summary(AER::ivreg(y2[, i] ~ treatment | post))
    est <- iv.out$coef["treatment", 1]
    se <- iv.out$coef["treatment", 2]
    conf.low <- est - value * se
    conf.high <- est + value * se
    r[i, ] <- c(delta_list[i], est, conf.low, conf.high, se)
  out <- list()
  out$result <- r
  out$cohort <- 2
  out$post <- post
  out$treatment <- treatment
  out$outcome <- outcome
  out$delta <- delta_list
  out$alpha <- alpha
  class(out) <- c("scqe")
#' Stability controlled quasi-experiment (scqe) for 1 cohort case, full data
#' This function returns the scqe estimates and confidence intervals for the
#' 1 cohort case (ie there is not 'post' input) when the user inputs full data.
#' @param treatment Binary or continuous vector corresponding (usually) to 0,1
#'   (no treatment or treatment) for each observation.
#' @param outcome Continuous vector representing the outcome for each
#'   observation.
#' @param delta Single value or vector of possible values for change in
#' average non-treatment outcome between cohorts (if applicable).
#' @param alpha Numeric alpha for confidence interval (default is alpha = 0.05).
#' @param min_delta Minimum delta. Optional, not used if \code{delta} is supplied.
#' @param max_delta Maximum delta. Optional, not used if \code{delta} is supplied.
#' @param ... Extra optional arguments.
#' @return scqe object of class "scqe." Returns results table for the 1 cohort, full data case.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1234)
#' post = c(rep(0,100), rep(1,100))
#' tx = c(rep(0, 100), rbinom(n = 100, prob = 0.27, size = 1))
#' y = rbinom(n = 200, prob = 0.1 + 0.02 * post - 0.05 * tx, size = 1)
#' # One cohort, full data
#' scqe.1cohort.full = scqe(treatment = tx, outcome = y,
#'                          delta=seq(from = -0.1, to = 0.1, by = 0.05))
#' plot(scqe.1cohort.full)
#' summary(scqe.1cohort.full)

scqe.1cfull <- function(treatment,
                        alpha = 0.05,
  # Check that arguments are of the expected (numeric or integer) type
  argument_list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE))

  value <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))

  delta_list <- delta_setter(delta, min_delta, max_delta)

  # check if delta is in range for binary case
  if (all(outcome == 1 | outcome == 0))
    if (any(delta_list > 1 | delta_list < -1))
      warning("One or more deltas out of expected range [-1,1]")
  N <- length(treatment)  #number of obs
  pi1 <- sum(treatment)/N  #number of treated ind/N
  Ybar_T1 <- sum(outcome)/N  #the sum of outcomes for treated and untreated/N
  r <- data.frame(term = numeric(length(delta_list)),
                  estimate = numeric(length(delta_list)),
                  conf.low = numeric(length(delta_list)),
                  conf.high = numeric(length(delta_list)),
                  se = numeric(length(delta_list)))
  for (i in 1:length(delta_list))
    Beta_SCQE_outcome <- (Ybar_T1 - delta_list[i])/pi1  #code adapted from shiby app for calculations here
    SE_B_SCQE_outcome <- sqrt((1/(N - 1)) * (((Ybar_T1 * (1 - Ybar_T1))/(pi1^2)) +
                                               ((Ybar_T1 - delta_list[i])^2 * (pi1 * (1 - pi1)))/(pi1^4)))
    Beta_SCQE_1C <- c(Beta_SCQE_outcome)
    SE_B_SCQE_1C <- c(SE_B_SCQE_outcome)
    r[i, ] <- c(delta_list[i], Beta_SCQE_1C, Beta_SCQE_1C - value * SE_B_SCQE_1C,
                Beta_SCQE_1C + value * SE_B_SCQE_1C, SE_B_SCQE_1C)
  out <- list()
  out$result <- r
  out$cohort <- 1
  out$treatment <- treatment
  out$outcome <- outcome
  out$delta <- delta_list
  out$alpha <- alpha
  class(out) <- c("scqe")
#' Stability controlled quasi-experiment (scqe) for 1 cohort case,
#' summary statistics
#' This function returns the scqe estimates and confidence intervals for the
#' 2 cohort case when the user inputs only summary statistics.
#' @param untr_pre Integer number of untreated patients in the first cohort if
#' applicable (summary statistics input) (T=0).
#' @param tr_pre Integer number of treated patients in the first cohort if
#' applicable (summary statistics input) (T=0).
#' @param untr_post Integer number of untreated patients in the second cohort
#' if applicable (summary statistics input) (T=1).
#' @param tr_post Integer number of treated patients in the second cohort if
#' applicable (summary statistics input) (T=1).
