
# Biostats in epidemiology
# ch 12 work

# 12.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------

# Example 12.2


# crude death rate and directly standardized death rate
with(schizophrenia, = cohort.deaths, pop =, stdpop = alberta.pop)) * 10^3

# crude death rates
Ra <- sum((schizophrenia$$ * 
Rb <- sum((schizophrenia$alberta.pop/sum(schizophrenia$alberta.pop)) * 

# directly standardized death rate
Ras <- sum((schizophrenia$alberta.pop/sum(schizophrenia$alberta.pop)) * 
Rbs <- sum((schizophrenia$alberta.pop/sum(schizophrenia$alberta.pop)) * 
# same as Rb

# crude rate ratio
CRR <- Ra/Rb

# standardized rate ratio
SRR <- Ras/Rb

# var of standardized death rate
Nsk <- schizophrenia$alberta.pop
Ns <- sum(schizophrenia$alberta.pop)
Dak <- schizophrenia$cohort.deaths
Nak <- schizophrenia$

Dbk <- schizophrenia$alberta.deaths
Nbk <- schizophrenia$alberta.pop

# sqrt(sum((Nsk/Ns)^2 * (Dak/(Nak^2))))
varRas <- sum((Nsk/Ns)^2 * (Dak/(Nak^2)))
varRbs <- sum((Nsk/Ns)^2 * (Dbk/(Nbk^2)))
varlogSRR <- varRas/(Ras^2) + varRbs/(Rb^2)

# 95 CI for SRR
exp(log(SRR) + c(-1,1) * qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(varlogSRR))

# function for this
std.rate.ratio <- function(count, pop, stdcount, stdpop, conf.level=0.95){
  Ra <- sum((pop/sum(pop)) * 
  Rb <- sum((stdpop/sum(stdpop)) * 
  # directly standardized death rate
  Ras <- sum((stdpop/sum(stdpop)) * 

  # crude rate ratio
  CRR <- Ra/Rb
  # standardized rate ratio
  SRR <- Ras/Rb
  # var of standardized death rate
  Nsk <- stdpop
  Ns <- sum(stdpop)
  Dak <- count
  Nak <- pop
  Dbk <- stdcount
  Nbk <- stdpop
  # sqrt(sum((Nsk/Ns)^2 * (Dak/(Nak^2))))
  varRas <- sum((Nsk/Ns)^2 * (Dak/(Nak^2)))
  varRbs <- sum((Nsk/Ns)^2 * (Dbk/(Nbk^2)))
  varlogSRR <- varRas/(Ras^2) + varRbs/(Rb^2)
  # 95 CI for SRR
  alpha <- (1 - conf.level)/2
  CINT <- exp(log(SRR) + c(-1,1) * qnorm(1 - alpha) * sqrt(varlogSRR))
  list("Standardize rate ratio" = SRR, "95% CI for SRR" = CINT,
       "Crude rate ratio" = CRR, 
       "directly standardized death rate" = Ras)

with(schizophrenia, std.rate.ratio(count = cohort.deaths, pop =,
                                   stdcount = alberta.deaths, stdpop = alberta.pop))

# 12.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------

# Example 12.3
Da <- sum(schizophrenia$cohort.deaths)
Rsk <- schizophrenia$alberta.deaths/schizophrenia$alberta.pop
Nak <- schizophrenia$
Ea <- sum(Rsk*Nak)
# standardized mortality ratio
SMR <- Da/Ea

varSMR <- SMR/Ea

# 95% CI
SMR + c(-1,1)*qnorm(0.975)*sqrt(varSMR)

# This returns a slightly different CI
ageadjust.indirect(count = schizophrenia$cohort.deaths, 
                   pop = schizophrenia$, 
                   stdcount = schizophrenia$alberta.deaths, 
                   stdpop = schizophrenia$alberta.pop)

# exact CI (if Ea < 5)
# use 10.9 and 10.10 with n = Ea and d = Da (time = Ea and status = Da)
exact.rate.test(time = Ea, status = Da)$
exact.rate.test(time = Ea, status = Da)
# For the 10-19 age group with Da = 2 and Ea = 0.376
exact.rate.test(time = 0.376, status = 2)

