

                   initialize=function(size = 10, iters = 100, objFunc = NULL,
                                       config = NULL,neigh = size, listSize = 9, nRestarts = 10,
                                       repeatAll = 1,verbose = FALSE){
                   ################################## BASE TABU SEARCH #####################################
                   #'Base Tabu Search Function
                   #'@param Takes in a tabuSearch object
                   #'@keywords tabuSearch
                     if (size < 2) { #1 variable isn't enough, need something to compare to.
                       stop("error: config too short!")
                     if (iters < 2) { #more iterations more likely to find good answer.
                       stop("error: not enough iterations!")
                     if (listSize >= size) { #You can't have a tabuList with size > the number of possible moves.
                       stop("error: listSize too big!")
                     if (neigh > size) { #can't check more neighbours than there are
                       stop("error: too many neighbours!")
                     if (is.null(objFunc)) { #The algorithm requires a user defined objective function
                       stop("A evaluation function must be provided. See the objFunc parameter.")
                     if (is.null(config)) { #if no config create a default.
                       config <- matrix(0, 1, size) #a matrix of 1 row with "size" columns filled with 0's
                       config[sample(1:size, sample(1:size, 1))] <- 1 #a random number of positions from 1:size are set to 1
                     else if (size != length(config)) {
                       stop("Length of the starting configuration != size")
                     if (repeatAll < 1) {
                       stop("error: repeatAll must be > 0")
                     iter <- 1 #not to be confused with "iters", iter is used to track the next row/position in the matrices/vectors at which we insert data.
                     configKeep <- matrix(, repeatAll * iters * (nRestarts + 3), size) #An empty matrix with rows specified and "size" columns to hold the configuration of binary string at each stage
                     eUtilityKeep <- vector(, repeatAll * iters * (nRestarts + 3)) #vector of undetermined type, to hold the values of objective function at each itteration
                     for (j in 1:repeatAll) { #ALGORITHM START POINT
                       if (j > 1) { #if it's not the first iteration through the algorithm we use a random configuration as the user can only specify *initial* config
                         config <- matrix(0, 1, size) #a single row matrix of 0's of length "size"
                         config[sample(1:size, sample(1:size, 1))] <- 1 #get a random number (from 1:size) of samples from the vector 1:size. Using these as indices set the digits of the config matrix to 1 at these indices.
                       tabuList <- matrix(0, 1, size) #creating the tabuList as a matrix of 0's with 1 row and "size" columns, it denotes which moves are tabu
                       listOrder <- matrix(0, 1, listSize) #This single row matrix holds the order in which certain moves got added to the tabuList, it is used to implement the FIFO method.
                       eUtility <- objFunc(config) #objective function evaluated at initial condition defined by "config"
                       aspiration <- eUtility #initial aspiration value, if the objective function evaluated at a certain configuration is tabu but > this we can cancel it's tabu status
                       preliminarySearch <- function() {
                         configKeep[iter, ] <- config #put the current config into the matrix of used configurations in the current row denoted by "iter"
                         eUtilityKeep[iter] <- eUtility #put the value of the current config into the first position of the vector
                         iter <- iter + 1 #increment the iteration, if it's the first access of this function it is set to 2 because we do 1 outside where we initially get eUtility etc.
                         for (i in 2:iters) { #see comment above to explanation of 2:iters
                           neighboursEUtility <- matrix(0, 1, size) #1 row matrix to hold the value of each of the neighbours' configurations evaluated at the objective function
                           configTemp <- t(matrix(config, size, neigh)) #a matrix where each row is set to config, transpose used as matricies by default fill by column
                           randomNeighbours <- sample(size, neigh) #if neigh<size it chooses the random neighbours as required but if neigh=size it takes all of them
                           diag(configTemp[, randomNeighbours]) <- abs(diag(configTemp[, randomNeighbours]) - 1) #the diagonal of the matrix is inverted so that each row is different by 1 bit, this gives all the possible 1 bit-flip neighbour configurations
                           neighboursEUtility[randomNeighbours] <- apply(configTemp, 1, objFunc)#"neighboursEUtility" will hold the value of the objective function calculated at each configuration
                           maxNontaboo <- max(neighboursEUtility[tabuList == 0]) #finding the maximum non-tabu value
                           maxTaboo <- max(neighboursEUtility[tabuList == 1], 0) #finding the maximum tabu value
                           move <- ifelse(maxTaboo > maxNontaboo & maxTaboo > aspiration,  #condition: if the move is tabu AND it's higher than the asp value
                                          ifelse(length(which(neighboursEUtility == maxTaboo)) == 1, #if true: if the maxTabu from neighbour values is unique
                                                 which(neighboursEUtility == maxTaboo), #take the value of the position of that neighbour (i.e the next place to move to)
                                                 sample(which(neighboursEUtility == maxTaboo), 1)), #if it is not unique take a random one (i.e ties can be broken arbitrarily)
                                          ifelse(length(which(neighboursEUtility == maxNontaboo & tabuList == 0)) == 1, #if false: (either maxTabu is < maxNonTabu OR maxTabu < aspiration) AND it's unique
                                                 which(neighboursEUtility == maxNontaboo & tabuList == 0), #take the value of the position of the maxNonTabu
                                                 sample(which(neighboursEUtility == maxNontaboo & tabuList == 0), 1)) #if it's not unique pick a random one
                           if (eUtility >= neighboursEUtility[move]) { #if the initial(or previous) evaluated configuration is >= the value of the neighbour config we move to it but DO NOT update aspiration value
                             tabuList[move] <- 1 #set that move to tabu
                             if (sum(tabuList) > listSize) { #in this the default is tabuList in which 10 different moves can be tabu but at max there can only be 9 at one time so that we can always move
                               tabuList[listOrder[1]] <- 0 #set the first move which was made tabu to nonTabu (uses first in first out system)
                               listOrder[1:listSize] <- c(listOrder[2:listSize], 0) #discards the first element and moves all the other elements 1 to the left appending a 0 to the end. (like a left shift operation)
                             listOrder[min(which(listOrder == 0))] <- move #add the next move found earlier to the first available position in "listOrder"
                           else if (neighboursEUtility[move] > aspiration) #if the new move results in a configuration which when evaluated at the objective function is > aspiration value, set the new aspiration value to this value
                             aspiration <- neighboursEUtility[move]