#' @param Y_tr_post Outcome for patients who received treatment at time T=1
#' (summary statistics input).
#' @param Y_untr_post Outcome for patients who did not receive treatment at
#' time T=1 (summary statistics input).
#' @param Y_tr_pre Outcome for patients who did receive treatment at time T=0
#' (summary statistics input).
#' @param Y_untr_pre Outcome for patients who did not receive treatment at time
#'  T=0 (summary statistics input).
#' @param delta Numeric scalar or numeric vector of possible values for change
#' in average non-treatment outcome between cohorts (if applicable).
#' @param min_delta Minimum delta. Optional, not used if \code{delta} is supplied.
#' @param max_delta Maximum delta. Optional, not used if \code{delta} is supplied.
#' @param alpha Numeric alpha for confidence interval (default is alpha=.05).
#' @param ... Extra optional arguments.
#' @return scqe object of class "scqe." Returns results table for the 2 cohort,
#' summary statistics case.
#' @examples
#' # Two cohorts, summary data only
#' scqe_2cohort_sum <- scqe(untr_pre = 200,untr_post = 150,tr_post = 50,
#'                          tr_pre=0, Y_tr_post = 20, Y_untr_post = 1,
#'                          Y_tr_pre=0, Y_untr_pre = 5,min_delta = 0.1,
#'                          max_delta = 1)
#' plot(scqe_2cohort_sum)
#' summary(scqe_2cohort_sum)
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
scqe.2csumm <- function(untr_pre, untr_post, tr_post, tr_pre, Y_tr_post,
                        Y_untr_post, Y_tr_pre, Y_untr_pre, min_delta,
                        max_delta, delta, alpha = 0.05, ...)
  # Check that arguments are of the expected (numeric or integer) type
  argument_list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE))

  value <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))

  delta_list <- delta_setter(delta, min_delta, max_delta)

  N_pre <- untr_pre + tr_pre
  N_post <- untr_post + tr_post
  N <- N_pre + N_post
  Y_pre <- Y_tr_pre + Y_untr_pre
  Y_post <- Y_tr_post + Y_untr_post
  P_T1 <- N_post/N
  P_D1 <- (tr_post + tr_pre)/N
  P_D1_T1 <- tr_post/N
  P_D1_T0 <- tr_pre/N
  P_D0_T1 <- (N_post - tr_post)/N
  P_D0_T0 <- (N_pre - tr_pre)/N
  P_T1_D1_Y1 <- Y_tr_post/N
  P_T0_D1_Y1 <- Y_tr_pre/N
  P_T1_D0_Y1 <- Y_untr_post/N
  P_T0_D0_Y1 <- Y_untr_pre/N
  P_T1_D1_Y0 <- (tr_post - Y_tr_post)/N
  P_T0_D1_Y0 <- (tr_pre - Y_tr_pre)/N
  P_T1_D0_Y0 <- (N_post - tr_post - Y_untr_post)/N
  P_T0_D0_Y0 <- (N_pre - tr_pre - Y_untr_pre)/N
  Beta_SCQE <- NULL
  for (d in delta_list)
    # mean(delta_Y[post==1]) mean(outcome[post==1])-delta
    # mean(outcome&post)/mean(post) - delta
    tildeY_in_post <- Y_post/N_post - d  ###
    # mean(delta_Y[post==0]) mean(outcome[post==0]) mean(outcome&!post)/mean(!post)
    tildeY_in_pre <- Y_pre/N_pre
    # mean(tr[post==1]) mean(tr==1&post==1)/mean(post==1)
    tr_in_post <- tr_post/N_post
    # mean(tr[post==0]) mean(tr==1&post==0)/mean(post==0)
    tr_in_pre <- tr_pre/N_pre
    Beta_SCQE_delta <- (tildeY_in_post - tildeY_in_pre)/(tr_in_post - tr_in_pre)  ###
    # mean(delta_Y) mean(outcome) - delta*mean(post)
    tildeY_all <- (Y_pre + Y_post - d * N_post)/N  ###
    Beta_0 <- tildeY_all - Beta_SCQE_delta * P_D1  ###
    SE_B_SCQE_delta <- sqrt((P_T1 * (1 - P_T1))/(N - 2) * (P_T1_D1_Y1 * (1 -
                                                                           d - Beta_0 - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2 + P_T1_D0_Y1 * (1 - d - Beta_0)^2 + P_T1_D1_Y0 *
                                                             (-d - Beta_0 - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2 + P_T1_D0_Y0 * (-d - Beta_0)^2 + P_T0_D1_Y1 *
                                                             (1 - Beta_0 - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2 + P_T0_D0_Y1 * (1 - Beta_0)^2 + P_T0_D1_Y0 *
                                                             (-Beta_0 - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2 + P_T0_D0_Y0 * (-Beta_0)^2))/(P_D1_T1 *
                                                                                                                           (1 - P_D1) * (1 - P_T1) + P_D1_T0 * (1 - P_D1) * (-P_T1) + P_D0_T1 *
