
pnormmix <- function(q, mean1 = 0, sd1 = 1, mean2 = 0, sd2 = 1, pmix1 = 0.5,
                     lower.tail = TRUE) {
  # Distribution function (pdf) of a mixture of two normal distributions.
  # Args:
  # q: vector of quantiles.
  # mean1: mean of first normal distribution.
  # sd1: standard deviation of first normal distribution.
  # mean2: mean of second normal distribution.
  # sd2: standard deviation of second normal distribution.
  # pmix1: mixing proportion for the first distribution. Should be a
  # number in the range (0, 1).
  # lower.tail: logical; if TRUE(default), probabilities are P[X <= x];
  # otherwise, P[X > x].
  # Returns:
  # Cumulative probability of q or 1 minus it on the mixture normal
  # distribution.
  # Error handling
  stopifnot(pmix1 > 0, pmix1 < 1)
  as.vector(c(pmix1, 1 - pmix1) %*%
              sapply(q, pnorm, mean = c(mean1, mean2), sd = c(sd1, sd2),
                     lower.tail = lower.tail))
qnormmix <- function(p, mean1 = 0, sd1 = 1, mean2 = 0, sd2 = 1, pmix1 = 0.5,
                     lower.tail = TRUE) {
  # Quantile function of a mixture of two normal distributions.
  # Args:
  # p: vector of probabilities.
  # mean1: mean of first normal distribution.
  # sd1: standard deviation of first normal distribution.
  # mean2: mean of second normal distribution.
  # sd2: standard deviation of second normal distribution.
  # pmix1: mixing proportion for the first distribution. Should be a
  # number in the range (0, 1).
  # lower.tail: logical; if TRUE(default), probabilities are P[X <= x];
  # otherwise, P[X > x].
  # Returns:
  # Quantile corresponding to p or 1 - p on the mixture normal
  # distribution.
  # Error handling
  stopifnot(pmix1 > 0, pmix1 < 1, p >= 0, p <= 1)
  f <- function(x) (pnormmix(x, mean1, sd1, mean2, sd2, pmix1,
                             lower.tail) - p)^2
  start <- as.vector(c(pmix1, 1 - pmix1) %*%
                       sapply(p, qnorm, c(mean1, mean2), c(sd1, sd2),
                              lower.tail = lower.tail))
  nlminb(start, f)$par
.bvnorm_kernel <- function(x, y, mu_x = 0, mu_y = 0, sd_x = 1, sd_y = 1,
                           cov_xy = 0) {
  # Helper funcction for computing the kernel for bivariate normal density
  cor <- cov_xy / sd_x / sd_y
  numer <- (x - mu_x)^2 / sd_x^2 + (y - mu_y)^2 / sd_y^2 -
    2 * cor * (x - mu_x) * (y - mu_y) / sd_x / sd_y
  numer / (1 - cor^2)
contour_bvnorm <- function(mean1 = 0, sd1 = 1, mean2 = 0, sd2 = 1,
                           cor12 = 0, cov12 = NULL,
                           density = .95, length_out = 101,
                           bty = "L",
                           ...) {
  # Plot contour for a bivariate normal distribution
  # Args:
  # mean1: mean of first normal distribution (on x-axis).
  # sd1: standard deviation of first normal distribution.
  # mean2: mean of second normal distribution (on y-axis).
  # sd2: standard deviation of second normal distribution.
  # cor12: correlation in the bivariate normal.
  # cov12: covariance in the bivariate normal. If not input, compute the
  # covariance using the correlation and the standard deviations.
  # density: density level, i.e., probability enclosed by the ellipse.
  # length_out: number of values on the x-axis and on the y-axis to be
  # evaluated; default to 101.
  # bty: argument passed to the `contour` function.
  # ...: other arguments passed to the `countour` funcction.
  # Returns:
  # a plot showing the contour of the bivariate normal distribution on
  # a two-dimensional space.
  # Error handling
  stopifnot(cor12 >= -1, cor12 <= 1)
  if (is.null(cov12)) cov12 <- cor12 * sd1 * sd2s
  x_seq <- mean1 + seq(-3, 3, length.out = length_out) * sd1
  y_seq <- mean2 + seq(-3, 3, length.out = length_out) * sd2
  z <- outer(x_seq, y_seq, .bvnorm_kernel, mu_x = mean1, mu_y = mean2,
             sd_x = sd1, sd_y = sd2, cov_xy = cov12)
  contour(x_seq, y_seq, z, levels = qchisq(density, 2), drawlabels = FALSE,
          bty = bty, ...)
.partit_bvnorm <- function(cut1, cut2, mean1 = 0, sd1 = 1, mean2 = 0, sd2 = 1,
                           cor12 = 0, cov12 = cor12 * sd1 * sd2) {
  # Helper funcction for computing summary statistics from a selection approach
  Sigma <- matrix(c(sd1^2, cov12, cov12, sd2^2), nrow = 2)
  C <- pmnorm(c(cut1, cut2), c(mean1, mean2), Sigma)
  B <- pnorm(cut1, mean1, sd1) - C
  D <- pnorm(cut2, mean2, sd2) - C
  A <- 1 - B - C - D
  propsel <- A + B
  success_ratio <- A / propsel
  sensitivity <- A / (A + D)
  specificity <- C / (C + B)
  c(A, B, C, D, propsel, success_ratio, sensitivity, specificity)
