#####Do confounder correctin with missing data#####
#Input is data matrix, X, Z, K and missingness mechanism estimated with EstimateMissing
#' Estimate latent covariates and coefficients of interest
#' Estimate latent covariates and estimate/do inference on the coefficients of interest in a multivariate linear model with stabilized inverse probability weighting (sIPW) using estimated missingness mechansim.
#' @param Y a \code{p} x \code{n} data matrix of log2-transformed metabolite intensities, where \code{p} = #of metabolites and \code{n} = #of samples. Missing values should be left as \code{NA}.
#' @param X a \code{n} x \code{d} matrix of covariates of interest (i.e. disease status).
#' @param Z a \code{n} x \code{r} matrix of observed nuisance covariates (i.e. the intercept, observed technical factors, etc.)
#' @param K The number of latent covariates (i.e. C is a \code{n} x \code{K} matrix). If unspecified, it is estimated using applied to the metabolites with complete data.
#' @param Miss.Mech The missingness mechansim object returned by \code{EstimateMissing}.
#' @param ind.samples A logical or numeric vector of samples to be considered in the analysis. For example, if disease status were only measured in a subset of the patients, this would be the samples with a recorded disease status. Default is no missing samples.
#' @param est.Beta A logical indicating whether or not to estimate/do inference on coefficients of interest. If \code{F}, only the latent covariates are estimated. Default, and recommended value, is \code{T}.
#' @param max.miss.perp Maximum fraction of missing data a metabolite is allowed to have to be used to calculate the part of C perpendicular to X. Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param max.miss.image Maximum fraction of missing data a metabolite is allowed to have to be used to calculate the part of C in the image of X. Defaults to 0.5.
#' @return A list \item{C.iter}{The estimate of the \code{n} x \code{K} matrix of latent covariates.} \item{Beta.iter}{The estimate of the \code{p} x \code{d} matrix of coefficients of interest.} \item{p.t.iter}{The \code{p} x \code{d} matrix of p-values for the coefficients of interest.} \item{Var.beta.iter}{A length \code{p} list of the \code{d} x \code{d} estimates for Var(Beta.iter)} \item{t.iter}{A \code{p} x \code{d} matrix of t-statistics, defined as Beta.iter/SE(Beta.iter)} \item{p.f.iter}{A length \code{p} vector of F-statistic p-values for the null hypothesis that X has no effect on metabolite intensity. It is only returned if \code{d} > 1.} \item{L}{The estimate of the \code{p} x \code{K} matrix of coefficients for the latent covariates.} \item{Beta.naive}{The estimate of the \code{p} x \code{d} matrix of coefficients of interest that ignores C. This should ONLY be used for comparison.} \item{p.t.naive}{The \code{p} x \code{d} matrix of p-values for the coefficients of interest that ignore C. This should ONLY be used for comparison.}
#' @export
