
Defines functions check.initb check.samplesize check.errormsg infeasible.betatgt.warning infeasible.pval.msg infeasible.msg.betatgt check.betatgt.lp check.betatgt check.cores check.vector check.matrix check.lpobjects check.lpmodel check.solver check.Ab check.func check.norm check.numrange check.boolean check.numeric check.positive check.nonnegative check.positiveinteger check.datafunction check.dataframe

Documented in check.Ab check.betatgt check.betatgt.lp check.boolean check.cores check.dataframe check.datafunction check.errormsg check.func check.initb check.lpmodel check.lpobjects check.matrix check.nonnegative check.norm check.numeric check.numrange check.positive check.positiveinteger check.samplesize check.solver check.vector infeasible.betatgt.warning infeasible.msg.betatgt infeasible.pval.msg

#' Check function: data frame
#' @description This function coerce the data provided from the user as a
#'   \code{data.frame}.
#' @param data A \code{data} object.
#' @return Returns the object as a \code{data.frame}.
#' @export
check.dataframe <- function(data) {
  # Check data
  data <- as.data.frame(data)

  # Return updated data

#' Check function: passing data to function
#' @description This function checks whether there will be any error if an
#'   object of class \code{data.frame} is passed to the user-defined function.
#' @param data The data object in the class \code{data.frame}.
#' @param f A user-defined function in \code{lpmodel}.
#' @param lpmodel.comp The name of the \code{lpmodel} object.
#' @details An error message will be displayed.
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
check.datafunction <- function(data, f, lpmodel.comp) {
  # General warning message
  display.msg <- sprintf(paste0("The function defined in the '%s' component ",
                                "for 'lpmodel' needs to accept data of class ",
                                "'data.frame'."), lpmodel.comp)

  # try-catch
    expr = {
    error = function(e) {
    warning = function(w) {
    finally = {

#' Check function: positive integer
#' @description This function checks whether the class of the variable
#'   is \code{numeric}, has length 1 and is a positive integer. If not, an
#'   error message is displayed.
#' @param x The variable to be checked.
#' @param name.var The name of the variable.
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
check.positiveinteger <- function(x, name.var) {
  if (!is.numeric(x)) {
    # Call the general error message function
    check.errormsg(name.var, "a positive integer")
  } else if ((is.numeric(x) == TRUE & length(x) == 1 & x > 0 & x %% 1 == 0)
             == FALSE) {
    # Call the general error message function
    check.errormsg(name.var, "a positive integer")


#' Check function: nonnegative number
#' @description This function checks whether variable satisfies the following
#'   requirements:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{The class of the variable is \code{numeric}.}
#'     \item{The length of the variable is 1.}
#'     \item{The variable is nonnegative.}
#'   }
#'   If not, an error message is displayed.
#' @param x The variable to be checked.
#' @inheritParams check.positiveinteger
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
check.nonnegative <- function(x, name.var) {
  if (!is.numeric(x)) {
    # Call the general error message function
    check.errormsg(name.var, "a nonnegative number")
  } else if ((is.numeric(x) == TRUE & length(x) == 1 & x >= 0) == FALSE) {
    # Call the general error message function
    check.errormsg(name.var, "a nonnegative number")


#' Check function: positive number
#' @description This function checks whether variable satisfies the following
#'   requirements:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{The class of the variable is \code{numeric}.}
#'     \item{The length of the variable is 1.}
#'     \item{The variable is strictly positive.}
#'   }
#'   If not, an error message is displayed.
#' @param x The variable to be checked.
#' @inheritParams check.positiveinteger
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
check.positive <- function(x, name.var) {
  if (!is.numeric(x)) {
    # Call the general error message function
    check.errormsg(name.var, "a strictly positive number")
  } else if ((is.numeric(x) == TRUE & length(x) == 1 & x > 0) == FALSE) {
    # Call the general error message function
    check.errormsg(name.var, "a strictly positive number")


#' Check function: numeric
#' @description This function checks whether the class of the variable
#'   is \code{numeric} and has length 1. If not, an error message is displayed.
#' @inheritParams check.dataframe
#' @inheritParams check.positiveinteger
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
check.numeric <- function(x, name.var) {
  if ((is.numeric(x) == TRUE & length(x) == 1) == FALSE) {
    stop(sprintf("The class of the variable '%s' has to be numeric.",
         call. = FALSE)

#' Check function: boolean variable
#' @description This function checks whether the variable is boolean. If not,
#'   an error message is displayed.
#' @inheritParams check.dataframe
#' @inheritParams check.positiveinteger
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
check.boolean <- function(x, name.var) {
  if (!(x == TRUE | x == FALSE)) {
    # Call the general error message function
    check.errormsg(name.var, "a Boolean expression")

#' Check function: range of a variable
#' @description This function checks whether the variable is within a
#'   certain interval. If not, an error message is displayed.
#' @param left.type The type of the left interval (\code{open} or
#'   \code{closed}).
#' @param left The value of lower bound.
#' @param right.type The type of the right interval (\code{open} or
#'   \code{closed}).
#' @param right the value of the upper bound.
#' @inheritParams check.dataframe
#' @inheritParams check.positiveinteger
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
check.numrange <- function(x, name.var, left.type, left, right.type, right) {
  # ---------------- #
  # Step 1: Check if the number is numeric
  # ---------------- #
  check.numeric(x, name.var)

  # ---------------- #
  # Step 2: Check if the number is within the range
  # ---------------- #
  # General message
  msg.interval <- paste0("The variable '%s' has to be inside the interval ",
                         "%s%s, %s%s.")