PartInv <- function(propsel, kappa_r, kappa_f = kappa_r,
                    phi_r, phi_f = phi_r, lambda_r, lambda_f = lambda_r,
                    Theta_r, Theta_f = Theta_r, tau_r, tau_f = tau_r,
                    pmix_ref = 0.5, plot_contour = TRUE, ...) {
  # Evaluate partial measurement invariance using Millsap & Kwok's (2004)
  # approach
  # Args:
  # propsel: proportion of selection.
  # kappa_r: latent factor mean for the reference group.
  # kappa_f: (optional) latent factor mean for the focal group;
  # if no input, set equal to kappa_r.
  # phi_r: latent factor variance for the reference group.
  # phi_f: (optional) latent factor variance for the focal group;
  # if no input, set equal to phi_r.
  # lambda_r: a vector of factor loadings for the reference group.
  # lambda_f: (optional) a vector of factor loadings for the focal group;
  # if no input, set equal to lambda_r.
  # tau_r: a vector of measurement intercepts for the reference group.
  # tau_f: (optional) a vector of measurement intercepts for the focal group;
  # if no input, set equal to tau_r.
  # Theta_r: a matrix of the unique factor variances and covariances
  # for the reference group.
  # Theta_f: (optional) a matrix of the unique factor variances and
  # covariances for the focal group;
  # if no input, set equal to Theta_r.
  # pmix_ref: Proportion of the reference group;
  # default to 0.5 (i.e., two populations have equal size).
  # plot_contour: logical; whether the contour of the two populations
  # should be plotted; default to TRUE.
  # ...: other arguments passed to the `countour` funcction.
  # Returns:
  # a list of four elements and a plot if plot_contour == TRUE:
  # - propsel: echo the same argument as input.
  # - cutpt_xi: cut point on the latent scale (xi).
  # - cutpt_z: cut point on the observed scale (Z).
  # - summary: A 8 x 2 table, with columns representing the reference
  # and the focal groups, and the rows represent
  # probabilities of true positive (A), false positive (B),
  # true negative (C), false negative (D); proportion selected,
  # success ratio, sensitivity, and specificity.
  # Error handling
  stopifnot(length(kappa_r) == 1, length(kappa_f) == 1, length(phi_r) == 1,
            length(phi_f) == 1)
  if (length(Theta_r) == length(lambda_r)) Theta_r <- diag(Theta_r)
  if (length(Theta_f) == length(lambda_f)) Theta_f <- diag(Theta_f)
  library(mnormt) # load `mnormt` package
  mean_zr <- sum(tau_r) + sum(lambda_r) * kappa_r
  mean_zf <- sum(tau_f) + sum(lambda_f) * kappa_f
  sd_zr <- sqrt(sum(lambda_r)^2 * phi_r + sum(Theta_r))
  sd_zf <- sqrt(sum(lambda_f)^2 * phi_f + sum(Theta_f))
  cov_z_xir <- sum(lambda_r) * phi_r
  cov_z_xif <- sum(lambda_f) * phi_f
  sd_xir <- sqrt(phi_r)
  sd_xif <- sqrt(phi_f)
  cut_xi <- qnormmix(propsel, kappa_r, sd_xir, kappa_f, sd_xif,
                     pmix_ref, lower.tail = FALSE)
  cut_z <- qnormmix(propsel, mean_zr, sd_zr, mean_zf, sd_zf,
                    pmix_ref, lower.tail = FALSE)
  partit_1 <- .partit_bvnorm(cut_xi, cut_z, kappa_r, sd_xir, mean_zr, sd_zr,
                             cov12 = cov_z_xir)
  partit_2 <- .partit_bvnorm(cut_xi, cut_z, kappa_f, sd_xif, mean_zf, sd_zf,
                             cov12 = cov_z_xif)
  dat <- data.frame("Reference" = partit_1, "Focal" = partit_2,
                    row.names = c("A (true positive)", "B (false positive)",
                                  "C (true negative)", "D (false negative)",
                                  "Proportion selected", "Success ratio",
                                  "Sensitivity", "Specificity"))
  if (plot_contour) {
    x_lim <- range(c(kappa_r + c(-3, 3) * sd_xir,
                     kappa_f + c(-3, 3) * sd_xif))
    y_lim <- range(c(mean_zr + c(-3, 3) * sd_zr,
                     mean_zf + c(-3, 3) * sd_zf))
    contour_bvnorm(kappa_r, sd_xir, mean_zr, sd_zr, cov12 = cov_z_xir,
                   xlab = bquote("Latent Score" ~ (xi)),
                   ylab = bquote("Observed Composite" ~ (italic(Z))),
                   lwd = 2, col = "red", xlim = x_lim, ylim = y_lim,
    contour_bvnorm(kappa_f, sd_xif, mean_zf, sd_zf, cov12 = cov_z_xif,
                   add = TRUE, lty = "dashed", lwd = 2, col = "blue",
    legend("topleft", c("Reference group", "Focal group"),
           lty = c("solid", "dashed"), col = c("red", "blue"))
    abline(h = cut_z, v = cut_xi)
    x_cord <- rep(cut_xi + c(.25, -.25) * sd_xir, 2)
    y_cord <- rep(cut_z + c(.25, -.25) * sd_zr, each = 2)
    text(x_cord, y_cord, c("A", "B", "D", "C"))
  list(propsel = propsel, cutpt_xi = cut_xi, cutpt_z = cut_z,
       summary = round(dat, 3))


output<-function(propsel, kappa_r, kappa_f, phi_r, phi_f,
                 pmix_ref){PartInv(propsel, kappa_r, kappa_f, phi_r, phi_f,
chiningchang/markdownapp documentation built on May 13, 2019, 4:48 p.m.