
Defines functions mdmr_model.df mdmr_model.hat_matrices mdmr_model.hat_matrix_ih mdmr_model.hat_matrix_2 mdmr_model.rank mdmr_model.qr mdmr_model.rhs mdmr_model

#' Generate the hat matrices based on the model/formula
#' as well as associated data like degrees of freedom
#' @author Zarrar Shehzad
#' @param formula A typical model formula such as Y ~ A + B*C but where Y
#'                isn't actually used
#' @param model Data frame containing your factors (e.g., A, B, & C)
#' @param contr.unordered, contr.ordered contrasts used for the design matrix
#' @param factors2perm factors to permute
#' @param verbose boolean
#' @return list of RHS, QR of RHS, full-model H, H2s, H1s, IH, and dfs
mdmr_model <- function(formula, model, 
    vcat(verbose, "Generating hat matrices and like (with mdmr_model)")
    vcat(verbose, "...creating right-hand design matrix")
    rhs <- mdmr_model.rhs(formula, model, contr.unordered, contr.ordered)
    vcat(verbose, "...calculating QR decomposition")
    qrhs <- mdmr_model.qr(rhs, factors2perm)
    vcat(verbose, "...checking/adjusting for rank deficiencies")
    rhs <- mdmr_model.rank(rhs, qrhs)
    vcat(verbose, "...creating the hat matrices (H2s and IHs)")
    hats <- mdmr_model.hat_matrices(rhs, qrhs)
    vcat(verbose, "...calculating degrees of freedom")
    dfs <- mdmr_model.df(qrhs)
    vcat(verbose, "...combining elements to return")
    ret <- list(
        formula = formula, 
        model = model, 
        rhs = rhs, 
        qrhs = qrhs, 
        H2s = hats$H2s, 
        IHs = hats$IHs, 
        df.res = dfs$res, 
        df.exp = dfs$exp

#' INTERNAL: Create right-hand/design matrix
#' @author Zarrar Shehzad
#' @param formula A typical model formula such as Y ~ A + B*C but where Y
#'                isn't actually used;
#' @param model Data frame containing your factors (e.g., A, B, & C)
#' @param contr.unordered, contr.ordered contrasts used for the design matrix
#' @return matrix
mdmr_model.rhs <- function(formula, model, contr.unordered="contr.sum",  
    n <- nrow(model)
    rhs.frame <- model.frame(formula, model, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
    if (nrow(rhs.frame) != nrow(model))
        vstop("One of your factors has an empty element")
    op.c <- options()$contrasts
    options(contrasts = c(contr.unordered, contr.ordered))
    rhs <- model.matrix(formula, rhs.frame)
    options(contrasts = op.c)
    # Add factor.names to right-hand matrix
    factor.names <- attr(attr(rhs.frame, "terms"), "term.labels")
    attr(rhs, "factor.names") <- factor.names

#' INTERNAL: Checks that right-hand matrix isn't rank-deficient 
#' by getting the QR decomposition of the RHS
#' @author Zarrar Shehzad
#' @param rhs right hand matrix
#' @param factors2perm factors to permute
#' @return QR decomposition of rhs, this includes added attributes: 
#'         grps, u.grps, factor.names, & factor2perm
mdmr_model.qr <- function(rhs, factors2perm=NULL)
    # Assign attributes
    grps <- attr(rhs, "assign")
    factor.names <- attr(rhs, "factor.names")
    # Check attributes
    if (is.null(grps))
        stop("missing attribute 'assign' in rhs")
    if (is.null(factor.names))
        stop("missing attribute 'factor.names' in rhs")
    # QR decomposition
    qrhs <- qr(rhs)
    # Relate each regressor to a factor id    
    grps <- grps[qrhs$pivot][1:qrhs$rank]
    u.grps <- unique(grps)
    attr(qrhs, "grps") <- grps
    attr(qrhs, "u.grps") <- u.grps
    # Factor names
    factor.names <- factor.names[u.grps]
    attr(qrhs, "factor.names") <- factor.names
    # Check factor.names
    # 'adj' will adjust the index of factors2perm by given amount (0 or 1)
    if (length(factor.names) == (length(u.grps) - 1)) {
        adj <- 1
    } else if (length(factor.names) == length(u.grps)) {
        adj <- 0
    } else {
        stop(paste("factor.names must have length equal to or one less than", 
                   "length of u.grps"))
    # Permuted factors
    if (is.null(factors2perm)) {
        factors2perm <- 1:length(factor.names)
        names(factors2perm) <- factor.names
    } else if (is.character(factors2perm)) {
        factors2perm <- sapply(factors2perm, function(pname) {
            which(factor.names == pname)
    } else {
        vstop("unidentified type for factors2perm (%s), must be null or character", 
    factors2perm <- factors2perm + adj
    attr(qrhs, "factors2perm") <- factors2perm
    # Permuted columns (associated with permuted factors)
    cols2perm <- lapply(factors2perm, function(ui) {
        which(grps == u.grps[ui])
    attr(qrhs, "cols2perm") <- cols2perm