                                                                                                                           (-P_D1) * (1 - P_T1) + P_D0_T0 * (-P_D1) * (-P_T1))  ###
    Beta_SCQE <- c(Beta_SCQE, Beta_SCQE_delta)
    SE_B_SCQE <- c(SE_B_SCQE, SE_B_SCQE_delta)
  SCQE_2C_df <- data.frame(term = delta_list, estimate = Beta_SCQE, conf.low = Beta_SCQE -
                             value * SE_B_SCQE, conf.high = Beta_SCQE + value * SE_B_SCQE, se = SE_B_SCQE)
  out <- list()
  out$result <- SCQE_2C_df
  out$cohort <- 2
  out$treatment <- c(rep(0, untr_pre + untr_post), rep(1, tr_pre + tr_post))
  out$post <- c(rep(0, untr_pre), rep(1, untr_post), rep(0, tr_pre), rep(1, tr_post))
  out$outcome <- c(rep(1, Y_untr_pre), rep(0, ifelse(untr_pre - Y_untr_pre < 0,
                                                     0, untr_pre - Y_untr_pre)),
                                                     rep(1, Y_untr_post),
                                                     rep(0, ifelse(untr_post - Y_untr_post < 0, 0, untr_post - Y_untr_post)),
                                                     rep(1, Y_tr_pre), rep(0, ifelse(tr_pre - Y_tr_pre < 0, 0, tr_pre - Y_tr_pre)),
                                                     rep(1, Y_tr_post),
                                                     rep(0, ifelse(tr_post - Y_tr_post < 0, 0, tr_post - Y_tr_post)))
  out$alpha <- alpha
  class(out) <- c("scqe")
#' Stability controlled quasi-experiment (scqe) for 1 cohort case, summary
#' statistics
#' @description
#' This function returns the scqe estimates and confidence intervals for the
#' 1 cohort case when the user inputs only summary statistics.
#' @param untr_1C Number of untreated individuals.
#' @param Y_untr_1C Outcome for untreated individuals.
#' @param tr_1C Number of treated individuals.
#' @param Y_tr_1C Outcome for treated individuals.
#' @param delta Single value or vector of possible values for change in
#' average non-treatment outcome between cohorts (if applicable).
#' @param min_delta Minimum delta. Optional, not used if \code{delta} is supplied.
#' @param max_delta Maximum delta. Optional, not used if \code{delta} is supplied.
#' @param alpha Numeric alpha for confidence interval (default is alpha = 0.05).
#' @param ... Extra optional arguments.
#'@return scqe object of class "scqe." Returns results table for the 1 cohort,
#' summary statistics case.
#' @examples
#' # One cohort, summary data only
#' scqe.1cohort.sum = scqe(untr=100,tr=200,Y_untr=5,Y_tr=50,
#' min_delta=.1,max_delta=1)
#' plot(scqe.1cohort.sum)
#' summary(scqe.1cohort.sum)
scqe.1csumm <- function(untr_1C,
                        alpha = 0.05, ...)
  # Check that arguments are of the expected (numeric or integer) type
  argument_list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE))

  value <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))

  delta_list <- delta_setter(delta, min_delta, max_delta)

  N <- tr_1C + untr_1C
  pi1 <- tr_1C/N
  Ybar_T1 <- (Y_tr_1C + Y_untr_1C)/N
  Beta_SCQE_1C <- NULL
  for (Y_T0 in delta_list)
    Beta_SCQE_outcome <- (Ybar_T1 - Y_T0)/pi1
    SE_B_SCQE_outcome <- sqrt((1/(N - 1)) * (((Ybar_T1 * (1 - Ybar_T1))/(pi1^2)) +
                                               ((Ybar_T1 - Y_T0)^2 * (pi1 * (1 - pi1)))/(pi1^4)))
    Beta_SCQE_1C <- c(Beta_SCQE_1C, Beta_SCQE_outcome)
    SE_B_SCQE_1C <- c(SE_B_SCQE_1C, SE_B_SCQE_outcome)
  SCQE_1C_df <- data.frame(term = delta_list, estimate = Beta_SCQE_1C, conf.low = Beta_SCQE_1C -
                             value * SE_B_SCQE_1C, conf.high = Beta_SCQE_1C + value * SE_B_SCQE_1C, se = SE_B_SCQE_1C)
  out <- list()
  out$result <- SCQE_1C_df
  out$cohort <- 1
  out$treatment <- c(rep(0, untr_1C), rep(1, tr_1C))
  out$outcome <- c(rep(1, Y_untr_1C), rep(0, ifelse(untr_1C - Y_untr_1C < 0, 0,
                                                    untr_1C - Y_untr_1C)), rep(1, Y_tr_1C), rep(0, ifelse(tr_1C - Y_untr_1C <
                                                                                                            0, 0, tr_1C - Y_untr_1C)))
  out$alpha <- alpha
  class(out) <- c("scqe")
#' Delta optimization method for \code{scqe} 1 cohort, summary statistics
#' @rdname delta.optim.scqe
#' @description
#' The \code{print} method provides the critical values presented in the summary
#' method for scqe objects.