  # Start the check
  if (left.type == "open" & right.type == "open") {
    if ((x > left & x < right) == FALSE) {
      stop(sprintf(msg.interval, name.var, "(", left, right, ")"),
           call. = FALSE)
  } else if (left.type == "open" & right.type == "closed") {
    if ((x > left & x <= right) == FALSE) {
      stop(sprintf(msg.interval, name.var, "(", left, right, "]"),
           call. = FALSE)
  } else if (left.type == "closed" & right.type == "open") {
    if ((x >= left & x < right) == FALSE) {
      stop(sprintf(msg.interval, name.var, "[", left, right, ")"),
           call. = FALSE)
  } else if (left.type == "closed" & right.type == "closed") {
    if ((x >= left & x <= right) == FALSE) {
      stop(sprintf(msg.interval, name.var, "[", left, right, "]"),
           call. = FALSE)

#' Check function: norm
#' @description This function checks whether the the norm used in the
#'   problem is a 1-norm or a 2-norm. If not, an error message is displayed.
#' @details The following input for \code{norm} will be interpreted as the
#'   1-norm:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{1} (\code{numeric})}
#'     \item{\code{"1"} (\code{string})}
#'     \item{\code{"L1"}}
#'     \item{\code{"one"}}
#'     \item{\code{"o"}}
#'     \item{\code{"taxicab"}}
#'   }
#'   The following input for \code{norm} will be interpreted as the 2-norm:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{2} (\code{numeric})}
#'     \item{\code{"2"} (\code{string})}
#'     \item{\code{"L2"}}
#'     \item{\code{"two"}}
#'     \item{\code{"t"}}
#'     \item{\code{"e"}}
#'     \item{\code{"euclidean"}}
#'   }
#'   Capitalization is not an issue here as the text will be brought
#'   to the lower case.
#' @inheritParams check.dataframe
#' @inheritParams check.positiveinteger
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
check.norm <- function(x, name.var) {
  # Bring the variable to lower case
  x <- tolower(x)

  if (x %in% c(1, "1", "l1", "one", "o", "taxicab")) {
    # Case 1: user provided an input that corresponds to 1-norm
    norm <- 1
  } else if (x %in% c(2, "2", "l2", "two", "t", "e", "euclidean")) {
    # Case 2: user provided an input that corresponds to 2-norm
    norm <- 2
  } else {
    stop(gsub("\\s+", " ",
              paste0("Only 1-norm and 2-norm are supported in this function. ",
                     "For 1-norm, please use one of the followings: 1, '1', ",
                     "'l1', 'one', 'o' or 'taxicab'. For 2-norm, please use ",
                     "one of the followings: 2, '2', 'l2', 'two', 't', 'e', ",
         call. = FALSE)

  # Return the updated norm

#' Check function: function
#' @description This function checks whether the class of the function
#'   provided by the user is \code{function}, and whether the output
#'   produced by the function is \code{numeric} with the correct dimension.
#'   If not, an error message is displayed.
#' @param f The function to be tested.
#' @param A A matrix that contains the information about the dimension for the
#'    output of f.
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param name.A The name of the matrix \code{A}.
#' @param mat.type The type of the matrix to be checked.
#' @inheritParams check.dataframe
#' @inheritParams check.positiveinteger
#' @return Returns the output of the function in the format of \code{numeric}
#'   and the correct dimension.
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item If \code{mat.type} is \code{col}, then a column vector is
#'      returned.
#'      \item If \code{mat.type} is \code{matrix}, then a square matrix is
#'      returned.}
#' @export
check.func <- function(f, A, data, name.var, name.A, mat.type) {
  # ---------------- #
  # Step 1: General messages
  # ---------------- #
  msg.class <- paste0("The %s of '%s' has to be %s.")

  # ---------------- #
  # Step 2: Start the check
  # ---------------- #
  # Check the class of the function
  if (!inherits(f, "function")) {
    stop(sprintf(msg.class, "input", name.var, "a function"),
         call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    out <- f(data)
    out <- asmat(out)
    # Check if the output is numeric
    if (is.numeric(out[, 1]) == FALSE) {
      stop(sprintf(msg.class, "output", name.var, "numeric"),
           call. = FALSE)
    } else{
      if (mat.type == "col") {
        # If the output has to be a column vector
        if (dim(out)[2] != 1) {
          stop(sprintf(msg.class, "output", name.var, "a column vector"),
               call. = FALSE)
        } else if (dim(out)[1] != dim(A)[1]) {
          stop(sprintf(paste0("The number of rows in the output of '%s' need ",
                              "to be the same as the number of rows in the ",
                              "matrix '%s'."), name.var, name.A),
               call. = FALSE)
      } else if (mat.type == "square") {
        # If the output has to be a square matrix
        if (nrow(out) != ncol(out)) {
          stop(sprintf(msg.class, "output", name.var, "a square matrix"),
               call. = FALSE)
        if ((nrow(out) != nrow(A)) | (ncol(out) != nrow(A))) {
          stop(sprintf("The number of rows and columns for the output ",
                       "of '%s' need to be equal to the number of rows in ",
                       "the matrix '%s'.", name.var, name.A),
               call. = FALSE)