# hypothesis of no mortality difference between cohort and the standard pop'n:
STATISTIC <- ((Da - Ea)^2)/Ea

smr.test <- function(count, pop, stdcount, stdpop, conf.level = 0.95){
  dname <- paste("\n  ", deparse(substitute(count)), 
                 "\n  ", deparse(substitute(pop)),
                 "\n  ", deparse(substitute(stdcount)),
                 "\n  ", deparse(substitute(stdpop)))
  alternative <- "two.sided"
  Da <- sum(count)
  Rsk <- stdcount/stdpop
  Nak <- pop
  Ea <- sum(Rsk*Nak)
  # standardized mortality ratio
  est <- Da/Ea
  names(est) <- "Standardized Mortality Ratio"
  null <- 1
  names(null) <- names(est)

  if(Ea < 5){
    CINT <- exact.rate.test(time = Ea, status = Da)$
    attr(CINT, "conf.level") <- conf.level
    p.value <- exact.rate.test(time = Ea, status = Da)$p.value
    METHOD <- paste("Exact test of no mortality difference between cohort and standard population")
    RVAL <- list(p.value = p.value, 
                 estimate = est, null.value = null,
        = CINT, alternative = alternative,
                 method = METHOD, 
        = dname) 
  } else {
    varSMR <- est/Ea
    # 95% CI
    alpha <- (1-conf.level)/2
    CINT <- est + c(-1,1)*qnorm(1 - alpha)*sqrt(varSMR)
    attr(CINT, "conf.level") <- conf.level
    STATISTIC <- ((Da - Ea)^2)/Ea
    p.value <- pchisq(q = STATISTIC, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
    names(STATISTIC) <- "X-squared"
    METHOD <- paste("Test of no mortality difference between cohort and standard population")
    RVAL <- list(statistic = STATISTIC, parameter = c(df = 1), p.value = p.value, 
                 estimate = est, null.value = null,
        = CINT, alternative = alternative,
                 method = METHOD, 
        = dname) 
  class(RVAL) <- "htest"

     smr.test(count = cohort.deaths,
                    pop =, 
                    stdcount = alberta.deaths, 
                    stdpop = alberta.pop))

# Exact test (expected number of deaths < 5)
     smr.test(count = cohort.deaths,
                    pop =, 
                    stdcount = alberta.deaths, 
                    stdpop = alberta.pop))

# top <- schizophrenia[,1:3] 
# top$exp <- 1
# bot <- schizophrenia[,c(1,4,5)]
# bot$exp <- 2
# names(top) <- names(bot) <- c("","deaths","pop", "exp")
# dat <- rbind(top,bot)
# schizL <- melt(schizophrenia, id.vars = c("","cohort.deaths"))
# lrt.homogeneity(time, status, exposure, strata)

# 12.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------

# age-period-cohort analysis

# Fig 12.1(a)
year <- as.integer(rownames(females))
plot(year, females[,1], type="b", ylim = c(0,50), 
     ylab = "Death Rate (per 100,000)", xlab="Year")
lines(year, females[,2], type = "b", pch = 2)
lines(year, females[,3], type = "b", pch = 3)
lines(year, females[,4], type = "b", pch = 4)
lines(year, females[,5], type = "b", pch = 5)
legend("topright", legend = colnames(females), pch = 1:5, title = "Age group")

# Fig 12.2(b)
ag <- unclass(factor(colnames(females)))
plot(ag, females[1,], type="b", ylim = c(0,50), 
     ylab = "Death Rate (per 100,000)", xlab="Age group", axes=F)
lines(ag, females[2,], type = "b", pch = 2)
lines(ag, females[3,], type = "b", pch = 3)
lines(ag, females[4,], type = "b", pch = 4)
lines(ag, females[5,], type = "b", pch = 5)
legend("top", legend = rownames(females), pch = 1:5, title = "Time period")
axis(1, at=1:5, labels = colnames(females))
axis(2, at=seq(0,50,10), labels = seq(0,50,10))

# Fig 12.2(c)
# diag(females[1:3,3:5])
# k <- pmin(nrow(females) - 1, ncol(females) - 3)
# diag(females[1:(1 + k),3:(3 + k)])

getDiag <- function(m,i,j){
  x <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(i))
  y <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(i))
  k <- pmin(nrow(m) - i, ncol(m) - j)
  for(n in seq_along(i)){
    y[[n]] <- diag(m[i[n]:(i[n] + k[n]),j[n]:(j[n] + k[n])])    
    x[[n]] <- j[n]:(j[n] + k[n])    
# row and column coordinats for getDiag function
i <- c(3,2,1,1,1)
j <- c(1,1,1,2,3)
dr <- getDiag(females,i,j)
plot(dr[[1]], dr[[6]], type="b", xlim = c(1,5), ylim = c(0,50), 
     ylab = "Death Rate (per 100,000)", xlab="Age group", axes=F)
lines(dr[[2]], dr[[7]], type="b", pch=2)
lines(dr[[3]], dr[[8]], type="b", pch=3)
lines(dr[[4]], dr[[9]], type="b", pch=4)
lines(dr[[5]], dr[[10]], type="b", pch=5)
axis(1, at=1:5, labels = colnames(females))
axis(2, at=seq(0,50,10), labels = seq(0,50,10))
legend("top", legend = seq(1930,1970,10), pch = 1:5, title = "Birth Cohort")
clayford/bme documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:37 p.m.