readRawData <- function(geo, sequencePlatform, urlIndex = NULL, matrix.only = FALSE) {
urls <- GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(geo, fetch_files = FALSE)
if (sequencePlatform == "GPL6947") {
# Illumina Microarry V3
result <- readRawDataGPL6947(urls, urlIndex)
} else if (sequencePlatform == "GPL6102") {
# Illumina Microarry V2
result <- readRawDataGPL6102(urls, urlIndex)
} else if (sequencePlatform == "GPL10558") {
# Illumina Microarry V4
result <- readRawDataGPL10558(urls, urlIndex, matrix.only)
} else if (sequencePlatform == "GPL570") {
result <- readRawDataGPL570(urls, urlIndex)
} else if (sequencePlatform == "GPL6883") {
result <- readRawDataGPL6883(urls, urlIndex)
readRawDataGPL6947 <- function(urls, urlIndex = NULL) {
temp <- tempfile()
tempd <- tempdir()
url_sub <- as.character(urls$url[1])
utils::download.file(url_sub, temp)
utils::untar(temp, exdir = tempd)
files <- list.files(tempd, pattern = "txt.*")
data_Non_normalized_list <- lapply(files, function(x)
read.delim(paste0(tempd, "/" ,x), header = TRUE,
col.names = c("ID_REF", gsub("_.*", "", x),
paste0(gsub("_.*", "", x), ".Pval")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
# Remove temporary files
unlink(paste0(normalizePath(tempdir()), "/", dir(tempdir())), recursive = TRUE)
# data_Non_normalized_list_noPvalue <- lapply(data_Non_normalized_list, function(x)
# x[, -grep('pval', colnames(x), = TRUE)])
message("Merge list into one matrix based on probe ID")
data_Non_normalized <- Reduce(function (x, y)
merge(x, y, by = "ID_REF", all = FALSE),
lapply(data_Non_normalized_list, function(x) {x}))
row.names(data_Non_normalized) <- data_Non_normalized$ID_REF
data_Non_normalized <- as.matrix(data_Non_normalized[, -1])
indexPvalue <- grep("pval", colnames(data_Non_normalized), = TRUE)
if(length(indexPvalue) == 0) {
message("Column(s) with p-value not found, return full datasets")
xr <- new("EListRaw", list(E = data_Non_normalized[, -indexPvalue],
other = list(Detection = data_Non_normalized[, indexPvalue])))
yr <- limma::neqc(xr)
return(list(data_Non_normalized = xr$E, data_normalized = yr$E))
readRawDataGPL6102 <- function(urls, urlIndex = NULL) {
temp <- tempfile()
tempd <- tempdir()
url_sub <- as.character(urls$url[1])
utils::download.file(url_sub, temp)
utils::untar(temp, exdir = tempd)
files <- list.files(tempd, pattern = "txt.*")
data_Non_normalized_list <- lapply(files, function(x)
read.delim(paste0(tempd, "/", x), header = TRUE,
col.names = c("ID_REF", gsub("_.*", "", x),
paste0(gsub("_.*", "", x), ".Pval")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
message("Merge list into one matrix based on probe ID")
data_Non_normalized <- Reduce(function (x, y)
merge(x, y, by = "ID_REF", all = FALSE),
lapply(data_Non_normalized_list, function(x) {x}))
unlink(paste0(normalizePath(tempdir()), "/", dir(tempdir())), recursive = TRUE)
row.names(data_Non_normalized) <- data_Non_normalized$ID_REF
data_Non_normalized <- as.matrix(data_Non_normalized[, -1])
indexPvalue <- grep("pval", colnames(data_Non_normalized), = TRUE)
if(length(indexPvalue) == 0) {
message("Column(s) with p-value not found, return full datasets")
xr <- new("EListRaw", list(E = data_Non_normalized[, -indexPvalue],
other = list(Detection = data_Non_normalized[, indexPvalue])))
yr <- limma::neqc(xr)
return(list(data_Non_normalized = xr$E, data_normalized = yr$E))
readRawDataGPL10558 <- function(urls, urlIndex = NULL, matrix.only = FALSE) {
temp <- tempfile()
# tempd <- tempdir()
if (is.null(urlIndex)) {
index <- grep("*.txt.gz", unlist(urls$url))
if (length(index) == 0) {
stop("Raw data with txt.gz not found from supplementary file. Exit the function.")
if (length(index) != 1) {
message("More than one link selected, looking for non-nomarlized file")
url_temp <- urls$url[index]
index1 <- grep("non-normalized", url_temp)
if (length(index1) != 1) {
stop("Cannot identify the right urls. Plases specifcy it manually using the
urlIndex parameter.")
