# ==============================================================================
# Internal utility functions used by more than one RCy3 function. These should
# not be exported, nor visible to package users. Add variable and functions here
# if you suspect they will be useful for other developers.
# Dev Note: internal variables and functions should be prefixed with a '.'
# ==============================================================================
# I. Package Variables and Constants
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.defaultBaseUrl <- ''
RCy3env <- new.env()
# Exported setter functions for these delays are in RCy3.R
assign(".CATCHUP_FILTER_SECS", 1, envir = RCy3env)
assign(".MODEL_PROPAGATION_SECS", 5, envir = RCy3env)
assign(".CATCHUP_NETWORK_SECS", 2, envir = RCy3env)
assign(".CATCHUP_NETWORK_MERGE_SECS", 1, envir = RCy3env)
assign(".defaultSandbox", list(), envir = RCy3env)
assign(".defaultSandboxPath", NULL, envir = RCy3env)
assign(".predefinedSandboxName", 'default_sandbox', envir = RCy3env)
assign(".currentSandboxName", NULL, envir = RCy3env)
assign(".currentSandboxPath", NULL, envir = RCy3env)
assign(".sandboxReinitialize", TRUE, envir = RCy3env)
assign(".sandboxTemplate", list('sandboxName' = NULL, 'copySamples' = TRUE, 'reinitialize' = TRUE), envir = RCy3env)
# ==============================================================================
# I. Package Utility Functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Supply a set of colors from Brewer palettes (without requiring rColorBrewer)
.cyPalette <- function(name='set1'){
set1<-c("#E41A1C", "#377EB8", "#4DAF4A", "#984EA3", "#FF7F00", "#FFFF33",
"#A65628", "#F781BF", "#999999")
set2<-c("#66C2A5", "#FC8D62", "#8DA0CB", "#E78AC3", "#A6D854", "#FFD92F",
"#E5C494", "#B3B3B3")
set3<-c("#8DD3C7", "#FFFFB3", "#BEBADA", "#FB8072", "#80B1D3", "#FDB462",
"#B3DE69", "#FCCDE5", "#D9D9D9", "#BC80BD", "#CCEBC5","#FFED6F")
reds<-c("#FFF5F0", "#FEE0D2", "#FCBBA1", "#FC9272", "#FB6A4A", "#EF3B2C",
"#CB181D", "#A50F15", "#67000D")
rdbu<-c("#67001F", "#B2182B", "#D6604D", "#F4A582", "#FDDBC7", "#F7F7F7",
"#D1E5F0", "#92C5DE", "#4393C3", "#2166AC", "#053061")
pal<-eval(parse(text = name))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validate and provide user feedback when brightness or contrast values are
# outside of range.
.checkBrightnessContrast <- function(bc){
if(bc%%1 != 0){
stop(simpleError('Value must be an integer between -100 and 100'))
} else {
stop(simpleError('Value must be an integer between -100 and 100.'))
if (bc < -100 || bc > 100){
stop (simpleError(sprintf ('%i is invalid. Value must be between -100 and 100.', bc)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validate and provide user feedback when hex color codes are required input.
# Convert from supported R color names if applicable. Returns hex code.
#' @importFrom gplots col2hex
.checkHexColor <- function(color){
if (color %in% colors()){
color <- gplots::col2hex(color)
if ((substring(color, 1, 1) != "#") || (nchar(color) !=7)) {
stop (simpleError(sprintf ('%s is not a valid hexadecimal color, e.g. #FD39B8.', color)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validate and provide user feedback when opacity value is outside of range.