#' Check function: constraint matrix and the corresponding rhs vector
#' @description This function checks the constraint matrix \eqn{\bm{A}} and
#'    the corresponding vector \eqn{\bm{\beta}}.
#' @param A The constraint matrix.
#' @param b The corresponding rhs vector.
#' @param Aname The name of the constraint matrix.
#' @param bname The name of the corresponding rhs vector.
#' @return Returns the updated matrix and rhs vector or prints a
#'    stop message.
#'    \item{A}{The updated constraint matrix.}
#'    \item{b}{The updated rhs vector.}
#' @export
check.Ab <- function(A, b, Aname, bname) {
  if (is.null(A) + is.null(b) == 1) {
    # ---------------- #
    # Step 1: Check that if A and b must be both NULL or both non-NULL
    # ---------------- #
    msg.temp <- paste0("'%s' is NULL but '%s' is not NULL. Please ",
                       "ensure that either they are both NULL or they are ",
                       "both valid matrices.")
    if (is.null(A) == TRUE) {
      stop(sprintf(msg.temp, Aname, bname))
    } else {
      stop(sprintf(msg.temp, bname, Aname))
  } else if (is.null(A) + is.null(b) == 2) {
    # ---------------- #
    # Step 2: Both A and b are NULL. Nothing else to do
    # ---------------- #
  } else {
    # ---------------- #
    # Step 3: Checks for the case where both A and b are non-NULL
    # ---------------- #
    matrix.names <- c(Aname, bname)
    matrix.list <- list(A, b)
    for (i in 1:2) {
      ## Part 1: Check the format of the matrices
      if (!(inherits(matrix.list[[i]], "data.frame") |
            inherits(matrix.list[[i]], "matrix") |
            inherits(matrix.list[[i]], "numeric"))) {
        stop(gsub("\\s+", " ",
                  paste0("The argument '", matrix.names[i],
                  "' must either be a data.frame, data.table, or matrix.")),
             call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        # Ensure the variable is in matrix form
        matrix.list[[i]] <- asmat(matrix.list[[i]])

        ## Part 2: Check whether the matrices are numeric
        if (is.numeric(matrix.list[[i]]) == FALSE) {
          stop(paste0("The argument '", matrix.names[i],
                      "' has to be numeric."), call. = FALSE)

    ## Part 3: Ensure that beta is a column vector. This also captures the
    ## case of b being a scalar because it is turned into a matrix in the
    ## condition.
    if (dim(as.matrix(b))[2] != 1) {
      stop(sprintf("The argument '%s' has to be a column vector.", bname),
           call. = FALSE)

    ## Part 4: Ensure that the number of rows of A and b are identical
    if (nrow(A) != length(b)) {
      stop(sprintf(paste0("The number of rows of '%s' has to be equal to ",
                          "the number of rows of '%s."), Aname, bname),
           call. = FALSE)

    # ---------------- #
    # Step 4: Update class
    # ---------------- #
    # Ensure that both A and b to ensure that they are both matrices
    A <- matrix.list[[1]]
    b <- matrix.list[[2]]

  # ---------------- #
  # Step 5: Return results
  # ---------------- #
  return(list(A = A,
              b = b))

#' Check function: solvers
#' @description This function checks the solver used is supported and is
#'   appropriate for the testing function. If not, an error message is
#'   displayed.
#' @param norm The norm used (if applicable).
#' @param qc An indicator of whether the problem consists of a quadratic
#'   constraint.
#' @inheritParams check.dataframe
#' @inheritParams check.positiveinteger
#' @return Returns the function name that corresponds to the solver for the
#'   problem.
#'    \item{solver}{The function for the solver used.}
#'    \item{solver.name}{The name of the solver used in lower case.}
#' @export
check.solver <- function(x, name.var, norm = 2 , qc = FALSE) {
  # ---------------- #
  # Step 1: Preparation and hard-coded information
  # ---------------- #
  # Only change x to lower case if it is non-null. Otherwise, keep it as null
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    x <- tolower(x)

  # Package recommendation messages
  gurobi.msg <- "'gurobi' (version 8.1-1 or later)"
  cplexapi.msg <- "'cplexAPI' (version 1.3.3 or later)"
  rcplex.msg <- "'Rcplex' (version 0.3-3 or later)"
  limsolve.msg <- "'limSolve' (version 1.5.6 or later)"
  lpsolveapi.msg <- "lpSolveAPI (version or later)"

  # General error message
  msg.notcompat <- paste0("This function with a %s-norm in the estimation ",
                          "is not compatible with '%s'.")
  msg.install <- "Please install one of the following packages: %s"

  # Message for installing packages
  ## 1-norm
  msg.l1packages <- sprintf(msg.install,
                            paste0(gurobi.msg, "; ",
                                   cplexapi.msg, "; ",
                                   rcplex.msg, "; ",
                                   limsolve.msg, "; ",
                                   lpsolveapi.msg, "."))
  ## 2-norm with non-quadratically constrained QP
  msg.l2packages <- sprintf(msg.install,
                            paste0(gurobi.msg, "; ",
                                   cplexapi.msg, "; ",
                                   rcplex.msg, "; ",
                                   limsolve.msg, "."))
  ## 2-norm with quadratically constrained QP
  msg.l2norm.qc <- paste0("This function with a 2-norm in the estimation ",
                          "procedure and a quadratically constrained ",
                          "quadratic program is only compatible with  ",
                          "'gurobi'. Please install ", gurobi.msg, ".")