CC.Missing <- function(Y, X, Z=NULL, K=NULL, Miss.Mech, ind.samples=NULL, max.miss.perp=0.5, max.miss.image=0.5, BH.min=NULL, method = c("sIPW", "IPW"), include.updates=T, est.Beta=T, return.nuis=F, refine.C=F, p.refine.both=F, return.all=F, {
method <- match.arg(method, c("sIPW", "IPW"))
max.miss.C <- Miss.Mech$max.miss.C
X <- cbind(X); Z <- cbind(Z)
out <- list()
#Fix observed samples#
if (is.null(ind.samples)) {
ind.samples <- 1:nrow(X)
} else {
if (is.logical(ind.samples[1])) {
length.samples <- sum(ind.samples)
} else {
length.samples <- length(ind.samples)
if (ncol(Y) > length.samples) {Y <- Y[,ind.samples]}
if (nrow(X) > length.samples) {X <- cbind(X[ind.samples,])}
if (!is.null(Z)) {
if (nrow(Z) > length.samples) {Z <- cbind(Z[ind.samples,])}
d <- ncol(X)
p <- nrow(Y)
n <- ncol(Y)
Prob.Missing <- rowMeans(
out$X <- X; out$Z <- Z; out$method <- method
ind.miss.all <- !$Theta.Miss[,1]) & !$Theta.Miss[,2]) #Metabolites with missing data
if (is.null(BH.min)) {BH.min <- Miss.Mech$BH.min}
tmp <- BH.proc(p = Miss.Mech$Pvalue.value, alpha = BH.min)
out$flag <- !(tmp == FALSE & ! & Prob.Missing > max.miss.C #All flagged metabolites
out$flag.analyzed <- !(tmp == FALSE & ! & ind.miss.all #Metabolites that have reported p-values, but the missingness mechanism is suspect
####Initial estimate for C.perp####
#If K is null, estimate it with
if (is.null(K)) {K <- = Y[Prob.Missing==0,], mod = cbind(out$X,out$Z))}; out$K <- K
if (include.updates) {cat(paste("Estimating", K, "latent factors...", collapse = ""))}
out.C <- EstC.0(Y = Y, K = K, Cov = cbind(X,Z), max.miss = max.miss.C, max.iter = 800, n.repeat.Sigma = 1)
out$C.perp <- out.C$C
if (include.updates) {cat("done\n")}
#Estimate C without including missing metabolites#
tmp.cov.ignore <- cbind(out$X,out$C.perp,out$Z)
Y1L.tmp <- t(apply(X = Y[Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C,], MARGIN = 1, function(y){ind.obs.y<-!; (solve(t(tmp.cov.ignore[ind.obs.y,])%*%tmp.cov.ignore[ind.obs.y,],t(tmp.cov.ignore[ind.obs.y,])%*%y[ind.obs.y]))[1:(d+K)]}))
Omega.ignore.tmp <- t(cbind(Y1L.tmp[,1:d]))%*%Y1L.tmp[,(d+1):(d+K)]%*%solve(t(Y1L.tmp[,(d+1):(d+K)])%*%Y1L.tmp[,(d+1):(d+K)])
if (d == 1) {Omega.ignore.tmp <- rbind(as.vector(Omega.ignore.tmp))}
if (return.all) {out$C.ignore.miss <- X%*%Omega.ignore.tmp + out$C.perp}
####Determine Weights####
if (method == "sIPW") {
Weights <- Miss.Mech$Post.W[,ind.samples] * Miss.Mech$Pi.MAR[,ind.samples]
Var.Weights <- Miss.Mech$Pi.MAR[,ind.samples]^2*( Miss.Mech$Post.W[,ind.samples]^2 + Miss.Mech$Post.VarW[,ind.samples] )
if (method == "IPW") {
Weights <- Miss.Mech$Post.W[,ind.samples]
Var.Weights <- Miss.Mech$Post.W[,ind.samples]^2 + Miss.Mech$Post.VarW[,ind.samples]
Weights[] <- 1
####Refine estimate for C.perp####
out$C.perp.old <- NULL
if (max.miss.perp > max.miss.C) {
if (include.updates) {cat(paste("Refining estimate for latent factors with missingness mech...", collapse = ""))}
ind.perp <- Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C | (Miss.Mech$Ind.Confident & Prob.Missing <= max.miss.perp)