#' INTERNAL: Checks that right-handed model matrix isn't rank-deficient 
#' and adjusts the model matrix ordering and number of columns
#' @author Zarrar Shehzad
#' @param rhs Right hand matrix
#' @param qrhs QR decomposition of right hand matrix
#' @param throw_error Whether or not to stop the program if rank-deficient
#' @return QR decomposition of rhs, this includes added attributes: 
#'         grps, u.grps, factor.names, & factor2perm
mdmr_model.rank <- function(rhs, qrhs, throw_error=TRUE)
    # Check rank
    if (qrhs$rank < ncol(rhs)) {
        bad_cols <- paste(qrhs$pivot[-c(1:qrhs$rank)], collapse=", ")
        bad_colnames <- paste(colnames(rhs)[bad_cols], collapse=", ")
        msg <- sprintf("model is rank deficient, check cols %s (%s)", 
                        bad_cols, bad_colnames)
        if (throw_error) {
        } else {
    # Fix RHS based on rank and pivot
    rhs <- rhs[, qrhs$pivot, drop = FALSE]
    rhs <- rhs[, 1:qrhs$rank, drop = FALSE]

#' INTERNAL: Calculates the hat matrix for the variable of interest or H2
#' @author Zarrar Shehzad
#' @param rhs right-hand matrix
#' @param grps vector indicating the factor index for each regressor
#' @param f.ind factor index to examine
#' @param o.inds vector of indices for observations (e.g., for a permutation), 
#'               default is not to permute.
#' @param permute character indicating how to permute H2, can be 'rhs', 'hat', or 'hat_with_covariates'
#'                the actual permutation indices are given with o.inds.
#'                the rhs option will permute rows in the rhs matrix for 
#'                columns with given factor (f.ind), the hat option will 
#'                directly permute rows and columns of H2 matrix, and the 
#'                hat_with_covariates option will multiply the output of h2 by
#'                (I - H1)
#' @return hat matrix
mdmr_model.hat_matrix_2 <- function(rhs, grps, f.ind, o.inds=NULL, permute="rhs_residuals")
    TOL <- 1e-07
    u.grps <- unique(grps)
    nobs <- nrow(rhs)
    if (is.null(o.inds))
        o.inds <- 1:nobs
    else if (!all(o.inds %in% (1:nobs)))
        stop("each element in o.inds must in range 1 to # of observations")
    # Permutes rhs and then calculates H2 matrix
    permute_rhs <- function() {
        # H
        Xj <- rhs
        cols <- grps %in% u.grps[f.ind]
        Xj[,cols] <- Xj[o.inds,cols]
        qrX <- qr(Xj, tol=TOL)
        Q <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H <- tcrossprod(Q[,1:qrX$rank])
        # H2
        cols <- grps %in% u.grps[-f.ind]
        Xj <- rhs[,cols]
        qrX <- qr(Xj, tol = TOL)
        Q <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H2 <- H - tcrossprod(Q[, 1:qrX$rank])
    # Permutes residuals of rhs column of interest and then calculate H2 matrix
    permute_rhs_residuals <- function() {
        # H
        Xj      <- rhs
        cols    <- grps %in% u.grps[f.ind]
        ## permute residuals
        for (i in which(cols)) {
            model   <- lm(Xj[,i] ~ Xj[,!cols])
            Xj[,i]  <- model$residuals[o.inds] + model$fitted.values
        ## hat matrixx
        qrX     <- qr(Xj, tol=TOL)
        Q       <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H       <- tcrossprod(Q[,1:qrX$rank])
        # H2
        cols    <- grps %in% u.grps[-f.ind]
        Xj      <- rhs[,cols]
        qrX     <- qr(Xj, tol = TOL)
        Q       <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H2      <- H - tcrossprod(Q[, 1:qrX$rank])
    # Calculates H2 matrix and then permutes
    permute_hat <- function() {
        # H
        Xj <- rhs
        qrX <- qr(Xj, tol=TOL)
        Q <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H <- tcrossprod(Q[,1:qrX$rank])
        # H2
        cols <- grps %in% u.grps[-f.ind]
        Xj <- rhs[,cols]
        qrX <- qr(Xj, tol = TOL)
        Q <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H2 <- H - tcrossprod(Q[, 1:qrX$rank])
    # Calculates H2 matrix, multiplies by I-H1, and then permutes
    permute_hat_with_covariates <- function() {
        # H
        Xj <- rhs
        qrX <- qr(Xj, tol=TOL)
        Q <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H <- tcrossprod(Q[,1:qrX$rank])
        # H1
        cols <- grps %in% u.grps[f.ind]
        Xj <- rhs[,cols]
        qrX <- qr(Xj, tol = TOL)
        Q <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H1 <- H - tcrossprod(Q[, 1:qrX$rank])
        # IH1
        IH1 <- diag(nobs) - H1
        # H2
        cols <- grps %in% u.grps[-f.ind]
        Xj <- rhs[,cols]
        qrX <- qr(Xj, tol = TOL)
        Q <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H2 <- H - tcrossprod(Q[, 1:qrX$rank])
        IH1 %*% H2[o.inds,o.inds] %*% IH1
    H2 <- switch(permute, 
        rhs = permute_rhs(), 
        rhs_residuals = permute_rhs_residuals(), 
        hat = permute_hat(), 
        hat_with_covariates = permute_hat_with_covariates(), 
        stop(sprintf("permute must be rhs, hat, or hat_with_covariates and not %s", permute))

