
Defines functions findPeakWidth

Documented in findPeakWidth

#' @title findPeakWidth
#' @description This function is designed to find the maximum peakwidth of an
#' EIC observed within a given TIC peak. It does so by using checkBounds to
#' estimate width in time of a peak and countMaxima
#' to determine if a peak may be made up from two similar structural isomers.
#' @param approvScorePeaks A data.frame containing information on the
#' retained bins.
#' @param mzDb A list of data.frames containing the m/z and intensity values
#' from each scan's mass spectra.
#' @param header A data.fame containing metadata on the sample like
#' spectra type (MS1 vs MS2), retention time, and scan count.
#' @param sortedAllEIC A data.frame containing observed EIC values along with
#' their corresponsing scan ID.
#' @param boundaries A numeric vector with indicies representing the scans
#' bounding the original TIC peak.
#' @param ppmEst A scalar value representing the calculated ppm error
#' used to generate data.
#' @return This function returns a scalar value representing an estimate for
#' the maximal peak width across samples.
findPeakWidth <- function(approvScorePeaks,
                          ppmEst) {

    ## replacing traditional scan count index with actual scan index number
    ## 2019-06-19
    maxScans <- max(approvScorePeaks$scanCount)
    maxPwTable <- approvScorePeaks[approvScorePeaks$scanCount == maxScans,]
    filteredRange <- unlist(maxPwTable[1,c("startScan","endScan")])
    filteredRange[1] <- sortedAllEIC$scanID[filteredRange[1] ==
    filteredRange[2] <- sortedAllEIC$scanID[filteredRange[2] ==

    checkBoundaries <- filteredRange %in% boundaries
    allScansInData <- as.numeric(sub("(.* )?scan=|(.* )?scanId=",

    if(all(is.na(allScansInData))) {
        allScansInData <- as.numeric(header$spectrum)

    if(length(allScansInData) == 0) {
        stop(paste("Error during findPeakWidth. allScansInData var is length",
                   "0. Check structure of raw data header file."))

    ## case 1 - there is a mz value spaning the range of the peak
    if(any(checkBoundaries)) {

        checkFeatures <- maxPwTable[order(maxPwTable$Intensity),]

        # Narrowing down number of features to 50 -----------------------------
        ## getting subset of masses to check for peak width
        checkTable <- checkFeatures
        checkVals <- checkTable$meanMZ

        if(length(checkVals) > 50) {
            checkVals <- checkVals[seq_len(50)]

        # checking the boundaries of peaks ------------------------------------
        ## looping through each of the features being checked

        peakBounds <- list()
        for(massIndex in seq_along(checkVals)) {

            mass <- checkVals[massIndex]
            # case 1 - the peak ends at both boundaries -----------------------
            if(length(checkBoundaries) == 2) {

                upperBound <- checkBounds(mass = mass,
                                          mzDb = mzDb,
                                          currentIndex = filteredRange[2],
                                          ppmEst = ppmEst,
                                          scans = allScansInData,
                                          origBound = filteredRange[2],
                                          header = header)
                lowerBound <- checkBounds(mass = mass,
                                          upper = FALSE,
                                          mzDb = mzDb,
                                          currentIndex = filteredRange[1],
                                          ppmEst = ppmEst,
                                          scans = allScansInData,
                                          origBound = filteredRange[1],
                                          header = header)

                ## Replacing with peakwidth determined by TIC estimation
                if(upperBound == "Runaway Peak") {
                    upperBound <- filteredRange[2]

                if(lowerBound == "Runaway Peak") {
                    lowerBound <- filteredRange[1]
                names(upperBound) <- "upper_bound"
                names(lowerBound) <- "lower_bound"

                peakBounds[[massIndex]] <- data.frame(lowerBound,
                                             total = (upperBound - lowerBound),
                                             checkBounds = 2)

            } else {

            # the peak is observed a single boundary -------------------------

                # Case 1 - the peak is only bounded above ---------------------
                if(which(checkBoundaries) == 2) {

                    upperBound <- checkBounds(mass,
                                            mzDb = mzDb,
                                            currentIndex = filteredRange[2],
                                            ppmEst = ppmEst,
                                            header = header,
                                            origBound = filteredRange[2],
                                            scans = allScansInData)
                    lowerBound <- checkTable$startMatch[massIndex]
                    if(upperBound == "Runaway Peak") {
                        upperBound <- filteredRange[2]

                  ## case 2 - it is bounded from below
                } else {

                # Case 2 - the peak is only bounded below ---------------------

                    lowerBound <- checkBounds(mass,
                                            upper = FALSE,
                                            mzDb = mzDb,
                                            currentIndex = filteredRange[1],
                                            ppmEst = ppmEst,
                                            header = header,
                                            origBound = filteredRange[1],
                                            scans = allScansInData)
                    if(lowerBound == "Runaway Peak") {
                        lowerBound <- filteredRange[1]
                    upperBound <- checkTable$endMatch[massIndex]


                peakBounds[[massIndex]] <- data.frame(lowerBound,
                                             total = (upperBound - lowerBound),
                                             checkBounds = 1)



        peakBounds <- Reduce(rbind, peakBounds)
        boundTemp <- peakBounds[peakBounds$checkBounds == 2,]

        ## adding step to filter out outliers
        boxStat <- graphics::boxplot(boundTemp$total, plot = FALSE)
        peakBounds <- boundTemp[!(boundTemp$total %in% boxStat$out),]
        rm(boundTemp, boxStat)

        if(nrow(peakBounds) == 1) {
            maxPw <- 0
        } else {

            checkThisBound <- peakBounds[which.max(peakBounds$total)[1],]

            upperString  <- paste0("scan=","\\b",checkThisBound$upperBound,"\\b",
            lowerString <- paste0("scan=","\\b",checkThisBound$lowerBound,"\\b",

            rtUpper <- header$retentionTime[grep(upperString,header$spectrumId)]
            rtLower <- header$retentionTime[grep(lowerString,header$spectrumId)]
            maxPw <- rtUpper - rtLower
            if(length(maxPw) == 0) {
                stop("maxPw length is zero. Check how scans are being matched.")

    ## case 2 - all peaks are bounded within the range of the
    ## calculated TIC peak.
    } else {

        ## 2019-06-20 - fixed bug related to matching scan indexes to
        ## retention time
        curBounds <- unlist(maxPwTable[1,grep("(start|end)Scan",
        maxTime <- header$retentionTime[curBounds[2]]
        minTime <- header$retentionTime[curBounds[1]]
        maxPw <- maxTime - minTime



crmclean/AutoTuner documentation built on Jan. 29, 2021, 4:48 p.m.