out.perp <- Est.Cperp.Weights(Y = Y, Cov = cbind(X,Z), C.start = out$C.perp, Weights = Weights, ind.use.miss = ind.perp, max.miss.C = max.miss.C)
out$C.perp.old <- out$C.perp
out$n.iter.refine <- out.perp$n.iter
out$C.perp <- out.perp$C.perp
if (include.updates) {cat("done\n")}
} else {
ind.perp <- Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C
if (!est.Beta) {return(out)}
####Estimate Omega####
if (include.updates) {cat(paste("Performing estimation and inference...", collapse = ""))}
Cov <- cbind(X,out$C.perp,Z)
BLG.naive <- matrix(NA, nrow=p, ncol=ncol(Cov))
Var.naive <- matrix(NA, nrow=p, ncol=d)
Var.C <- vector(mode = "list", length = p)
#Complete data
ind.complete <- Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C
tmp <- lapply(X = which(ind.complete==T), function(g){ ind.obs <- ![g,])
y <- Y[g,ind.obs]
cov.tmp <- Cov[ind.obs,]
hess <- solve(t(cov.tmp)%*%cov.tmp)
tt <- list(); tt$coef <- hess%*%t(cov.tmp)%*%y
sigma2 <- 1/(length(y)-ncol(cov.tmp))*sum((y-cov.tmp%*%tt$coef)^2)
tt$var.C <- sigma2*hess[(d+1):(d+K),(d+1):(d+K)]
tt$var.x <- sigma2*diag(hess)[1:d]
return(tt) })
BLG.naive[ind.complete,] <- t(sapply(tmp,function(x){x$coef}))
Var.naive[ind.complete,] <- t(sapply(tmp,function(x){x$var.x}))
Var.C[ind.complete] <- lapply(tmp,function(x){x$var.C})
#Missing data
ind.nmar <- Prob.Missing > max.miss.C & ind.miss.all
if (sum(ind.nmar) > 0) {
tmp <- lapply(X = which(ind.nmar==T), function(g){ ind.obs <- ![g,])
y <- Y[g,ind.obs]
w <- Weights[g,ind.obs]
var.w <- Var.Weights[g,ind.obs]
cov.tmp <- Cov[ind.obs,]
hess <- solve(t(cov.tmp*w)%*%cov.tmp)
tt <- list(); tt$coef <- hess%*%t(cov.tmp*w)%*%y
Score <- cov.tmp*(y-as.vector(cov.tmp%*%tt$coef)) <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(cov.tmp), function(i){ as.vector(solve( diag(1,ncol(cov.tmp),ncol(cov.tmp)) - w[i]*cbind(cov.tmp[i,])%*%rbind(cov.tmp[i,])%*%hess, Score[i,] )) }))
tmp.var <- hess%*%( t(*var.w)%* )%*%hess
tt$var.C <- tmp.var[(d+1):(d+K),(d+1):(d+K)]
tt$var.x <- diag(tmp.var)[1:d]
return(tt) })
BLG.naive[ind.nmar,] <- t(sapply(tmp,function(x){x$coef}))
Var.naive[ind.nmar,] <- t(sapply(tmp,function(x){x$var.x}))
Var.C[ind.nmar] <- lapply(tmp,function(x){x$var.C})
out$L <- BLG.naive[,(d+1):(d+K)]
#Estimate Omega#
if (max.miss.image > max.miss.C) {
ind.image <- Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C | (Miss.Mech$Ind.Confident & Prob.Missing <= max.miss.image)
} else {
ind.image <- Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C
B.naive.Omega <- cbind(BLG.naive[ind.image,1:d])
L.Omega <- cbind(BLG.naive[ind.image,(d+1):(d+K)])
Var.Omega <- cbind(Var.naive[ind.image,])
Var.C.Omega <- Var.C[ind.image]
####Estimate L'Sigma.invL####
out$LtSL <- 1/nrow(L.Omega) * t(L.Omega/Var.Omega[,1])%*%L.Omega
out$RtSR <- 1/nrow(L.Omega) * Reduce("+", lapply(X = 1:sum(ind.image), function(g){1/Var.Omega[g,1]*Var.C.Omega[[g]]}))
out$Omega <- matrix(NA, nrow=K, ncol=d)
out$Omega.iter <- matrix(NA, nrow=K, ncol=d)
out$Omega.corr <- matrix(NA, nrow=K, ncol=d)
out$Omega.pvalue <- rep(NA, d)
out$Omega.pvalue.corr <- rep(NA, d)
