
Defines functions GrabDatFileIndexSelOptions

Documented in GrabDatFileIndexSelOptions

#' Grab Dat File Index Selectivity Options 
#' This function gets index selectivity options from the original ASAP.DAT file.
#' @param wd directory where ASAP run is located
#' @param asap.name Base name of original dat file (without the .dat extension)
#' @param asap name of the variable that read in the asap.rdat file
#' @return list of fleet names and index names
#' @export

GrabDatFileIndexSelOptions <- function(wd,asap.name,asap){
  dat.file.index.sel.options <- NULL
  my.file.name <- paste0(wd, "\\", asap.name, ".dat")
  if (file.exists(my.file.name)){
    datfile <- readLines(con = my.file.name)
    nlines <- seq(1, length(datfile))
    myval <- c("# Index Selectivity Options 1=by age, 2=logisitic, 3=double logistic",
               "# Survey Selectivity Type")  # this one written in retro file
    index.sel.options.line <- nlines[datfile %in% myval]
    if (length(index.sel.options.line) > 0){
      dat.file.all.index.sel.options <- scan(file = my.file.name,
                                             n = asap$parms$navailindices, 
                                             skip = index.sel.options.line)
      dat.file.index.sel.options <- dat.file.all.index.sel.options[asap$initial.guesses$index.use.flag==1]
  } # end if-test for dat file
cmlegault/ASAPplots documentation built on March 29, 2021, 8:28 p.m.