vintersect: Identify intersection between multiple vectors

Description Usage Arguments Details Author(s) Examples

View source: R/vinteresct.R


Similar to intersect, 'vintersect' identifies values that occure in each vector. The similar code would be to identify intersecting values between two vectors and then look for the intersect with a third vector and so on. Rather, all vectors are input at the same time and intersecting values are returned. The 'limit' parameter can define the minimum number of observations of a value before it is returned. An example would be if you wanted all values that occur in 2 out of 3 vectors (as in the example presented below), for this the 'limit' would be set to 2 and you would supply all three vectors. The returned values will be all values present in at least 2 of the vectors. By default, the limit is set to the number of input vectors to return only values intersecting in all vectors.


vintersect(..., limit = NULL)



a series of vectors to compare against eachother, either independently input or in a list.


integer The number of minimum observations of a single value before it is included in the output. Defaults to the number of input vectors, but can be reduce to increase the number of returned values.


vintersect returns a single vector from input vectors containing intersecting values from the input vectors. 'limit' can be used to specify an observational limit to include values in the output.


Christopher Nobles, Ph.D.


A <- c(1,2,3)
B <- c(2,3,4)
C <- c(3,4,5)
vintersect(A, B, C)
vintersect(A, B, C, limit = 2)

cnobles/gintools documentation built on Aug. 22, 2019, 10:36 a.m.