                           eUtility <- neighboursEUtility[move] #set the max found value to the value found at this neighbour
                           config[move] <- abs(config[move] - 1) #update the configuration by switching the bit at the position corresponding to the move
                           configKeep[iter, ] <- config #put the configuration used into "configKeep" which is storing the configurations
                           eUtilityKeep[iter] <- eUtility #put the value corresponding to this configuration into "eUtilityKeep"
                           iter <- iter + 1 #increment iter
                         result = list(aspiration = aspiration, configKeep = configKeep, eUtilityKeep = eUtilityKeep, iter = iter) #putting together the result of the preliminary search
                       if (verbose) #if the user wants to see the steps as the algorithm executes
                         cat("Preliminary search stage...\n")
                       result <- preliminarySearch() #store result of prelim search, which is a list containing values visible in line 89
                       aspiration <- result$aspiration #set the new aspiration value to the value obtained from the preliminary search
                       configKeep <- result$configKeep #set the matrix of configurations to the configs gotten from the preliminary search function
                       eUtilityKeep <- result$eUtilityKeep #set the vector containing the values of the objective function evaluated at each of the configurations to the values obtained from the preliminary search function
                       iter <- result$iter #extract from the result list the number of iterations that occured
                       temp_asp <- 0 #temporary value for aspiration
                       restarts <- 0 #tracks the number of restarts of the intensification stage
                       while (temp_asp < aspiration & restarts < nRestarts) { #check if an equal or better solution has been found (when temp_asp >=aspiration) or we run out of restarts
                         if (verbose)
                           cat("Intensification stage...\n")
                         eUtility <- max(eUtilityKeep) #intensification stage begins with the best solution found thus far
                         temp_asp <- aspiration #assigning the value of the current aspiration to temp_asp
                         config <- configKeep[max(which(eUtilityKeep == max(eUtilityKeep))), ] #takes the configuration from "configKeep" where the position is the position of the most recent, best configuration.
                         result <- preliminarySearch() #re-run the preliminary search
                         aspiration <- result$aspiration #obtain results
                         configKeep <- result$configKeep
                         eUtilityKeep <- result$eUtilityKeep
                         iter <- result$iter
                         restarts <- restarts + 1 
                       if (verbose)
                         cat("Diversification stage...\n")
                       config <- matrix(0, 1, size) #reset the config matrix
                       config[sample(1:size, sample(1:size, 1))] <- 1 #take a random starting config
                       eUtility <- objFunc(config) #evaluate the objective function at this starting config
                       #Now finding the most frequent moves and sets them to tabu
                       frequent <- apply(configKeep, 2, function(x) sum(diff(x) != 0)) #For each column in configKeep, "sum(diff(x) !=0)" will count how many times this digit of the config changes.
                       tabuList <- as.numeric(rank(frequent, ties.method = "random") > (size - listSize)) #the values in frequent are ranked in order of magnitude, these are then compared to "(size-listSize)" by default this is 1. If frequent is > this 1, that move is set to tabu.
                       listOrder <- sample(which(rank(frequent, ties.method = "random") > (size - listSize)), listSize) #A random sample of size "listSize" is taken to be the order of the tabu list, we need an order to use the First in First out method.
                       result <- preliminarySearch() #re-run preliminary search in the hopes to find a better solution in a reasonably unexplored area of the solution space
                       iter <- result$iter #obtain results
                       configKeep <- result$configKeep
                       eUtilityKeep <- result$eUtilityKeep
                     }#end of algorithm
                     endResult <- list(type = "binary configuration", configKeep = configKeep[1:(iter - 1), ], eUtilityKeep = eUtilityKeep[1:(iter - 1)], iters = iters, neigh = neigh, listSize = listSize, repeatAll = repeatAll)
                     class(endResult) = "tabu"
                   ###################### SUMMARY FUNCTION FOR BASE TABU #######################
                   #' Summary function for base tabuSearch
                   #' @param Object is a tabuSearch object, Verbose is a boolean which if true returns a more detailed summary
                   #' @keywords Summary
                   #' @export
                   #' @examples
                   #' summ(x,T)
                   summ=function (object, verbose = FALSE, ...) #summary function
                     tabuObject <- object
                     nVars <- rowSums(tabuObject$configKeep)
                     nSelect <- colSums(tabuObject$configKeep)
                     uniqueConfig <- dim(unique(tabuObject$configKeep))[1]
                     output <- paste("Tabu Settings", "\n", "  Type                                       = ", 
                                     tabuObject$type, "\n", "  No of algorithm repeats                    = ", 
                                     tabuObject$repeatAll, "\n", "  No of iterations at each prelim search     = ", 
                                     tabuObject$iters, "\n", "  Total no of iterations                     = ", 
                                     length(nVars), "\n", "  No of unique best configurations           = ", 
                                     uniqueConfig, "\n", "  Tabu list size                             = ", 
                                     tabuObject$listSize, "\n", "  Configuration length                       = ", 
                                     length(nSelect), "\n", "  No of neighbours visited at each iteration = ", 
                                     tabuObject$neigh, "\n", sep = "")
                     maxObjFunction <- max(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep)
                     optimumNVars <- nVars[which(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep == max(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep))]
                     optimumIteration <- which(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep == max(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep))
                     optimumConfig <- tabuObject$configKeep[optimumIteration, 
                     optionPart <- paste("Results:", "\n", "  Highest value of objective fn    = ", 
                                         round(maxObjFunction, 5), "\n", "  Occurs # of times                = ", 
                                         length(optimumNVars), "\n", "  Optimum number of variables      = ", 
                                         deparse(optimumNVars), "\n", sep = "")
                     if (verbose) {
                       cat(paste("Optimum configuration:", "\n"))
                   ############################# PROX TABU ############################
                   #'Proximity Tabu Search Function
                   #'@param Takes in a tabuSearch object
                   #'@keywords tabuSearch Proximity
                     if (size < 2) { #1 variable isn't enough, need something to compare to.