if (!is.null(Z)) {
X.tilde <- cbind(X - Z%*%solve(t(Z)%*%Z,t(Z)%*%X))
for (r in 1:d) {
LSL.r <- t(L.Omega/Var.Omega[,r])%*%L.Omega
Omega.r <- solve(LSL.r, t(L.Omega/Var.Omega[,r])%*%B.naive.Omega[,r])
Omega.r.corr <- solve(LSL.r - Reduce("+", lapply(X = 1:sum(ind.image), function(g){1/Var.Omega[g,r]*Var.C.Omega[[g]]})), t(L.Omega/Var.Omega[,r])%*%B.naive.Omega[,r])
out$Omega[,r] <- Omega.r
out$Omega.corr[,r] <- Omega.r.corr
out$Omega.iter[,r] <- Iterate.Omega(Y = Y, Y1 = B.naive.Omega[,r] / sqrt(Var.Omega[,r]), L = cbind(L.Omega / sqrt(Var.Omega[,r])), X = out$X[,r], Z = cbind(out$X[,-r],out$Z), Omega = Omega.r, C.perp = out$C.perp, B.iter = 3, q.thresh = 0.1, Weights = Weights, Var.Weights = Var.Weights, max.miss.C = max.miss.C, ind.analyze = ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C, ind.image = ind.image)
if (is.null(Z)) {
out$Omega.pvalue[r] <- pchisq(sum(Omega.r^2)*sum(X[,r]^2), df = K, lower.tail = F)
out$Omega.pvalue.corr[r] <- pchisq(sum(Omega.r.corr^2)*sum(X[,r]^2), df = K, lower.tail = F)
} else {
out$Omega.pvalue[r] <- pchisq(sum(Omega.r^2)*sum(X.tilde[,r]^2), df = K, lower.tail = F)
out$Omega.pvalue.corr[r] <- pchisq(sum(Omega.r.corr^2)*sum(X.tilde[,r]^2), df = K, lower.tail = F)
out$C <- out$X %*% t(out$Omega) + out$C.perp
out$C.corr <- out$X %*% t(out$Omega.corr) + out$C.perp
out$C.iter <- out$X %*% t(out$Omega.iter) + out$C.perp
if (refine.C && return.all) { #Refine C using IRW-SVA-like procedure with out$C.corr as a starting point
tmp.IRW <- IRW.C(Y = Y, X = out$X, C = out$C.corr, Z = out$Z, Weights = Weights, Var.Weights = Var.Weights, max.miss.C = max.miss.C, ind.perp = ind.perp, ind.analyze = ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C, p.naive = F)
out$C.IRW <- tmp.IRW$C
out.tmp <- Estimation.IPW(Y = Y, Cov = cbind(out$X,out$C.IRW,out$Z), Weights = Weights, Var.Weights = Var.Weights, max.miss.C = max.miss.C, = 1:d, ind.analyze = ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C)
out$p.t.IRW <- out.tmp$p.t
out$Beta.IRW <- out.tmp$Beta
out$Var.beta.IRW <- out.tmp$Var.beta
out$Sigma.IRW <- out.tmp$Sigma
if (d == 1 && p.refine.both) {
tmp.IRW <- IRW.C(Y = Y, X = out$X, C = out$C.corr, Z = out$Z, Weights = Weights, Var.Weights = Var.Weights, max.miss.C = max.miss.C, ind.perp = ind.perp, ind.analyze = ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C, p.naive = T)
out$C.IRW.naive <- tmp.IRW$C
out.tmp <- Estimation.IPW(Y = Y, Cov = cbind(out$X,out$C.IRW.naive,out$Z), Weights = Weights, Var.Weights = Var.Weights, max.miss.C = max.miss.C, = 1:d, ind.analyze = ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C)
out$p.t.IRW.naive <- out.tmp$p.t
out$Beta.IRW.naive <- out.tmp$Beta
out$Var.beta.IRW.naive <- out.tmp$Var.beta
out$Sigma.IRW.naive <- out.tmp$Sigma
####Estimate and inference on B without iterating####
if (return.all) {
out.tmp <- Estimation.IPW(Y = Y, Cov = cbind(out$X,out$C,out$Z), Weights = Weights, Var.Weights = Var.Weights, max.miss.C = max.miss.C, = 1:d, ind.analyze = ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C)
