addAttribs | Title |
addClass | Title |
appendDendLabsUI | Append metadata to the dendrogrm's labels |
app_server | Main UI of IDBac |
app_ui | Main UI of IDBac |
as.binary.matrix.hclust | as.binary.matrix.hclust |
assembleMirrorPlots | Assemble mirror plot Data |
baserMirrorPlot | Create mirror plot in base R |
bootlabels | Print bootstrap values. |
bootstrap | Bootstrap |
brukerToMzml_popup | brukerToMzml_popup |
bsCollapse | Title |
bsCollapsePanel | Title |
changeDendPartColor | changeDendPartColor |
changeDendPartSize | changeDendPartSize |
chartoRawtoCompressed | Take character, turn to raw, then compress |
choose_dir | Choose Directory, choose.dir vs tcltk |
chooserInput | chooserInput |
colorBlindPalette | colorBlindPalette |
colordendLabelsUI | Modify (color/size) dendrogram Labels |
colordendLinesUI | colordendLinesUI |
colored_dots | colored_dots I submitted this and it was pulled into... |
colorMANBy_UI | Color MAN settings |
colorPicker | colorPicker for dend and dots |
compress | compress Settings for compressing raw vectors |
controlBrukerDisplay | Controls display of Bruker conversion page |
convertDataTab_Server | convertDataTab_Server |
convertDataTab_UI | convertDataTab_UI |
convertDelim_Server | convertDelim_Server |
convertDelim_UI | beginWithTXT |
convertMicrotyper_Server | convertDelim_Server |
convertMicrotyper_UI | beginWithTXT |
convertMZ_Server | convertMZ_Server |
convertMZ_UI | beginWithMZ |
convertOneBruker_Server | convertOneBruker_Server |
convertOneBruker_UI | oneMaldiPlate |
copyDB_dbAttach | Attach new database to existing database |
copyDB_dbDetach | Detach new database to existing database |
copyDB_setupMeta | Setup metadata DB table |
copyingDbPopup | While Database is copying, block user-interaction |
copyToNewDatabase | Copy from one database to another, selecting by Sample ID |
createFuzzyVector | High-dimensional representation of mass peaks |
createFuzzyVectorUnit | Experimental binning |
createMetaSQL | createMetaSQL |
createNewSQLITEdb | Create New, Empty SQLite Database |
createSpectraSQL | createSpectraSQL |
createXMLSQL | createXMLSQL |
current_db_version | Single point of reference for latest db version |
databaseSelector_server | databaseSelector_server |
databaseSelector_UI | databaseSelector_UI |
databaseTabServer | databaseTabServer |
databaseTabUI | Layout for the databaseTabUI |
databaseTabUIFunc | databaseTabUIFunc |
db_from_bruker | Convert Bruker raw fids to IDBac database |
db_from_mzml | db_from_mzml |
decompress | decompress Settings for decompressing in IDBac, serialized... |
delim_to_mzml | Parse Delimited MS files with fread and MALDIquant |
dendDotsServer | Title |
dendDotsUI | Modify (color/size) dendrogram lines |
dendrogramActionsUI | dendrogramActionsUI |
dendrogramCreator | Title |
dendrogramCreatorUI | dendrogramCreatorUI |
deserial | deserial spectrum json (single json array) Settings for... |
displayMissingProteinUI | Display samples removed from analysis |
distMatrix | Create Distance Matrix |
dot-calculateMatches | .calculateMatches |
dot-checkPool | Check if a pool object |
dot-clust | .clust |
dot-copy_db | Copy an IDBac database, appending db version number |
dot-db_path_from_pool | Find database path from pool object |
dot-download_idbac_exe | Download IDBac exe |
dot-getLatestStableVersionPage | GET page for latest release |
dot-get_one_subtree | Recursively look for a tree within a tree |
dot-getSmallPeaksFromBrush | Retrieve small molecule and matrix peak lists and make... |
dot-grepAcquDoubleValue | .grepAcquDoubleValue |
dot-grepAcquValue | .grepAcquValue |
dot-parse_json_peaks | Create maldiquant peaks from IDBac SQL peak JSON |
dot-resample | resample |
dot-retrieve_peaks_from_pool | Retrieve MALDIquant peak objects from an IDBac sqlite... |
dot-sampleName | .sampleName |
dot-scale_ppm | scaler so smallest mass differnce is 1 |
dot-text.coord.hclust | .text.coord.hclust |
double_from_raw_compressed | Convert raw compresed data from sqlite into R vector |
downloadHier | Download newick hierarchical dendrogram |
downloadSmNet_UI | downloadSmNet_UI |
downloadSvg | Download svg hierarchical dendrogram |
dropNulls | from shinyBS |
experimentSummary_Server | experimentSummary_Server |
experimentSummary_UI | experimentSummary_UI |
exportmzML | Export mzML/mzXML from SQLite DB |
exportSamples_server | exportSamples_server |
exportSamples_ui | Export samples from database |
extractBrukerAcquistionInfo | Find a certain Bruker Acqus info |
extractHPCConstants | from |
findIdbacHome | Get default path for IDBac to save experiments to |
findMissingSampleMapIds | Find which MALDI-target spots have data but an ID wasn't... |
findMSconvert | Find proteowizard's msconvert.exe |
find_mz_files | Find mzML and mzXML files |
getAttribs | Title |
getMicrotyperFiles | getMicrotyperFiles |
getOS | Get OS |
get_subtrees | Get subtree |
hashR | hashR Settings for hashing in IDBac |
idbac_available_samples | Search an IDBac database to see which sample IDs have protein... |
idbac_connect | Create a pool connecton, given file names and a path If there... |
idbac_create | Title |
idbac_db_version | Get the IDBac version that created the database |
