#####Estimate T_4 CDF missingness mechanism#####
Opt.GMM.t.grid <- function(A.grid, Pos.Grid, y, C=NULL, K.ind=NULL, U=NULL, W=NULL, t.df=4, n.iter=1, return.all=F, p.min.1=0, p.min.2=0) {
t.df <- t.df[1]
if (is.null(U)) {U <- cbind(Get.U(C, K.ind=K.ind))}
ind.obs <- !is.na(y)
y.orig <- y
y <- y[ind.obs]
n <- length(y)
m.grid <- length(Pos.Grid)
if (is.null(W)) {W <- 1/n*t(U)%*%U}
Out.grid <- t(sapply(A.grid, function(a){
prob.obs <- pt.gen(cbind(rep(1,m.grid))%*%rbind(a*y) - cbind(a*Pos.Grid)%*%rbind(rep(1,n)), df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2) #m.grad x n matrix
G <- cbind(rep(1,m.grid))%*%rbind(colSums(U)) - (1/prob.obs)%*%U[ind.obs,] #m.grid x k
out.a <- 1/2*rowSums((G%*%W)*G)
out.a[is.nan(out.a)] <- Inf
})) #A.grid x Pos.Grid
ind.a <- which.min(apply(X = Out.grid, MARGIN = 1, min))
ind.y <- which.min(apply(X = Out.grid, MARGIN = 2, min))
a <- A.grid[ind.a]
y0 <- Pos.Grid[ind.y]*A.grid[ind.a]
if (n.iter == 1) {
if (ind.a == 1 || ind.a == length(A.grid) || ind.y == 1 || ind.y == length(Pos.Grid)) {return(list(a=a, y0=y0, out.value=min(Out.grid), Out.grid=Out.grid))}
#out <- optim(par = c(a,y0), fn = func.GMM.norm, gr = Grad.GMM.norm, method = "BFGS", y=y.orig, U=U, W=W)
out <- constrOptim(theta = c(a,y0), f = func.GMM.t, grad = Grad.GMM.t, ui = rbind(c(1,0), c(-1,0), c(0,1), c(0,-1)), ci = c(A.grid[ind.a-1], -A.grid[ind.a+1], Pos.Grid[ind.y-1]*A.grid[ind.a-1], -Pos.Grid[ind.y+1]*A.grid[ind.a+1]), y=y.orig, U=U, W=W, t.df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)
if (return.all) {
return(list(a=out$par[1], y0=out$par[2], out.value=out$value, W=W, a.init=a, y0.init=y0, out.init=Out.grid[ind.a,ind.y], Out.grid=Out.grid, A.grid=A.grid, Pos.Grid=Pos.Grid))
return(list(a=out$par[1], y0=out$par[2], out.value=out$value, W=W, a.init=a, y0.init=y0, out.init=Out.grid[ind.a,ind.y]))
G <- U; G[ind.obs,] <- U[ind.obs,] * (1 - 1/pt.gen(a*y-y0, df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2))
return(Opt.GMM.t.grid(A.grid=A.grid, Pos.Grid=Pos.Grid, y=y.orig, W=solve(1/length(y.orig)*t(G)%*%G), U = U, n.iter=n.iter-1, t.df=t.df, return.all=return.all, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2))
##Compute value at optimum from Opt.GMM.t.grid##
Val.Opt.t <- function(a, y0, y, C, K.ind = 1:2, t.df=4, p.min.1=0, p.min.2=0) {
U <- cbind(Get.U(C, K.ind=K.ind))
ind.obs <- !is.na(y)
G <- U; G[ind.obs,] <- U[ind.obs,] * (1 - 1/pt.gen(x = a*(y[ind.obs]-y0), df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2))
G.bar <- colMeans(G)
n <- nrow(U)
return( n*sum(G.bar*as.vector(solve(Var.matrix(X = G),G.bar))) )
#theta is a vector
func.GMM.t <- function(theta, y, U, W, t.df=4, p.min.1 = 0, p.min.2 = 0) {
U <- cbind(U)
a <- theta[1]
y0 <- theta[2]
ind.obs <- !is.na(y)
y <- y[ind.obs]
prob.obs <- pt.gen(a*y-y0, df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)