.checkOpacity <- function(opacity,max=255){
if(opacity%%1 != 0){
stop(simpleError(sprintf ('Opacity must be an integer between 0 and %i.', max)))
} else {
stop(simpleError(sprintf ('Opacity must be an integer between 0 and %i.', max)))
if (opacity < 0 || opacity > max){
stop (simpleError(sprintf ('%i is invalid. Opacity must be between 0 and %i', opacity, max)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validates and fixes rotation values from -180 to +180 range to match GUI
.normalizeRotation <- function(degree){
stop(simpleError('Angle must be a number.'))
while (degree <= -180)
degree <- degree + 360
while (degree > 180)
degree <- degree - 360
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validates unique value against provided set
.checkUnique <- function(value, existing.values){
if(value %in% existing.values)
stop(simpleError(sprintf ('%s is not unique. Please provide a unique value.', as.character(value))))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validates positive number
.checkPositive <- function(number){
stop(simpleError('Value must be a positive number.'))
if (number <= 0){
stop (simpleError(sprintf ('%s is invalid. Number must be positive.', as.character(number))))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validates acceptable font style
.checkFontStyle <- function(style){
if(!style %in% c("plain","bold","italic","bolditalic"))
stop (simpleError(sprintf ('%s is invalid. Use "plain", "bold", "italic" or "bolditalic"', style)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validates acceptable canvas
.checkCanvas <- function(canvas){
if(!canvas %in% c("foreground","background"))
stop (simpleError(sprintf ('%s is invalid. Use "foreground" or "background"', canvas)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validate and provide user feedback when slot number is outside of range.
.checkSlot <- function(slot){
if(slot%%1 != 0){
stop(simpleError('Slot must be an integer between 1 and 9.'))
} else {
stop(simpleError('Slot must be an integer between 1 and 9.'))
if (!slot %in% seq_len(9)){
stop (simpleError(sprintf('%i is invalid. Slot must be an integer between 1 and 9.', slot)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Replaces node names with SUIDs.
#' @importFrom glue glue
.nodeNameToNodeSUID<-function(node.names, network=NULL, base.url=.defaultBaseUrl, uniqueList=FALSE) {
dict <- getTableColumns('node',c('SUID','name'),'default',network, base.url)
test <- vapply(node.names, function(x){x %in% dict[,'SUID']}, logical(1))
if(all(test)) #provided SUIDs already!
sorted.dict <- NULL
if(length(node.names) == length(unique(node.names))){ #unique node names
sorted.dict <- dict[match(node.names, dict$name), ]
} else { #multiple nodes with the same name
message("Finding unique SUIDs for nodes with the same name...\n")
match_list <- list()
for(i in seq_along(node.names)){ #perform match with removal
name_match <- dict[match(node.names[[i]], dict$name),]
match_list[[i]] <- name_match
dict <- subset(dict, SUID != name_match$SUID)
sorted.dict <- do.call(rbind, match_list)
if (uniqueList){
node.SUIDs <- sorted.dict$SUID
if (any(is.na(node.SUIDs))) {
stop(glue('Invalid name in node name list: {list(node.names)} \n'))
} else {
if (length(node.names) == 1) {
node.SUIDs <- sorted.dict$SUID
} else {
sorted.dict <- na.omit(sorted.dict)
node.SUIDs <- replicate(length(node.names), sorted.dict$SUID, simplify = FALSE)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Replaces node SUIDs with names.
.nodeSUIDToNodeName<-function(node.suids, network=NULL, base.url=.defaultBaseUrl) {
dict <- getTableColumns('node',c('SUID','name'),'default',network, base.url)
test <- vapply(node.suids, function(x){x %in% dict[,'name']}, logical(1))
if(all(test)) #provided names already!
node.names <- dict$name[match(node.suids, dict$SUID)]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Replaces edge names with SUIDs.
#' @importFrom glue glue
.edgeNameToEdgeSUID<-function(edge.names, network=NULL, base.url=.defaultBaseUrl, uniqueList=FALSE) {
dict <- getTableColumns('edge',c('SUID','name'),'default',network, base.url)
test <- vapply(edge.names, function(x){x %in% dict[,'SUID']}, logical(1))
if(all(test)) #provided SUIDs already!
sorted.dict <- NULL
if(length(edge.names) == length(unique(edge.names))){ #unique edge names
sorted.dict <- dict[match(edge.names, dict$name), ]
} else { #multigraph: multiple edges with the same name
message("Finding unique SUIDs for edges with the same name...\n")
match_list <- list()
for(i in seq_along(edge.names)){ #perform match with removal
name_match <- dict[match(edge.names[[i]], dict$name),]
match_list[[i]] <- name_match
dict <- subset(dict, SUID != name_match$SUID)
sorted.dict <- do.call(rbind, match_list)
if (uniqueList){
edge.SUIDs <- sorted.dict$SUID
if (any(is.na(edge.SUIDs))) {
stop(glue('Invalid name in edge name list: {edge.names}'))
} else {
if (length(edge.names) == 1) {
edge.SUIDs <- sorted.dict$SUID
} else {
sorted.dict <- na.omit(sorted.dict)
edge.SUIDs <- replicate(length(edge.names), sorted.dict$SUID, simplify = FALSE)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Replaces edge SUIDs with names.