out$t <- out.tmp$t
out$p.t <- out.tmp$p.t
out$f <- out.tmp$f
out$p.f <- out.tmp$p.f
out$Beta <- out.tmp$Beta
out$Var.beta <- out.tmp$Var.beta
####Iterative estimate for Omega####
out.tmp <- Estimation.IPW(Y = Y, Cov = cbind(out$X,out$C.iter,out$Z), Weights = Weights, Var.Weights = Var.Weights, max.miss.C = max.miss.C, = 1:d, ind.analyze = ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C,, return.nuis=return.nuis)
out$t.iter <- out.tmp$t
out$p.t.iter <- out.tmp$p.t
out$f.iter <- out.tmp$f
out$p.f.iter <- out.tmp$p.f
if (return.nuis) {
out$Beta.iter <- out.tmp$Beta[,1:d]
out$L.iter <- out.tmp$Beta[,(d+1):(d+K)]
if (!is.null(out$Z)) {out$Nuis.iter <- out.tmp$Beta[,(d+K+1):ncol(cbind(out$X,out$C.iter,out$Z))]}
} else {
out$Beta.iter <- out.tmp$Beta
out$Var.beta.iter <- out.tmp$Var.beta
out$Sigma.iter <- out.tmp$Sigma
if ( {out$Mu <- out.tmp$Mu}
######Inflated estimate for Omega######
if (return.all) {
out.tmp <- Estimation.IPW(Y = Y, Cov = cbind(out$X,out$C.corr,out$Z), Weights = Weights, Var.Weights = Var.Weights, max.miss.C = max.miss.C, = 1:d, ind.analyze = ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C)
out$p.t.corr <- out.tmp$p.t
out$Beta.corr <- out.tmp$Beta
out$Var.beta.corr <- out.tmp$Var.beta
out$Sigma.corr <- out.tmp$Sigma
######Ignore C######
out.tmp.naive <- Estimation.IPW(Y = Y, Cov = cbind(out$X,out$Z), Weights = Weights, Var.Weights = Var.Weights, max.miss.C = max.miss.C, = 1:d, ind.analyze = ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C)
out$p.t.naive <- out.tmp.naive$p.t.naive #Ignore C
out$Beta.naive <- out.tmp.naive$Beta.naive
######Ignore Missingness######
if (ncol(X) == 1 && return.all) {
out$p.t.ignore.miss <- rep(NA, nrow(Y))
out$Beta.ignore.miss <- rep(NA, nrow(Y))
out$Var.beta.ignore.miss <- rep(NA, nrow(Y))
out$Sigma.ignore.miss <- rep(NA, nrow(Y))
tmp.ignore <- Ignore.Missing(Y = Y[ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C,], Cov = cbind(out$X,out$C.ignore.miss,out$Z))
out$p.t.ignore.miss[ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C] <- tmp.ignore$p
out$Beta.ignore.miss[ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C] <- tmp.ignore$beta
out$Var.beta.ignore.miss[ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C] <- tmp.ignore$sd.beta^2
out$Sigma.ignore.miss[ind.miss.all | Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C] <- tmp.ignore$Sigma
if (include.updates) {cat("done\n")}
###Estimate C.perp with missing data weights###
Est.Cperp.Weights <- function(Y, Cov=NULL, C.start, Weights, ind.use.miss, max.miss.C=0.05, max.iter=800, tol=1e-6) {
Frac.missing <- apply(Y, 1, function(y) {mean(})
ind.use <- Frac.missing <= max.miss.C | ind.use.miss
Frac.missing <- Frac.missing[ind.use]
Y <- Y[ind.use,]
Weights <- Weights[ind.use,]
K <- ncol(C.start)
if (!is.null(Cov)) {
Cov <- cbind(Cov)
d <- ncol(Cov)
Cov.perp <- diag(nrow(Cov)) - Cov%*%solve(t(Cov)%*%Cov,t(Cov))
} else {
d <- 0
#Start function after pruning#
n <- ncol(Y)
p <- nrow(Y)
C.perp <- C.start <- cbind(Cov, C.perp)
Ind.Obs <- ! <- -1e16 <- rep(NA, max.iter+1)