                       stop("error: config too short!")
                     if (iters < 2) { #more iterations more likely to find good answer.
                       stop("error: not enough iterations!")
                     if (listSize >= size) { #You can't have a tabuList with size > the number of possible moves.
                       stop("error: listSize too big!")
                     if (neigh > size) { #can't check more neighbours than there are
                       stop("error: too many neighbours!")
                     if (is.null(objFunc)) { #The algorithm requires a user defined objective function
                       stop("A evaluation function must be provided. See the objFunc parameter.")
                     if (is.null(config)) { #if no config create a default.
                       allConfigs <- matrix(0, size, size) #a matrix of 1 row with "size" columns filled with 0's
                       for(i in 1:(size)){
                         temp_config[sample(1:size, sample(1:size, 1))] <- 1
                     }else if (size != length(config)) {
                       stop("Length of the starting configuration != size")
                     if (repeatAll < 1) {
                       stop("error: repeatAll must be > 0")
                     iter <- 1 #not to be confused with "iters", iter is used to track the next row/position in the matrices/vectors at which we insert data.
                     configKeep <- matrix(, repeatAll * iters * (nRestarts + 3), size) #An empty matrix with rows specified and "size" columns to hold the configuration of binary string at each stage
                     eUtilityKeep <- vector(, repeatAll * iters * (nRestarts + 3)) #vector of undetermined type, to hold the values of objective function at each itteration
                     for (j in 1:repeatAll) { #ALGORITHM START POINT
                       if (j > 1) { #if it's not the first iteration through the algorithm we use a random configuration as the user can only specify *initial* config
                         config <- matrix(0, 1, size) #a single row matrix of 0's of length "size"
                         config[sample(1:size, sample(1:size, 1))] <- 1 #get a random number (from 1:size) of samples from the vector 1:size. Using these as indices set the digits of the config matrix to 1 at these indices.
                       tabuList <- matrix(0, 1, size) #creating the tabuList as a matrix of 0's with 1 row and "size" columns, it denotes which moves are tabu
                       listOrder <- matrix(0, 1, listSize) #This single row matrix holds the order in which certain moves got added to the tabuList, it is used to implement the FIFO method.
                       eUtility <- objFunc(config) #objective function evaluated at initial condition defined by "config"
                       aspiration <- eUtility #initial aspiration value, if the objective function evaluated at a certain configuration is tabu but > this we can cancel it's tabu status
                       preliminarySearch <- function() {
                         configKeep[iter, ] <- config #put the current config into the matrix of used configurations in the current row denoted by "iter"
                         eUtilityKeep[iter] <- eUtility #put the value of the current config into the first position of the vector
                         iter <- iter + 1 #increment the iteration, if it's the first access of this function it is set to 2 because we do 1 outside where we initially get eUtility etc.
                         for (i in 2:iters) { #see comment above to explanation of 2:iters
                           neighboursEUtility <- matrix(0, 1, size) #1 row matrix to hold the value of each of the neighbours' configurations evaluated at the objective function
                           configTemp <- t(matrix(config, size, neigh)) #a matrix where each row is set to config, transpose used as matricies by default fill by column
                           randomNeighbours <- sample(size, neigh) #if neigh<size it chooses the random neighbours as required but if neigh=size it takes all of them
                           diag(configTemp[, randomNeighbours]) <- abs(diag(configTemp[, randomNeighbours]) - 1) #the diagonal of the matrix is inverted so that each row is different by 1 bit, this gives all the possible 1 bit-flip neighbour configurations
                           neighboursEUtility[randomNeighbours] <- apply(configTemp, 1, objFunc)#"neighboursEUtility" will hold the value of the objective function calculated at each configuration
                           maxNontaboo <- max(neighboursEUtility[tabuList == 0]) #finding the maximum non-tabu value
                           if(length(neighboursEUtility[tabuList==1])==0){ #if there are no tabu values yet set the tabu value to the largest possible negative integer "-2147483647". As 0 is the optimal answer from this algorithm setting maxTabu to 0 will cause issues.