url_sub <- as.character(url_temp[index1])
} else {
url_sub <- as.character(urls$url[index])
} else {
url_sub <- as.character(urls$url[urlIndex])
# Illumina Microarray V4
utils::download.file(url_sub, temp)
data_Non_normalized <- read.delim(gzfile(temp), row.names = 1, header = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::select_if(~sum(! > 0) # delete columns that contain ONLY NAs
unlink(paste0(normalizePath(tempdir()), "/", dir(tempdir())), recursive = TRUE)
if (matrix.only) {
indexPvalue <- grep("pval", colnames(data_Non_normalized), = TRUE)
if(length(indexPvalue) == 0) {
message("Column(s) with p-value not found, return full datasets")
} else {
xr <- new("EListRaw", list(E = data_Non_normalized[, -indexPvalue],
other = list(Detection = data_Non_normalized[, indexPvalue])))
yr <- limma::neqc(xr)
return(list(data_Non_normalized = xr$E, data_normalized = yr$E))
readRawDataGPL6883 <- function(urls, urlIndex = NULL, matrix.only = FALSE) {
temp <- tempfile()
tempd <- tempdir()
if (is.null(urlIndex)) {
index <- grep("*.txt.gz", unlist(urls$url))
if (length(index) == 0) {
stop("Raw data with txt.gz not found from supplementary file. Exit the function.")
if (length(index) != 1) {
message("More than one link selected, looking for non-nomarlized file")
url_temp <- urls$url[index]
index1 <- grep("non-normalized", url_temp)
if (length(index1) != 1) {
stop("Cannot identify the right urls. Plases specifcy it manually using the
urlIndex parameter.")
url_sub <- as.character(url_temp[index1])
} else {
url_sub <- as.character(urls$url[index])
} else {
url_sub <- as.character(urls$url[urlIndex])
utils::download.file(url_sub, temp)
data_Non_normalized <- read.delim(gzfile(temp), row.names = 1, header = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::select_if(~sum(! > 0) # delete columns that contain ONLY NAs
unlink(paste0(normalizePath(tempdir()), "/", dir(tempdir())), recursive = TRUE)
if (matrix.only) {
indexPvalue <- grep("pval", colnames(data_Non_normalized),
if(length(indexPvalue) == 0) {
message("Column(s) with p-value not found, return full datasets")
} else {
xr <- new("EListRaw", list(E = data_Non_normalized[, -indexPvalue],
other = list(Detection = data_Non_normalized[, indexPvalue])))
yr <- limma::neqc(xr)
return(list(data_Non_normalized = xr$E, data_normalized = yr$E))
readRawDataGPL570 <- function(urls, urlIndex = NULL) {
temp <- tempfile()
tempd <- tempdir()
url_cel <- as.character(urls$url[1])
utils::download.file(url_cel, temp)
utils::untar(temp, exdir = tempd)
celFiles <- list.files(path = tempd, pattern = "*.CEL", full.names = TRUE)
dataAffy <- affy::ReadAffy(filenames = celFiles)
data_normalized_rma <- Biobase::exprs(affy::rma(dataAffy))
unlink(paste0(normalizePath(tempdir()), "/", dir(tempdir())), recursive = TRUE)
# colnames(data_normalized_rma) <- gsub("_.*", "", colnames(data_normalized_rma))
readDataGSE107995 <- function(geo) {
urls <- GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(geo, fetch_files = FALSE)
url_sub1 <- as.character(urls$url[1])
temp1 <- tempfile()
utils::download.file(url_sub1, temp1)
data_Non_normalized <- readxl::read_excel(temp1)
url_sub2 <- as.character(urls$url[2])
temp2 <- tempfile()
utils::download.file(url_sub2, temp2)
data_normalized <- readxl::read_excel(temp2)
unlink(paste0(normalizePath(tempdir()), "/", dir(tempdir())), recursive = TRUE)
return(list(data_Non_normalized = data_Non_normalized,
data_normalized = data_normalized))
# Functions to create column data
readRawColData <- function(gse) {
data_characteristic <- lapply(1:length(GEOquery::GSMList(gse)), function(x)
characteristic_table <- sapply(1:length(data_characteristic[[1]]), function(x)
sapply(data_characteristic, "[[",x))
characteristic_data_frame <- sub("(.*?): ","",characteristic_table) %>%
row.names(characteristic_data_frame) <- names(GEOquery::GSMList(gse))
readRawColData2 <- function(gse) {
data_characteristic <- lapply(1:length(GEOquery::GSMList(gse)), function(x)
