
Defines functions print.rmcb plot.rmcb rmcb

Documented in plot.rmcb rmcb

#' Regression for Multiple Comparison with the Best
#' RMCB stands for "Regression for Multiple Comparison with the Best", referring to the
#' comparison of forecasting methods. This is a regression-based version of the
#' Nemenyi / MCB test relies on the ranks of variables.
#' This test is based on Nemenyi / MCB test (Demsar, 2006). It transforms the data into
#' ranks and then constructs a regression on them of the type:
#' y = b' X + e,
#' where y is the vector of the ranks of provided data (as.vector(data)), X is the matrix
#' of dummy variables for each column of the data (forecasting method), b is the
#' vector of coefficients for the dummies and e is the error term of the model. Given
#' that the data is ranked, it test the differences in medians between the methods and
#' then produces plots based on that.
#' There is also a \code{plot()} method that allows producing either "mcb" or "lines"
#' style of plot. This can be regulated via \code{plot(x, outplot="lines")}.
#' @param data Matrix or data frame with observations in rows and variables in
#' columns.
#' @param level The width of the confidence interval. Default is 0.95.
#' @param outplot What type of plot to use after the calculations. This can be
#' either "MCB" (\code{"mcb"}), or "Vertical lines" (\code{"lines"}), or nothing
#' (\code{"none"}). You can also use plot method on the produced object in order
#' to get the same effect.
#' @param select What column of data to highlight on the plot. If NULL, then
#' the method with the lowest value is selected.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to \link[base]{rank} function.
#' @return If \code{outplot!="none"}, then the function plots the results after all
#' the calculations using plot.rmcb() function.
#' Function returns a list of a class "rmcb", which contains the following
#' variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item mean Mean values for each method.
#' \item interval Confidence intervals for each method.
#' \item vlines Coordinates used for outplot="l", marking the groups of methods.
#' \item groups The table containing the groups. \code{TRUE} - methods are in the
#' same group, \code{FALSE} - they are not.
#' \item methods Similar to \code{group} parameter, but with a slightly different
#' presentation.
#' \item p.value p-value for the test of the significance of the model. This is the
#' value from the F test of the linear regression.
#' \item level Confidence level.
#' \item model lm model produced for the calculation of the intervals.
#' \item outplot Style of the plot to produce.
#' \item select The selected variable to highlight.
#' }
#' @keywords htest
#' @template author
#' @references \itemize{
#' \item  Demsar, J. (2006). Statistical Comparisons of Classifiers over
#' Multiple Data Sets. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 7, 1-30.
#' \url{https://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume7/demsar06a/demsar06a.pdf}
#' }
#' @examples
#' N <- 50
#' M <- 4
#' ourData <- matrix(rnorm(N*M,mean=0,sd=1), N, M)
#' ourData[,2] <- ourData[,2]+4
#' ourData[,3] <- ourData[,3]+3
#' ourData[,4] <- ourData[,4]+2
#' colnames(ourData) <- c("Method A","Method B","Method C - long name","Method D")
#' ourTest <- rmcb(ourData, level=0.95)
#' # See the mean ranks:
#' ourTest$mean
#' # The same is for the intervals:
#' ourTest$interval
#' # You can also reproduce plots in different styles:
#' plot(ourTest, outplot="lines")
#' # Or you can use the default "mcb" style and set additional parameters for the plot():
#' par(mar=c(2,2,4,0)+0.1)
#' plot(ourTest, main="Four methods")
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @rdname rmcb
#' @export rmcb
rmcb <- function(data, level=0.95, outplot=c("mcb","lines","none"), select=NULL, ...){

    ellipsis <- list(...);
    outplot <- match.arg(outplot,c("mcb","lines","none"));

    #### Prepare the data ####
    obs <- nrow(data);
    nMethods <- ncol(data);
    # if(nMethods>obs){
    #     response <- readline(paste0("The number of methods is higher than the number of series. ",
    #                                 "Are you sure that you want to continue? y/n?"));
    #     if(all(response!=c("y","Y"))){
    #         stop(paste0("Number of methods is higher than the number of series. ",
    #                     "The user aborted the calculations."), call.=FALSE);
    #     }
    # }
    obsAll <- obs*nMethods;
    namesMethods <- colnames(data);

        namesMethods <- paste0("Method",c(1:nMethods));

    # Check ellipsis
        na.last <- TRUE;
        na.last <- ellipsis$na.last;
        ties.method <- "average";
        ties.method <- ellipsis$ties.method;
        distribution <- "dnorm";
        data[] <- t(apply(data,1,rank,na.last=na.last,ties.method=ties.method));
        distribution <- ellipsis$distribution;

    # Form the matrix of dummy variables, excluding the first one
    dataNew <- matrix(0,obsAll,nMethods+1);
    for(i in 2:nMethods){
        dataNew[obs*(i-1)+1:obs,i+1] <- 1;
    dataNew[,2] <- 1;

    # Collect stuff to form the matrix
        dataNew[,1] <- unlist(data);
        dataNew[,1] <- c(data);
    # Remove data in order to preserve memory

    colnames(dataNew) <- c("y","(Intercept)",namesMethods[-1]);