prob.obs[prob.obs <= 0] <- 1e-8
if (ncol(U) == 1) {
g <- sum(U) - sum(U[ind.obs,]/prob.obs)
return(1/2 * g^2)
} else {
g <- colSums(U) - colSums(U[ind.obs,]/prob.obs)
return(1/2 * sum( g*(W %*% g) ))
#Gradient for first and second iteration#
Grad.GMM.t<- function(theta, y, U, W, t.df=4, p.min.1 = 0, p.min.2 = 0) {
U <- cbind(U)
a <- theta[1]
y0 <- theta[2]
n <- length(y)
ind.obs <- !is.na(y)
y <- y[ind.obs]
prob.obs <- pt.gen(a*y-y0, df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)
prob.obs[prob.obs <= 0] <- 1e-8
Grad.pi <- cbind(y*dt.gen(a*y-y0, df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2), -dt.gen(a*y-y0, df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2))
Grad.g <- t(Grad.pi/prob.obs^2) %*% U[ind.obs,] #2 x k
if (ncol(U) == 1) {
return( as.vector(Grad.g * (sum(U) - sum(U[ind.obs,]/prob.obs))) )
} else {
return( as.vector(Grad.g %*% W %*% (colSums(U) - colSums(U[ind.obs,]/prob.obs))) )
#######Variance of estimator#######
#Computes variance when we parametrize the function as Phi{a(y - mu)}, where a*mu=y0
Var.GMM.t <- function(theta, y, C, K.ind, W=NULL, t.df=4, p.min.1 = 0, p.min.2 = 0) { #According to numericDeriv, this is correct
t.df <- t.df[1]
if (is.null(W)) {W <- diag(length(K.ind)+1)}
U <- Get.U(C = C, K.ind = K.ind)
ind.obs <- !is.na(y)
y.obs <- y[ind.obs]
prob.obs <- pt.gen(theta[1]*y.obs-theta[2], df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)
Psi <- U; Psi[ind.obs,] <- Psi[ind.obs,]*(1-1/prob.obs) #k-vector
V <- Calc.EmpSigma(Psi = Psi) * (nrow(Psi)-1)
Gamma <- t(U[ind.obs,]/prob.obs^2*dt.gen(theta[1]*y.obs-theta[2], df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)) %*% cbind(y.obs-theta[2]/theta[1], rep(-theta[1],sum(ind.obs))) #A k x p matrix
Middle <- t(Gamma) %*% W %*% V %*% W %*% Gamma
H1 <- t(Gamma) %*% W %*% Gamma
return(list( Asy.Var=solve(H1,Middle)%*%solve(H1), H1=H1, Asy.Var.2step=solve(t(Gamma) %*% solve(V) %*% Gamma) )) #Total Hessian = H1+H2 when the gradient of f is 0, where H2 should be negligible as n -> infinity, which appears to be the case.
Var.InvPi2 <- function(theta, y, C, K.ind, W=NULL, t.df=4, transform=T, p.min.1 = 0, p.min.2 = 0) {
if (is.null(W)) {W <- diag(length(K.ind)+1)}
if (transform) {theta[2] <- theta[2]*theta[1]}
V <- Var.GMM.t(theta = theta, y = y, C = C, K.ind = K.ind, W = W, t.df = t.df)$Asy.Var
ind.obs <- !is.na(y)
y.obs <- y[ind.obs]
n.obs <- sum(ind.obs)
y.stand <- theta[1]*y.obs - theta[2]
#prob.obs <- pnorm(y.stand); min.y <- min(y.stand[prob.obs >= 0.2]); y.stand[y.stand < min.y] <- min.y
prob.obs <- pt.gen(x = y.stand, df = t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)
Grad.pi <- cbind(y.obs, rep(-1,n.obs)) * dt.gen(x = y.stand, df = t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)
S <- -y.stand*dt.gen(x = y.stand, df = t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)