for (i in 1:max.iter) {
BL <- t(sapply(X = 1:p, function(g){ ind.obs <- ![g,]); y <- Y[g,ind.obs]; w <- Weights[g,ind.obs]; solve(t([ind.obs,]*w)%*[ind.obs,],t([ind.obs,]*w)%*%y) }))
L <- cbind(BL[,(d+1):(d+K)])
if (!is.null(Cov)) {
B <- cbind(BL[,1:d])
C.perp <- t(sapply(X = 1:n, function(i){ ind.obs <- ![,i]); y <- Y[ind.obs,i]-as.vector(B[ind.obs,]%*%cbind(Cov[i,])); w <- Weights[ind.obs,i]; solve(t(L[ind.obs,]*w)%*%L[ind.obs,],t(L[ind.obs,]*w)%*%y) }))
} else {
C.perp <- t(sapply(X = 1:n, function(i){ ind.obs <- ![,i]); y <- Y[ind.obs,i]; w <- Weights[ind.obs,i]; solve(t(L[ind.obs,]*w)%*%L[ind.obs,],t(L[ind.obs,]*w)%*%y) }))
} <- cbind(Cov, C.perp)
##Compute log-likelihood##
Mu <- BL %*% t( <- -sum(Weights[Ind.Obs] * (Y[Ind.Obs]-Mu[Ind.Obs])^2)[i] <-
if (abs( - <= tol) {
} <-
if (!is.null(Cov)) {
C.perp <- sqrt(n-d)*svd(Cov.perp %*% C.perp)$u
} else {
C.perp <- sqrt(n)*svd(C.perp)$u
return(list(C.perp=C.perp, n.iter=i,[1:i]))
######Estimation with IPW######
Estimation.IPW <- function(Y=Y, Cov=Cov, Weights, Var.Weights, max.miss.C=0.05,, ind.analyze,, return.nuis=F) {
n <- ncol(Y)
p <- nrow(Y)
r <- ncol(Cov)
if (is.null( || return.nuis) { <- 1:r}
out <- list()
Prob.Missing <- apply(X = Y, MARGIN = 1, function(x) {mean(})
Beta <- matrix(NA, nrow=p, ncol=r)
Beta.naive <- matrix(NA, nrow=p, ncol=r)
Var.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = p) #Array of variance matrices
Var.naive.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = p)
out$Sigma <- rep(NA, p)
if ( {out$Mu <- matrix(NA, nrow=p, ncol=n)}
#Missing at random#
ind.mar <- Prob.Missing <= max.miss.C
tmp.mar <- lapply(X = which(ind.mar==T), function(g){ ind.obs <- ![g,])
y <- Y[g,ind.obs]
cov.tmp <- cbind(Cov[ind.obs,])
hess <- solve(t(cov.tmp)%*%cov.tmp)
tt <- list(); tt$coef <- hess%*%t(cov.tmp)%*%y
tt$sigma2 <- 1/(length(y)-ncol(cov.tmp))*sum((y-cov.tmp%*%tt$coef)^2)
tt$var <- tt$sigma2*hess
return(tt) })
Beta[ind.mar,] <- t(sapply(tmp.mar, function(x){x$coef}))
Beta.naive[ind.mar,] <- Beta[ind.mar,]
Var.list[ind.mar] <- lapply(tmp.mar, function(x){x$var})
Var.naive.list[ind.mar] <- Var.list[ind.mar]
out$Sigma[ind.mar] <- unlist(lapply(tmp.mar, function(x){x$sigma2}))
if ( {out$Mu[ind.mar,] <- Beta[ind.mar,]%*%t(Cov)}
#Missing not at random#
ind.nmar <- Prob.Missing > max.miss.C & ind.analyze
Q.cov <- Compute.Orthog.Proj(Cov)
if (sum(ind.nmar) > 0) {
tmp.nmar <- lapply(X = which(ind.nmar==T), function(g){ ind.obs <- ![g,])
y <- Y[g,ind.obs]
w <- Weights[g,ind.obs]
var.w <- Var.Weights[g,ind.obs]
cov.tmp <- cbind(Cov[ind.obs,])
hess <- solve(t(cov.tmp*w)%*%cov.tmp); hess.naive <- solve(t(cov.tmp)%*%cov.tmp)
tt <- list(); tt$coef <- hess%*%t(cov.tmp*w)%*%y; tt$coef.naive <- hess.naive%*%t(cov.tmp)%*%y
tt$mu <-
resids.ipw <- y-as.vector(cov.tmp%*%tt$coef)
Score <- cov.tmp*resids.ipw
Score.naive <- cov.tmp*(y-as.vector(cov.tmp%*%tt$coef.naive)) <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(cov.tmp), function(i){ as.vector(solve( diag(1,ncol(cov.tmp),ncol(cov.tmp)) - w[i]*cbind(cov.tmp[i,])%*%rbind(cov.tmp[i,])%*%hess, Score[i,] )) }))
