
Defines functions readCtryPolyAdmLayer ctryShpLyrName2Num getPolyFnameRDS getPolyFnameZip getPolyFnamePath getPolyFname getCtryShpAllAdmLvls existsCtryPoly allValidCtryAdmLvls validCtryAdmLvls searchAdmLevel searchAdmLevelName searchAdmLevelMembers getCtryStructAdmLevelNames getCtryPolyAdmLevelNames getCtryShpLowestLyrNames getCtryShpLyrNames existsPolyFnameRDS existsPolyFnameZip existsPolyFnamePath getCtryPolyUrl readCtryStruct createCtryStruct getCtryStructFnamePath getCtryStructFname deleteCtryPoly dnldCtryPoly dnldGADMCtrySpRds dnldGADMCtryShpZip addCtryPolyIdx orderCustPolyLayers gadmAliasToLayer gadmLayerToAlias getCRS getWorldMap validGadmPolyTypes getAllGadmPolyTypes getGadmLevelNames getGadmLayerNames validGadmVersions getAllGadmVersions

Documented in addCtryPolyIdx allValidCtryAdmLvls createCtryStruct ctryShpLyrName2Num deleteCtryPoly dnldCtryPoly dnldGADMCtryShpZip dnldGADMCtrySpRds existsCtryPoly existsPolyFnamePath existsPolyFnameRDS existsPolyFnameZip getAllGadmPolyTypes getAllGadmVersions getCRS getCtryPolyAdmLevelNames getCtryPolyUrl getCtryShpAllAdmLvls getCtryShpLowestLyrNames getCtryShpLyrNames getCtryStructAdmLevelNames getCtryStructFname getCtryStructFnamePath getPolyFname getPolyFnamePath getPolyFnameRDS getPolyFnameZip getWorldMap orderCustPolyLayers readCtryPolyAdmLayer readCtryStruct searchAdmLevel searchAdmLevelMembers searchAdmLevelName validCtryAdmLvls validGadmPolyTypes validGadmVersions

######################## getAllGadmVersions #############################

#' Return a vector of GADM versions
#' Return a vector of GADM versions
#' @return character vector valid GADM versions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::getAllGadmVersions()
#' }
#' @export
getAllGadmVersions <- function()
  return(c("2.8", "3.6"))

######################## validGadmVersions #############################

#' Check whether GADM versions are valid
#' Check whether GADM versions are valid
#' @param gadmVersions The GADM versions to validate
#' @return logical vector
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::validGadmVersions("2.8")
#' }
#' @export
validGadmVersions <- function(gadmVersions)
  return(stats::setNames(gadmVersions %in% getAllGadmVersions(), gadmVersions))

getGadmLayerNames <- function(ctryCode, layerNum, gadmVersion)

getGadmLevelNames <- function(ctryCode, layerNum)

######################## getAllGadmPolyTypes #############################

#' Return a vector of GADM polyTypes
#' Return a vector of GADM polyTypes
#' @return character vector valid GADM polyTypes
#' @examples
#' getAllGadmPolyTypes()
#' @export
getAllGadmPolyTypes <- function()
  return(c("gpkgZip", "kmlZip", "shpZip", "sfRds", "spRds"))

######################## validGadmPolyTypes #############################

#' Check whether GADM polyTypes are valid
#' Check whether GADM polyTypes are valid
#' @param gadmPolyTypes The GADM polyTypes to validate
#' @return logical vector
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::validGadmPolyTypes("shpZip")
#' }
#' @export
validGadmPolyTypes <- function(gadmPolyTypes)
  return(stats::setNames(gadmPolyTypes %in% getAllGadmPolyTypes(), gadmPolyTypes))

######################## getWorldMap ###################################

#' Make the rworldmap available for other functions
#' Make the rworldmap available for other functions. Since running cleangeo
#'     takes some time we want to run it once the first time it is called
#'     and make it available to other functions without overhead. The map
#'     is stored to the .RnightlightsEnv hidden package environment
getWorldMap <- function()
  if (!exists(".RnightlightsEnv"))
    .RnightlightsEnv <<- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  if (!exists(x = "map", envir = .RnightlightsEnv))
    saveMapPath <-
    if (!file.exists(saveMapPath))
      #world map and clean it
      #may take a sec or two so let's do it once
      #clean now (2019) shows a progressbar which is not ideal
      #we may move this back into the main code and maybe instantiate
      #it globally the first time we need it
      map <- rworldmap::getMap()
      #capture cleangeo progressbar output
      out <-
        utils::capture.output(map <- cleangeo::clgeo_Clean(map))
      assign(x = "map",
             value = map,
             envir = .RnightlightsEnv)
      #save the map to prevent the slow few seconds when it runs
      save(map, file = saveMapPath)
    } else
      load(file = saveMapPath, envir = .RnightlightsEnv)
  get(x = "map", envir = .RnightlightsEnv)

######################## getCRS ###################################

#' Specify the wgs84 CRS globally
#' Specify the wgs84 CRS which is currently the only CRS we support
#'    for use throughout the package. Saves the proj4 wgs84 string to the
#'    .RnightlightsEnv package hidden environment
getCRS <- function()
  if (!exists(".RnightlightsEnv"))
    .RnightlightsEnv <<- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  if (!exists(x = "CRS", envir = .RnightlightsEnv))
    #assign(x = "CRS", value = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 +no_defs", envir = .RnightlightsEnv)
    assign(x = "CRS",
           value = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84",
           envir = .RnightlightsEnv)
  get(x = "CRS", envir = .RnightlightsEnv)

gadmLayerToAlias <-
  function(layerNames, gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"))
    admLevels <- sapply(layerNames, function(layerName)
      ctryCode <-
        toupper(gsub("_", "", stringr::str_extract(tolower(layerName), "_*[a-z]{3}_+")))
      levelNum <- stringr::str_extract(layerName, "\\d+$")
      paste0(ctryCode, "_adm", levelNum)

gadmAliasToLayer <-
  function(layerAlias, gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"))

######################## orderCustPolyLayers ###################################

#' Order polygon shapefile layers in custom polygons
#' Order polygon shapefile layers in custom polygons
#' Add an index column to all layers of a polygon
#' @param ctryCode The ISO3 ctryCode of the country polygon to download
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::addCtryPolyIdx(ctryCode="KEN")
#' }
orderCustPolyLayers <- function(ctryCode, custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter custPolyPath")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) && !validCtryCodes(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ISO3 ctryCode: ", ctryCode)
  polyFnamePath <-
    getPolyFnamePath(ctryCode = ctryCode, custPolyPath = custPolyPath)
  lyrNames <- rgdal::ogrListLayers(polyFnamePath)
  ctryPolyNRows <- sapply(lyrNames, function(lyrName)
    ctryPoly <-
        dsn = getPolyFnamePath(ctryCode = ctryCode,
                               custPolyPath = custPolyPath),
        layer = lyrName
  lyrOrders <- order(ctryPolyNRows)
  for (lyrIdx in seq_along(lyrNames))
    lyrFiles <-
      list.files(path = polyFnamePath,
                 pattern = lyrNames[lyrIdx],
                 full.names = TRUE)
    for (lyrFile in lyrFiles)
      file.rename(from = lyrFile, to = file.path(dirname(lyrFile), paste0(lyrOrders[lyrIdx] -
                                                                            1, "_", basename(lyrFile))))