.edgeSUIDToEdgeName<-function(edge.suids, network=NULL, base.url=.defaultBaseUrl) {
dict <- getTableColumns('edge',c('SUID','name'),'default',network, base.url)
test <- vapply(edge.suids, function(x){x %in% dict[,'name']}, logical(1))
if(all(test)) #provided names already!
edge.names <- dict$name[match(edge.suids, dict$SUID)]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Checks to see if a particular column name exists in the specific table. Returns
.tableColumnExists <- function(table.column, table, network=network, base.url=base.url){
if (!table.column %in% getTableColumnNames(table, network=network, base.url=base.url)) {
message (sprintf ('Column %s does not exist in the %s table.', table.column, table))
return (FALSE)
return (TRUE)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Checks to see if min supported versions of api and cytoscape are running.
# Extracts numerics from api and major cytoscape versions before making comparison.
.verifySupportedVersions<-function(cyrest=1,cytoscape=3.6,base.url=.defaultBaseUrl) {
vStr <- cytoscapeVersionInfo(base.url)
vApiStr <- unname(vStr[1])
vCyStr <- unname(vStr[2])
vCyStr <- sub("-SNAPSHOT", "", vCyStr)
vApiNum <- as.numeric(gsub("v([0-9]+)$", "\\1", vApiStr))
vCyNum <- gsub("([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9])\\..*$", "\\1", vCyStr)
vCyNum.a <- as.numeric(strsplit(vCyNum, "\\.")[[1]][[1]])
vCyNum.b <- as.numeric(strsplit(vCyNum, "\\.")[[1]][[2]])
vCyNum.c <- as.numeric(strsplit(vCyNum, "\\.")[[1]][[3]])
cytoscape <- as.character(cytoscape)
cy.a <- as.numeric(strsplit(cytoscape, "\\.")[[1]][[1]])
cy.b <- as.numeric(strsplit(cytoscape, "\\.")[[1]][[2]])
cy.c <- 0
expr = {
cy.c <- as.numeric(strsplit(cytoscape, "\\.")[[1]][[3]])
error = function(e){
cy.c <- 0
nogo <- FALSE
if(cyrest > vApiNum){
message(sprintf("CyREST API version %d or greater is required. You are currently working with version %d.",
cyrest, vApiNum))
nogo <- TRUE
if(cy.a > vCyNum.a | (cy.a == vCyNum.a & cy.b > vCyNum.b) | (cy.b == vCyNum.b & cy.c > vCyNum.c)){
message(sprintf("Cytoscape version %s or greater is required. You are currently working with version %s.",
cytoscape, vCyNum))
nogo <- TRUE
stop(simpleError("Function not run due to unsupported version."))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal function for deleteDuplicateEdges in NetworkSelection.R.
# Convert edge list into list of parts: ["xxx (pp) yyy", "zzz (pp) aaa"] into [("xxx", "pp", "yyy"), ("zzz", "pp", "aaa")]
.parseEdges <- function(edgeList){
splitEdge <- function(edge){
res1 <- gsub('(.*) \\((.*)\\) (.*)', "\\1", regmatches(edge,gregexpr('(.*) \\((.*)\\) (.*)',edge)))
res2 <- gsub('(.*) \\((.*)\\) (.*)', "\\2", regmatches(edge,gregexpr('(.*) \\((.*)\\) (.*)',edge)))
res3 <- gsub('(.*) \\((.*)\\) (.*)', "\\3", regmatches(edge,gregexpr('(.*) \\((.*)\\) (.*)',edge)))
return(list(res1, res2, res3))
return(lapply(edgeList, splitEdge))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.