#'@param Y_T0 Y
#'@param untreated Number of untreated individuals.
#'@param Y_untreated Outcome for untreated individuals.
#'@param treated Number of treated individuals.
#'@param Y_treated Outcome for treated individuals.
#'@param obj scqe object.
#'@param specified Specified optional arguments.
#'@param alpha Numeric alpha for confidence intervals (default alpha = 0.05).
#'@param ... Extra optional arguments.
#'@return Optimal delta.
#' @export
delta.optim.scqe <- function(Y_T0, untreated,
                             specified = NULL,
                             alpha = 0.05, ...)
  value <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))
  N <- treated + untreated
  pi1 <- treated/N
  Ybar_T1 <- (Y_untreated + Y_untreated)/N
  Beta_SCQE_1C <- (Ybar_T1 - Y_T0)/pi1
  SE_B_SCQE_1C <- sqrt((1/(N - 1)) * (((Ybar_T1 * (1 - Ybar_T1))/(pi1^2)) + ((Ybar_T1 -
                                                                                Y_T0)^2 * (pi1 * (1 - pi1)))/(pi1^4)))
  if (obj == "zero")
  if (obj == "less")
    return((Beta_SCQE_1C + value * SE_B_SCQE_1C)^2)
  if (obj == "harm")
    return((Beta_SCQE_1C - value * SE_B_SCQE_1C)^2)
  if (obj == "spec")
    return((specified - Beta_SCQE_1C)^2)
#' Delta optimization method for \code{scqe} 2 cohort, summary statistics
#' @rdname delta_optim_SCQE_2C
#' @description
#' The \code{print} method provides the critical values presented in the summary
#' method for scqe objects.
#' @param delta Single value or vector of possible values for change in
#' average non-treatment outcome between cohorts (if applicable).
#' @param untr_pre Integer number of untreated patients in the first cohort if
#' applicable (summary statistics input) (T=0).
#' @param untr_post Integer number of untreated patients in the second cohort
#' if applicable (summary statistics input) (T=1).
#' @param tr_post Integer number of treated patients in the second cohort if
#' applicable (summary statistics input) (T=1).
#' @param tr_pre Integer number of treated patients in the first cohort if
#' applicable (summary statistics input) (T=0).
#' @param Y_tr_post Outcome for patients who received treatment at time T=1
#' (summary statistics input).
#' @param Y_untr_pre Outcome for patients who did not receive treatment at time
#'  T=0 (summary statistics input).
#' @param Y_tr_pre Outcome for patients who did receive treatment at time T=0
#' (summary statistics input).
#' @param Y_untr_post Outcome for patients who did not receive treatment at
#' time T=1 (summary statistics input).
#' @param obj scqe object.
#' @param specified Specified optional arguments.
#' @param alpha Numeric alpha for confidence intervals (default alpha = 0.05).
#' @param ... Extra optional arguments.
#'@return Optimal delta.
#' @export
delta_optim_SCQE_2C <- function(delta,
                                specified = NULL,
                                alpha = 0.05, ...)
