
Defines functions help_button icon_skip_check JS.onload JS.logify

Documented in JS.logify JS.onload

# JS for log slider ----

#' JS Functions To Logify A `sliderInput`
#' Make Shiny `sliderInput` support
#' [logarithmic scale](https://stackoverflow.com/a/39028280/3718827).
#' `JS.logify` create a Javascript function in string, and `JS.onload` register
#' the functions to `sliderInput`. Search the usage in `/inst/app/ui.R` for
#' examples.
#' @describeIn JS.logify JS Function To Logify A `sliderInput`
#' @param digits digits after numerical point
#' @return JS code in string to logify `sliderInput`
#' @export
JS.logify <- function(digits = 2) {
  paste0(  "
           // function to logify a sliderInput
           function logifySlider (sliderId, sci = false) {
           if (sci) {
           // scientific style
           'prettify': function (num) { return ('10<sup>'+num+'</sup>'); }
           } else {
           // regular number style
           'prettify': function (num) { return (Math.pow(10, num).toFixed(",
           digits, ")); }
#' @describeIn JS.logify JS code in string to register JS logify functions for
#'   each `sliderInput`
#' @param slider_id_vec vector of slider ids. Multiple functions for multiple
#'   `sliderInput` can be registered at once.
#' @param sci use scientific notation
#' @return JS code in string to register the JS logify functions
#' @export
JS.onload <- function(slider_id_vec, sci = FALSE) {
  slider_call <- function(slider_id) {
    paste0("logifySlider('", slider_id,
           "', sci = ", ifelse(sci, "true", "false") , ")")
                // execute upon document loading
                $(document).ready(function() {
                // wait a few ms to allow other scripts to execute
                setTimeout(function() {",
                paste0(lapply(slider_id_vec, slider_call), collapse = "\n"),
                "}, 5)})"
# UI style constants ----
# some are used in server call, so both ui and server need them
# box, plotOutput, renderPlot, no need to set all three if need adjustment.
# box height will expand by content, just set plotOutput width and height to percentages (99% width, need to keep it inside the box), then also need to set fixed value in renderPlot (otherwise it didn't show). We set height on histogram to make it shorter, setting box height is easier (no need to set in server part).
STYLES <- list(
  height_hist = 280,
  # outliers
  height_outlier_hist = "180px",
  # time subsetting
  # not setting the box height make arrange multiple items easier.
  # height_hist_subset_box = "380px",
  height_hist_subset_output = "150px",
  # height_selected_loc_box = "480px"
  # height_selected_loc = 480
  page_action = "background-color: #FFEB3B;font-weight: 500;width:100%;",
  # using similar color with first box in each page.
  page_switch = "background-color: #7ad0f7;font-weight: 500;width:100%;",
  external_link = "background-color: #a7c1fc;font-weight: 500;width:100%;",
  download_button = "color: #2196F3;width:100%;",
  help_button = "background-color: #8bc34a;width:100%;",
  # vertical align checkbox, radio buttons to button in same line.
  align_down = "margin-top: 5px;",
  align_up = "margin-top: -5px;",
  align_up_group = "margin-top: -12px;"
  # info box blue #00c0ef
# sidebar menu ----
# the page title in report chapters need to sync with ui. save them in one list
# just change title is easy, changing actual id involves too many changes.
PAGE_title <- list(intro = "Introduction",
                   import = "Import",
                   plots = "Visualization",
                   filter = "Filter Outliers",
                   subset = "Time Subsetting",
                   model = "Model Selection",
                   homerange = "Home Range",
                   overlap = "Overlap",
                   occurrence = "Occurrence",
                   speed = "Speed/Distance",
                   map = "Map")
side_bar_modes <- list("Data Processing" = c("import", "filter", "subset"),
                       "Plot Locations" = c("import", "plots", "map"),
                       "Model Selection" = c("import", "plots", "model"),
                       "Home Range" = c("import", "plots", "model", "homerange", "map"),
                       "Home Range Overlap" = c("import", "plots", "model", "homerange", "overlap", "map"),
                       "Occurrence" = c("import", "plots", "model", "occurrence"),
                       "Speed/Distance" = c("import", "plots", "model", "speed"))
# ignore icon check. need to load it explicitly in ui/server code as they are not package source. module_fine_tune also used this, will this function loaded before that code running?
icon_skip_check <- function(...) {
  shiny::icon(..., verify_fa = FALSE)
# help module ui ----
# server also need it in dynamic UI
help_button <- function(module_id, style = STYLES$help_button, text = "Help") {
  prefix <- NS(module_id)
               icon = icon_skip_check("question"),
               style = style)
# variogram curve colors ----
## need this in curve checkbox (in ui) and server code, put it into package so it can be shared.
# various curve colors in variogram, tuned color is brighter
CTMM_colors <- c("#FF7970", "#803D38", "#00BA38", "#619CFF", "#314E80")
# need to map with data structure. current is either original or tuned (if tuned).
names(CTMM_colors) <- c("guess", "guess_current",
                        "model", "model_current")
ctmm-initiative/ctmm-webapp documentation built on June 25, 2024, 8:29 a.m.