Out <- rep(NA, n.obs)
for (j in 1:n.obs) {
tmp.j <- (3/prob.obs[j]^4*cbind(Grad.pi[j,])%*%rbind(Grad.pi[j,]) - S[j]/prob.obs[j]^3*matrix(c(y.obs[j]^2,-y.obs[j],-y.obs[j],1), nrow=2, ncol=2)) %*% V
Out[j] <- sum(diag(tmp.j))
pt.gen <- function(x, df=4, p.min.1=0, p.min.2=0) {
if (p.min.1 == 0) {
return(pt(x, df=df))
p.min.2 <- max(p.min.2, p.min.1)
q.1 <- qt(p.min.1, df=df)
q.2 <- qt(p.min.2, df=df)
tmp <- pt(x, df=df)
tmp[tmp <= p.min.1] <- p.min.1
if (p.min.1 == p.min.2) {return(tmp)}
#Linear interpolation#
#tmp[tmp >= p.min.1 & tmp <= p.min.2] <- (p.min.2 - p.min.1)/(q.2 - q.1) * (x[tmp >= p.min.1 & tmp <= p.min.2] - q.1) + p.min.1
#tmp[tmp < p.min.1] <- p.min.1
#Spline interpolation#
mm <- solve(cbind(c((q.2-q.1)^3,3*(q.2-q.1)^2),c((q.2-q.1)^2,2*(q.2-q.1))),c(p.min.2-p.min.1,dt(q.2,df=df)))
tmp[tmp > p.min.1 & tmp < p.min.2] <- mm[1]*(x[tmp > p.min.1 & tmp < p.min.2] - q.1)^3 + mm[2]*(x[tmp > p.min.1 & tmp < p.min.2] - q.1)^2 + p.min.1
dt.gen <- function(x, df=4, p.min.1=0, p.min.2=0) {
if (p.min.1 == 0) {
return(dt(x, df=df))
p.min.2 <- max(p.min.2, p.min.1)
q.1 <- qt(p.min.1, df=df)
q.2 <- qt(p.min.2, df=df)
tmp <- dt(x, df=df)
tmp[x <= q.1] <- 0
if (p.min.1 == p.min.2) {return(tmp)}
mm <- solve(cbind(c((q.2-q.1)^3,3*(q.2-q.1)^2),c((q.2-q.1)^2,2*(q.2-q.1))),c(p.min.2-p.min.1,dt(q.2,df=df)))
tmp[x > q.1 & x < q.2] <- 3*mm[1]*(x[x > q.1 & x < q.2] - q.1)^2 + 2*mm[2]*(x[x > q.1 & x < q.2] - q.1)
#tmp[x >= q.1 & x <= q.2] <- (p.min.2 - p.min.1)/(q.2 - q.1)
####Empirical Bayes to estimate hyperparameters####
Emp.Bayes.MuSigma <- function(Mu.g, Var.g, middle=c("mean", "median"), shift.var=0, refine.mu=T, simple.average=F) {
middle <- match.arg(middle, c("mean", "median"))
ind.use <- !is.na(Mu.g) & !is.na(Var.g)
Mu.g <- Mu.g[ind.use]
Var.g <- Var.g[ind.use]
if (middle == "median") {
mu <- median(Mu.g)
} else {
if (simple.average){
mu <- mean(Mu.g)
} else {
mu <- sum(Mu.g/(Var.g+shift.var))/sum(1/(Var.g+shift.var))
Mu.g <- Mu.g - mu
Phi <- 10^(seq(-2,4,by=0.05))
like <- unlist(lapply(X = Phi, FUN = function(phi){ sum(Mu.g^2/Var.g/(1+Var.g*phi) - log(1+Var.g*phi) + log(phi)) }))
like.inf <- -sum(log(Var.g))
ind.max <- which.max(like)
#Refine estimate for phi#
if (like.inf < max(like) && ind.max > 1) {
Phi2 <- seq(Phi[ind.max-1], Phi[ind.max+1], by=min(0.01,(Phi[ind.max+1]-Phi[ind.max-1])/5))
like2 <- unlist(lapply(X = Phi2, FUN = function(phi){ sum(Mu.g^2/Var.g/(1+Var.g*phi) - log(1+Var.g*phi) + log(phi)) }))
if (refine.mu && middle == "mean" && !simple.average) {
return(Emp.Bayes.MuSigma(Mu.g = Mu.g+mu, Var.g = Var.g, middle = "mean", shift.var = 1/Phi2[which.max(like2)], refine.mu = F))
return(list(mu=mu, sd=1/sqrt(Phi2[which.max(like2)]), like=like, Phi=Phi))
if (like.inf >= max(like)) {
return(list(mu=mu, sd=0, like=like, Phi=Phi))