  # ---------------- #
  # Step 2a: If no solver name is provided by the user
  # ---------------- #
  if (is.null(x) == TRUE) {
    # If 'gurobi' is installed, the 'gurobi' solver will be used for 1-norm &
    # 2-norm
    if (requireNamespace("gurobi", quietly = TRUE) == TRUE) {
      solver = gurobi.optim
      x <- "gurobi"
    } else if (norm == 1) {
      # If 1-norm is used, other solvers will be checked
      if (requireNamespace("limSolve", quietly = TRUE) == TRUE) {
        solver <- limsolve.optim
        x <- "limSolve"
      } else if (requireNamespace("Rcplex", quietly = TRUE) == TRUE) {
        solver <- rcplex.optim
        x <- "Rcplex"
      } else if (requireNamespace("cplexAPI", quietly = TRUE) == TRUE) {
        solver <- cplexapi.optim
        x <- "cplexAPI"
      } else if (requireNamespace("lpSolveAPI", quietly = TRUE) == TRUE) {
        solver <- lpsolveapi.optim
        x <- "lpSolveAPI"
    } else {
      if (norm == 1) {
        stop(gsub("\\s+", " ", msg.l1packages), call. = FALSE)
      } else if (norm == 2 & isFALSE(qc)) {
        stop(gsub("\\s+", " ", msg.l2packages), call. = FALSE)
      } else if (norm == 2 & isTRUE(qc)) {
        stop(gsub("\\s+", " ", msg.l2norm.qc), call. = FALSE)
  } else if (x == "gurobi") {
    # ---------------- #
    # Step 2b: If a solver name is provided by the user
    # ---------------- #
    ## Case 1: If the user specified the solver as 'gurobi'
    solver <- gurobi.optim
    x <- "gurobi"
  } else if (x == "limsolve" & !(norm == 2 & isTRUE(qc))) {
    ## Case 2: If the user specified the solver as 'limSolve'
    solver <- limsolve.optim
    x <- "limSolve"
  } else if (x == "rcplex" & !(norm == 2 & isTRUE(qc))) {
    ## Case 3: If the user specified the solver as 'rcplex'
    solver <- rcplex.optim
    x <- "Rcplex"
  } else if (x == "cplexapi" & !(norm == 2 & isTRUE(qc))) {
    ## Case 4: If the user specified the solver as 'cplexapi'
    solver <- cplexapi.optim
    x <- "cplexAPI"
  } else if (x == "lpsolveapi" & norm == 1) {
    ## Case 5: If the user specified the solver as 'lpsolveapi'
    solver <- lpsolveapi.optim
    x <- "lpSolveAPI"
  } else {
    ## Case 6: If the user specified a solver that is not compatible
    if (norm == 1) {
      stop(gsub("\\s+", " ", paste(sprintf(msg.notcompat, 1, x),
                                   msg.l1packages)), call. = FALSE)
    } else if (norm == 2 & isTRUE(qc)) {
      stop(gsub("\\s+", " ", msg.l2norm.qc), call. = FALSE)
    } else if (norm == 2 & isFALSE(qc)) {
      stop(gsub("\\s+", " ", paste(sprintf(msg.notcompat, 2, x),
                                   msg.l2packages)), call. = FALSE)

  # ---------------- #
  # Step 3: Returns the function name that corresponds to the solver
  # ---------------- #
  return(list(solver = solver,
              solver.name = x))

#' Check function: \code{lpmodel}
#' @description This function checks if the object \code{lpmodel} is in the
#'    correct format.
#' @param lpmodel An \code{lpmodel} object.
#' @param name.var The name of the \code{lpmodel} object.
#' @param A.tgt.cat The category of the \code{A.tgt} object.
#' @param A.obs.cat The category of the \code{A.obs} object.
#' @param A.shp.cat The category of the \code{A.shp} object.
#' @param beta.obs.cat The category of the \code{beta.obs} object.
#' @param beta.shp.cat The category of the \code{beta.shp} object.
#' @param is.estbounds A boolean variable that indicates whether the test
#'   function being called is \code{\link[lpinfer]{estbounds}}. If this
#'   function is being called, then it means that when \code{data} is
#'   \code{NULL}, then each component of the \code{lpmodel} object is not
#'   required to be a \code{list}. Otherwise, the \code{lpmodel} object needs
#'   to contain the bootstrap estimates if \code{data} is \code{NULL}.
#' @inheritParams dkqs
#' @details In each of the testing procedures, there are six possible
#' categories for the each of the objects:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{not_used}: This refers to the case where the object is not
#'    used in the function.}
#'   \item{\code{matrix}: This refers to the case where the object has to be
#'    a matrix.}
#'  \item{\code{function_mat}: This refers to the case where
#'    the object has to be a function that produces a matrix.}
#'  \item{\code{list}: This refers to the case where the object is a list.}
#'  \item{\code{function_obs_var}: This refers to the case where
#'    the object is a function that produces a list that contains a matrix
#'    and a vector. This is typically the case for \code{beta.obs} when
#'    the testing procedure requires both the observed value of
#'    \code{beta.obs} and the estimator of the asymptotic variance.}
#'  \item{\code{function_obs_var_bs}: This is essentially the same as the
#'    \code{function_obs_var} category. However, when the variance matrix is
#'    not provided, it will be estimated by standard nonparametric bootstrap
#'    so there is no problem in case the variance matrix is not provided.}
#' }
#'  Each object can belong to one of more categories.
#' @return Returns the updated \code{lpmodel} object.
#'    \item{lpmodel}{An updated \code{lpmodel} object.}
#' @export
check.lpmodel <- function(data, lpmodel, name.var, A.tgt.cat, A.obs.cat,
                          A.shp.cat, beta.obs.cat, beta.shp.cat, R,
                          is.estbounds = FALSE) {
  # ---------------- #
  # Step 1: Check if lpmodel is a list
  # ---------------- #
  if (is.null(lpmodel)) {
    stop("The 'lpmodel' object is required.")