######################## addCtryPolyIdx ###################################

#' Add an index column to all layers of a polygon
#' Add an index column to all layers of a polygon
#' @param ctryCode The ISO3 ctryCode of the country polygon to download
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::addCtryPolyIdx(ctryCode="KEN")
#' }
addCtryPolyIdx <- function(ctryCode,
                           gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                           gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                           custPolyPath = NULL)
  wgs84 <- getCRS()
  if (!is.null(custPolyPath))
    for (admLevel in rgdal::ogrListLayers(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      ctryPoly <-
          dsn = getPolyFnamePath(
            ctryCode = ctryCode,
            gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
            gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
            custPolyPath = custPolyPath
          layer = admLevel
      #Create an integer col in the shapefile with unique GIDs
              ": Creating integer zone attribute col for polygon")
      lowestIDCol <- "GID_IDX"
      ctryPoly@data[, lowestIDCol] <-
        seq_along(ctryPoly@data)  # Make new attribute
      #project to wgs84
      ctryPoly <- sp::spTransform(ctryPoly, sp::CRS(projargs = wgs84))
      message(Sys.time(), ": Writing layer with new idx col")
        obj = ctryPoly,
        dsn = getPolyFnamePath(
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
        layer = admLevel,
        driver = "ESRI Shapefile",
        overwrite_layer = T
      ) # Save new version of shapefile
  } else if (gadmVersion == "3.6")
    for (admLevel in sort(rgdal::ogrListLayers(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      ctryPoly <-
          dsn = getPolyFnamePath(
            ctryCode = ctryCode,
            gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
            gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
            custPolyPath = custPolyPath
          layer = admLevel
      lowestIDCol <-
        paste0("GID_", stringr::str_extract(admLevel, "\\d+$"), "_IDX")
      #for GADM 3.6 polygons the attribute col GID_3 contains
      #strings which cannot be used by gdal_rasterize
      #Create an integer col in the shapefile corresponding to the unique GIDs
      if (is.null(ctryPoly@data[[lowestIDCol]]))
                ": Creating integer zone attribute col for polygon")
        lowestIDColOrig <- gsub("_IDX", "", lowestIDCol)
        ctryPoly@data[, lowestIDCol] <-
          seq_along(sort(ctryPoly@data[, lowestIDColOrig]))  # Make new attribute
        message(Sys.time(), ": Writing layer with new idx col")
          obj = ctryPoly,
          dsn = getPolyFnamePath(
            ctryCode = ctryCode,
            gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
            gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
            custPolyPath = custPolyPath
          layer = admLevel,
          driver = "ESRI Shapefile",
          overwrite_layer = T
        ) # Save new version of shapefile

######################## dnldGADMCtryRDS ###################################

#' Download a country's polygon RDS files from \url{http://gadm.org}
#' Download a country's polygon RDS files from \url{http://gadm.org} and
#'     combine them into one RDS to match other polygon downloads
#' @param ctryCode The ISO3 ctryCode of the country polygon to download
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param downloadMethod The method used to download polygons
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return TRUE/FALSE Success/Failure of the download
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  Rnightlights:::dnldGADMCtryShpZip("KEN", "3.6", "shpZip")
#' }
dnldGADMCtryShpZip <- function(ctryCode,
                               gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                               gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                               downloadMethod = pkgOptions("downloadMethod"),
                               custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
         ": Missing required parameter. One of ctryCode/custPolyPath required")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) && !validCtryCodes(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ISO3 ctryCode: ", ctryCode)
  if (gadmPolyType != "shpZip")
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid gadmPolyType")
  message(Sys.time(), ": Downloading ctry shpZip: ", ctryCode)
  fullPolyUrl <- getCtryPolyUrl(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  result <- NULL
  #if the path doesn't exist
  if (!existsPolyFnamePath(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    #if the dir and zip dont exist download and unzip
    if (!existsPolyFnameZip(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      #do not use aria. Seems GADM has issues with it. Use auto
      downloadMethod <- "auto"
      message(Sys.time(), ": Downloading ", fullPolyUrl)
      if (downloadMethod %in% c("auto", "curl", "libcurl", "wget"))
        rsltDnld <- utils::download.file(
          url = fullPolyUrl,
          destfile = getPolyFnameZip(
            ctryCode = ctryCode,
            gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
            gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
            custPolyPath = custPolyPath
          method = downloadMethod
      else if (downloadMethod == "aria")
        rsltDnld <-
            "aria2c -c", #continue partial downloads if found
            " -x", #number of connections to make
            " -s", #number of segments to parallel download
            " --show-console-readout=false --summary-interval=10 ",
            " -d ",
            " -o ",
                ctryCode = ctryCode,
                gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
                gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
                custPolyPath = custPolyPath
        ) #downloads to path relative to -d if specified else local dir
      if (rsltDnld == 0)
        #unzip does not like double slashes! Replace with singles if found
        polyFnameZip <- getPolyFnameZip(
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
        polyFnameZip <- gsub("//", "/", polyFnameZip, perl = TRUE)
        polyFnameZip <-
          gsub("\\\\\\\\", "\\\\", polyFnameZip, perl = TRUE)
        polyFnamePath <- getPolyFnamePath(
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
        polyFnamePath <- gsub("//", "/", polyFnamePath, perl = TRUE)
        polyFnamePath <-
          gsub("\\\\\\\\", "\\\\", polyFnamePath, perl = TRUE)
        result <-
          utils::unzip(zipfile = polyFnameZip,
                       junkpaths = TRUE,
                       exdir = polyFnamePath)
        if (!is.null(custPolyPath) || gadmVersion == "3.6")
            ctryCode = ctryCode,
            gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
            gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
            custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      } else
             ": Something went wrong. Polygon download failed!")
    } else
      #if the dir doesn't exist but the zip does unzip the zip
      #unzip does not like double slashes! Replace with singles if found
      #Convert double forward slashes to single
      polyFnameZip <- getPolyFnameZip(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      polyFnameZip <-
        gsub("//", "/", polyFnameZip, perl = TRUE) #forward
      polyFnameZip <-
        gsub("\\\\\\\\", "\\\\", polyFnameZip, perl = TRUE) #back
      polyFnamePath <- getPolyFnamePath(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      polyFnamePath <- gsub("//", "/", polyFnamePath, perl = TRUE)
      polyFnamePath <-
        gsub("\\\\\\\\", "\\\\", polyFnamePath, perl = TRUE)
      result <-
        utils::unzip(zipfile = polyFnameZip,
                     junkpaths = TRUE,
                     exdir = polyFnamePath)
      if (!is.null(custPolyPath) || gadmVersion == "3.6")
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    if (!is.null(custPolyPath))
      orderCustPolyLayers(ctryCode = ctryCode, custPolyPath = custPolyPath)
    wgs84 <- getCRS()
    #saving RDS
    message(Sys.time(), ": Saving shapefile as RDS for faster access")
    message(Sys.time(), ": Getting admLevels in ", ctryCode)
    if (is.null(custPolyPath))
      allCtryLevels <- sort(unlist(grep(
            ctryCode = ctryCode,
            gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
            gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
            custPolyPath = custPolyPath
        value = T
      allCtryLevels <-
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    message(Sys.time(), ": Reading in all admLevels")
    listCtryPolys <-
                    function(lvl) {
                      ctryPoly <- rgdal::readOGR(
                        dsn = getPolyFnamePath(
                          ctryCode = ctryCode,
                          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
                          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
                          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
                        layer = lvl
    message(Sys.time(), ": Saving admLevel polygons as RDS")
      object = listCtryPolys,
      file = getPolyFnameRDS(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      ": Polygon dir for ",
            sep = ":"),
      " already exists"
    if (!file.exists(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      message(Sys.time(), ": Saving shapefile as RDS for faster access")
      message(Sys.time(), ": Getting admLevels in ", ctryCode)
      if (is.null(custPolyPath))
        allCtryLevels <- sort(unlist(grep(
            dsn = getPolyFnamePath(
              ctryCode = ctryCode,
              gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
              gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
              custPolyPath = custPolyPath
          value = T
        allCtryLevels <-
            ctryCode = ctryCode,
            gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
            gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
            custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      message(Sys.time(), ": Reading in all admLevels")
      listCtryPolys <-
                      function(lvl) {
                        ctryPoly <-
                            dsn = getPolyFnamePath(
                              ctryCode = ctryCode,
                              gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
                              gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
                              custPolyPath = custPolyPath
                            layer = lvl
                        ctryPoly <- cleangeo::clgeo_Clean(ctryPoly)
      message(Sys.time(), ": Saving admLevel polygons as RDS")
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath

######################## dnldGADMCtrySpRds ###################################

#' Download a country's polygon RDS files from \url{http://gadm.org}
#' Download a country's polygon RDS files from \url{http://gadm.org} and
#'     combine them into one RDS to match other polygon downloads
#' @param ctryCode The ISO3 ctryCode of the country polygon to download
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param downloadMethod The method used to download polygons
#' @return TRUE/FALSE Success/Failure of the download
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::dnldGADMCtrySpRds("KEN")
#' }
dnldGADMCtrySpRds <- function(ctryCode,
                              gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                              gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                              downloadMethod = pkgOptions("downloadMethod"))
  if (file.exists(getPolyFnameRDS(ctryCode = ctryCode)))
         " ",
         " RDS already exists. Please delete it to force")
  if (gadmVersion == "2.8")
    baseUrl <-
    baseUrl <-
             gsub("\\.", "", gadmVersion),
  ctryPolyList <- NULL
  res <- 0
  idx <- 0
  while (TRUE)
    if (gadmVersion == "2.8")
      fName <- paste0(ctryCode, "_adm", idx, ".rds")
      fName <-
               gsub("\\.", "", gadmVersion),
    message("Processing ", fName)
    dnldUrl <- paste0(baseUrl, fName)
    tempFname <- file.path(getNlDir("dirNlTemp"), fName)
    if (!file.exists(tempFname))
      res <-
      try(utils::download.file(url = dnldUrl,
                               destfile = tempFname,
                               method = downloadMethod),
    #the url doesn't exist so we assume we are done
    if (inherits(res, "try-error"))
    ctryPoly <- readRDS(file = tempFname)
    lowestIDCol <- paste0("GID_", idx, "_IDX")
    #for GADM 3.6 polygons the attribute col GID_3 contains
    #strings which cannot be used by gdal_rasterize
    #Create an integer col in the shapefile corresponding to the unique GIDs
    if (gadmVersion == "3.6" &&
              ": Creating integer zone attribute col for polygon")
      lowestIDColOrig <- gsub("_IDX", "", lowestIDCol)
      ctryPoly@data[, lowestIDCol] <-
        seq_along(sort(ctryPoly@data[, lowestIDColOrig]))  # Make new attribute
    if (!dir.exists(getPolyFnamePath(ctryCode = ctryCode,
                                     gadmVersion = gadmVersion)))
      message(Sys.time(), ": Writing shapefile layer")
        obj = ctryPoly,
        dsn = getPolyFnamePath(
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType
        layer = paste0("gadm_", ctryCode, "_", idx),
        driver = "ESRI Shapefile",
        overwrite_layer = T
      ) # Save new version of shapefile
    ctryPolyList <- append(ctryPolyList, ctryPoly)
  message("saving combined RDS")
  if (!file.exists(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType
  if (!file.exists(
                           gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
                           gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType)
    createCtryStruct(ctryCode = ctryCode,
                     gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
                     gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType)

######################## dnldCtryPoly ###################################

#' Download a country's polygon shapefile from \url{http://gadm.org}
#' Download a country's polygon shapefile from \url{http://gadm.org}
#' @param ctryCode The ISO3 ctryCode of the country polygon to download
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @param downloadMethod The method used to download polygons
#' @return TRUE/FALSE Success/Failure of the download
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::dnldCtryPoly("KEN")
#' }
#' @export
dnldCtryPoly <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                         gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                         gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                         custPolyPath = NULL,
                         downloadMethod = pkgOptions("downloadMethod"))
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
         ": Missing required parameter. One of ctryCode/custPolyPath required")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) && !validCtryCodes(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ISO3 ctryCode: ", ctryCode)
  message(Sys.time(), ": Downloading ctry poly: ", ctryCode)
  res <-
    if (toupper(gadmPolyType) == toupper("shpZip") ||
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        downloadMethod = downloadMethod,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    } else if (toupper(gadmPolyType) == toupper("spRds"))
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        downloadMethod = downloadMethod
  #save ctry structure as CSV in data dir
  if (!file.exists(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    message(Sys.time(), ": Saving country admLevel structure to CSV")
    result <- createCtryStruct(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  return (
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,