tt$var <- hess%*%( t(Score*var.w)%*%Score )%*%hess; tt$ <- hess%*%( t(*var.w)%* )%*%hess; tt$var.naive <- sum((y-cov.tmp%*%tt$coef.naive)^2)/(nrow(cov.tmp)-ncol(cov.tmp))*hess.naive
#tt$sigma2 <- sum(w*(y-as.vector(cov.tmp%*%tt$coef))^2)/( sum(w) - sum(diag( hess%*%(t(cov.tmp*w^2)%*%cov.tmp) )) ) #This gives better estimates of sigma2 in practice
hat.ipw <- apply(X = cov.tmp*sqrt(w), MARGIN = 1, function(x,A){sum(x*as.vector(A%*%x))}, A=hess)
tt$sigma2 <- sum( w*resids.ipw^2 / (1-hat.ipw)^2 )/sum(w)
return(tt) })
Beta[ind.nmar,] <- t(sapply(tmp.nmar,function(x){x$coef}))
Beta.naive[ind.nmar,] <- t(sapply(tmp.nmar,function(x){x$coef.naive}))
Var.list[ind.nmar] <- lapply(tmp.nmar,function(x){x$})
Var.naive.list[ind.nmar] <- lapply(tmp.nmar,function(x){x$var.naive})
out$Sigma[ind.nmar] <- unlist(lapply(tmp.nmar, function(x){x$sigma2}))
if ( {out$Mu[ind.nmar,] <- Beta[ind.nmar,]%*%t(Cov)}
out$t <- matrix(NA, nrow=p, ncol=length(
out$t[ind.analyze,] <- t(rbind(sapply( X = which(ind.analyze==T), function(g){ Beta[g,] / sqrt(diag(Var.list[[g]])[]) } )))
out$p.t <- 2*pnorm(-abs(out$t))
out$p.t.naive <- matrix(NA, nrow=p, ncol=length(
out$p.t.naive[ind.analyze,] <- 2*pnorm(-abs( t(rbind(sapply( X = which(ind.analyze==T), function(g){ Beta.naive[g,] / sqrt(diag(Var.naive.list[[g]])[]) } ))) ))
if (length( > 1) {
out$f <- rep(NA, nrow=p)
out$f[ind.analyze] <- unlist(lapply(X = which(ind.analyze==T), function(g){ sum(Beta[g,] * solve(Var.list[[g]][,], Beta[g,])) }))/length(
out$p.f <- pchisq(q = length(*out$f, df = length(, lower.tail = FALSE)
} else {
out$f <- NULL
out$p.f <- NULL
out$Beta <- Beta[,]
out$Beta.naive <- Beta.naive[,]
out$Var.beta <- lapply(Var.list, function(x){if(is.null(x)){return(NA)}; if([1])){return(NA)}; x[,]})
Ignore.Missing <- function(Y, Cov, {
z <- lapply(X = 1:nrow(Y), function(g){ out <- list(); <- ![g,]); y <- Y[g,]; cov <- cbind(Cov[,]); hess.g <- solve(t(cov)%*%cov); out$beta <- as.vector(hess.g%*%t(cov)%*%y); sigma2 <- sum((y-cov%*%out$beta)^2)/(nrow(cov)-ncol(cov)); out$sigma2 <- sigma2; out$z <- out$beta/sqrt(sigma2*diag(hess.g)); return(out) })
return(list(p=2*pnorm(-abs(unlist(lapply(z, function(x){x$z[]})))), beta=unlist(lapply(z, function(x){x$beta[]})), Sigma=unlist(lapply(z, function(x){x$sigma2})), sd.beta=unlist(lapply(z, function(x){x$beta[]/x$z[]}))))
Compute.Orthog.Proj <- function(X) {
X <- cbind(X)
qr.X <- qr(X)
Q <- qr.Q(qr.X, complete = T)[,(qr.X$rank+1):nrow(X)]
###Iterative estimation of Omega###
Iterate.Omega <- function(Y, Y1, L, X, Z=NULL, Omega, C.perp, B.iter=3, q.thresh=0.1, Weights, Var.Weights, max.miss.C, ind.analyze, ind.image) {
X <- cbind(X)
Omega <- cbind(Omega)
for (j in 1:B.iter) {
C <- C.perp + X%*%t(Omega)
tmp.j <- Estimation.IPW(Y = Y, Cov = cbind(X,C,Z), Weights = Weights, Var.Weights = Var.Weights, max.miss.C = max.miss.C, = 1:ncol(X), ind.analyze = ind.analyze)
q.j <- qvalue::qvalue(as.vector(tmp.j$p.t)[ind.image])
ind.j <- q.j$qvalues > q.thresh & !$qvalues)