  if (!inherits(lpmodel, "lpmodel")) {
    # Call the general error message function
    check.errormsg(name.var, "an object in the 'lpmodel' class")

  # ---------------- #
  # Step 2: Check if lpmodel includes the bootstrap estimates if data is NULL
  # (only check if lpmodel is deterministic if the function is estbounds)
  # ---------------- #
  # If data is NULL, then at least one of the components in lpmodel
  # has to be a list to represent the bootstrap replications except for
  # 'estbounds' where only deterministic components are required.
  error.msg.det <- paste0("When 'data' is 'NULL', each component in the ",
                          "'lpmodel' object has to be deterministic.")
  if (isFALSE(is.estbounds)) {
    if (is.null(data)) {
      notlist <- 0
      for (i in seq_along(lpmodel)) {
        if (inherits(lpmodel[[i]], "function")) {
        } else if (!inherits(lpmodel[[i]], "list")) {
          notlist <- notlist + 1

      # If none of the components inside the 'lpmodel' object is a list,
      # return an error message
      if (notlist == 0) {
        stop(paste0("When 'data' is 'NULL', the 'lpmodel' object needs ",
                    "to contain the bootstrap estimates."))
  } else {
    for (i in seq_along(lpmodel)) {
      if (is.null(data)) {
        if (inherits(lpmodel[[i]], "function")) {

  # ---------------- #
  # Step 3: Check each of the objects (treat them as matrices)
  # and check if beta.obs and beta.shp are matrices
  # ---------------- #
  if (!("not_used" %in% A.tgt.cat)) {
    A.tgt.return <- check.lpobjects(data, lpmodel$A.tgt, "A.tgt", A.tgt.cat, R)
  if (!("not_used" %in% A.obs.cat)) {
    A.obs.return <- check.lpobjects(data, lpmodel$A.obs, "A.obs", A.obs.cat, R)
  if (!("not_used" %in% A.shp.cat)) {
    A.shp.return <- check.lpobjects(data, lpmodel$A.shp, "A.shp", A.shp.cat, R)
  if (!("not_used" %in% beta.obs.cat)) {
    beta.obs.return <- check.lpobjects(data, lpmodel$beta.obs, "beta.obs",
                                       beta.obs.cat, R)
    check.vector(beta.obs.return$sample, "beta.obs", FALSE)
  if (!("not_used" %in% beta.shp.cat)) {
    beta.shp.return <- check.lpobjects(data, lpmodel$beta.shp, "beta.shp",
                                       beta.shp.cat, R)
    check.vector(beta.shp.return$sample, "beta.shp", FALSE)

  # ---------------- #
  # Step 4: Check whether the dimension matches
  # ---------------- #
  # General message telling the user to provide the "A" matrix and the "beta"
  # vector with the same number of rows
  msg.row <- paste0("The objects '%s' and '%s' in 'lpmodel' need ",
                    "to have the same number of rows.")

  # Start the check
  if (!("not_used" %in% A.obs.cat)) {
    if (nrow(A.obs.return$sample) != NROW(beta.obs.return$sample)) {
      stop(sprintf(msg.row, "A.obs", "beta.obs"))
  if (!("not_used" %in% A.shp.cat)) {
    if (nrow(A.shp.return$sample) != NROW(beta.shp.return$sample)) {
      stop(sprintf(msg.row, "A.shp", "beta.shp"))


#' Check function: matrices and vectors in \code{lpmodel}
#' @description This function checks if the matrix objects in \code{lpmodel}
#'    are in the correct format.
#' @inheritParams dkqs
#' @param mat The matrix object in \code{lpmodel}.
#' @param mat.name The name of the matrix object in \code{lpmodel}.
#' @param mat.cat The category of the matrix object.
#' @details See the details section for the function
#'   \code{\link[lpinfer]{check.lpmodel}} for more details of each category.
#' @return Returns two objects:
#'    \item{mat}{The updated object in \code{lpmodel}.}
#'    \item{sample}{A sample object that is used to compare the dimension.}
#' @export
check.lpobjects <- function(data, mat, mat.name, mat.cat, R) {
  if (!is.null(mat)) {
    # ---------------- #
    # Step 1: Check error indicator
    # ---------------- #
    err.ind <- NULL

    # Category 1: Check if it is a single matrix or a sparseMatrix
    if ("matrix" %in% mat.cat) {
      mat.return <- check.matrix(mat, mat.name, mat.cat, FALSE)
      if (mat.return$err.ind != 1) {
        return(list(mat = mat.return$mat.update,
                    sample = mat.return$mat.update))
      } else {
        err.ind <- c(err.ind, 1)

    # Category 2: Check if it is a function
    if ("function_mat" %in% mat.cat) {
      if (inherits(mat, "function")) {
        sample.return <- lpmodel.beta.eval(data, mat, 1)