  value <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))
  N_pre <- untr_pre + tr_pre
  N_post <- untr_post + tr_post
  N <- N_pre + N_post
  Y_pre <- Y_tr_pre + Y_untr_pre
  Y_post <- Y_tr_post + Y_untr_post
  P_T1 <- N_post/N
  P_D1 <- (tr_post + tr_pre)/N
  P_D1_T1 <- tr_post/N
  P_D1_T0 <- tr_pre/N
  P_D0_T1 <- (N_post - tr_post)/N
  P_D0_T0 <- (N_pre - tr_pre)/N
  P_T1_D1_Y1 <- Y_tr_post/N
  P_T0_D1_Y1 <- Y_tr_pre/N
  P_T1_D0_Y1 <- Y_untr_post/N
  P_T0_D0_Y1 <- Y_untr_pre/N
  P_T1_D1_Y0 <- (tr_post - Y_tr_post)/N
  P_T0_D1_Y0 <- (tr_pre - Y_tr_pre)/N
  P_T1_D0_Y0 <- (N_post - tr_post - Y_untr_post)/N
  P_T0_D0_Y0 <- (N_pre - tr_pre - Y_untr_pre)/N
  tildeY_in_post <- Y_post/N_post - delta
  tildeY_in_pre <- Y_pre/N_pre
  tr_in_post <- tr_post/N_post
  tr_in_pre <- tr_pre/N_pre
  Beta_SCQE_delta <- (tildeY_in_post - tildeY_in_pre)/(tr_in_post - tr_in_pre)
  tildeY_all <- (Y_pre + Y_post - delta * N_post)/N
  Beta_0 <- tildeY_all - Beta_SCQE_delta * P_D1
  SE_B_SCQE_delta <- sqrt((P_T1 * (1 - P_T1))/(N - 2) * (P_T1_D1_Y1 * (1 - delta -
                                                                         Beta_0 - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2 + P_T1_D0_Y1 * (1 - delta - Beta_0)^2 + P_T1_D1_Y0 *
                                                           (-delta - Beta_0 - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2 + P_T1_D0_Y0 * (-delta - Beta_0)^2 +
                                                           P_T0_D1_Y1 * (1 - Beta_0 - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2 + P_T0_D0_Y1 * (1 - Beta_0)^2 +
                                                           P_T0_D1_Y0 * (-Beta_0 - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2 + P_T0_D0_Y0 * (-Beta_0)^2))/(P_D1_T1 *
                                                                                                                                      (1 - P_D1) * (1 - P_T1) + P_D1_T0 * (1 - P_D1) * (-P_T1) + P_D0_T1 * (-P_D1) *
                                                                                                                                      (1 - P_T1) + P_D0_T0 * (-P_D1) * (-P_T1))
  if (obj == "zero")
  if (obj == "spec")
    return((specified - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2)
  # If treatment use is increasing, the threshold delta for a significant negative
  # effect is a minimum, and the threshold delta for a significant positive effect
  # is a maximum
  if (P_D1_T1 > P_D1_T0)
    if (obj == "neg")
      return((Beta_SCQE_delta + value * SE_B_SCQE_delta)^2)
    if (obj == "pos")
      return((Beta_SCQE_delta - value * SE_B_SCQE_delta)^2)
  # If treatment use is decreasing, these minimums and maximums flip
  if (obj == "pos")
    return((Beta_SCQE_delta + value * SE_B_SCQE_delta)^2)
  if (obj == "neg")
    return((Beta_SCQE_delta - value * SE_B_SCQE_delta)^2)
#' Delta optimization method for \code{scqe} 2 cohort, full data
#' @rdname delta.optim.scqe2
#' @description
#' The \code{print} method provides the critical values presented in the summary
#' method for scqe objects.
#' @param post Binary vector corresponding to T=0,1 for each observation.
#' @param treatment Binary or continuous vector corresponding (usually) to 0,1.
#' @param outcome Continuous vector representing the outcome for each
#' observation
#' @param delta Single value or vector of possible values for change in
#' average non-treatment outcome between cohorts (if applicable).
#' @param obj scqe object.
#' @param alpha Numeric alpha for confidence intervals (default alpha=.05).
#' @param specified Specified optional arguments.
#' @param ... Extra optional arguments.
#'@return Optimal delta.