######################## deleteCtryPoly ###################################

#' Download a country's polygon shapefile from \url{http://gadm.org}
#' Download a country's polygon shapefile from \url{http://gadm.org}
#' @param ctryCode The ISO3 ctryCode of the country polygon to download
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @param downloadMethod The method used to download polygons
#' @return TRUE/FALSE Success/Failure of the download
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::deleteCtryPoly("KEN")
#' }
#' @export
deleteCtryPoly <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                           gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                           gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                           custPolyPath = NULL,
                           downloadMethod = pkgOptions("downloadMethod"))
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
         ": Missing required parameter. One of ctryCode/custPolyPath required")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) && !validCtryCodes(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ISO3 ctryCode: ", ctryCode)
  if (existsPolyFnamePath(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    polyPath <- getPolyFnameZip(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    message(Sys.time(), ": Found ", polyPath, ". Deleting")
    unlink(x = polyPath,
           recursive = T,
           force = T)
  if (existsPolyFnameZip(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    zipPath <- getPolyFnameZip(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    message(Sys.time(), ": Found ", zipPath, ". Deleting")
    unlink(x = zipPath,
           recursive = T,
           force = T)
  if (existsPolyFnameRDS(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    rdsPath <- getPolyFnameRDS(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    message(Sys.time(), ": Found ", rdsPath, ". Deleting")
    unlink(x = rdsPath,
           recursive = T,
           force = T)

######################## getCtryStructFname ###################################

#' Construct the name for the country struct file
#' Construct the name for the country struct file
#' @param ctryCode The ISO3 ctryCode of the country
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return character string The filename
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::getCtryStructFname("KEN")
getCtryStructFname <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                               gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                               gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                               custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  fName <- if (toupper(gadmPolyType) == toupper("shpZip"))
    if (is.null(custPolyPath))
        ifelse(is.null(ctryCode), "", paste0(ctryCode, "_")),
  } else if (toupper(gadmVersion) == toupper("spRds"))

######################## getCtryStructFnamePath ###################################

#' Construct the full path to the country struct file
#' Construct the full path to the country struct file
#' @param ctryCode The ISO3 ctryCode of the country
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return character string The file path
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::getCtryStructFnamePath("KEN")
getCtryStructFnamePath <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                                   gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                   gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                   custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath

######################## createCtryStruct ###################################

#' Save ctry admin structure to text file for faster access
#' Save ctry admin structure to text file for faster access
#' @param ctryCode The ISO3 ctryCode of the country
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to use from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   Rnightlights:::createCtryStruct("KEN")
#' }
createCtryStruct <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                             gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                             gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                             custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  ctryStructFnamePath <- getCtryStructFnamePath(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  if (!exists(ctryStructFnamePath))
    message(Sys.time(), ": ctryStruct not found. Creating")
    ctryNlDataDF <- createCtryNlDataDF(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      admLevel = getCtryShpLowestLyrNames(
        ctryCodes = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      x = ctryNlDataDF,
      file = ctryStructFnamePath,
      row.names = F,
      sep = ",",
      fileEncoding = "UTF-8"
  } else
    message(Sys.time(), ": ctryStruct already exists")

######################## readCtryStruct ###################################

#' Reads the ctry admin structure from struct text file
#' Reads the ctry admin structure from struct text file
#' @param ctryCode The ISO3 ctryCode of the country structure to read
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::createCtryStruct("KEN")
#' }
readCtryStruct <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                           gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                           gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                           custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  nlCtryData <- NULL
  ctryStructFnamePath <- getCtryStructFnamePath(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  if (file.exists(ctryStructFnamePath))
    nlCtryStruct <-
      data.table::fread(input = ctryStructFnamePath, encoding = "UTF-8")
  } else
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    nlCtryStruct <-
      data.table::fread(input = ctryStructFnamePath, encoding = "UTF-8")

######################## getCtryPolyUrl ###################################

#' Get the GADM url from which to download country polygons
#' Get the url from which to download country polygons. Polygons are downloaded from
#'     \url{http://gadm.org}. This provides the url to the zipped ESRI Shapefile
#'     which when decompressed contains a directory with the different country admin
#'     level boundary files. A sample url returned for Afghanistan:
#'     http://biogeo.ucdavis.edu/data/gadm2.8/shp/AFG_adm_shp.zip
#' @param ctryCode character string The ctryCode of interest
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return Character string url of the zipped ESRI shapefile for the ctryCode
#' @examples
#' ctryCode <- "KEN"
#' Rnightlights:::getCtryPolyUrl(ctryCode)
#'  #returns url for the zipped country ESRI shapefile
getCtryPolyUrl <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                           gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                           gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                           custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (is.null(custPolyPath))
    #Sample url: https://biogeo.ucdavis.edu/data/gadm2.8/shp/AFG_adm_shp.zip
    ctryPolyUrl <- if (gadmVersion == "2.8")
    else if (gadmVersion == "3.6")
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid gadmVersion")
  } else
    #starts with a / (*nix) or c:/ or c:\\
    linuxFullPathPrefix <- substr(custPolyPath, 1, 1) == "/"
    windowsFullPathPrefix <- grepl("^.?:[\\|/]", custPolyPath)
    #return custPolyPath as a url taking into account whether it is a relative path
    ctryPolyUrl <- if (linuxFullPathPrefix)
      paste0("file://", custPolyPath) #/home/xxx/... -> file:///home/xxx/...
    else if (windowsFullPathPrefix)
      paste0("file:///", custPolyPath) #c://users/... -> file:///c://users/...
      paste0("file:///", getwd(), "/", custPolyPath) #../downloads/... -> file:///../downloads/...
  return (ctryPolyUrl)

######################## existsPolyFnamePath ###################################

#' Check if the decompressed country polygon has been downloaded and stored in the polygon folder
#' Check if the decompressed country polygon has been downloaded and stored in the polygon folder
#' @param ctryCode The ctryCode to process
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::existsPolyFnamePath("KEN")
#'  #returns TRUE/FALSE
existsPolyFnamePath <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                                gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  #for polygons look for shapefile dir
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath

######################## existsPolyFnameZip ###################################

#' Check if the compressed country polygon has been downloaded and stored in the polygon folder
#' Check if the compressed country polygon has been downloaded and stored in the polygon folder
#' @param ctryCode The ctryCode of interest
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::existsPolyFnameZip("KEN")
#'  #returns TRUE/FALSE
existsPolyFnameZip <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                               gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                               gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                               custPolyPath = NULL)
  # if(missing(ctryCode))
  #   stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath

######################## existsPolyFnameRDS ###################################

#' Check if the decompressed country polygon has been stored as RDS
#' Check if the decompressed country polygon has been stored as RDS
#' @param ctryCode The ctryCode to process
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::existsPolyFnameRDS("KEN")
#'  #returns TRUE/FALSE
existsPolyFnameRDS <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                               gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                               gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                               custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  #for polygons look for shapefile dir
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath

######################## getCtryShpLyrName ###################################

#' Get the standard names of polygon layers in a country
#' Get the standard name of a polygon layer for a country. Used to refer
#'     to a polygon layer by name i.e. for
#'     CTRYCODE & lyrNum="0": lyrName="CTRYCODE_adm0",
#'     lyrNum="1": lyrName="KEN_adm1".
#'     Note this is different from the official country administration
#'     level name.
#' @param ctryCodes the ISO3 codes for the countries
#' @param lyrNums the layer numbers starting from 0 = country level,
#'     1 = first admin level
#' @param dnldPoly \code{logical} If the country polygon doesn't exist
#'     should we download it?
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return Character layer name
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #requires KEN polygon shapefile to exist in the polygons folder
#' getCtryShpLyrNames("KEN","1")
#'   #returns "KEN_adm1"
#' }
#' #export only due to gui() shiny app
#' @export
getCtryShpLyrNames <- function(ctryCodes = NULL,
                               gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                               gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                               custPolyPath = NULL)
  #  stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (is.null(ctryCodes) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCodes) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCodes))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(dnldPoly))
    dnldPoly <- TRUE
  if (missing(custPolyPath))
    custPolyPath <- NULL
  if (!existsCtryPoly(
    ctryCode = ctryCodes,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    if (!dnldPoly)
              ": ctryPoly doesn't exist. Set dnldPoly=TRUE to download it")
      ctryCode = ctryCodes,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  admLyrNames <-
    stats::setNames(lapply(ctryCodes, function(ctryCode)
      layers <- rgdal::ogrListLayers(dsn = path.expand(
        path = getPolyFnamePath(
          ctryCode = ctryCodes,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      if (is.null(custPolyPath))
        layers <- sort(layers)
        if (gadmVersion == "2.8")
          admLayers <- layers[grep(pattern = "adm", x = layers)]
        else if (gadmVersion == "3.6")
          admLayers <- layers[grep(pattern = "adm", x = layers)]
        admLayerNums <-
            X = lyrNums,
            FUN = function(lyrNum)
              grep(paste0(lyrNum, "$"), admLayers)
        admLyrName <- admLayers[as.numeric(admLayerNums)]
      } else
        #layers <- gsub("^\\d+_", "", layers)
        #layer number to index
        admLyrName <- layers[as.numeric(lyrNums) + 1]
    }), ctryCodes)

######################## getCtryShpLowestLyrNames ###################################

#' Get the name of the lowest ctry admin level
#' Get the name of the lowest ctry admin level
#' @param ctryCodes \code{character} ctryCodes the ctryCodes of interest
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return character string The name of the lowest admin level
getCtryShpLowestLyrNames <- function(ctryCodes = NULL,
                                     gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                     gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                     custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCodes) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCodes) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCodes))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected")
  if (!dir.exists(path.expand(
      ctryCode = ctryCodes,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      ctryCode = ctryCodes,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  if (!dir.exists(path.expand(
      ctryCode = ctryCodes,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Unable to find/download ctry polygon")
  lowestAdmLyrNames <- sapply(ctryCodes,
                                layers <- as.character(rgdal::ogrListLayers(path.expand(
                                    ctryCode = ctryCode,
                                    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
                                    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
                                    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
                                if (is.null(custPolyPath))
                                  layers <- sort(layers)
                                #  layers <- gsub("^\\d+_", "", layers)

######################## getCtryPolyAdmLevelNames ###################################

#' Get the list of admin level names in a polygon shapefile
#' Get the list of admin level names in a polygon shapefile. It returns
#'     all official names starting from 1 to the specified
#'     \code{lowestAdmLevel}. If not \code{lowestAdmLevel} is not
#'     specified, all admin level names are returned
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @param lowestAdmLevel \code{integer} The lowest admin level number to return
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return character vector of admin level names
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::getCtryPolyAdmLevelNames("KEN")
#' #returns vector [1] "County"       "Constituency" "Ward"
#' #if KEN shapefile exists otherwise errors
#' }
getCtryPolyAdmLevelNames <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                                     gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                     gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                     custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(custPolyPath) && is.null(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected")
  if (missing(lowestAdmLevel))
    lowestLayer <- getCtryShpLowestLyrNames(
      ctryCodes = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    lowestLayer <- lowestAdmLevel
  if (missing(custPolyPath))
    custPolyPath <- NULL
  allLayers <-
      dsn = getPolyFnamePath(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  #gadm layers if out of order should be sorted by name. The X=integer in KEN_admX ensures correct order
  if (is.null(custPolyPath))
    allLayers <- sort(allLayers)
  #  allLayers <- gsub("^\\d+_", "", allLayers)
  layerNum <- which(tolower(allLayers) == tolower(lowestLayer)) - 1
  admLevels <- NULL
  #get the names of each layer starting from level 1
  if (is.null(custPolyPath))
    for (lyrNum in 0:layerNum)
      lyrPoly <- readCtryPolyAdmLayer(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        admLevel = as.character(
            gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
            gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
            custPolyPath = custPolyPath
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      if (lyrNum > 0)
        lvlTypeName <- paste0("TYPE_", lyrNum)
        lvlName <-
          as.character(unlist(lyrPoly@data[2, eval(lvlTypeName)]))
        lvlTypeEngName <- paste0("ENGTYPE_", lyrNum)
        lvlEngName <-
          as.character(unlist(lyrPoly@data[2, eval(lvlTypeEngName)]))
        if ((!is.na(lvlName) &&
             !is.na(lvlEngName)) && lvlName != lvlEngName)
          lvlName <- paste0(lvlEngName, "_(", lvlName, ")")
        if (is.na(lvlName))
          lvlName <- "Unknown"
      } else
        lvlName <- "country"
      admLevels <- c(admLevels, as.character(lvlName))
  } else
    for (lyrNum in 0:layerNum)
      if (lyrNum > 0)
        lvlName <- allLayers[as.numeric(lyrNum) + 1]
        lvlName <- allLayers[1]
      admLevels <- c(admLevels, as.character(lvlName))
  return (admLevels)

######################## getCtryStructAdmLevelNames ###################################