if (ind.max == 1) {
return(list(mu=mu, sd=1/sqrt(Phi[1]), like=like, Phi=Phi))
##EB on both a and y0 simultaneously##
Emp.Bayes.MuSigma.Both <- function(Mu, Var, simple.average=F) {
out <- list()
ind.use <- unlist(lapply(X = 1:nrow(Mu), function(g){if (sum(is.na(Mu[g,])) > 0){return(F)}; if (is.na(Var[[g]])){return(F)}; if (class( try(expr = {solve(Var[[g]])}, silent = T) ) == "try-error"){return(F)}; tmp.s <- svd(Var[[g]]); if (tmp.s$d[1]/tmp.s$d[2] > 1e6){return(F)}; return(T)}))
Mu <- Mu[ind.use,]
out$ind.use <- ind.use
Var <- lapply(which(ind.use==T), function(g){Var[[g]]})
p <- nrow(Mu)
Emp.a <- Emp.Bayes.MuSigma(Mu.g = Mu[,1], Var.g = unlist(lapply(1:p,function(g){Var[[g]][1,1]})), middle = "mean", refine.mu = T, simple.average = simple.average)
Emp.y0 <- Emp.Bayes.MuSigma(Mu.g = Mu[,2], Var.g = unlist(lapply(1:p,function(g){Var[[g]][2,2]})), middle = "mean", refine.mu = T, simple.average = simple.average)
mu <- c(Emp.a$mu, Emp.y0$mu)
out$mu <- mu
var.a <- max(Emp.a$sd^2, 1e-2)
var.y0 <- max(Emp.y0$sd^2, 1e-2)
out.EB <- optim(par = c(1/var.a,0,1/var.y0), fn = f.EmpBayes, gr = grad.EmpBayes, hessian = T, Mu = Mu-cbind(rep(1,p))%*%rbind(mu), Var = Var)
D <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=2)
D[1,1] <- out.EB$par[1]; D[2,2] <- out.EB$par[3]; D[1,2] <- out.EB$par[2]; D[2,1] <- out.EB$par[2]
out$V <- solve(D)
out$Hessian <- out.EB$hessian
f.EmpBayes <- function(theta, Mu, Var) {
D <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=2)
D[1,1] <- theta[1]; D[2,2] <- theta[3]; D[1,2] <- theta[2]; D[2,1] <- theta[2]
p <- nrow(Mu)
like <- p*sum(log(eigen(D,symmetric = T)$values)) - sum(unlist(lapply(1:p,function(g){sum(log(svd(solve(Var[[g]])+D)$d))}))) + sum(unlist(lapply(1:p,function(g){ tmp.V <- Var[[g]]+Var[[g]]%*%D%*%Var[[g]]; tmp.svd <- svd(tmp.V); mu.rotate <- as.vector(t(tmp.svd$u)%*%Mu[g,]); sum(mu.rotate^2/tmp.svd$d) })))
grad.EmpBayes <- function(theta, Mu, Var) {
D <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=2)
D[1,1] <- theta[1]; D[2,2] <- theta[3]; D[1,2] <- theta[2]; D[2,1] <- theta[2]
p <- nrow(Mu)
grad <- p*solve(D) - Reduce( "+", lapply(1:p,function(g){solve(D+solve(Var[[g]]))}) ) + Reduce( "+", lapply(1:p,function(g){ tmp.v <- solve(D+solve(Var[[g]]),solve(Var[[g]],Mu[g,])); tmp.v%*%t(tmp.v) }) )
return(-c(grad[1,1], grad[1,2], grad[2,2]))
#####Boostrapped estimator for the variance#####
Boot.Var <- function(y, C=NULL, K.ind=1:2, U=NULL, a, y0, n.iter=2, t.df=4, p.min.1=0, p.min.2=0, n.Boot=100, y0.plus=2, y0.minus=2) {
t.df <- t.df[1]
y0.max <- 35
y0.min <- 5
n <- length(y)
if (is.null(U)) {U <- cbind(Get.U(C, K.ind=K.ind))}
A.grid <- seq(max(a/5, 0.1),min(5*a,7),by=0.05)
Pos.Grid <- seq(max(y0-y0.minus,y0.min),min(y0+y0.plus,y0.max),by=0.25)
cl <- makeCluster(max(detectCores() - 1, 1))