    #### Fit the model ####
    # This is the model used for the confidence intervals calculation
    # And the one needed for the importance and the p-value of the model
        lmModel <- .lm.fit(dataNew[,-1], dataNew[,1]);
        lmModel$xreg <- dataNew[,-1];
        lmModel$df.residual <- obsAll - nMethods;
        class(lmModel) <- c("lmGreybox","lm");
        lmModel$fitted <- dataNew[,1] - residuals(lmModel);
        lmModel$actuals <- dataNew[,1];
    else if(distribution=="dlnorm"){
        lmModel <- .lm.fit(dataNew[,-1], log(dataNew[,1]));
        lmModel$xreg <- dataNew[,-1];
        lmModel$df.residual <- obsAll - nMethods;
        class(lmModel) <- c("lmGreybox","lm");
        lmModel$fitted <- log(dataNew[,1]) - residuals(lmModel);

        lmModel2 <- .lm.fit(as.matrix(dataNew[,2]), log(dataNew[,1]));
        lmModel2$df.residual <- obsAll - 1;
        class(lmModel2) <- c("lmGreybox","lm");
        lmModel <- alm(y~., data=dataNew[,-2], distribution=distribution, fast=TRUE);

        lmModel2 <- alm(y~1,data=dataNew[,-2], distribution=distribution, fast=TRUE);

    # Remove dataNew in order to preserve memory

    #### Extract the parameters ####
    # Construct intervals
    lmCoefs <- coef(lmModel);
    names(lmCoefs) <- namesMethods;
    # Extract the standard error of the intercept. The others should have the same variability
    lmSE <- sqrt(vcov(lmModel)[1,1]);
    # Force confint to be estimated inside the function
    lmIntervals <- matrix(0, nMethods, 2,
    lmCoefs[-1] <- lmCoefs[1] + lmCoefs[-1];
    # Construct prediction intervals
    lmIntervals[,1] <- lmCoefs +qt((1-level)/2,df=lmModel$df.residual)*lmSE;
    lmIntervals[,2] <- lmCoefs +qt((1+level)/2,df=lmModel$df.residual)*lmSE;

    #### Relative importance of the model and the test ####
        R2 <- 1 - sum(residuals(lmModel)^2) / sum((lmModel$actuals-mean(lmModel$actuals))^2);
        FValue <- R2 / (nMethods-1) / ((1-R2)/lmModel$df.residual);
        p.value <- pf(FValue, df1=(nMethods-1), df2=lmModel$df.residual, lower.tail=FALSE);
        AICs <- c(AIC(lmModel2),AIC(lmModel));
        # delta <- AICs - min(AICs);
        # importance <- (exp(-0.5*delta) / sum(exp(-0.5*c(delta))))[2];

        # Chi-squared test. +logLikExp is because the logLik is negative
        p.value <- pchisq(-(logLik(lmModel2)-logLik(lmModel)),
                          lmModel2$df.residual-lmModel$df.residual, lower.tail=FALSE);

        select <- which.min(lmCoefs);

    select <- which(namesMethods[order(lmCoefs)]==namesMethods[select]);
    lmIntervals <- lmIntervals[order(lmCoefs),];
    lmCoefs <- lmCoefs[order(lmCoefs)];

    # If this was log Normal, take exponent of the coefficients
        lmIntervals <- exp(lmIntervals);
        lmCoefs <- exp(lmCoefs);

    # Remove `` symbols in case of spaces in names
    names(lmCoefs) <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", names(lmCoefs));
    rownames(lmIntervals) <- names(lmCoefs);

    #### Prepare things for the groups for "lines" plot ####
    # Find groups
    vlines <- matrix(NA, nrow=nMethods, ncol=2);
    for(i in 1:nMethods){
        intersections <- which(!(lmIntervals[,2]<lmIntervals[i,1] | lmIntervals[,1]>lmIntervals[i,2]));
        vlines[i,] <- c(min(intersections),max(intersections));

    # Get rid of duplicates and single member groups
    vlines <- unique(vlines);
    # Re-convert to matrix if necessary and find number of remaining groups
        vlines <- matrix(vlines,1,2);

    nGroups <- nrow(vlines);
    colnames(vlines) <- c("Group starts","Group ends");
    rownames(vlines) <- paste0("Group",c(1:nGroups));

    groups <- matrix(FALSE, nMethods, nGroups, dimnames=list(names(lmCoefs), rownames(vlines)));
    for(i in 1:nGroups){
        groups[c(vlines[i,1]:vlines[i,2]),i] <- TRUE;

    methodGroups <- matrix(TRUE,nMethods,nMethods,
    for(i in 1:nMethods){
        for(j in 1:nMethods){
            methodGroups[i,j] <- ((lmIntervals[i,2] >= lmIntervals[j,1]) & (lmIntervals[i,1] <= lmIntervals[j,1])
                                  | (lmIntervals[i,2] >= lmIntervals[j,2]) & (lmIntervals[i,1] <= lmIntervals[j,2])
                                  | (lmIntervals[i,2] <= lmIntervals[j,2]) & (lmIntervals[i,1] >= lmIntervals[j,1]))

    returnedClass <- structure(list(mean=lmCoefs, interval=lmIntervals, vlines=vlines, groups=groups,
                                    methods=methodGroups, p.value=p.value,
                                    level=level, model=lmModel, select=select,
        plot(returnedClass, outplot=outplot);