#' Get the list of admin level names from a ctryStruct file
#' Get the list of admin level names from a ctryStruct file created from
#'     the polygon for speed. It returns:
#'     all official names starting from 1 to the specified
#'     \code{lowestAdmLevel}. If not \code{lowestAdmLevel} is not
#'     specified, all admin level names are returned
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @param lowestAdmLevel \code{integer} The lowest admin level number to return
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return character vector of admin level names
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::getCtryStructAdmLevelNames("KEN")
#' #returns vector [1] "County"       "Constituency" "Ward"
#' #if KEN shapefile exists otherwise errors
#' }
getCtryStructAdmLevelNames <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                                       gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                       gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                       custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(custPolyPath) && missing(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) && !validCtryCodes(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ISO3 ctryCode: ", ctryCode)
  if (missing(lowestAdmLevel))
    lowestAdmLevel <- getCtryShpLowestLyrNames(
      ctryCodes = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  if (missing(custPolyPath))
    custPolyPath <- NULL
  #why not directy assign?
  lowestLayer <- lowestAdmLevel
  allLayers <-
      dsn = getPolyFnamePath(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  #gadm layers if out of order should be sorted by name. The X=integer in KEN_admX ensures correct order
  #for custom polys remove the idx prefix e.g. 1_lyrname
  if (is.null(custPolyPath))
    allLayers <- sort(allLayers)
  #  allLayers <- gsub("^\\d+_", "", allLayers)
  layerNum <- which(allLayers == lowestLayer)
  admLevels <- NULL
  if (length(layerNum) > 0)
    #get the names of each layer starting from level 1
    if (layerNum > 0)
      lvlNames <- names(
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      lvlNames <- lvlNames[-c(length(lvlNames))]
      for (lyrNum in 1:(layerNum))
        #skip country layer
        admLevels <- c(admLevels, lvlNames[lyrNum])
    } else if (layerNum == 0)
      if (is.null(custPolyPath))
        admLevels <- NULL
        admLevels <- NULL
    } else
      admLevels <- NULL
  } else
    #we are still creating the ctryStruct for a cust poly so use layernames
    if (length(lowestAdmLevel) == 0 || nchar(lowestAdmLevel) == 0)
      admLevels <- as.character(allLayers)
    } else
      admLevels <- NULL
  return (admLevels)

######################## searchAdmLevelMembers ###################################

#' Search for names of members of admLevels
#' Search for the admLevels in the admLevels of a particular country
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @param admLevels \code{character} The admLevel to search
#' @param admLevelMembers The names to search for within the admLevels
#' @param dnldPoly \code{logical} If the country polygon doesn't exist
#'     should we download it?
#' @param downloadMethod The method used to download polygons
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return character vector of admin level names
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' searchAdmLevelMembers("KEN", "county", "nai")
#' #returns "Nairobi"
#' }
#' @export
searchAdmLevelMembers <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                                  dnldPoly = TRUE,
                                  downloadMethod = pkgOptions("downloadMethod"),
                                  gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                  gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                  custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(custPolyPath) && is.null(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode detected ")
  if (missing(admLevels))
    admLevels <- unlist(searchAdmLevelName(
      ctryCodes = ctryCode,
      downloadMethod = downloadMethod,
      dnldPoly = dnldPoly,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  #  stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter admLevelName")
  if (missing(admLevelMembers))
    admLevelMembers <- NULL
  if (missing(dnldPoly))
    dnldPoly <- TRUE
  ctryStruct <- readCtryStruct(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  ctryStruct <- ctryStruct[, 1:(ncol(ctryStruct) - 1)]
  admLvlMembers <- stats::setNames(lapply(admLevels, function(admLevel)
    if (is.null(admLevelMembers))
      return(as.list(unique(ctryStruct[, admLevel, with=FALSE])))
    z <-
        FUN = function(admLevelMember)
          #search for an exact match
          idxFound <-
              pattern = paste0("^", admLevelMember, "$"),
              x = ctryStruct[, admLevel, with=FALSE],
              fixed = TRUE
          #if not found search anywhere
          if (length(idxFound) == 0)
            idxFound <-
                pattern = admLevelMember,
                x = unlist(ctryStruct[, admLevel, with=FALSE]),
                ignore.case = TRUE
          if (length(idxFound) == 0)
          #foundMembers <- as.character(ctryStruct[idxFound, 1:grep(admLevel, admLevels)])
          foundMembers <-
            unique(as.character(unlist(ctryStruct[idxFound, admLevel, with=FALSE])))
      ), admLevelMembers)
  }), admLevels)

######################## searchAdmLevelName ###################################

#' Search for the admLevelName
#' Search for the admLevelName by official name. Expects the shapefile
#'     to already exist.
#' @param ctryCodes \code{character} The ctryCodes of the country of interest
#' @param admLevelNames \code{character} The names to search for
#' @param dnldPoly \code{logical} If the country polygon doesn't exist
#'     should we download it?
#' @param downloadMethod The method used to download polygons
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return character vector of admin level names
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' searchAdmLevelName("KEN", "county")
#' #returns "county"
#' }
#' @export
searchAdmLevelName <- function(ctryCodes = NULL,
                               dnldPoly = TRUE,
                               downloadMethod = pkgOptions("downloadMethod"),
                               gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                               gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                               custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(custPolyPath) && is.null(ctryCodes))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCodes) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCodes))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(admLevelNames))
    admLevelNames <- NULL
  #  stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter admLevelName")
  #if(length(admLevelName) > 1)
  #  stop(Sys.time(), ": Only 1 admLevel allowed")
  if (missing(dnldPoly))
    dnldPoly <- TRUE
  #loop over custPolyPaths if present otherwise over ctryCodes
  #since custPolyPaths can have ctryCodes but not vice versa
  numLoops <-
    ifelse(length(custPolyPath) > 0,
  if (numLoops < 1)
  admLevels <- sapply(1:numLoops, function(cCodeIdx)
    if (!existsCtryPoly(
      ctryCode = ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]],
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      if (!dnldPoly)
                ": ctryPoly doesn't exist. Set dnldPoly=TRUE to download it")
          ctryCode = ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]],
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath,
          downloadMethod = downloadMethod
    allAdmLevelNames <-
        ctryCode = ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]],
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    if (is.null(admLevelNames))
      return(stats::setNames(list(allAdmLevelNames), ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]]))
    ctryAdmLevelNames <- admLevelNames[[cCodeIdx]]
      simplify = TRUE,
      FUN = function(admLevelName)
        admLvlNms <- if (admLevelName == "country")
        else if (admLevelName %in% c("bottom", "lowest"))
        else if (admLevelName %in% c("top", "highest"))
        else if (admLevelName == "all")
        if (length(admLvlNms) > 0)
        #if 0 or adm0 take the last digit as the layer num
        if (length(grep("\\d+$", admLevelName, ignore.case = T)) > 0)
          idxFound <-
            as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(admLevelName, "\\d+$")) + 1
          #search for the full literal string
          idxFound <-
              pattern = paste0("^", admLevelName, "$"),
              x = allAdmLevelNames,
              fixed = TRUE
          #if literal string not found try regex search for english part only
          #which is start of string upto underscore (_)
          if (length(idxFound) == 0)
            idxFound <-
                pattern = paste0("^", admLevelName, "_"),
                x = allAdmLevelNames,
                ignore.case = TRUE
          #if not found in english part
          if (length(idxFound) == 0)
            idxFound <-
              grep(pattern = admLevelName,
                   x = allAdmLevelNames,
                   ignore.case = TRUE)
        if (length(idxFound) == 0)
        admLvlNms <- allAdmLevelNames[idxFound]
  lvlNames <-
    if (!is.null(custPolyPath))
  stats::setNames(admLevels, lvlNames)

