Defines functions expit meanCI se clean.time.vars data.setup dist.mat.size get.dist.mats group.columns price.part price.part.single price.part.column pairwise.price

Documented in data.setup dist.mat.size expit get.dist.mats group.columns meanCI pairwise.price price.part price.part.column price.part.single se

### Load required packages:

# Handle the import of packages - this should force dplyr to be added to NAMESPACE
# and be loaded when priceTools loads

######################## Basic Tools ########################

#' Logistic link function.
#' @param x A number
#' @return Transformed values on the probability scale
#' @examples
#' expit(0)
#' expit(1)

#' Asymptotic 95 percent confidence interval.
#' This function computes the upper or lower 95% confidence interval based on an asymptotic 
#' approximation and assumption of normality.
#' @param x  A list of numeric values
#' @param type Upper ("upr") or lower ("lwr") confidence interval boundary
#' @return Confidence interval value
#' @examples
#' x<-runif(20)
#' meanCI(x,type="lwr")
#' meanCI(x,type="upr")
#' @export
	  res <- mean(x) - 1.96*(sqrt(var(x))/length(x))
    res <- mean(x) + 1.96*(sqrt(var(x))/length(x))    

#' Standard error.
#' Short-cut for calculating the standard error of a vector of values
#' @param x A list of numeric values
#' @return Standard error
#' @examples
#' x<-runif(29)
#' se(x)
#' @export
se<-function(x) sd(x)/length(x)

######################## Data Cleaning & Setup Functions ########################

### Goal, specify 1 or more ordered variable
#   - reduce it to pre/post 0/1 categories, given one or more cut-points
  tmp<-x[,grepl(col,names(x))] > cut.point

#' Data setup for Price Equation calculations.
#' Take two separate community lists and create a single data set, which is ready
#' for calculating the Price Equation partitions.
#' @param input  Data on the composition of a pair of communities. This can take on two different forms: 
#'    (i) a single data frame, where the first column is 'species', a list of taxa names, and the 
#'        following two columns list the function of each species in communities X and Y. Species absent 
#'        from one community are given an entry of 0 function.
#'    (ii) a list of two separate data frames, one for each community X and Y, each containing two 
#'        columns, and the corresponding function of each species.
#' @param aggregate A rule for aggregating multiple entries for the same species. 
#' The default option is "sum", a secondary option is "mean"
#' @return A data frame of species identities and functions, appropriately formatted for running
#'  price partition calculations.
#'    \item{species}{A list of species names}
#'    \item{func.X}{The function of each species in communityX}
#'    \item{func.Y}{The function of each species in community Y}
#'    \item{wvec}{An indicator variable equal to 1 when a species occurs in both X and Y}
#'    \item{xvec}{An indicator variable equal to 1 when a species occurs in X}
#'    \item{yvec}{An indicator variable equal to 1 when a species occurs in Y}
#' @examples 
#' # Method 1:
#' data.setup(list(biomass))
#' # Method 2:
#' comX <- biomass[biomass$biomassX!=0,c('species','biomassX')]
#' comY <- biomass[biomass$biomassY!=0,c('species','biomassY')]
#' data.setup(list(comX,comY))
#' @import dplyr
#' @export

    # add together multiple entries for the same species by community X and Y
           sum = {comm <- comm %>% group_by(species) %>%
             summarize(func.x=sum(func.x), func.y=sum(func.y))},
           mean = {comm <- comm %>% group_by(species) %>%
             summarize(func.x=mean(func.x), func.y=mean(func.y))}
    # Flag species that occur in common between communities x and y
    comm$wvec <- ifelse(comm[,2] > 0 & comm[,3] > 0, 1, 0)  # species occurs in x and y
    comm$xvec <- ifelse(comm[,2] > 0, 1, 0)  		# species occurs in x
    comm$yvec <- ifelse(comm[,3] > 0, 1, 0)			# species occurs in y
    comm <- comm[order(comm$xvec, comm$yvec, decreasing=T),]
    comm <- data.frame(comm)
    for(i in 2:ncol(comm)){