if (sum(ind.j) == sum(ind.image)) {return(as.vector(Omega))}
Omega <- cbind(solve(t(L[ind.j,]) %*% L[ind.j,], t(L[ind.j,]) %*% Y1[ind.j]))
###Iteratively-reweighted BCconf###
#X contains the covariates of interest. For now, I will assume dim(X) = 1
#Z contains the nuisance covariates, like the intercept
#C.start contains a starting point for the latent factors
#The output is an estimate for C, which is orthogonal to Z
IRW.C <- function(Y, X, Z, C, Weights, Var.Weights, max.miss.C, ind.perp, ind.analyze, B.iter=5, p.naive=F) {
X <- cbind(X)
Z <- cbind(Z)
C <- cbind(C)
d <- ncol(X)
K <- ncol(C)
p <- nrow(Y)
w.C <- rep(NA, p)
for (i in 1:B.iter) {
out.tmp <- Estimation.IPW(Y = Y, Cov = cbind(X,C,Z), Weights = Weights, Var.Weights = Var.Weights, max.miss.C = max.miss.C, = 1:(d+K), ind.analyze = ind.analyze)
#Pvalues for B#
if (d == 1) {
if (p.naive) {
p.X <- out.tmp$p.t.naive[,1]
} else {
p.X <- out.tmp$p.t[,1]
} else {
p.X <- pchisq(q = unlist(lapply( 1:p, function(g){ if ($Beta[g,1])){return(NA)}; sum(out.tmp$Beta[g,1:d]*as.vector(solve(out.tmp$Var.beta[[g]][1:d,1:d],out.tmp$Beta[g,1:d]))) } )), df = d, lower.tail = F)
#Pvalues for L#
if (K > 1) {
p.C <- pchisq(q = unlist(lapply( 1:p, function(g){ if ($Beta[g,1])){return(NA)}; sum(out.tmp$Beta[g,(d+1):(K+d)]*as.vector(solve(out.tmp$Var.beta[[g]][(d+1):(K+d),(d+1):(K+d)],out.tmp$Beta[g,(d+1):(K+d)]))) } )), df = K, lower.tail = F)
} else {
p.C <- 2*pnorm(-abs( out.tmp$Beta[,d+K] / sqrt( unlist(lapply(out.tmp$Var.beta,function(x){if ([1])){return(NA)}; x[d+K,d+K]})) ) ))
#P(B = 0, L != 0 | Data)#
w.C[ind.analyze] <- edge.lfdr(p.X[ind.analyze])*(1-edge.lfdr(p.C[ind.analyze])) #Factor analysis weights
#Initial estimate for C using only fully-observed metabolites#
out.C <- EstC.0(Y = Y * w.C, K = K, Cov = Z, max.miss = max.miss.C, max.iter = 800, n.repeat.Sigma = 1)
#Refine estimate for C using only fully-observed metabolites#
out.C <- Est.Cperp.Weights(Y = Y * w.C, Cov = Z, C.start = out.C$C, Weights = Weights, ind.use.miss = ind.perp, max.miss.C = max.miss.C)
C <- out.C$C.perp
if (i < B.iter) {w.C <- rep(NA, p)}
return(list(C=C, w.C=w.C))
####Compute P(beta = 0 | Data) from sva-devel/R/helper.R on github####
edge.lfdr <- function(p, trunc=TRUE, monotone=TRUE, transf=c("probit", "logit"), adj=1.5, eps=10^-8, lambda=0.8, ...) {
pi0 <- mean(p >= lambda)/(1 - lambda)
pi0 <- min(pi0, 1)
n <- length(p)
transf <- match.arg(transf)
if(transf=="probit") {
p <- pmax(p, eps)
p <- pmin(p, 1-eps)
x <- qnorm(p)
myd <- density(x, adjust=adj)
mys <- smooth.spline(x=myd$x, y=myd$y)
y <- predict(mys, x)$y
lfdr <- pi0*dnorm(x)/y
if(transf=="logit") {
x <- log((p+eps)/(1-p+eps))
myd <- density(x, adjust=adj)
mys <- smooth.spline(x=myd$x, y=myd$y)
y <- predict(mys, x)$y
dx <- exp(x) / (1+exp(x))^2
lfdr <- pi0 * dx/y
if(trunc) {
lfdr[lfdr > 1] <- 1
if(monotone) {
lfdr <- lfdr[order(p)]
lfdr <- mono(lfdr)
lfdr <- lfdr[rank(p)]
mono <- function(lfdr){
.Call("monotone", as.numeric(lfdr), PACKAGE="sva")
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