######################## searchAdmLevel ###################################

#' Search for the admLevel by official name
#' Search for the admLevel by official name. Expects the shapefile
#'     to already exist.
#' @param ctryCodes \code{character} The ctryCodes of the country of interest
#' @param admLevelNames \code{character} The names to search for
#' @param dnldPoly \code{logical} If the country polygon doesn't exist
#'     should we download it?
#' @param downloadMethod The method used to download polygons
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return character vector of admin level names
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' searchAdmLevel("KEN", "county")
#' #returns "KEN_adm1"
#' }
#' @export
searchAdmLevel <- function(ctryCodes = NULL,
                           dnldPoly = TRUE,
                           downloadMethod = pkgOptions("downloadMethod"),
                           gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                           gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                           custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(custPolyPath) && is.null(ctryCodes))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCodes) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCodes))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(admLevelNames))
    admLevelNames <- NULL
  #  stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter admLevelName")
  #if(length(admLevelName) > 1)
  #  stop(Sys.time(), ": Only 1 admLevel allowed")
  if (missing(dnldPoly))
    dnldPoly <- TRUE
  #loop over custPolyPaths if present otherwise over ctryCodes
  #since custPolyPaths can have ctryCodes but not vice versa
  numLoops <-
    ifelse(length(custPolyPath) > 0,
  if (numLoops < 1)
  admLevels <- sapply(1:numLoops, function(cCodeIdx)
    if (!existsCtryPoly(
      ctryCode = ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]],
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      if (!dnldPoly)
                ": ctryPoly doesn't exist. Set dnldPoly=TRUE to download it")
          ctryCode = ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]],
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath,
          downloadMethod = downloadMethod
    allAdmLevelNames <-
        ctryCode = ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]],
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    if (is.null(admLevelNames))
      allAdmLevels <-
          ctryCodes = ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]],
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      return(stats::setNames(list(allAdmLevels), ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]]))
    ctryAdmLevelNames <- admLevelNames[[cCodeIdx]]
    sapply(ctryAdmLevelNames, function(admLevelName)
      ctryShpLyrNames <- if (admLevelName == "country")
          ctryCodes = ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]],
          lyrNums = 0,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      else if (admLevelName %in% c("bottom", "lowest"))
          ctryCodes = ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]],
          lyrNums = length(allAdmLevelNames),
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      else if (admLevelName %in% c("top", "highest"))
          ctryCodes = ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]],
          lyrNums = 1,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      else if (admLevelName == "all")
          ctryCodes = ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]],
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      if (length(ctryShpLyrNames) > 0)
      #if 0 or adm0 take the last digit as the layer num
      if (length(grep("\\d+$", admLevelName, ignore.case = T)) > 0)
        idxFound <-
          as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(admLevelName, "\\d+$"))
        #search for the literal string
        idxFound <-
          grep(pattern = admLevelName,
               x = allAdmLevelNames,
               fixed = TRUE) - 1
        #if literal string not found try regex search case insensitive
        if (length(idxFound) == 0)
          idxFound <-
            grep(pattern = admLevelName,
                 x = allAdmLevelNames,
                 ignore.case = TRUE) - 1
      if (length(idxFound) == 0)
      ctryShpLyrNames <-
          ctryCodes = ctryCodes[[cCodeIdx]],
          lyrNums = idxFound,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  lvlNames <-
    if (!is.null(custPolyPath))
  stats::setNames(admLevels, lvlNames)

######################## validCtryAdmLvls ###################################

#' Checks if ctry admLevels are valid
#' Checks if ctry admLevels are valid
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @param admLevels \code{character} The admLevel(s) to search for
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return \code{logical} whether inputted admLevels are valid
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' validCtryAdmLvls("KEN", "adm0")
#' #returns "KEN_adm1"
#' }
validCtryAdmLvls <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                             gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                             gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                             custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (length(ctryCode) > 1)
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Only one ctryCode can be processed at a time")
  ctryAdmLvls <- unlist(
      ctryCodes = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  validAdmLvls <-
    sapply(admLevels, function(x)
      toupper(x) %in% toupper(ctryAdmLvls))
  if (!all(validAdmLvls))
      ": Invalid admLevels: ",
      " in polygon '",
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath

######################## allValidCtryAdmLvls ###################################

#' Checks if all ctry admLevels are valid
#' Checks if all ctry admLevels are valid
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @param admLevels \code{character} The admLevel(s) to search for
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return \code{logical} whether inputted admLevels are valid
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' validCtryAdmLvls("KEN", "adm0")
#' #returns "KEN_adm1"
#' }
allValidCtryAdmLvls <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                                gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                custPolyPath = NULL)
               ctryCode = ctryCode[[cCodeIdx]],
               admLevels = unlist(admLevels[[cCodeIdx]]),
               gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
               gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
               custPolyPath = custPolyPath

######################## existsCtryPoly ###################################

#' Checks if a country polygon exists
#' Checks if a country polygon exists
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' existCtryPoly("KEN")
#' #returns TRUE/FALSE
#' }
existsCtryPoly <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                           gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                           gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                           custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath

######################## getCtryShpAllAdmLvls ###################################

#' Get all the admLevels in a country
#' Get all the admLevels in a country
#' @param ctryCodes \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return \code{logical} whether inputted admLevels are valid
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getCtryShpAllAdmLvls("KEN")
#' #returns "KEN_adm1"
#' }
getCtryShpAllAdmLvls <- function(ctryCodes = NULL,
                                 gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                 gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                 custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(custPolyPath) && is.null(ctryCodes))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCodes) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCodes))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
    X = ctryCodes,
    FUN = function(ctryCode)
      lvl <- ctryShpLyrName2Num(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        layerName = getCtryShpLowestLyrNames(
          ctryCodes = ctryCode,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      adms <- apply(
        X = cbind(0:lvl, ctryCode),
        MARGIN = 1,
        FUN = function(lv)
          adm <- getCtryShpLyrNames(
            ctryCodes = unlist(lv)[2],
            lyrNums = unlist(lv)[1],
            gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
            gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
            custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  ), ctryCodes)