    # Data formatting
    tmp0<-rbind(xcomm,ycomm)			# stick community data together

    # take this long-form data into wide-form, adding together repeated species entries.

           sum = {
             comm <- reshape2::dcast(tmp0,species~site,value.var="func",
                                     fun.aggregate = sum)
           mean = {
             comm <- reshape2::dcast(tmp0,species~site,value.var="func",
                                     fun.aggregate = mean)

    # Flag species that occur in common between communities x and y
    comm$wvec<-ifelse(comm$func.x>0&comm$func.y>0,1,0)	# species occurs in x and y
    comm$xvec<-ifelse(comm$func.x>0,1,0)			# species occurs in x
    comm$yvec<-ifelse(comm$func.y>0,1,0)			# species occurs in y

    for(i in 2:ncol(comm)){


#' Rough estimate of memory requirements of distance matrix
#' Calculate the amount of memory needed to store a distance matrix, before calculating the
#' distance matrix. This is a prudent way to prevent running out of RAM when calculating a
#' distance matrix. (Code implemented from response on R help list).
#' @param n This is the number of rows in the distance matrix
#' @return Estimated memory requirement in GB
#' @examples
#' dist.mat.size(200)
#' @export

#' Calculate Price component based distance matrix between community pairs.
#' The Price equation generates a vector of values reflecting a comparison between two 
#' communities. This vector can be used to establish a distance between different pairs 
#' of communities, compared with the Price equation. Across all pairwise combinations of
#' community pairs, this produces a distance matrix, which can be used to perform multivariate
#' tests on Price analyses.
#' @param x  A data frame, resulting from \code{pairwise.price}
#' @return This function returns a list of two distance matrices:
#'  \item{dst5}{A distance matrix calculated based on the full 5-part Price partition}
#'  \item{dst3}{A distance matrix calculated based on the 3-part sCAFE version of the Price partition}
#' @examples 
#' # Data frame containing multiple communities we want to compare
#' set.seed(36)
#' cms<-data.frame(comm.id=sort(rep(seq(1,3),6)),
#'                 species=rep(LETTERS[seq(1,6)],3),
#'                 func=rpois(6*3,lambda = 2))
#' #Identify a grouping columns
#' cms<-group_by(cms,comm.id)
#' # Perform pairwise comparisons of all communities in cms identified by comm.id
#' pp<-pairwise.price(cms,species='species',func='func')
#' dm<-get.dist.mats(pp)
#' dm
#' @export
  # Check the estimated size of the requested distance matrix.
  # If >1 GB, consult user before continuing.
    cat("\n","Caution! Distance matrix size exceeds 1 GB.","\n","Continue? y/n")
    print("get.dist.mats aborted")
    # 5-part partition
    # for 3-part partition

#' Merge pairs of grouping columns
#' Take a pair of columns, distinguished with suffix .x and .y, and merge them into a
#' single column without suffixes. This is helpful for post-processing the output of
#' pairwise price calculations.
#' @param x  A data frame
#' @param gps A list of grouping column(s)
#' @param drop Drop original, unpaired columns after grouping? TRUE/FALSE
#' @return This function returns a data frame
#' @examples 
#' # Data frame containing multiple communities we want to compare
#' set.seed(36)
#' cms1<-data.frame(comm.id=sort(rep(seq(1,3),6)),
#'                 species=rep(LETTERS[seq(1,6)],3),
#'                 func=rpois(6*3,lambda = 2))
#' cms2<-data.frame(comm.id=sort(rep(seq(1,3),6)),
#'                 species=rep(LETTERS[seq(1,6)],3),
#'                 func=rpois(6*3,lambda = 2))
#' cms1$site<-'site1'
#' cms2$site<-'site2'
#' cms<-rbind(cms1,cms2)
#' #Identify one grouping columns
#' cmsA<-group_by(cms,comm.id)
#' # Perform pairwise comparisons of all communities in cms identified by comm.id
#' ppA<-pairwise.price(cmsA,species='species',func='func')
#' # Process results using group.columns
#' group.columns(ppA,gps='comm.id')
#' group.columns(ppA,gps='comm.id',drop=T)
#' # Or with two grouping columns:
#' cmsB<-group_by(cms,comm.id,site)
#' ppB<-pairwise.price(cmsB,species='species',func='func')
#' # Process results using group.columns
#' group.columns(ppB,gps=c('comm.id'))
#' group.columns(ppB,gps=c('comm.id','site'))
#' group.columns(ppB,gps=c('comm.id','site'),drop=T)
#' @export