clusterExport(cl, c("U", "A.grid", "Pos.Grid", "y", "n.iter", "t.df", "p.min.1", "p.min.2", "n"), envir=environment())
clusterEvalQ(cl = cl, expr = source("../R/EstimateMissingnessGMM_t.R"))
out.parallel <- parSapply(cl = cl, X = 1:n.Boot, function(b) {
sample.b <- sample(x = 1:n, size = n, replace = T)
out.b <- Opt.GMM.t.grid(A.grid = A.grid, Pos.Grid = Pos.Grid, y = y[sample.b], U = U[sample.b,], n.iter = n.iter, t.df = t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)
return(c(out.b$a, out.b$y0/out.b$a))
return(list(a.boot=out.parallel[1,], y0.boot=out.parallel[2,], mean.a=mean(out.parallel[1,]), mean.y0=mean(out.parallel[2,]), mean.loga=mean(log(out.parallel[1,])), Var=Var.matrix(out.parallel), Var.log=Var.matrix(rbind(log(out.parallel[1,]),out.parallel[2,]))))
##Empirical Likelihood Boostrapped estimator for J-statistic##
Boot.J <- function(y, C, theta, K.ind=1:2, value.opt=NULL, t.df=4, p.min.1=0, p.min.2=0, n.boot=500, tol.EL=1e-8, y0.plus=2, y0.minus=2, plotit=F, alpha.wolfe=1/2, c.wolfe=0.1) {
a <- theta[1]
y0 <- theta[2]
if (is.null(value.opt)) {value.opt <- Val.Opt.t(a = a, y0 = y0, y = y, C = C, K.ind = K.ind, t.df = t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)}
y0.max <- 35
y0.min <- 5
n <- length(y)
ind.obs <- !is.na(y)
U <- Get.U(C = C, K.ind = K.ind)
Psi <- U; Psi[ind.obs,] <- Psi[ind.obs,] * (1 - 1/pt.gen(x = a*(y[ind.obs]-y0), df = t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2))
#Estimate EL weights#
lambda <- rep(0,ncol(Psi))
max.iter.EL <- 1e4
for (i in 1:max.iter.EL) {
weights <- 1/(1 - as.vector(Psi %*% lambda)) #EL weights
grad.i <- as.vector( t(Psi)%*%weights )
if (max(abs(grad.i)) < tol.EL) {
hess.i <- t(Psi * weights^2) %*% Psi
dir.i <- as.vector(solve(hess.i,grad.i))
f.i <- sum(log(weights))
for (j in 1:20) {
lambda.j <- lambda - dir.i
weights.j <- 1/(1 - as.vector(Psi %*% lambda.j))
if (min(weights.j) <= 0) {
dir.i <- alpha.wolfe*dir.i
if (sum(log(weights.j)) <= f.i - c.wolfe*sum(dir.i*grad.i)) {
lambda <- lambda.j
} else {
dir.i <- alpha.wolfe*dir.i
#Boostrap with estimated weights#
A.grid <- seq(max(a/5, 0.1),min(5*a,7),by=0.05)
Pos.Grid <- seq(max(y0-y0.minus,y0.min),min(y0+y0.plus,y0.max),by=0.25)
value <- rep(NA, n.boot)
for (b in 1:n.boot) {
sample.b <- sample(x = 1:n, size = n, replace = T, prob = weights)
y.b <- y[sample.b]
C.b <- C[sample.b,]
out.boot <- Opt.GMM.t.grid(A.grid = A.grid, Pos.Grid = Pos.Grid, y = y.b, C = C.b, K.ind = K.ind, n.iter = 2, t.df = t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)
value[b] <- Val.Opt.t(a = out.boot$a, y0 = out.boot$y0/out.boot$a, y = y.b, C = C.b, K.ind = K.ind, t.df = t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)
#value[b] <- 2*out.boot$out.value/n
if (sum(value>=value.opt) < 5) {
beta.start <- mean(value)/var(value)
alpha.start <- beta.start*mean(value)