characteristic_data_frame <- lapply(data_characteristic, function(x) {
col_names <- sub("\\:.*", "", x)
content_names <- sub("(.*?): ","", x)
out <- data.frame(content_names) |>
t() |>
colnames(out) <- col_names
}) |>
row.names(characteristic_data_frame) <- names(GEOquery::GSMList(gse))
create_standard_coldata <- function(col_data) {
standard_name_seq <- c("Age", "Gender", "Ethnicity", "TBStatus", "GeographicalRegion",
"BcgVaccinated", "BirthRegion", "TST", "Tissue", "HIVStatus",
"MeasurementTime", "PatientID", "PneumoniaStatus",
"exposure_latent", "index_case_disease_site",
"smear_of_index_case", "modal_x_ray_grade", "SputumSmearStatus", "sputum_culture",
"bal_smear", "bal_culture", "isolate_sensitivity")
# colData(readRDS('~/Desktop/RA work/build_TB_data/Signatures/Berry/GSE19443/GSE19443_summarizedExperiemnt.RDS')) %>% data.frame() %>% colnames
col_info <- col_data %>% data.frame()
dat_NA_new <- matrix(c(rep(NA, length(standard_name_seq) * nrow(col_info))),
ncol = length(standard_name_seq),
byrow = T,dimnames = list(row.names(col_info),
standard_name_seq)) %>% data.frame()
# fill in with existing data
overlap_name <- standard_name_seq[which(colnames(dat_NA_new) %in% colnames(col_info))]
for (i in overlap_name){
dat_NA_new[i] <- col_info[i]
# Append the rest of cloumns to the dataframe
col_info_rest <- col_info %>% dplyr::select(-all_of(overlap_name))
dat_final <- cbind(dat_NA_new, col_info_rest)
# Functions to create row data
map_gene_symbol <- function(data_non_pvalue, sequencePlatform) {
data_non_pvalue <- data.frame(data_non_pvalue)
sequence_result <- GEOquery::getGEO(sequencePlatform, GSEMatrix = FALSE)
sequence_result_dat <- sequence_result@dataTable@table
PROBES <- row.names(data_non_pvalue)
if (sequencePlatform == "GPL6102") {
OUT <- AnnotationDbi::select(illuminaHumanv2.db::illuminaHumanv2.db, PROBES, "SYMBOL")
} else if (sequencePlatform == "GPL6947" || sequencePlatform == "GPL6883") {
OUT <- AnnotationDbi::select(illuminaHumanv3.db::illuminaHumanv3.db, PROBES, "SYMBOL")
} else if (sequencePlatform == "GPL10558") {
OUT <- AnnotationDbi::select(illuminaHumanv4.db::illuminaHumanv4.db, PROBES, "SYMBOL")
} else if (sequencePlatform == "GPL570") {
index <- which(colnames(sequence_result_dat) == "Gene Symbol")
colnames(sequence_result_dat)[index] <- "Symbol"
OUT <- AnnotationDbi::select(hgu133plus2.db::hgu133plus2.db, PROBES, "SYMBOL")
} else if (sequencePlatform == "GPL11532") {
} else if (sequencePlatform == "GPL16791")
OUT[] <- NA
# Map ProbeID to Gene Symbol
OUT_collapse <- OUT %>%
dplyr::group_by(PROBEID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(SYMBOL = paste(SYMBOL, collapse = "///"),
times = length(unlist(strsplit(SYMBOL, "///"))))
data_non_pvalue$ID_REF <- row.names(data_non_pvalue)
data_final <- data_non_pvalue %>%
dplyr::left_join(OUT_collapse, by=c("ID_REF" = "PROBEID")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(sequence_result_dat, by = c("ID_REF" = "ID"))
# Create row data
row_data <- data_final %>%
dplyr::select(-grep("GSM", colnames(data_final))) %>%
match_gene_symbol <- function(row_data) {
Symbol_R <- row_data$SYMBOL
# Use platform annotation as reference
Symbol_plat_new <- row_data$Symbol
for (i in 1:length(Symbol_R)) {
if (Symbol_plat_new[i] == "" ||[i]) ||
Symbol_plat_new[i] == "NA") {
Symbol_plat_new[i] = Symbol_R[i]
row_data$SYMBOL_NEW <- Symbol_plat_new
# Perform normalization on probe level for the raw data
norm_probeToGenes_Agilent <- function(EListRaw, FUN = median) {
y <- limma::backgroundCorrect(EListRaw, method = "normexp")
y <- limma::normalizeBetweenArrays(y, method = "quantile")
# Filter control probes and probes with no symbol
Control <- y$genes$ControlType==1L
NoSymbol <-$genes$GeneName)
yfilt <- y[!Control && !NoSymbol, ]
dataNorm <- data.frame(yfilt$E)
dataNorm$SYMBOL <- yfilt$genes$GeneName
exprs2 <- stats::aggregate(. ~ SYMBOL, data = dataNorm,
FUN = FUN, na.action = na.pass)
row.names(exprs2) <- exprs2$SYMBOL
final <- as.matrix(exprs2[, -which(colnames(exprs2) == "SYMBOL")])