                             maxTaboo <- max(neighboursEUtility[tabuList == 1]) #finding the maximum tabu value
                           #determining where to move to next
                           move <- ifelse(maxTaboo > maxNontaboo & maxTaboo > aspiration,  #condition: if the move is tabu AND it's higher than the asp value
                                          ifelse(length(which(neighboursEUtility == maxTaboo)) == 1, #if true: if the maxTabu from neighbour values is unique
                                                 which(neighboursEUtility == maxTaboo), #take the value of the position of that neighbour (i.e the next place to move to)
                                                 sample(which(neighboursEUtility == maxTaboo),1)), #if it is not unique take a random one (i.e ties can be broken arbitrarily)
                                          ifelse(length(which(neighboursEUtility == maxNontaboo & tabuList == 0)) == 1, #if false: (either maxTabu is < maxNonTabu OR maxTabu < aspiration) AND it's unique
                                                 which(neighboursEUtility == maxNontaboo & tabuList == 0), #take the value of the position of the maxNonTabu
                                                 sample(which(neighboursEUtility == maxNontaboo & tabuList == 0),1)) #if it's not unique pick a random one
                           if (eUtility >= neighboursEUtility[move]) { #if the initial(or previous) evaluated configuration is >= the value of the neighbour config we move to it but DO NOT update aspiration value
                             tabuList[move] <- 1 #set that move to tabu
                             if (sum(tabuList) > listSize) { #in this the default is tabuList in which 10 different moves can be tabu but at max there can only be 9 at one time so that we can always move
                               tabuList[listOrder[1]] <- 0 #set the first move which was made tabu to nonTabu (uses first in first out system)
                               listOrder[1:listSize] <- c(listOrder[2:listSize], 0) #discards the first element and moves all the other elements 1 to the left appending a 0 to the end. (like a left shift operation)
                             listOrder[min(which(listOrder == 0))] <- move #add the next move found earlier to the first available position in "listOrder"
                           else if (neighboursEUtility[move] > aspiration) #if the new move results in a configuration which when evaluated at the objective function is > aspiration value, set the new aspiration value to this value
                             aspiration <- neighboursEUtility[move]
                           eUtility <- neighboursEUtility[move] #set the max found value to the value found at this neighbour
                           config[move] <- abs(config[move] - 1) #update the configuration by switching the bit at the position corresponding to the move
                           configKeep[iter, ] <- config #put the configuration used into "configKeep" which is storing the configurations
                           eUtilityKeep[iter] <- eUtility #put the value corresponding to this configuration into "eUtilityKeep"
                           iter <- iter + 1 #increment iter
                         result = list(aspiration = aspiration, configKeep = configKeep, eUtilityKeep = eUtilityKeep, iter = iter) #putting together the result of the preliminary search
                       if (verbose) #if the user wants to see the steps as the algorithm executes
                         cat("Preliminary search stage...\n")
                       result <- preliminarySearch() #store result of prelim search, which is a list containing values visible in line 89
                       aspiration <- result$aspiration #set the new aspiration value to the value obtained from the preliminary search
                       configKeep <- result$configKeep #set the matrix of configurations to the configs gotten from the preliminary search function
                       eUtilityKeep <- result$eUtilityKeep #set the vector containing the values of the objective function evaluated at each of the configurations to the values obtained from the preliminary search function
                       iter <- result$iter #extract from the result list the number of iterations that occured
                       temp_asp <- 0 #temporary value for aspiration
                       restarts <- 0 #tracks the number of restarts of the intensification stage
                       while (temp_asp < aspiration & restarts < nRestarts) { #check if an equal or better solution has been found (when temp_asp >=aspiration) or we run out of restarts
                         if (verbose)
                           cat("Intensification stage...\n")
                         eUtility <- max(eUtilityKeep) #intensification stage begins with the best solution found thus far
                         temp_asp <- aspiration #assigning the value of the current aspiration to temp_asp
                         config <- configKeep[max(which(eUtilityKeep == max(eUtilityKeep))), ] #takes the configuration from "configKeep" where the position is the position of the most recent, best configuration.
                         result <- preliminarySearch() #re-run the preliminary search
                         aspiration <- result$aspiration #obtain results
                         configKeep <- result$configKeep
                         eUtilityKeep <- result$eUtilityKeep
                         iter <- result$iter
                         restarts <- restarts + 1 
                       if (verbose)
                         cat("Diversification stage...\n")
                       config <- matrix(0, 1, size) #reset the config matrix
                       config[sample(1:size, sample(1:size, 1))] <- 1 #take a random starting config
                       eUtility <- objFunc(config) #evaluate the objective function at this starting config
                       #Now finding the most frequent moves and sets them to tabu
                       frequent <- apply(configKeep, 2, function(x) sum(diff(x) != 0)) #For each column in configKeep, "sum(diff(x) !=0)" will count how many times this digit of the config changes.
                       tabuList <- as.numeric(rank(frequent, ties.method = "random") > (size - listSize)) #the values in frequent are ranked in order of magnitude, these are then compared to "(size-listSize)" by default this is 1. If frequent is > this 1, that move is set to tabu.
                       listOrder <- sample(which(rank(frequent, ties.method = "random") > (size - listSize)), listSize) #A random sample of size "listSize" is taken to be the order of the tabu list, we need an order to use the First in First out method.
                       result <- preliminarySearch() #re-run preliminary search in the hopes to find a better solution in a reasonably unexplored area of the solution space
                       iter <- result$iter #obtain results
                       configKeep <- result$configKeep
                       eUtilityKeep <- result$eUtilityKeep
                     }#end of algorithm
                     endResult <- list(type = "binary configuration", configKeep = configKeep[1:(iter - 1), ], eUtilityKeep = eUtilityKeep[1:(iter - 1)], iters = iters, neigh = neigh, listSize = listSize, repeatAll = repeatAll)
                     class(endResult) = "tabu"
                   ################ SUMMARY FUNCTION FOR PROXIMITY TABU #################
                   #' Summary function for tabuSearchProx
                   #' @param Object is a tabuSearch object, Verbose is a boolean which if true returns a more detailed summary
                   #' @keywords Summary Proximity
                   #' @export
                   #' @examples
                   #' ProxSumm(x,T)
                   ProxSumm=function (object, verbose = FALSE, ...) 