idbac_dendrogram_creator | dendrogramCreator |
idbac_get_metadata | Extract a metadata column |
idbac_get_peaks | Collapse a sample's MALDIquant peak objects into a single... |
idbac_get_spectra | Get spectra from database |
idbac_update_db | Update IDBac Database from version 1 to 2 |
insertIntoIndividualSpectra | Write individual spectra to SQLite |
insertIntoMassTable | Write mass_index data to SQLite |
insertMetadataColumns | Insert columns into IDBac SQLite metadata table |
labelsFromBrushedDendrogram | networkViaBrushedDendrogram |
manPageProtDend_Server | manPageProtDend_Server |
manPageProtDend_UI | manPageProtDend_UI |
MAN_Server | MAN_Server |
map384Well | Create 384-well matrix map |
merge_idbac_experiments | Merge all samples from IDBac sqlite databses |
microtyperTomzML | readMicrotyperFiles |
mirrorPlot | Create mirror plot |
mirrorPlotDownload_UI | mirrorPlotDownload_UI |
mirrorPlots_Server | Title |
mirrorPlotsSettings_UI | mirrorPlotsSettings_UI |
mirrorPlots_UI | mirrorPlots_UI |
modAppendDendLabels_WellPanel | modAppendDendLabels_WellPanel UI |
modDendDotsMod_WellPanel | modDendDotsMod_WellPanel UI |
modDendLabels_WellPanel | modDendLabels_WellPanel UI |
modDendLines_WellPanel | modDendLines_WellPanel UI |
modularityClustering | Color network based on |
mquant_bin | MALDIquant binning |
multipleMaldiPlates | multipleMaldiPlates |
networkFromDF | Network from data frame |
newUpdate | News/Update module |
new_version_check | Check if there's a new stable version of IDBac |
normalizeSpectrumIntensity | Smooth, remove baseline, and normalize intensity of a... |
nulledMap384Well | Create a 384-well matrix that is NA-filled |
pcaCalculation | Principle Components Analysis |
pcoaCalculation | Principle Coordinates Analysis |
peakRetentionSettings_Server | peakRetentionSettings_Server |
peakRetentionSettings_UI | peakRetentionSettings_UI |
pipe | Pipe operator |
plateMapUI | plateMapUI |
platemod | platemod |
plotDendrogram | Function for plotting dendrogram |
plotHier | plotHier |
plotly_3d_scatter | Create 3d scatter plotly plot |
poolToCon | Checkout pool if it isn't |
popup3 | popup3 |
popup4 | popup4 |
popupPlot_server | popupPlot_server |
popupPlotTsne_server | popupPlot_server |
popupPlotTsne_UI | UI module for creating absolute panel popup |
popupPlot_UI | UI module for creating absolute panel popup |
prioritizer | Prioritize Samples |
processProteinSpectra | Process protein spectra with MALDIquant |
processSmallMolSpectra | Process small molecule spectra with MALDIquant |
processXMLIndSpectra | Process spectra data for input into SQLite |
proteinPeaksToMatrix | proteinPeaksToMatrix |
proteoWizConvert | Convert raw data with msconvert |
readAcqusFile | Read Bruker Acqus File |
readBrukerAcqus | findBrukerTargetSpots |
retrieveAllStrainIds | retrieveAllStrainIds |
run_app | run_app |
runDendDots | Run Dend and dots |
run_microtyperTomzML | run_microtyperTomzML setup and loop |
sampleChooser_server | Server for choosing all samples fromm an IDBac DB |
sampleChooser_UI | UI for choosing all samples fromm an IDBac DB |
sampleMaptoDF | Update sample map reactive value |
sampleMapViewer | Rhandsontable Sample Map |
sanitize | Sanitize a filename by removing directory paths and invalid... |
saveNetSVG | Title |
selectDirectory_Server | selectDirectory_Server |
selectDirectory_UI | selectDirectory_UI |
selectInjections_server | Inject samples from another database into dendrogram |
selectInjections_UI | selectInjections_UI |
serial | serial Settings for serializing in IDBac (convert to json) |
serializeXML | Read mzXML, xml and transform to raw character for storing in... |
small_maldiquant_to_network | Collapse a sample's MALDIquant peak objects into a single... |
smallmirrorPlotsSampleSelect_UI | mirrorPlotsSettings_UI |
smallmirrorPlots_Server | Title |
smallmirrorPlots_UI | smallmirrorPlots_UI |
smallMolDendrogram_UI | smallMolDendrogram_UI |
smMANPlot_UI | smMANPlot_UI |
spectraProcessingFunction | Create IDBac SQLite database Should work for mzML, mzXML,... |
spectrumMatrixToMALDIqaunt | SQL to MALDIquant |
sql_create_locale_table | SQL code to create the SQLite locale table |
sql_create_massindex_table | SQL code to create the SQLite mass_index table |
sql_create_metadata_table | SQL code to create the SQLite metadata table |
sql_create_spectra_table | SQL code to create the SQLite spectra table |
sql_create_version_table | SQL code to create the SQLite version table |
sql_create_xml_table | SQL code to create the SQLite xml table |
sql_fill_locale_table | Insert current locale info into sql table |
sql_fill_version_table | Create version table |
subtractMatrixBlank | Subtract "matrix" sample masses from sample peak lists |
transferToNewDB_server | transferToNewDB_server |
transferToNewDB_UI | transferToNewDB |
tsneCalculation | t-SNE Analysis |
tsneUiPop | tSNE UI |
ui_proteinClustering | ui_proteinClustering |
ui_smallMolMan | ui_smallMolMan |
updateCollapse | from shinyBS |
update_idbac_modal | Display update info |
updateMeta_server | updateMeta_server |
updateMeta_UI | updateMeta_UI |
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