        # Check whether the function can accept 'data' in the 'data.frame'
        # format
        check.datafunction(data, mat, mat.name)

        return(list(mat = mat,
                    sample = sample.return$beta.obs))
      } else if (length(mat.cat) == 1) {
        stop(sprintf(paste0("The object '%s' in 'lpmodel' needs to be a ",
             call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        err.ind <- c(err.ind, 2)

    # Category 3: Check if it is a list
    if ("list" %in% mat.cat) {
      if (inherits(mat, "list")) {
        # Check if the length of the list is R+1
        if (length(mat) != (R + 1)) {
          stop(sprintf(paste0("The object '%s' in 'lpmodel' needs to have ",
                              "exactly %s elements"),
                              mat.name, R + 1),
               call. = FALSE)

        # Loop through each element of the list to check if they are matrices
        df.dim <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), nrow = R + 1))
        for (i in 1:R) {
          mat.return <- check.matrix(mat[[i + 1]], mat.name, mat.cat, TRUE)
          # Check if all objects inside the list has the same dimension
          df.dim[i, 1] <- mat.return$dim[1]
          df.dim[i, 2] <- mat.return$dim[2]
          if (i > 1) {
            if ((df.dim[i, 1] != df.dim[i - 1, 1]) |
                (df.dim[i, 1] != df.dim[i - 1, 1])) {
              stop(sprintf(paste0("The dimension of the objects inside the ",
                                  "list '%s' in 'lpmodel' need to have the ",
                                  "same dimension."),
                   call. = FALSE)
        return(list(mat = mat,
                    sample = mat.return[[1]]))
      } else if (length(mat.cat) == 1) {
        stop(sprintf("The object '%s' in 'lpmodel' needs to be a list.",
             call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        err.ind <- c(err.ind, 3)

    # Category 4: Check if it is a function that produces two matrices
    # Category 5: If it is a list that contains two elements - one matrix
    # and one vector
    if ("function_obs_var_bs" %in% mat.cat |
        "function_obs_var" %in% mat.cat |
        "list_vector" %in% mat.cat) {
      if (inherits(mat, "function") | "list_vector" %in% mat.cat) {
        # Check whether the function can accept 'data' in the 'data.frame'
        # format
        if (inherits(mat, "function")) {
          check.datafunction(data, mat, mat.name)
          func.output <- mat(data)
        } else if (inherits(mat, "list")) {
          func.output <- mat

        msg.vecmat <- sprintf(paste0("The output of '%s' in 'lpmodel' needs ",
                                     "to be a list of two objects (one vector ",
                                     "and one matrix)."),

        # Check if there are two outputs of the function
        if (length(func.output) != 2) {
          if (!("function_obs_var_bs" %in% mat.cat)) {
            stop(msg.vecmat, call. = FALSE)
          } else {
            return(list(sample = func.output))
        } else {
          for (i in 1:2) {
            if (inherits(func.output[[i]], "numeric")) {
              func.output[[i]] <- matrix(func.output[[i]])
          out1 <- func.output[[1]]
          out2 <- func.output[[2]]

          # Check if one of out1 and out2 if a vector and the remaining one is
          # a matrix
          if ((ncol(out1) != 1 & ncol(out2) != 1)) {
            if (!("function_obs_var_bs" %in% mat.cat)) {
              stop(msg.vecmat, call. = FALSE)
            } else {
              return(list(sample = func.output))
          } else if (ncol(out1) == 1) {
            sample <- out1
            mat <- out2
          } else if (ncol(out2) == 1) {
            sample <- out2
            mat <- out1
        return(list(mat = mat,
                    sample = sample))
      } else if (length(mat.cat) == 1) {
        if (!("function_obs_var_bs" %in% mat.cat)) {
          stop(msg.vecmat, call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          return(list(sample = func.output))
      } else {
        err.ind <- c(err.ind, 4)

    # Display an overall error message
    err.msg.comb <- NULL
    if (length(err.ind) == length(mat.cat)) {
      # Pick the messages to display
      for (i in 1:length(mat.cat)) {
        if (i != 1) {
          err.msg.comb <- paste0(err.msg.comb, ", ")
        if (mat.cat[i] == 1) {
          err.msg.comb <- paste0(err.msg.comb, "a matrix")
        } else if (mat.cat[i] == 2) {
          err.msg.comb <- paste0(err.msg.comb,
                                 "a function that returns ",
                                 "a matrix")
        } else if (mat.cat[i] == 3) {
          err.msg.comb <- paste0(err.msg.comb, "a list")
        } else if (mat.cat[i] == 3) {
          err.msg.comb <- paste0(err.msg.comb, paste0("a function that ",
                                                      "returns a matrix and ",
                                                      "a vector"))

      # Display the error message
      stop(sprintf(paste0("The object '%s' in 'lpmodel' has to be one of ",
                          "the followings: ", err.msg.comb),
           call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    stop(sprintf("The component '%s' is required in the 'lpmodel' object.",
         call. = FALSE)

#' Check function: matrix
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @description This function checks if the matrix objects in the
#'    \code{lpmodel} object are in the correct format.
#' @inheritParams check.lpobjects
#' @param mat The matrix object in \code{lpmodel}.
#' @param mat.name The name of the matrix object in \code{lpmodel}.
#' @param inside.list An indicator variables of whether the object that is
#'    being checked is inside a list or not.
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
check.matrix <- function(mat, mat.name, mat.cat, inside.list) {
  # General message indicating the object has to be either a data.frame, matrix,
  # numeric, or sparseMatrix
  msg.matdf <- paste0("The objects inside the list object '%s' of ",
                      "'lpmodel' has to be one of the followings: data.frame,",
                      "matrix, numeric, or sparseMatrix.")