# normalizeExprs <- function(data_Non_normalized, dataType, platform = NULL,
# method = NULL) {
# if (dataType == "Microarray") {
# # data_Non_normalized[data_Non_normalized < 10] <- 10
# # datLog <- log(data_Non_normalized, base = 2) # log2 transformed data
# if (platform == "Agilent") {
# datBackground <- limma::backgroundCorrect.matrix(data_Non_normalized,
# method = "normexp")
# datNormed <- limma::normalizeBetweenArrays(datBackground, method = method)
# return(datNormed)
# }
# } else if (dataType == "RNA-seq") {
# return(NULL)
# }
# }
probesetsToGenes <- function(row_data, data_normalized, FUN) {
row_data_sub <- row_data[which(row_data$ID_REF %in% row.names(data_normalized)),]
if (!all(row.names(data_normalized) == row_data_sub$ID_REF)){
stop("Row names are not exactly the same with ID_REF from row Data, consider change")
exprs1 <- data_normalized %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(SYMBOL = row_data_sub$SYMBOL_NEW) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$SYMBOL != "NA") %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$SYMBOL != "")
if(length(grep("///", exprs1$SYMBOL)) != 0){
exprs1 <- expandProbesets(exprs1, sep = "///")
exprs2 <- stats::aggregate(. ~ SYMBOL, data = exprs1,
FUN = FUN, na.action = na.pass)
row.names(exprs2) <- exprs2$SYMBOL
final <- as.matrix(exprs2[, -which(colnames(exprs2) == "SYMBOL")])
# Save files in separate RDS file
save_raw_files <- function(sobject, path, geo) {
column_data <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(sobject)
row_data <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(sobject)
assay_raw <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(sobject)
meta_data <- S4Vectors::metadata(sobject)[[1]]
lst <- list(column_data = column_data, row_data = row_data,
assay_raw = assay_raw,
meta_data = meta_data)
lapply(1:length(lst), function(i) {
saveRDS(lst[[i]], paste0(path, geo, "_", names(lst)[i], ".RDS"))
expandProbesets <- function(dat, sep){
times <- NULL
# Get index with duplicated symbol
index <- grep(sep, dat$SYMBOL)
sobject_exprs_dup <- dat[index,]
x_list <- strsplit(as.character(sobject_exprs_dup$SYMBOL), sep)
# Remove white spapce in any gene symbol
symbol_dup <- gsub(" ", "", unlist(x_list))
sobject_exprs_dup$times <- unlist(lapply(x_list, length))
# Expand rows based on their frequency
sobject_exprs_expand <-, rep,
sobject_exprs_expand$SYMBOL <- symbol_dup
sobject_exprs_expand_result <- sobject_exprs_expand %>% dplyr::select(-times)
# double-check SYMBOL does not contain NA
stop("Expand probe sets contain NA's, please check")
sobject_exprs_result <- rbind(dat[-index,],sobject_exprs_expand_result)
# Match SRR number to sample ID
matchSRRtoSampleID <- function(gse, assay_reprocess) {
experiment_accession <- lapply(gse@gsms, function(x) {
x_relation <- x@header$relation
index <- grep("SRA", x_relation)
gsub(".*=", "", x@header$relation[index])
ID_table <- data.frame(sampleID = names(GEOquery::GSMList(gse)),
experiment_accession = unlist(experiment_accession))
indx <- grep("BioProject", gse@header$relation)
BioProject <- gsub(".*/", "", gse@header$relation[indx])
urlMeta <- paste0("",
BioProject, "&result=read_run&fields=study_accession,sample_accession,experiment_accession,run_accession,tax_id,scientific_name,fastq_ftp,submitted_ftp,sra_ftp&format=tsv&download=true")
temp <- tempfile()
utils::download.file(urlMeta, temp)
metadataInfo <- read.delim(temp)
unlink(paste0(normalizePath(tempdir()), "/", dir(tempdir())), recursive = TRUE)
run_accession <- colnames(assay_reprocess)
assay_reprocess <- assay_reprocess[, match(metadataInfo$run_accession, run_accession)]
if (all(colnames(assay_reprocess) == metadataInfo$run_accession)) {
indx1 <- match(ID_table$experiment_accession, metadataInfo$experiment_accession)
assay_reprocess_edit <- assay_reprocess[,indx1]
colnames(assay_reprocess_edit) <- ID_table$sampleID
} else {
stop("Something went wrong. Please check manually")
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