                     tabuObject <- object
                     nVars <- rowSums(tabuObject$configKeep)
                     nSelect <- colSums(tabuObject$configKeep)
                     uniqueConfig <- dim(unique(tabuObject$configKeep))[1]
                     output <- paste("Tabu Settings", "\n", "  Type                                       = ", 
                                     tabuObject$type, "\n", "  No of algorithm repeats                    = ", 
                                     tabuObject$repeatAll, "\n", "  No of iterations at each prelim search     = ", 
                                     tabuObject$iters, "\n", "  Total no of iterations                     = ", 
                                     length(nVars), "\n", "  No of unique best configurations           = ", 
                                     uniqueConfig, "\n", "  Tabu list size                             = ", 
                                     tabuObject$listSize, "\n", "  Configuration length                       = ", 
                                     length(nSelect), "\n", "  No of neighbours visited at each iteration = ", 
                                     tabuObject$neigh, "\n", sep = "")
                     maxObjFunction <- max(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep)
                     optimumNVars <- nVars[which(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep == max(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep))]
                     optimumIteration <- which(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep == max(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep))
                       optimumConfig <- matrix(tabuObject$configKeep[optimumIteration, ],1,length(nSelect))
                       optimumConfig<-tabuObject$configKeep[optimumIteration, ]
                     optionPart <- paste("Results:", "\n", "  Minimum found distance to fn     = ", 
                                         round(maxObjFunction, 5), "\n", "  Occurs # of times                = ", 
                                         length(optimumNVars), "\n", "  Optimum number of variables      = ", 
                                         deparse(optimumNVars), "\n", sep = "")
                     if (verbose) {
                       cat(paste("Optimum configuration:", "\n"))
                   ####################### KNAPSACK TABU #########################
                   #'Knapsack Tabu Search Function
                   #'@param Takes in a tabuSearch object
                   #'@keywords tabuSearch Knapsack
                     if (size < 2) { #1 variable isn't enough, need something to compare to.
                       stop("error: config too short!")
                     if (iters < 2) { #more iterations more likely to find good answer.
                       stop("error: not enough iterations!")
                     if (listSize >= size) { #You can't have a tabuList with size > the number of possible moves.
                       stop("error: listSize too big!")
                     if (neigh > size) { #can't check more neighbours than there are
                       stop("error: too many neighbours!")
                     if (is.null(objFunc)) { #The algorithm requires a user defined objective function
                       stop("A evaluation function must be provided. See the objFunc parameter.")
                       stop("A vector of weights must be provided")
                       stop("A vector of values must be provided")
                       stop("A maximum weight must be provided")
                       stop("Weights and Value vectors must be of equal length")
                       stop("Size must equal the number of values")
                       stop("Size must equal the number of weights")
                     if (is.null(config)) { #if no config create a default.
                     }else if (size != length(config)) {
                       stop("Length of the starting configuration != size")
                     if (repeatAll < 1) {
                       stop("error: repeatAll must be > 0")
                     iter <- 1 #not to be confused with "iters", iter is used to track the next row/position in the matrices/vectors at which we insert data.
                     configKeep <- matrix(, repeatAll * iters * (nRestarts + 3), size) #An empty matrix with rows specified and "size" columns to hold the configuration of binary string at each stage
                     eUtilityKeep <- matrix(, repeatAll * iters * (nRestarts + 3),3) #vector of undetermined type, to hold the values of objective function at each itteration
                     for (j in 1:repeatAll) { #ALGORITHM START POINT
                       if (j > 1) { #if it's not the first iteration through the algorithm we use a random configuration as the user can only specify *initial* config
                         config <- matrix(0, 1, size) #a single row matrix of 0's of length "size"
                         config[sample(1:size, sample(1:size, 1))] <- 1 #get a random number (from 1:size) of samples from the vector 1:size. Using these as indices set the digits of the config matrix to 1 at these indices.
                       tabuList <- matrix(0, 1, size) #creating the tabuList as a matrix of 0's with 1 row and "size" columns, it denotes which moves are tabu
                       listOrder <- matrix(0, 1, listSize) #This single row matrix holds the order in which certain moves got added to the tabuList, it is used to implement the FIFO method.
                       eUtility <- objFunc(config,weights,values,limit) #objective function evaluated at initial condition defined by "config"
                       aspiration <- eUtility #initial aspiration value, if the objective function evaluated at a certain configuration is tabu but > this we can cancel it's tabu status
                       preliminarySearch <- function() {
                         configKeep[iter, ] <- config #put the current config into the matrix of used configurations in the current row denoted by "iter"
                         eUtilityKeep[iter,] <- eUtility #put the value of the current config into the first position of the vector
                         iter <- iter + 1 #increment the iteration, if it's the first access of this function it is set to 2 because we do 1 outside where we initially get eUtility etc.