  for(i in 1:length(gps)){

    # this is the column to stash in place of the .x and .y columns

    # drop old columns, if requested:

    # add new column

    # update name of new column


######################## Price Partition Functions ########################

#' Calculate the Price equation partition for two communities
#' Take a (formatted) list of species and functions for two communities, and calculate
#' the Price equation partition comparing the communities.
#' Extra thoughts on how the interpret the Price equation partitions, which may get relocated into a vignette. 
#' Comments on SIE.L. If a species x' from x is lost in y, SIE.L will increase if x' 
#' is less productive on average, and SIE.L will decrease if x' is more productive 
#' than average. If a species x' from x is NOT lost in y, SIE.L will increase if x' 
#' is more productive on average, and SIE.L will decrease if x' is less productive 
#' than average. Overall, high/positive values of SIE.L mean that weak species were 
#' lost and good species were retained. Noteably, SIE.L will not be affected by new
#' species that y gains relative to what is shared or lost. Average species have 
#' little effect on the value of SIE.L. If either barely any or almost all species 
#' occur in common between communities x and y, then the few species that are kept 
#' (or lost) will have a particularly large influence on the value of SIE.L. Overall, 
#' SIE.L will probably be smaller in this case, and greatly affected by whether the
#' species lost/gained are more or less productive.
#' Comments on SIE.G. A less productive than average species in y (-1) makes a negative
#' contribution to SIE.G if it is NOT in community x, and a positive contribution to 
#' SIE.G if it is in community x. A more productive than average species in y (+1) 
#' makes a negative contribution to SIE.G if it is in x, and a positive contribution 
#' to SIE.G if it does NOT occur in community x. A positive SIE.G occurs when less
#' productive than average members of y also occured in x, and more productive than
#' average species in y do not occur in x.
#' @param comm  A data frame formatted according to the \code{\link{data.setup()}}
#'  function, or if formatting independently, a data frame with the following columns.
#' @param quiet Silence error messages? TRUE/FALSE
#' @param sps.level Provide species-level contributions to 5 Price components? TRUE/FALSE
#' @return If \code{sps.level=FALSE}, a data frame of Price equation components.
#'    \item{SRE.L}{species richness effect (loss of species)}
#'    \item{SRE.G}{species richness effect (gain of species)}
#'    \item{SIE.L}{species identity effect (loss of species)}
#'    \item{SIE.G}{species identity effect (gain of species)}
#'    \item{CDE}{context dependent effect}
#'    \item{SL}{sum of SRE.L and SIE.L}
#'    \item{SG}{sum of SRE.G and SIE.G}
#'    \item{SR}{sum of SRE.L and SRE.G}
#'    \item{CE}{sum of SIE.G, SIE.L, and CDE}
#'    \item{x.func}{Total function in community X}
#'    \item{y.func}{Total function in community Y}
#'    \item{x.rich}{Number of species in community X}
#'    \item{y.rich}{Number of species in community Y}
#'    \item{c.rich}{Number of shared species between X and Y}
#' @return If \code{sps.level=TRUE}, a list containing the above information in the first slot, and a data frame of individual species' contributions to each Price component in the second slot.
#' @examples 
#' formatted.data<-data.setup(list(biomass))
#' price.part(formatted.data) 
#' @export

  # Combined species list
  sps.list <- comm$species
  sx <- sum(comm$xvec)		# number of species in x
  sy <- sum(comm$yvec)		# number of species in y
  sc <- sum(comm$wvec)		# number of species in both
  if(sc < 1 & quiet==F){
    print('Caution! Communities share no species in common.')
    #		break