  if (inherits(mat, "data.frame") |
      inherits(mat, "matrix") |
      inherits(mat, "numeric")) {
    if (is.null(dim(mat))) {
      if (mat.name %in% c("A.obs", "A.shp", "A.tgt")) {
        mat.update <- matrix(mat, nrow = 1)
      } else if (mat.name %in% c("beta.obs", "beta.shp")) {
        mat.update <- matrix(mat, ncol = 1)
    } else {
      mat.update <- as.matrix(mat)
    return(list(mat.update = mat.update,
                err.ind = 0,
                dim = dim(mat.update)))
  } else if (isTRUE(methods::is(mat, "sparseMatrix"))) {
    return(list(mat.update = mat,
                err.ind = 0,
                dim = dim(mat)))
  } else if (length(mat.cat) == 1) {
    if (inside.list == FALSE) {
      stop(sprintf(paste0("The class of the object '%s' in 'lpmodel' has to ",
                          "be one of the followings: data.frame, matrix, ",
                          "numeric, or sparseMatrix."),
           call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop(sprintf(msg.matdf, mat.name), call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    if (inside.list == FALSE) {
      mat.update <- NULL
      return(list(mat.update = mat.update,
                  err.ind = 1))
    } else if (inherits(mat, "list")) {
      mat.update <- NULL
      return(list(mat.update = mat.update,
                  err.ind = 1))
    } else {
      stop(sprintf(msg.matdf, mat.name), call. = FALSE)

#' Check function: vector
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @description This function checks if the matrix objects in \code{lpmodel}
#'    are in the correct format. If not, an error message is displayed.
#' @param vec The vector object in \code{lpmodel}.
#' @param vec.name The name of the vector object in \code{lpmodel}.
#' @param inside.list An indicator variables of whether the object that is
#'    being checked is inside a list or not.
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
check.vector <- function(vec, vec.name, inside.list) {
  msg.vector <- paste0("The object '%s' in 'lpmodel' has to be a %s.")

  # Turn it into a matrix if it is not a list
  if (!is.list(vec) | !methods::is(vec, "sparseMatrix")) {
    vec <- as.matrix(vec)
  if (nrow(vec) != 1 & ncol(vec) != 1) {
    if (inside.list == FALSE) {
      stop(sprintf(msg.vector, vec.name, "vector"), call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop(sprintf(msg.vector, vec.name, "list of vectors"), call. = FALSE)

#' Check function: check the number of cores
#' @description This function checks if the number of cores specified is a
#'    positive integer. If not, set it as one.
#' @param x Number of cores.
#' @return Returns the updated number of cores.
#'   \item{x}{The updated number of cores}
#' @export
check.cores <- function(x) {
  if ((is.numeric(x) == TRUE &
       length(x) == 1 & x > 0 & x %% 1 == 0) == FALSE) {
    x <- 1


#' Check function: check if \code{beta.tgt} is within the logical bound
#' @description This function checks whether the parameter \code{beta.tgt}
#'   is within the logical bounds. If it is not within the logical bound,
#'   then reject immediately.
#' @inheritParams dkqs
#' @param lpmodel An \code{lpmodel} object.
#' @param solver A linear or quadratic programming solver. The exact solver
#'   that is supported depends on the test chosen.
#' @return Returns the following objects:
#'   \item{inout}{The variable that equals 1 if it is within the logical bound.
#'   This equals 0 otherwise.}
#'   \item{lb}{The logical lower bound.}
#'   \item{ub}{The logical upper bound.}
#' @export
check.betatgt <- function(data, lpmodel, beta.tgt, solver) {
  # ---------------- #
  # Step 1: Compute the logical upper and lower bound
  # ---------------- #
  ub <- check.betatgt.lp(data, lpmodel, "max", solver)
  lb <- check.betatgt.lp(data, lpmodel, "min", solver)

  # ---------------- #
  # Step 2: Return the indicator
  # ---------------- #
  if (beta.tgt <= ub & beta.tgt >= lb) {
    inout <- 1
  } else {
    inout <- 0
  return(list(inout = inout,
              lb = lb,
              ub = ub))

#' Construct the linear program for the function
#'   \code{\link[lpinfer]{check.betatgt}}
#' @description This function solves the linear program that is used to find
#'   the logical bounds in the \code{\link[lpinfer]{check.betatgt}} function.
#' @inheritParams check.betatgt
#' @param modelsense A string that indicates whether the program is a
#'   maximization or minimization problem. If it is "max", then it is referring
#'   to a maximization problem. Otherwise, it is referring to a minimization
#'   problem.
#' @return Returns the solution to the linear program.
#'   \item{objval}{The optimal value of the linear program. It is either the
#'   logical upper bound or the logical lower bound.}
#' @details The linear program used to find the logical lower bound is
#' \deqn{
#'   \min_{x \in \mathbf{R}^d} \,\,
#'   A_{\rm tgt} x
#'   \quad \mathrm{s.t.} \quad
#'   A_{\rm shp} x = \beta_{\rm shp}
#'   \quad \mathrm{ and } \quad
#'   x \geq 0.
#' }
#' The linear program used to find the logical upper bound replaces the min
#' operator by the max operator.
#' @export
check.betatgt.lp <- function(data, lpmodel, modelsense, solver) {
  # ---------------- #
  # Step 1: Obtain the deterministic components of the objects in lpmodel
  # ---------------- #
  A.shp.hat <- lpmodel.eval(data, lpmodel$A.shp, 1)
  A.tgt.hat <- lpmodel.eval(data, lpmodel$A.tgt, 1)
  beta.shp.hat <- lpmodel.eval(data, lpmodel$beta.shp, 1)