                         for (i in 2:iters) { #see comment above to explanation of 2:iters
                           neighboursEUtility <- matrix(0, size, 3)#1 row matrix to hold the value of each of the neighbours' configurations evaluated at the objective function
                           configTemp <- t(matrix(config, size, neigh)) #a matrix where each row is set to config, transpose used as matricies by default fill by column
                           randomNeighbours <- sample(size, neigh) #if neigh<size it chooses the random neighbours as required but if neigh=size it takes all of them
                           diag(configTemp[, randomNeighbours]) <- abs(diag(configTemp[, randomNeighbours]) - 1) #the diagonal of the matrix is inverted so that each row is different by 1 bit, this gives all the possible 1 bit-flip neighbour configurations
                           neighboursEUtility[randomNeighbours,] <- t(apply(configTemp, 1, objFunc,weights=weights,values=values,limit=limit))#"neighboursEUtility" will hold the value of the objective function calculated at each configuration
                           maxNontaboo <- max(neighboursEUtility[tabuList == 0,1]) #finding the maximum non-tabu value
                           maxTaboo <- max(neighboursEUtility[tabuList == 1,1], 0) #finding the maximum tabu value
                           #determining where to move to next
                           move <- ifelse(maxTaboo > maxNontaboo & maxTaboo > aspiration[1],  #condition: if the move is tabu AND it's higher than the asp value
                                          ifelse(length(which(neighboursEUtility[,1] == maxTaboo)) == 1, #if true: if the maxTabu from neighbour values is unique
                                                 which(neighboursEUtility[,1] == maxTaboo), #take the value of the position of that neighbour (i.e the next place to move to)
                                                 sample(which(neighboursEUtility[,1] == maxTaboo), 1)), #if it is not unique take a random one (i.e ties can be broken arbitrarily)
                                          ifelse(length(which(neighboursEUtility[,1] == maxNontaboo & tabuList == 0)) == 1, #if false: (either maxTabu is < maxNonTabu OR maxTabu < aspiration) AND it's unique
                                                 which(neighboursEUtility[,1] == maxNontaboo & tabuList == 0), #take the value of the position of the maxNonTabu
                                                 sample(which(neighboursEUtility[,1] == maxNontaboo & tabuList == 0), 1)) #if it's not unique pick a random one
                           ) #NEXT MOVE HAS BEEN CHOSEN
                           if (eUtility[1] >= neighboursEUtility[move,1]) {#if the initial(or previous) evaluated configuration is >= the value of the neighbour config we move to it but DO NOT update aspiration value
                             tabuList[move] <- 1 #set that move to tabu
                             if (sum(tabuList) > listSize) { #in this the default is tabuList in which 10 different moves can be tabu but at max there can only be 9 at one time so that we can always move
                               tabuList[listOrder[1]] <- 0 #set the first move which was made tabu to nonTabu (uses first in first out system)
                               listOrder[1:listSize] <- c(listOrder[2:listSize], 0) #discards the first element and moves all the other elements 1 to the left appending a 0 to the end. (like a left shift operation)
                             listOrder[min(which(listOrder == 0))] <- move #add the next move found earlier to the first available position in "listOrder"
                           else if (neighboursEUtility[move,1] > aspiration[1]){ #if the new move results in a configuration which when evaluated at the objective function is > aspiration value, set the new aspiration value to this value
                             aspiration <- neighboursEUtility[move,]
                           eUtility <- neighboursEUtility[move,] #set the max found value to the value found at this neighbour
                           config[move] <- abs(config[move] - 1) #update the configuration by switching the bit at the position corresponding to the move
                           configKeep[iter, ] <- config #put the configuration used into "configKeep" which is storing the configurations
                           eUtilityKeep[iter,] <- eUtility #put the value corresponding to this configuration into "eUtilityKeep"
                           iter <- iter + 1 #increment iter
                         result = list(aspiration = aspiration, configKeep = configKeep, eUtilityKeep = eUtilityKeep, iter = iter) #putting together the result of the preliminary search
                       if (verbose) #if the user wants to see the steps as the algorithm executes
                         cat("Preliminary search stage...\n")
                       result <- preliminarySearch() #store result of prelim search, which is a list containing values visible in line 89
                       aspiration <- result$aspiration[1] #set the new aspiration value to the value obtained from the preliminary search
                       configKeep <- result$configKeep #set the matrix of configurations to the configs gotten from the preliminary search function
                       eUtilityKeep <- result$eUtilityKeep #set the vector containing the values of the objective function evaluated at each of the configurations to the values obtained from the preliminary search function
                       iter <- result$iter #extract from the result list the number of iterations that occured
                       temp_asp <- 0 #temporary value for aspiration
                       restarts <- 0 #tracks the number of restarts of the intensification stage
                       while (temp_asp < aspiration[1] && restarts < nRestarts) { #check if an equal or better solution has been found (when temp_asp >=aspiration) or we run out of restarts
                         if (verbose)
                           cat("Intensification stage...\n")
                         eUtility <- max(eUtilityKeep[,1],na.rm=TRUE) #intensification stage begins with the best solution found thus far
                         temp_asp <- aspiration #assigning the value of the current aspiration to temp_asp
                         config <- configKeep[max(which(na_rm[,1] == max(na_rm[,1]))), ] #takes the configuration from "configKeep" where the position is the position of the most recent, best configuration.
                         result <- preliminarySearch() #re-run the preliminary search
                         aspiration <- result$aspiration #obtain results
                         configKeep <- result$configKeep
                         eUtilityKeep <- result$eUtilityKeep
                         iter <- result$iter
                         restarts <- restarts + 1 
                       if (verbose)
                         cat("Diversification stage...\n")
                       config <- matrix(0, 1, size) #reset the config matrix
                       config[sample(1:size, sample(1:size, 1))] <- 1 #take a random starting config
                       eUtility <- objFunc(config,weights,values,limit) #evaluate the objective function at this starting config
                       #Now finding the most frequent moves and sets them to tabu
                       frequent <- apply(configKeep, 2, function(x) sum(diff(x) != 0)) #For each column in configKeep, "sum(diff(x) !=0)" will count how many times this digit of the config changes.
                       tabuList <- as.numeric(rank(frequent, ties.method = "random") > (size - listSize)) #the values in frequent are ranked in order of magnitude, these are then compared to "(size-listSize)" by default this is 1. If frequent is > this 1, that move is set to tabu.
                       listOrder <- sample(which(rank(frequent, ties.method = "random") > (size - listSize)), listSize) #A random sample of size "listSize" is taken to be the order of the tabu list, we need an order to use the First in First out method.