  # Measures of ecosystem function

  # Partition change in function
  zbarx <- totx/sx						# average function per species in x
  zbary <- toty/sy						# average function per species in y
  wbarx <- mean(comm$wvec[comm$xvec==1])		# probability that species in x is also in y
  wbary <- mean(comm$wvec[comm$yvec==1])		# probability that species in y is also in x

  ### Solve for components:

  # Difference between shared diversity & x diversity, times average function of x
  SRE.L.list <- ((sc-sx)/sx)*comm$func.x

  # Difference between diversity of y & shared diversity times average function of y
  SRE.G.list <- ((sy-sc)/sy)*comm$func.y
  SRE.G.list <- data.frame(species=comm$species,SRE.G.list)
  SRE.G <- sum(SRE.G.list[,2])

  # SIE.L computation
  SIE.L.list <- (comm$func.x[comm$xvec==1]-zbarx)*(comm$wvec[comm$xvec==1]-wbarx)
  SIE.L.list <- data.frame(species=comm$species[comm$xvec==1],SIE.L.list)
  SIE.L <- sum(SIE.L.list[,2])

  # SIE.G computation
  SIE.G.list <- -1*(comm$func.y[comm$yvec==1]-zbary)*(comm$wvec[comm$yvec==1]-wbary)
  SIE.G.list<- data.frame(species=comm$species[comm$yvec==1],SIE.G.list)
  SIE.G<- sum(SIE.G.list[,2])

  # Total change in function due to changes in function of species shared by communities.
  CDE.list <- comm$func.y[comm$wvec==1]-comm$func.x[comm$wvec==1]
  CDE.list <- data.frame(species=comm$species[comm$wvec==1],CDE.list)
  CDE <- sum(CDE.list[,2])

  # combine pieces:
  pp.list <- merge(SRE.G.list,SRE.L.list,all=T)
  pp.list <- merge(pp.list,SIE.L.list,all.x = T)
  pp.list <- merge(pp.list,SIE.G.list,all.x = T)
  pp.list <- merge(pp.list,CDE.list,all.x = T)
  # additional diagnostic output:
  x.func <- totx
  y.func <- toty
  x.rich <- sx
  y.rich <- sy
  c.rich <- sc
  # structure output:
  pp <- c(SRE.L,SRE.G,SIE.L,SIE.G,CDE,SL,SG,SR,CE,x.func,y.func,x.rich,y.rich,c.rich)
  names(pp) <- c("SRE.L","SRE.G","SIE.L","SIE.G","CDE",
    res <- list(pp,pp.list)
    res <- pp

# The next 3 functions support automated calculations of price components for
# all pairwise community comparisons

#' Low-level wrapper function for applying Price partition to a pair of communities
#' Given a list of species names and their functions, and a reference community,
#' calculate the full set of Price partition components and return them. This is a 
#' low-level function used inside of higher-level functions (ie, \code{price.part.all()})
#' that automate the pairwise comparison of many communities.
#' @param sps  A vector of species' names
#' @param func A numerical vector of species' functions
#' @param commX A reference or 'baseline' community
#' @return This function returns a matrix with a single row, and columns consisting of 
#' Price equation components.
#' @examples 
#' # Generate mock community data:
#' set.seed(36)
#' cm1<-data.frame(sps=LETTERS[seq(1,6)],func=rpois(6,lambda = 2))
#' cm2<-data.frame(sps=LETTERS[seq(1,6)],func=rpois(6,lambda = 2))
#' price.part.single(sps=cm2$sps,func=cm2$func,commX=cm1)
  commY<-data.frame(sps,func)         # set up comparison community
  ds<-data.setup(list(commX,commY))   # set up community lists for price calculations
  data.frame(t(price.part(ds,quiet=T)))   # run price calculation