out.gamma <- constrOptim(theta = c(alpha.start,beta.start), f = mlog.like.Gamma, grad = mgrad.like.Gamma, ui = diag(2), ci = c(1e-2,1e-2), mu.log=mean(log(value)), mu.x=mean(value))
if (plotit) {
hist(value, prob=T)
return(list(value.opt=value.opt,value.boot=value,p.value.boot=(sum(value>=value.opt)+1)/(n.boot+1),p.value=pgamma(q = value.opt, shape = out.gamma$par[1], rate = out.gamma$par[2], lower.tail = F)))
} else {
return(list(value.opt=value.opt, value.boot=value, p.value=(sum(value>=value.opt)+1)/(n.boot+1)))
mlog.like.Gamma <- function(theta, mu.log, mu.x) {
alpha <- theta[1]; beta <- theta[2]
out <- alpha*log(beta) - lgamma(alpha) + (alpha-1)*mu.log - beta*mu.x
mgrad.like.Gamma <- function(theta, mu.log, mu.x) {
alpha <- theta[1]; beta <- theta[2]
grad.alpha <- log(beta) - digamma(alpha) + mu.log
grad.beta <- alpha/beta - mu.x
Var.matrix <- function(X) {
if (nrow(X) > ncol(X)) {
X <- t(X)
n <- ncol(X)
mu <- cbind(rowMeans(X))
return( 1/(n-1)*X%*%t(X) - n/(n-1)*mu%*%t(mu) )
##U function##
Get.U <- function(C, K.ind=c(1,2)) {
if (is.null(K.ind)) {return(cbind(rep(1,nrow(C))))}
cbind(rep(1,nrow(C)), C[,K.ind])
############################ OLD FUNCTIONS ############################
Var.GMM.t.old <- function(theta, y, C, K.ind, W=NULL, t.df=4, p.min.1 = 0, p.min.2 = 0) { #According to numericDeriv, this is correct
t.df <- t.df[1]
if (is.null(W)) {W <- diag(length(K.ind)+1)}
U <- Get.U(C = C, K.ind = K.ind)
ind.obs <- !is.na(y)
y.obs <- y[ind.obs]
prob.obs <- pt.gen(theta[1]*y.obs-theta[2], df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)
Psi <- U; Psi[ind.obs,] <- Psi[ind.obs,]*(1-1/prob.obs) #k-vector
V <- t(Psi)%*%Psi #k x k
Dh <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=2); Dh[1,1] <- 1; Dh[1,2] <- theta[2]/theta[1]; Dh[2,2] <- theta[1]
Gamma <- t(U[ind.obs,]/prob.obs^2*dt.gen(theta[1]*y.obs-theta[2], df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)) %*% cbind(y.obs, rep(-1,sum(ind.obs))) %*% t(Dh) #A k x p matrix
Middle <- t(Gamma) %*% W %*% V %*% W %*% Gamma
H1 <- t(Gamma) %*% W %*% Gamma
Const <- as.vector(U[ind.obs,] %*% W %*% colSums(Psi))
S <- -(theta[1]*y.obs-theta[2])*dt.gen(theta[1]*y.obs-theta[2], df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)
tmp.mat <- cbind(y.obs, rep(-1,sum(ind.obs)))
H2 <- -2*t(tmp.mat / prob.obs^3 * Const * dt.gen(theta[1]*y.obs-theta[2], df=t.df, p.min.1 = p.min.1, p.min.2 = p.min.2)^2) %*% tmp.mat
H2[1,1] <- H2[1,1] + sum(S*y.obs^2/prob.obs^2)
H2[1,2] <- H2[1,2] - sum(S*y.obs/prob.obs^2)
H2[2,1] <- H2[2,1] - sum(S*y.obs/prob.obs^2)
H2[2,2] <- H2[2,2] + sum(S/prob.obs^2)
return(list( Asy.Var=solve(H1,Middle)%*%solve(H1), H1=H1, H2=Dh%*%H2%*%t(Dh) )) #Total Hessian = H1+H2 when the gradient of f is 0, where H2 should be negligible as n -> infinity, which appears to be the case.
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