                       result <- preliminarySearch() #re-run preliminary search in the hopes to find a better solution in a reasonably unexplored area of the solution space
                       iter <- result$iter #obtain results
                       configKeep <- result$configKeep
                       eUtilityKeep <- result$eUtilityKeep
                     }#end of algorithm
                     endResult <- list(type = "binary configuration", configKeep = configKeep[1:(iter - 1), ], eUtilityKeep = eUtilityKeep[1:(iter - 1),], iters = iters, neigh = neigh, listSize = listSize, repeatAll = repeatAll,weights=weights,values=values,limit=limit)
                     class(endResult) = "tabu"
                   #' Summary function for tabuSearchKnap
                   #' @param Object is a tabuSearch object, Verbose is a boolean which if true returns a more detailed summary
                   #' @keywords Summary Knapsack
                   #' @export
                   #' @examples
                   #' KnapSumm(x,T)
                   KnapSumm=function (res,eval)
                     exc<-which(res$eUtilityKeep[,3]!=0) #where it is not 0, we can exclude these so that the which.max correctly matches up
                     cat(" Value found: ",ans[1],"\n","Weight used: ",ans[2],"\n")
                     rownames(m)<-"Final Configuration"
                   ###################### TABU TSP ########################
                   #'Travelling Sales Person Tabu Search Function
                   #'@param Takes in a tabuSearch object
                   #'@keywords tabuSearch TSP
                       findConf<-function(v){ #non-parallel neighbour finding
                         m<-matrix(v,1,length(v))#just set to initial size
                         for(i in 1:length(v)){ #find all possible swaps
                           for(j in 1:length(v)){
                       findConfP<-function(v){ #parallel neighbour finding
                         nc<-detectCores()-1 #setting up the extra cores for parallel computation
                         bvec<-c(1:length(v)) #find all possible swaps in parallel
                           foreach(b=bvec, .combine='rbind')%:%
                           foreach(a=avec, .combine='rbind', .export='Pswap') %dopar%{
                         stopCluster(cl) #stops the parallel operations
                       swap<-function(v,X1,X2){ #v is the configuration, X1 is the town to change, X2 is where we want to connect X1 to.
                         if(X1==X2){ #stops if X1 is to be redirected to itself
                         X1p<-v[X1] #the town that X1 points to
                         if(X1p==X2){ #stops if the swap won't change anything
                         pX1<-which(v==X1) #the town that points to X1
                         pX2<-which(v==X2) #the town that points to X2
                         v[pX1]<-X1p #rebuilding the cycle correctly so no loops occur
                         for(i in 1:length(v)){ #if the loop is invalid return the original configuration
                       tl<-function(b){ #creates the tabulist when the listSize is n^2
                         for(i in 1:length(b)){
                             v[track:(track+length(b)-1)]<-1 #instead of 1 bit being set to 1 a length n block of bits are set to 1
                       generate<-function(size){ #generates the random configurations
                         for(i in 1:size){
                           exc<-c(i,v,which(v==i)) #exclusion vector, this holds all the values that can NOT be taken as the next town in the cycle
                           if(i==size && (temp==size || length(temp)==0)){ 
                             v<-generate(size) #if the last spot can only be the last town, make a new cycle
                       getRandom<-function(size){ #controls the other 2 functions used in generating a random config
                           if(valid(v)==T){ #only return it if it is valid
                       valid<-function(b){#tests if configurations are valid
                         }else if(length(b)==1){
                           for(i in 1:max){ #take n steps through the cycle and note where you arrived at each time
                         return(!any(duplicated(visited))) #if anywhere was visited more than once it is not valid
                       getGreedy<-function(size,d){ #greedy algorithm works by taking the closest town (excluding itself) to the current town as the next step
                         for(i in 1:size){
                             if(length(d[track,-exc])==1){ #it was being forced to a vector when there was length 1 and it was causing issues with "names()"
                               vect2<-which(d[track,]==d[track,-exc]) #PROBLEM this can produce more than 1 number when there is 2 numbers exactly the same in the same row
                               pos<-setdiff(vect2,exc) #This takes the differene between the 2 vectors i.e removes the excluded towns from vect2 (if an excluded town has exactly the same distance it can be included)
                       if (size < 2) { 
                         stop("error: config too short!")
                         stop("error: must provide a distance matrix")
                       if (iters < 2) { 
                         stop("error: not enough iterations!")
                       if (listSize >= size) { 
                         stop("error: listSize too big!")
                       if (neigh > size^2) { 
                         stop("error: too many neighbours!")
                       if (is.null(objFunc)) { 
                         stop("A evaluation function must be provided. See the objFunc parameter.")