######################## getPolyFname ###################################

#' Returns the directory name of the unzipped shapefile downloaded from
#'     http://gadm.org without the path
#' Returns the directory name of the unzipped shapefile downloaded from
#'     \url{http://gadm.org} without the path
#' @param ctryCode character the ISO3 code of the country
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return character name of shapefile directory
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::getPolyFname("KEN")
#'  #returns "KEN_adm_shp"
getPolyFname <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                         gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                         gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                         custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
         ": Missing required parameter. One of ctryCode/custPolyPath required")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) && !validCtryCodes(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode: ", ctryCode)
  #if any value is given for custAdmPoly override GADM
  if (!is.null(custPolyPath))
    if (missing(ctryCode))
      ctryCode <- NULL
    fName <- basename(custPolyPath)
    #format of shapefiles is CTR_adm_shp e.g. KEN_adm_shp
    #polyFname <- paste0("SHP_", ifelse(is.null(ctryCode), "", paste0(ctryCode,"_")), "CUST-", fName)
    polyFname <-
             ifelse(is.null(ctryCode), "", paste0(ctryCode, "_")),
  } else
    #format of shapefiles is CTR_adm_shp e.g. KEN_adm_shp
    polyFname <-

######################## getPolyFnamePath ###################################

#' Get the path of the unzipped polygon directory downloaded from GADM.ORG
#' Get the path of the unzipped polygon directory downloaded from GADM.ORG. Note the polygons are in ESRI
#'     Shapefile format thus when unzipped create a directory with the name <ctrycode>_adm_shp e.g.
#'     KEN_adm_shp. The directory will contain a number of files including the .shp file.
#'     \code{rgdal::readOGR} can read a shapefile polygon when given the directory path. It will
#'     determine which files to read.
#' @param ctryCode character the ISO3 code of the country
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return character path to polygon shapefile directory
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::getPolyFnamePath("KEN")
#'  #returns "dataPath/polygons/KEN_adm_shp"
#' #@export only due to gui() shiny app
#' @export
getPolyFnamePath <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                             gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                             gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                             custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
         ": Missing required parameter. One of ctryCode/custPolyPath required")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) && !validCtryCodes(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode: ", ctryCode)
  #check for the shapefile directory created with
  #format of shapefiles is CTR_adm_shp e.g. KEN_adm_shp
  polyFnamePath <- file.path(
    getNlDir(dirName = "dirPolygon"),
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  return (polyFnamePath)

######################## getPolyFnameZip ###################################

#' Get the filename of the polygon zip file as downloaded from \url{http://GADM.ORG}
#' Get the filename of the polygon zip file as downloaded from \url{http://GADM.ORG}
#' @param ctryCode character the ISO3 code of the country
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return character path to zip
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::getPolyFnameZip("KEN")
#'  #returns "path/to/"
getPolyFnameZip <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                            gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                            gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                            custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  #format of shapefiles is <ctryCode>_adm_shp e.g. KEN_adm_shp
  polyFname <- paste0(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  return (polyFname)

######################## getPolyFnameRDS ###################################

#' Get the filename of the polygon zip file as downloaded from \url{http://GADM.ORG}
#' Get the filename of the polygon zip file as downloaded from \url{http://GADM.ORG}
#' @param ctryCode character the ISO3 code of the country
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return character path to zip
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::getPolyFnameZip("KEN")
#'  #returns "path/to/"
getPolyFnameRDS <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                            gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                            gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                            custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  #format of shapefiles is <ctryCode>_adm_shp e.g. KEN_adm_shp
  polyFname <- paste0(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  return (polyFname)

######################## ctryShpLyrName2Num ###################################

#' Get the integer number of the layer.
#' Get the integer number of the layer. Is the last character in the name
#'     and is a digit. E.g. for the 3rd layer in Kenya shapefile polygon
#'     named "KEN_adm3" the layer number is \code{3}. The lowest layer number
#'     is \code{0}
#' @param ctryCode The ctryCode to process
#' @param layerName - the name of the polygon layer
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return Integer layer number
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   Rnightlights:::ctryShpLyrName2Num("KEN", "KEN_adm1") #returns 1
#' }
ctryShpLyrName2Num <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                               gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                               gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                               custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(layerName))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter layerName")
  if (class(layerName) != "character" ||
      is.null(layerName) || is.na(layerName) || layerName == "")
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid layerName: ", layerName)
  allLyrNames <-
      dsn = getPolyFnamePath(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  #if gadm layers are listed out of order sort them
  #custPolyPaths will have been named in order
  if (is.null(custPolyPath))
    allLyrNames <- sort(allLyrNames)
  return(which(allLyrNames == layerName) - 1)

######################## readCtryPolyAdmLayer ###################################

#' Read a country admLevel polygon
#' Read a country admLevel polygon. Reads the saved RDS format of the shapefile
#'     which is saved as part of \code{dnldCtryPoly} by default. Otherwise,
#'     it will try to read the shapefile. If it fails it returns null.
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @param admLevel \code{character} The name to search for
#' @param polyType \code{character} Whether to read the shapefile or the RDS
#'     format.
#' @param dnldPoly \code{logical} If the country polygon doesn't exist
#'     should we download it?
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} The admLevel polygon layer or NULL
#'     if not found
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' readCtryPolyAdmLayer("KEN", "KEN_adm1")
#' #returns "KEN_adm1"
#' }
#' @export
readCtryPolyAdmLayer <- function(ctryCode = NULL,
                                 polyType = "rds",
                                 dnldPoly = TRUE,
                                 gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                 gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                 custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (is.null(ctryCode) && is.null(custPolyPath))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (!is.null(ctryCode) &&
      !allValidCtryCodes(ctryCodes = ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected ")
  if (missing(admLevel))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter admLevelName")
  if (!existsCtryPoly(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    if (!dnldPoly)
              ": ctryPoly doesn't exist. Set dnldPoly=TRUE to download it")
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  rdsPath <- getPolyFnameRDS(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  if (polyType == "rds")
    if (!file.exists(rdsPath))
      if (dnldPoly)
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
             ": RDS doesn't exist. Set dnldPoly=TRUE to download/create it")
    if (file.exists(rdsPath))
      ctryPolys <- readRDS(rdsPath)
      layerNum <- ctryShpLyrName2Num(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        layerName = admLevel,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      if (identical(layerNum, numeric(0)))
        message(Sys.time(), ": Invalid layerNum received")
      ctryPoly <- ctryPolys[[layerNum + 1]]
        ": Unable to retrieve RDS. Retry with dnldPoly=TRUE to download/create it"
  else if (polyType == "shp")
    shpPath <- getPolyFnamePath(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    if (!dir.exists(rdsPath))
      if (dnldPoly)
          ctryCode = ctryCode,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
             ": Shapefile doesn't exist. Set dnldPoly=TRUE to download it")
    if (dir.exists(shpPath))
      ctryPoly <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = shpPath, layer = admLevel)
        ": Shapefile not found. set dnldPoly=TRUE to download shapefile and save as RDS"
  return (ctryPoly)
chrisvwn/Rnightlights documentation built on Sept. 7, 2021, 1:44 a.m.