  # ---------------- #
  # Step 2: Solve the linear program
  # ---------------- #
  # Set up the arguments for optimizer
  optim.arg <- list(Af = NULL,
                    bf = A.tgt.hat,
                    nf = 1,
                    A = A.shp.hat,
                    rhs = beta.shp.hat,
                    sense = "=",
                    modelsense = modelsense,
                    lb = rep(0, ncol(A.shp.hat)))

  # Solve the linear program
  ans <- do.call(solver, optim.arg)

  # ---------------- #
  # Step 3: Return result
  # ---------------- #

#' General message for infeasible \code{beta.tgt}
#' @description This function prints the message to inform the user that
#'   the \eqn{p}-value is directly set to 0 because they have specified a
#'   \code{beta.tgt} parameter that is infeasible, i.e. outside the logical
#'   bounds of the program.
#' @return Returns a string of the message.
#'   \item{msg.explain}{The message to explain why the \eqn{p}-value is zero.}
#'   \item{msg.pval}{The message indicating that the \eqn{p}-value is zero.}
#' @export
infeasible.msg.betatgt <- function() {
  msg.explain <- paste0("Computation is skipped because the parameter ",
                        "'beta.tgt' is outside the logical bound.")
  msg.pval <- "p-value: 0"

  return(list(msg.explain = msg.explain,
              msg.pval = msg.pval))

#' Wrapper for \code{infeasible.msg.betatgt}
#' @description This function is a wrapper for the
#'   \code{infeasible.msg.betatgt} function to print that \eqn{p}-value is
#'   zero in the \code{print} or \code{summary} messages.
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
infeasible.pval.msg <- function() {
  msg <- infeasible.msg.betatgt()

#' Display warning message for infeasible \code{beta.tgt}
#' @description This function displays the warning message for infeasible
#'   \code{beta.tgt}.
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
infeasible.betatgt.warning <- function() {
  msg <- infeasible.msg.betatgt()$msg.explain
  warning(msg, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

#' General error for checking the objects
#' @description This is a general function to produce the error messages in
#'   the check functions.
#' @param name.var The name of the object.
#' @param needs.to.be What the object is supposed to be.
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
check.errormsg <- function(name.var, needs.to.be) {
  general.msg <- "The object '%s' has to be %s."
  stop(sprintf(general.msg, name.var, needs.to.be), call. = FALSE)

#' Check function: sample size \code{n} if \code{data} is \code{NULL}
#' @description This function checks the sample size \code{n} if \code{data}
#'   is \code{NULL}. This function is only used if \code{data} is \code{NULL}.
#'   Typically, when \code{data} is \code{NULL}, it refers to the case where
#'   the bootstrap replications are all passed to the \code{lpmodel} object.
#' @inheritParams check.positiveinteger
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
check.samplesize <- function(x, name.var) {
  # General message
  samplesize.msg <- sprintf(paste0("When 'data' is 'NULL', the object '%s' ",
                                   "has to be a positive integer."),

  # Return error if x is not numeric or if it is not a positive integer
  if (!is.numeric(x)) {
  } else if ((is.numeric(x) == TRUE & length(x) == 1 & x > 0 & x %% 1 == 0)
             == FALSE) {
    # Call the general error message function

#' Check function: check brackets
#' @description This function checks the initial brackets provided by the
#'   user for the \code{\link[lpinfer]{invertci}} function. It can either
#'   be \code{NULL} or a \code{numeric} of length 2. The initial brackets have
#'   to be finite.
#' @param init.b An initial bracket.
#' @param name.var The name of the initial bracket.
#' @param bd A string that indicates whether the initial bracket for the lower
#'   bound (\code{lb}) or the upper bound (\code{ub}) is being evaluated.
#' @return Returns the following intervals.
#'   \item{lb}{The lower bound of the initial bracket.}
#'   \item{ub}{The upper bound of the initial bracket.}
#' @export
check.initb <- function(init.b, name.var, bd) {
  # Check whether the length is 0, 1, 2 and whether it is numeric
  if (is.null(init.b)) {
    lb <- NULL
    ub <- NULL
  } else if ((length(init.b) == 2) & is.numeric(init.b)) {
    lb <- init.b[1]
    ub <- init.b[2]
    # Return an error if the upper bound is not larger than the lower bound
    if (lb >= ub) {
      stop(sprintf(paste0("When the initial bracket '%s' is a numeric of ",
                          "length 2, the first element has to be smaller ",
                          "then than second element."),

    # Return an error if the bounds are infinite
    if (is.infinite(lb) | is.infinite(ub)) {
      stop(sprintf("The initial bracket '%s' has to be finite. ", name.var))
  } else {
    stop(sprintf(paste0("The initial bracket '%s' can either be ",
                        "NULL or a numeric of length 2."),

  return(list(lb = lb,
              ub = ub))
conroylau/lpinfer documentation built on Oct. 23, 2022, 9:21 a.m.