                       if (is.null(config)) {
                       else if (size != length(config)) {
                         stop("Length of the starting configuration != size")
                       if (repeatAll < 1) {
                         stop("error: repeatAll must be > 0")
                       iter <- 1 
                       configKeep <- matrix(0, repeatAll * iters * (nRestarts + 3), size) 
                       eUtilityKeep <- vector(, repeatAll * iters * (nRestarts + 3)) 
                       for (j in 1:repeatAll) { 
                         if (j > 1) { 
                         tabuList <- matrix(0, 1, size^2) 
                         listOrder <- matrix(0, 1, listSize^2)
                         eUtility <- objFunc(config,dist) 
                         aspiration <- eUtility 
                         preliminarySearch <- function() {
                           configKeep[iter, ] <- config 
                           eUtilityKeep[iter] <- eUtility 
                           iter <- iter + 1 
                           for (i in 2:iters) { 
                             neighboursEUtility <- matrix(0, 1, size^2) 
                             configTemp <- t(matrix(config, size, neigh)) 
                             Neighbours <- c(1:(size^2))
                             neighboursEUtility[Neighbours] <- apply(configTemp, 1,objFunc,d=dist)
                             maxNontaboo <- max(neighboursEUtility[tabuList == 0]) 
                               maxTaboo <- max(neighboursEUtility[tabuList == 1]) 
                             move <- ifelse(maxTaboo > maxNontaboo & maxTaboo > aspiration, 
                                            ifelse(length(which(neighboursEUtility == maxTaboo)) == 1, 
                                                   which(neighboursEUtility == maxTaboo), 
                                                   sample(which(neighboursEUtility == maxTaboo), 1)),
                                            ifelse(length(which(neighboursEUtility == maxNontaboo & tabuList == 0)) == 1,
                                                   which(neighboursEUtility == maxNontaboo & tabuList==0), 
                                                   sample(which(neighboursEUtility == maxNontaboo & tabuList==0), 1)) 
                             if (eUtility >= neighboursEUtility[move]) { 
                               tabuList[move] <- 1 
                               if (sum(tabuList) > listSize^2) { 
                                 tabuList[listOrder[1]] <- 0 
                                 listOrder[1:listSize] <- c(listOrder[2:listSize], 0) 
                               listOrder[min(which(listOrder == 0))] <- move
                             else if (neighboursEUtility[move] > aspiration)
                               aspiration <- neighboursEUtility[move]
                             eUtility <- neighboursEUtility[move] 
                             configKeep[iter, ] <- config 
                             eUtilityKeep[iter] <- eUtility 
                             iter <- iter + 1 
                           result = list(aspiration = aspiration, configKeep = configKeep, eUtilityKeep = eUtilityKeep, iter = iter)
                         if (verbose) 
                           cat("Preliminary search stage...\n")
                         result <- preliminarySearch() 
                         aspiration <- result$aspiration 
                         configKeep <- result$configKeep 
                         eUtilityKeep <- result$eUtilityKeep 
                         iter <- result$iter 
                         temp_asp <- -2147483647
                         restarts <- 0 
                         while (temp_asp < aspiration & restarts < nRestarts) { 
                           if (verbose)
                             cat("Intensification stage...\n")
                           eUtility <- max(eUtilityKeep[which(eUtilityKeep!=0)]) 
                           temp_asp <- aspiration 
                           config <- configKeep[max(which(eUtilityKeep == eUtility)), ] 
                           result <- preliminarySearch() 
                           aspiration <- result$aspiration 
                           configKeep <- result$configKeep
                           eUtilityKeep <- result$eUtilityKeep
                           iter <- result$iter
                           restarts <- restarts + 1 
                         if (verbose)
                           cat("Diversification stage...\n")
                         eUtility <- objFunc(config,dist) 
                         frequent <- apply(configKeep, 2, function(x) sum(diff(x) != 0)) 
                         tempTabuList <- as.numeric(rank(frequent, ties.method = "random") > (size - listSize)) 
                         listOrder <- sample(which(tabuList==1), listSize^2) 
                         result <- preliminarySearch() 
                         iter <- result$iter
                         configKeep <- result$configKeep
                         eUtilityKeep <- result$eUtilityKeep
                       endResult <- list(type = "binary configuration", configKeep = configKeep[1:(iter - 1), ], eUtilityKeep = eUtilityKeep[1:(iter - 1)], iters = iters, neigh = neigh, listSize = listSize, repeatAll = repeatAll)
                       class(endResult) = "tabu"
                   #' Summary function for tabuSearchTSP
                   #' @param Object is a tabuSearch object, Verbose is a boolean which if true returns a more detailed summary
                   #' @keywords Summary TSP
                   #' @export
                   #' @examples
                   #' TSPSumm(x,T)
                   TSPSumm=function (object, verbose = FALSE, ...)
                       for(i in 1:size){
                     tabuObject <- object
                     nVars <- rowSums(tabuObject$configKeep)
                     nSelect <- colSums(tabuObject$configKeep)
                     uniqueConfig <- dim(unique(tabuObject$configKeep))[1]
                     output <- paste("Tabu Settings", "\n", "  Type                                       = ",
                                     tabuObject$type, "\n", "  No of algorithm repeats                    = ",
                                     tabuObject$repeatAll, "\n", "  No of iterations at each prelim search     = ",
                                     tabuObject$iters, "\n", "  Total no of iterations                     = ",
                                     length(nVars), "\n", "  No of unique best configurations           = ",
                                     uniqueConfig, "\n", "  Tabu list size                             = ",
                                     tabuObject$listSize, "\n", "  Configuration length                       = ",
                                     length(nSelect), "\n", "  No of neighbours visited at each iteration = ",
                                     tabuObject$neigh, "\n", sep = "")
                     maxObjFunction <- max(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep)
                     optimumNVars <- nVars[which(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep == max(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep))]
                     optimumIteration <- which(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep == max(tabuObject$eUtilityKeep))
                       optimumConfig <- matrix(tabuObject$configKeep[optimumIteration, ],1,length(nSelect))
                       optimumConfig<-tabuObject$configKeep[optimumIteration, ]
                     optionPart <- paste("Results:", "\n", "  Shortest path found              = ",
                                         -1*maxObjFunction, "\n", "  Occurs # of times                = ",
                                         length(optimumNVars), "\n", "  Optimum number of variables      = ",
                                         unique(optimumNVars), "\n", sep = "")
                     if (verbose) {
                       cat(paste("Optimum configuration found:", "\n"))
                       cat(paste("Optimum path found:","\n"))
ciaran8065/PackageInstallation documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:01 p.m.