#' @export
delta.optim.scqe2 <- function(post,
                              alpha = 0.05,
                              specified = NULL,
  value <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))
  untr_pre <- length(intersect(which(treatment == 0), which(post == 0)))
  untr_post <- length(intersect(which(treatment == 0), which(post == 1)))
  tr_post <- length(intersect(which(treatment == 1), which(post == 1)))
  tr_pre <- length(intersect(which(treatment == 1), which(post == 0)))
  Y_tr_post <- sum(outcome[intersect(which(treatment == 1), which(post == 1))])
  Y_untr_post <- sum(outcome[intersect(which(treatment == 0), which(post == 1))])
  Y_tr_pre <- sum(outcome[intersect(which(treatment == 1), which(post == 0))])
  Y_untr_pre <- sum(outcome[intersect(which(treatment == 0), which(post == 0))])
  N_pre <- untr_pre + tr_pre
  N_post <- untr_post + tr_post
  N <- N_pre + N_post
  Y_pre <- Y_tr_pre + Y_untr_pre
  Y_post <- Y_tr_post + Y_untr_post
  P_T1 <- N_post/N
  P_D1 <- (tr_post + tr_pre)/N
  P_D1_T1 <- tr_post/N
  P_D1_T0 <- tr_pre/N
  P_D0_T1 <- (N_post - tr_post)/N
  P_D0_T0 <- (N_pre - tr_pre)/N
  P_T1_D1_Y1 <- Y_tr_post/N
  P_T0_D1_Y1 <- Y_tr_pre/N
  P_T1_D0_Y1 <- Y_untr_post/N
  P_T0_D0_Y1 <- Y_untr_pre/N
  P_T1_D1_Y0 <- (tr_post - Y_tr_post)/N
  P_T0_D1_Y0 <- (tr_pre - Y_tr_pre)/N
  P_T1_D0_Y0 <- (N_post - tr_post - Y_untr_post)/N
  P_T0_D0_Y0 <- (N_pre - tr_pre - Y_untr_pre)/N
  tildeY_in_post <- Y_post/N_post - delta
  tildeY_in_pre <- Y_pre/N_pre
  tr_in_post <- tr_post/N_post
  tr_in_pre <- tr_pre/N_pre
  Beta_SCQE_delta <- (tildeY_in_post - tildeY_in_pre)/(tr_in_post - tr_in_pre)
  tildeY_all <- (Y_pre + Y_post - delta * N_post)/N
  Beta_0 <- tildeY_all - Beta_SCQE_delta * P_D1
  SE_B_SCQE_delta <- sqrt((P_T1 * (1 - P_T1))/(N - 2) * (P_T1_D1_Y1 * (1 - delta -
                                                                         Beta_0 - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2 + P_T1_D0_Y1 * (1 - delta - Beta_0)^2 + P_T1_D1_Y0 *
                                                           (-delta - Beta_0 - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2 + P_T1_D0_Y0 * (-delta - Beta_0)^2 +
                                                           P_T0_D1_Y1 * (1 - Beta_0 - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2 + P_T0_D0_Y1 * (1 - Beta_0)^2 +
                                                           P_T0_D1_Y0 * (-Beta_0 - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2 + P_T0_D0_Y0 * (-Beta_0)^2))/(P_D1_T1 *
                                                                                                                                      (1 - P_D1) * (1 - P_T1) + P_D1_T0 * (1 - P_D1) * (-P_T1) + P_D0_T1 * (-P_D1) *
                                                                                                                                      (1 - P_T1) + P_D0_T0 * (-P_D1) * (-P_T1))
  if (obj == "zero")
  if (obj == "spec")
    return((specified - Beta_SCQE_delta)^2)
  # If treatment use is increasing, the threshold delta for a significant negative
  # effect is a minimum, and the threshold delta for a significant positive effect
  # is a maximum
  if (P_D1_T1 > P_D1_T0)
    if (obj == "less")
      return((Beta_SCQE_delta + value * SE_B_SCQE_delta)^2)
    if (obj == "harm")
      return((Beta_SCQE_delta - value * SE_B_SCQE_delta)^2)
  # If treatment use is decreasing, these minimums and maximums flip
  if (obj == "less")
    return((Beta_SCQE_delta + value * SE_B_SCQE_delta)^2)
  if (obj == "harm")
    return((Beta_SCQE_delta - value * SE_B_SCQE_delta)^2)
#' Delta optimization method for \code{scqe} 1 cohort, full data
#' @rdname delta.optim.scqe.1cfull
#' @description
#' The \code{print} method provides the critical values presented in the summary
#' method for scqe objects.
#' @param treatment Binary or continuous vector corresponding (usually) to 0,1
#' (no treatment or treatment) for each observation.
#' @param outcome Continuous vector representing the outcome for each
#' observation.
#' @param delta Single value or vector of possible values for change in
#' average non-treatment outcome between cohorts (if applicable).
#' @param obj scqe object.
#' @param specified Specified optional arguments.
#' @param alpha Numeric alpha for confidence intervals (default alpha=.05).
#' @param ... Extra optional arguments.
#' @return Optimal delta.