#' Wrapper function for applying Price partition to list of communities
#' Given a list of species names and their ecosystem functions, this function generates
#' a reference community, and then compares the reference community against a set of
#' other communities (including species and their ecosystem function) supplied in a
#' separate, grouped data frame. This is a low-level function that invokes 
#' \code{price.part.single()} and is called by higher-level functions such as 
#' \code{pairwise.price()}, which automates the pairwise comparison of many communities.
#' @param sps  A vector of species' names for the reference community
#' @param func A numerical vector of species' ecosystem functions in the reference
#'  community
#' @param dat A grouped data frame of species' names and ecosystem functions, which 
#'  must contain at least one grouping variable, as created by dplyr's function group_by(). 
#'  Additionally, the species and function columns must be named 'species' and 'func', respectively.
#' @return This function returns a data set of Price equation components, one full set
#'  for each community (uniquely identified by the grouping variable(s) of dat) compared 
#'  against the reference community
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(36)
#' cm1<-data.frame(sps=LETTERS[seq(1,6)],func=rpois(6,lambda = 2))
#' # Data frame containing multiple communities we want to compare with cm1
#' cms<-data.frame(comm.id=sort(rep(seq(1,3),6)),
#'                 species=rep(LETTERS[seq(1,6)],3),
#'                 func=rpois(6*3,lambda = 2))
#' cms<-group_by(cms,comm.id)
#' # Compare species/functions of cm1 to all communities in cms, individually
#' price.part.column(sps=cm1$sps,func=cm1$func,dat=cms)
price.part.column<-function(sps, func, dat){
  gps<-groups(dat)      # snag the grouping variable(s)
  ngroups<-length(gps)  # how many are there?
  tmpX<-data.frame(sps,func) # define reference community
  # turn off progress bar for low-level do() command
  # calculate price components, given reference community
  res <- dat %>% group_by_(.dots=gps) %>% do(price.part.single(.$species,.$func,tmpX))

  # turn progress bar back on (so it's visible for high-level do command)
  res<-ungroup(res)  #remove grouping variable to avoid problems when combining these results in pairwise.price

#' Calculate the Price equation partition for all possible community pairs
#' Given a grouped data set containing a species ID column and a column of species'
#' ecosystem functions, this function returns a dataset of Price components that results
#' from comparing all pairwise combinations of unique communities as defined by the 
#' grouping variable(s).
#' @param x  A grouped data set, with grouping variables defined as in dplyr operations
#' @param species The name of the column in \code{x} containing species ID's
#' @param func The name of the column in \code{x} containing species' ecosystem function
#' @return This function returns a data set of the Price equation components 
#'  corresponding to pairs of communities, identified by one or more grouping variables,
#'  which are provided in pairs of columns with the format: groupvar1.x groupvar1.y, etc.
#'  These can be conveniently re-combined using the \code{group.columns()} command.
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(36)
#' # Data frame containing multiple communities we want to compare
#' cms<-data.frame(comm.id=sort(rep(seq(1,3),6)),
#'                 species=rep(LETTERS[seq(1,6)],3),
#'                 func=rpois(6*3,lambda = 2))
#' #Identify one (or more) grouping columns
#' cms<-group_by(cms,comm.id)
#' # Perform pairwise comparisons of all communities in cms identified by comm.id
#' pairwise.price(cms,species='species',func='func')
#' @export
  gps <- groups(x)  # extract grouping variables

  # standardize user-specified species and function columns
  names(x)[which(names(x)==species)] <- "species"
  names(x)[which(names(x)==func)] <- "func"

  if(!(length(gps) >= 1)){
    print("ERROR! data provided to pairwise.price must have at least one identified
          grouping variable")

    # apply the price.part.column function across sets of ref. comms in x
    res <- x %>% do(tmp=price.part.column(.$species,.$func,dat=x))  

    # distinguish grouping column names of refs. from comparison comms.
    names(res)[1:length(gps)] <- paste(names(res[1:length(gps)]),"x",sep=".") 

    # expand the tibble returned by do()
    # fix labels of comparison community's grouping variables
    locs<-which(names(res) %in% gps)
    # drops self-comparisons:
    res <- ungroup(res)
    res <- res %>% filter((SRE.L!=0 | SRE.G!=0 | SIE.L!=0 | SIE.G!=0 | CDE!=0))

ctkremer/priceTools documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:49 p.m.