#' @param x The produced rmcb model.
#' @importFrom graphics axis box
#' @rdname rmcb
#' @export
plot.rmcb <- function(x, outplot=c("mcb","lines"), select=NULL, ...){
    outplot <- match.arg(outplot);
    nMethods <- length(x$mean);
    namesMethods <- names(x$mean);

        las <- 2;
        las <- 0;

    args <- list(...);
    argsNames <- names(args);

    # If the user asked for it, use it
        x$select <- select;

    if(!("xaxs" %in% argsNames)){
        args$xaxs <- "i";
    if(!("yaxs" %in% argsNames)){
        args$yaxs <- "i";

    args$x <- args$y <- NA;
    args$axes <- FALSE;
    args$pch <- NA;

    if(!("main" %in% argsNames)){
        args$main <- paste0("The p-value from the significance test is ", format(round(x$p.value,3),nsmall=3),".\n",
                         x$level*100,"% confidence intervals constructed.");

        pointCol <- rep("#0DA0DC", nMethods);
        pointCol[x$methods[,x$select]] <- "#0C6385";
        lineCol <- "#0DA0DC";
        pointCol <- "darkgrey";
        lineCol <- "grey";

        if(!("xlab" %in% argsNames)){
            args$xlab <- "";
        if(!("ylab" %in% argsNames)){
            args$ylab <- "";
        # Remaining defaults
        if(!("xlim" %in% argsNames)){
            args$xlim <- c(0,nMethods+1);
        if(!("ylim" %in% argsNames)){
            args$ylim <- range(x$interval);
            args$ylim <- c(args$ylim[1]-0.1,args$ylim[2]+0.1);

        # Use do.call to use manipulated ellipsis (...)
        do.call(plot, args);
        for(i in 1:nMethods){
        points(x$mean, pch=19, col=pointCol);
        axis(1, at=c(1:nMethods), labels=namesMethods, las=las);
        box(which="plot", col="black");

        abline(h=x$interval[x$select,], lwd=2, lty=2, col="grey");
    else if(outplot=="lines"){
        # Save the current par() values
        parDefault <- par(no.readonly=TRUE);
        parReset <- FALSE;
        # If this is the default par, modify it
        if(all(parDefault$mar %in% c(5.1,4.1,4.1,2.1)) &&
           all(parDefault$mfcol %in% c(1,1)) &&
           all(parDefault$mfrow %in% c(1,1)) &&
            parReset <- TRUE;
            parMar <- parDefault$mar;

        vlines <- x$vlines;

        k <- nrow(vlines);
        colours <- c("#0DA0DC","#17850C","#EA3921","#E1C513","#BB6ECE","#5DAD9D");
        colours <- rep(colours,ceiling(k/length(colours)))[1:k];
        groupElements <- apply(x$groups,2,sum);

        labelSize <- max(nchar(namesMethods));

        if(!("ylab" %in% argsNames)){
            args$ylab <- "";
        if(!("xlab" %in% argsNames)){
            args$xlab <- "";
        # Remaining defaults
        if(!("xlim" %in% argsNames)){
            args$xlim <- c(0,k+0.2);
        if(!("ylim" %in% argsNames)){
            args$ylim <- c(1-0.2,nMethods+0.2);

                parMar <- c(2, 2+labelSize/2, 2, 2) + 0.1
                parMar <- parMar + c(0, labelSize/2, 0, 2)

                parMar <- parMar + c(0,0,4,0)
                parMar <- parMar + c(0,2,0,0);
                parMar <- parMar + c(2,0,0,0);

        # Use do.call to use manipulated ellipsis (...)
        do.call(plot, args);

            for(i in 1:k){
                    lines(c(i,i), vlines[i,], col=colours[i], lwd = 2);
                    lines(c(0,i), rep(vlines[i,1],times=2), col="gray", lty=2);
                    lines(c(0,i), rep(vlines[i,2],times=2), col="gray", lty=2);
                    points(c(i,i), vlines[i,], col=colours[i], lwd = 2);
            lines(c(1,1), c(1,nMethods), col=lineCol, lwd = 2);
            lines(c(0,1), rep(vlines[1,1],times=2), col=lineCol, lty=2);
            lines(c(0,1), rep(vlines[1,2],times=2), col=lineCol, lty=2);
        axis(2, at=c(1:nMethods), labels=namesMethods, las=2);

#' @export
print.rmcb <- function(x, ...){
    cat("Regression for Multiple Comparison with the Best\n");
    cat(paste0("The significance level is ",(1-x$level)*100,"%\n"));
    cat(paste0("The number of observations is ",nobs(x$model)/length(x$mean),", the number of methods is ",length(x$mean),"\n"));
    cat(paste0("Significance test p-value: ",round(x$p.value,5),"\n"));
config-i1/greybox documentation built on Dec. 26, 2024, 1:09 p.m.