#' Retrieve a codecheck.yml file from a remote repository
#' @author Daniel Nüst
#' @param x the repo specification
get_codecheck_yml_uncached <- function(x) {
spec <- parse_repository_spec(x)
result <- switch (spec[["type"]],
"github" = get_codecheck_yml_github(spec[["repo"]]),
"osf" = get_codecheck_yml_osf(spec[["repo"]]),
"gitlab" = get_codecheck_yml_gitlab(spec[["repo"]])
#' Retrieve a codecheck.yml file from a GitHub repository
#' @author Daniel Nüst
#' @importFrom gh gh
#' @param x the org/repo to download the file from
get_codecheck_yml_github <- function(x) {
org_repo <- strsplit(x, "/", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
if (length(org_repo) != 2) {
stop("Incomplete repo specification for type 'github', need 'org/repo' but have '", x, "'")
repo_files <- gh::gh("GET /repos/:org/:repo/contents/",
org = org_repo[[1]],
repo = org_repo[[2]],
.accept = "application/vnd.github.VERSION.raw")
repo_file_names <- sapply(repo_files, "[[", "name")
if ("codecheck.yml" %in% repo_file_names) {
config_file_response <- gh::gh(
"GET /repos/:org/:repo/contents/:file",
org = org_repo[[1]],
repo = org_repo[[2]],
file = "codecheck.yml",
.accept = "application/vnd.github.VERSION.raw")
config_file <- yaml::read_yaml(text = config_file_response$message)
} else {
warning("codecheck.yml not found in repository ", x)
#' Retrieve a codecheck.yml file from an OSF project
#' @author Daniel Nüst
#' @param x the OSF id (5 characters)
#' @importFrom osfr osf_retrieve_node osf_ls_files osf_download
get_codecheck_yml_osf <- function(x) {
repo <- osfr::osf_retrieve_node(x)
repo_files <- osfr::osf_ls_files(repo, pattern = "codecheck.yml")
if (nrow(repo_files) == 1) {
temp_dir <- tempdir()
osfr::osf_download(repo_files, path = temp_dir)
local_file <- file.path(temp_dir, "codecheck.yml")
config_file <- yaml::read_yaml(file = local_file)
} else {
warning("codecheck.yml not found in repository https://osf.io/", x)
#' Retrieve a codecheck.yml file from an GitLab.com project
#' It seems https://statnmap.github.io/gitlabr/ always requires authentication
#' @author Daniel Nüst
#' @param x the project name on GitLab.com
#' @importFrom httr GET content
#' @importFrom yaml yaml.load
get_codecheck_yml_gitlab <- function(x) {
link <- paste0("https://gitlab.com/", x, "/-/raw/main/codecheck.yml?inline=false")
response <- httr::GET(link)
if (response$status == 200) {
content <- httr::content(response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
config_file <- yaml::yaml.load(content)
} else {
warning("codecheck.yml not found in repository https://gitlab.com/", x)
#' Parse the repository specification in the column "Repo" in the register CSV file
#' Based roughly on [`remotes::parse_one_extra`](https://github.com/r-lib/remotes/blob/master/R/deps.R#L519)
#' Supported variants:
#' - `osf::ABC12`
#' - `github::codecheckers/Piccolo-2020`
#' - `gitlab::cdchck/Piccolo-2020`
#' @author Daniel Nüst
#' @param x the repository specification to parse
#' @return a named character vector with the items `type` and `repo`
parse_repository_spec <- function(x) {
pieces <- strsplit(x, "::", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
if (length(pieces) == 2) {
type <- pieces[1]
repo <- pieces[2]
} else {
stop("Malformed repository specification '", x, "'")
if (! type %in% c("github", "osf", "gitlab")) {
stop("Unsupported repository type '", type, "'")
return(c(type = type, repo = repo))
get_codecheck_yml_cached <- R.cache::addMemoization(get_codecheck_yml_uncached)
#' Get the CODECHECK configuration file from a repository
#' @param x Repository in the codecheckers organisation on GitHub
#' @author Daniel Nüst
#' @importFrom R.cache addMemoization
#' @export
get_codecheck_yml <- function(x) {
configuration <- get_codecheck_yml_cached(x)
#' Validate a CODECHECK configuration
#' This functions checks "MUST"-contents only, see https://codecheck.org.uk/spec/config/latest/
#' @param configuration R object of class `list`, or a path to a file
#' @return `TRUE` if the provided configuration is valid, otherwise the function stops with an error
#' @author Daniel Nüst
#' @importFrom rorcid check_dois
#' @importFrom httr http_error http_status GET
#' @export
validate_codecheck_yml <- function(configuration) {
codecheck_yml <- NULL
if (is.character(configuration) && file.exists(configuration)) {
# TODO: validate that file encoding is UTF-8, if a file is given
codecheck_yml <- yaml::read_yaml(configuration)
} else if (inherits(configuration, "list")) {
codecheck_yml <- configuration
} else {
stop("Could not load codecheck configuration from input '", configuration, "'")
# MUST have manifest
assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_name(codecheck_yml, "manifest"),
msg = paste0("codecheck.yml must have a root-level node 'manifest'",
"but the available ones are: ",
# each element of the manifest MUST have a file
sapply(X = codecheck_yml$manifest, FUN = function(manifest_item) {
assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_name(manifest_item, "file"))
# each author MUST have a name
sapply(X = codecheck_yml$paper$authors, FUN = function(authors_item) {
assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_name(authors_item, "name"),
msg = "All authors must have a 'name'.")
# codechecker MUST have a name
sapply(X = codecheck_yml$codechecker, FUN = function(codechecker_item) {
assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_name(codechecker_item, "name"),
msg = "All codecheckers must have a 'name'.")
# the report MUST be a valid DOI
assertthat::assert_that(codecheck_yml$report %in% rorcid::check_dois(codecheck_yml$report)$good,
msg = paste0(codecheck_yml$report, " is not a valid DOI"))
# Check if the paper_link contains a valid URL. We only check that it starts with https?://
url_regex <- "^https?://"
if (!grepl(url_regex, codecheck_yml$paper$reference)) {
warning("The paper reference in the codecheck.yml is not a valid URL")
# if ORCID are used, they must be without URL prefix and valid form, actual checking requires login, see #11
orcid_regex <- "^(\\d{4}\\-\\d{4}\\-\\d{4}\\-\\d{3}(\\d|X))$"
if(is.list(codecheck_yml$paper$authors)) {
for(a in codecheck_yml$paper$authors) {
if(assertthat::has_name(a, "ORCID")) {
assertthat::assert_that(grepl(pattern = orcid_regex, x = a$ORCID, perl = TRUE),
msg = paste0("ORCIDs must be well-formed and without URL prefix, ",
"but the author's ORCID '", a$ORCID, "' is not"))
if(is.list(codecheck_yml$codechecker)) {
for(a in codecheck_yml$codechecker) {
if(assertthat::has_name(a, "ORCID")) {
assertthat::assert_that(grepl(pattern = orcid_regex, x = a$ORCID, perl = TRUE),
msg = paste0("ORCIDs must be well-formed and without URL prefix, ",
"but the checker's ORCID '", a$ORCID, "' is not"))
# the repository URL should exist
if(assertthat::has_name(codecheck_yml, "repository")) {
if(is.vector(codecheck_yml$repository)) {
for(r in codecheck_yml$repository) {
assertthat::assert_that(httr::http_error(r) == FALSE,
msg = paste0(r, " - URL returns error: ",
} else {
assertthat::assert_that(httr::http_error(codecheck_yml$repository) == FALSE,
msg = paste0(codecheck_yml$repository, " - URL returns error: ",
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