#' @export
delta.optim.scqe.1cfull <- function(treatment,
                                    specified = NULL,
                                    alpha = 0.05, ...)
  value <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))
  N <- length(treatment)
  pi1 <- sum(treatment)/N
  Ybar_T1 <- sum(outcome)/N
  Beta_SCQE_1C <- (Ybar_T1 - delta)/pi1
  SE_B_SCQE_1C <- sqrt((1/(N - 1)) * (((Ybar_T1 * (1 - Ybar_T1))/(pi1^2)) + ((Ybar_T1 -
                                                                                delta)^2 * (pi1 * (1 - pi1)))/(pi1^4)))
  if (obj == "zero")
  if (obj == "less")
    return((Beta_SCQE_1C + value * SE_B_SCQE_1C)^2)
  if (obj == "harm")
    return((Beta_SCQE_1C - value * SE_B_SCQE_1C)^2)
  if (obj == "spec")
    return((specified - Beta_SCQE_1C)^2)
#' Plot method for \code{scqe}
#' @rdname plot.scqe
#' @description
#' The \code{print} method provides a plot of the estimates
#' and confidence intervals for the scqe estimates for the range of
#' values of delta provided by the user.
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{scqe}}
#' @param xlab Optional character label for x axis.
#' @param ylab Optional character label for y axis.
#' @param ... Extra optional arguments
#' @return Plot of estimates and confidence intervals.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1234)
#' post <- c(rep(0,100), rep(1,100))
#' tx <- c(rep(0, 100), rbinom(n = 100, prob = 0.27, size = 1))
#' y <- rbinom(n = 200, prob = 0.1 + 0.02 * post - 0.05 * tx, size = 1)
#' # Two cohorts, full data
#' scqe.2cohort.full <- scqe(post = post, treatment = tx, outcome = y,
#'                           delta = seq(from = -0.1, to = 0.1, by = 0.05))
#' plot(scqe.2cohort.full)
#' @export
plot.scqe <- function(x, xlab, ylab, ...)
  if (missing(xlab))
    xlab <- c("Average treatment effected on treated")
  if (missing(ylab))
    ylab <- c("Delta")
  x <- as.data.frame(x$result)
  term <- NULL
  estimate <- NULL
  conf.high <- NULL
  conf.low <- NULL
  return(ggplot2::ggplot(x, ggplot2::aes(x = term, y = estimate, ymin = conf.low,
                                                ymax = conf.high)) + ggplot2::geom_pointrange(size = 0.5, shape = 16) + ggplot2::ylab(xlab) +
           ggplot2::xlab(ylab) + ggplot2::coord_flip() + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0,
                                                                                                   color = "gray50"))
#' Summary method for \code{scqe}
#' @rdname summary.scqe
#' @description
#' The \code{summary} method provides several statements that summarize
#' important values of delta requires to make different conclusions
#' about the treatment's effect on patient outcome.
#' @param object an object of class \code{\link{scqe}}
#' @param ... Extra optional arguments
#'@return Text interpretations of your results from scqe method results table.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1234)
#' post <- c(rep(0, 100), rep(1, 100))
#' tx <- c(rep(0, 100), rbinom(n = 100, prob = 0.27, size = 1))
#' y <- rbinom(n = 200, prob = 0.1 + 0.02 * post - 0.05 * tx, size = 1)
#' # Two cohorts, full data
#' scqe.2cohort.full = scqe(post = post, treatment = tx, outcome = y,
#'                          delta=seq(from = -0.1, to = 0.1, by = 0.05))
#' summary(scqe.2cohort.full)
#' @importFrom stats optimize
#' @export
summary.scqe <- function(object, ...)
  treatment <- object$treatment
  post <- object$post
  outcome <- object$outcome
  cohort <- object$cohort
  alpha <- object$alpha
  object <- as.data.frame(object$result)
  value <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))
  if (cohort == 2)
    # optimize for the 'less likely case'
    opt_less_1C_full <- round(as.numeric(optimize(f = delta.optim.scqe2, interval = c(-1,
                                                                                      1), treatment = treatment, outcome = outcome, post = post, alpha = alpha,
                                                  obj = "less", tol = 1e-04)[1]), 3)
    # claim: treatment makes outcome less likely
    one <- utils::capture.output(cat("One must claim the shift in outcomes under no treatment change was",
                                     opt_less_1C_full, "or above."))
    # optimize for 'more likely case'
    opt_harm_1C_full <- round(as.numeric(optimize(f = delta.optim.scqe2, interval = c(-1,
                                                                                      1), treatment = treatment, outcome = outcome, post = post, alpha = alpha,
                                                  obj = "harm", tol = 1e-04)[1]), 3)
    # claim: treatment makes outcome more likely
    two <- utils::capture.output(cat("One must claim the shift in outcomes under no treatment change was",
                                     opt_harm_1C_full, "or below."))
    # optimize for the 'no effect case'
    opt_zero_1C_full <- round(as.numeric(optimize(f = delta.optim.scqe2, interval = c(-1,
                                                                                      1), treatment = treatment, outcome = outcome, post = post, alpha = alpha,
                                                  obj = "zero", tol = 1e-04)[1]), 3)
    # claim: treatment had 0 effect
    three <- utils::capture.output(cat("One must claim the shift in outcomes under no treatment change was exactly",
                                       paste0(opt_zero_1C_full, ".")))
    critical_point <- data.frame(`less likely` = opt_less_1C_full, `more likely` = opt_harm_1C_full,
                                 `zero effect` = opt_zero_1C_full)
    rlist <- list(less.likely = utils::capture.output(cat("To claim the treatment made the outcome significantly less likely: \n",
                                                          one)), more.likely = utils::capture.output(cat("To claim the treatment made the outcome significantly more likely: \n",
                                                                                                         two)), no.effect = utils::capture.output(cat("To claim the treatment had 0 effect on the outcome:\n",
                                                                                                                                                      three)), critical.points = critical_point, full.results = object)
  } else
    # optimize for the 'less likely case'
    opt_less_1C_full <- round(as.numeric(optimize(f = delta.optim.scqe.1cfull,
                                                  interval = c(-1, 1), treatment = treatment, outcome = outcome, alpha = alpha,
                                                  obj = "less", tol = 1e-04)[1]), 3)
    # claim: treatment makes outcome less likely
    one <- utils::capture.output(cat("One must claim the shift in outcomes under no treatment change was",
                                     opt_less_1C_full, "or above."))
    # optimize for 'more likely case'
    opt_harm_1C_full <- round(as.numeric(optimize(f = delta.optim.scqe.1cfull,
                                                  interval = c(-1, 1), treatment = treatment, outcome = outcome, alpha = alpha,
                                                  obj = "harm", tol = 1e-04)[1]), 3)
    # claim: treatment makes outcome more likely
    two <- utils::capture.output(cat("One must claim the shift in outcomes under no treatment change was",
                                     opt_harm_1C_full, "or below."))
    # optimize for the 'no effect case'
    opt_zero_1C_full <- round(as.numeric(optimize(f = delta.optim.scqe.1cfull,
                                                  interval = c(-1, 1), treatment = treatment, outcome = outcome, alpha = alpha,
                                                  obj = "zero", tol = 1e-04)[1]), 3)
    # claim: treatment had 0 effect
    three <- utils::capture.output(cat("One must claim the shift in outcomes under no treatment change was exactly",
                                       paste0(opt_zero_1C_full, ".")))
    critical_point <- data.frame(`less likely` = opt_less_1C_full, `more likely` = opt_harm_1C_full,
                                 `zero effect` = opt_zero_1C_full)
    rlist <- list(less.likely = utils::capture.output(cat("To claim the treatment made the outcome significantly less likely: \n",
                                                          one)), more.likely = utils::capture.output(cat("To claim the treatment made the outcome significantly more likely: \n",
                                                                                                         two)), no.effect = utils::capture.output(cat("To claim the treatment had 0 effect on the outcome:\n",
                                                                                                                                                      three)), critical.points = critical_point, full.results = object)
  cat("-- SCQE Method Results -- \n\n")
  cat("- Claims About Treatment Effects -\n")
  cat(" 1.", "To claim the treatment made the outcome significantly less likely:\n")
  cat("   ", one, "\n\n")
  cat(" 2.", "To claim the treatment made the outcome significantly more likely:\n")
  cat("   ", two, "\n\n")
  cat(" 3.", "To claim the treatment had 0 effect on the outcome:\n")
  cat("   ", three, "\n\n\n")
  cat("- Full Results Table: - \n")
#' Print method for \code{scqe}
#' @rdname summary.scqe
#' @description
#' The \code{ptin} method provides the result table that
#' includes the given delta values and their conclusions
#' about the treatment's effect on patient outcome.
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{scqe}}
#' @param ... Extra optional arguments
#' @return Results table.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1234)
#' post = c(rep(0,100), rep(1,100))
#' tx = c(rep(0, 100), rbinom(n = 100, prob = 0.27, size = 1))
#' y = rbinom(n= 200, prob = 0.1 + 0.02 * post - 0.05 * tx, size = 1)
#' # Two cohorts, full data
#' scqe.2cohort.full = scqe(post = post, treatment = tx, outcome = y,
#'                          delta = seq(from = -0.1, to = 0.1, by = 0.05))
#' scqe.2cohort.full
#' print(scqe.2cohort.full)
#' @export
print.scqe <- function(x, ...)
  treatment <- x$treatment
  post <- x$post
  outcome <- x$outcome
  cohort <- x$cohort
  result <- as.data.frame(x$result)
  cat("-- SCQE Method Result Table -- \n\n")
  cat("\nFor more information, see full summary.\n")
chadhazlett/scqe documentation built on May 18, 2021, 1:32 a.m.