#' INTERNAL: Calculates 1 minus the full-model matrix (used for residual stuff)
#' @author Zarrar Shehzad
#' @param rhs right-hand matrix
#' @param grps vector indicating the factor index for each regressor
#' @param f.ind factor index to examine
#' @param o.inds vector of indices for observations (e.g., for a permutation), 
#'               default is not to permute.
#' @param permute character indicating how to permute IH, can be 'rhs', 'hat', or 'hat_with_covariates'
#'                the actual permutation indices are given with o.inds.
#'                the rhs option will permute rows in the rhs matrix for 
#'                columns with given factor (f.ind), the hat option will 
#'                directly permute rows and columns of H2 matrix, and the 
#'                hat_with_covariates option will multiply the output of h2 by
#'                (I - H1)
#' @return hat matrix
mdmr_model.hat_matrix_ih <- function(rhs, grps, f.ind, o.inds=NULL, permute="rhs_residuals")
    TOL <- 1e-07
    u.grps <- unique(grps)
    nobs <- nrow(rhs)
    if (is.null(o.inds)) 
        o.inds <- 1:nobs
    # Permutes rhs and then calculates H2 matrix
    permute_rhs <- function() {
        # H
        Xj <- rhs
        cols <- grps %in% u.grps[f.ind]
        Xj[,cols] <- Xj[o.inds,cols]
        qrX <- qr(Xj, tol=TOL)
        Q <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H <- tcrossprod(Q[,1:qrX$rank])
        diag(nobs) - H
    # Permutes residuals of rhs column of interest and then calculate H2 matrix
    permute_rhs_residuals <- function() {
        # H
        Xj      <- rhs
        cols    <- grps %in% u.grps[f.ind]
        ## permute residuals
        for (i in which(cols)) {
            model   <- lm(Xj[,i] ~ Xj[,!cols])
            Xj[,i]  <- model$residuals[o.inds] + model$fitted.values
        ## hat matrixx
        qrX     <- qr(Xj, tol=TOL)
        Q       <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H       <- tcrossprod(Q[,1:qrX$rank])
        diag(nobs) - H
    # Calculates IH matrix and then permutes
    permute_hat <- function() {
        # H
        Xj <- rhs
        qrX <- qr(Xj, tol=TOL)
        Q <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H <- tcrossprod(Q[,1:qrX$rank])
        IH <- diag(nobs) - H
    # Calculates H2 matrix, multiplies by I-H1, and then permutes
    permute_hat_with_covariates <- function() {
        # H
        Xj <- rhs
        qrX <- qr(Xj, tol=TOL)
        Q <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H <- tcrossprod(Q[,1:qrX$rank])
        # IH
        IH <- diag(nobs) - H
        # H1
        cols <- grps %in% u.grps[f.ind]
        Xj <- rhs[,cols]
        qrX <- qr(Xj, tol = TOL)
        Q <- qr.Q(qrX)
        H1 <- H - tcrossprod(Q[, 1:qrX$rank])
        # IH1
        IH1 <- diag(nobs) - H1
        IH1 %*% IH[o.inds,o.inds] %*% IH1
    IH <- switch(permute, 
        rhs = permute_rhs(), 
        rhs_residuals = permute_rhs_residuals(), 
        hat = permute_hat(), 
        hat_with_covariates = permute_hat_with_covariates(), 
        stop(sprintf("permute must be rhs, hat, or hat_with_covariates and not %s", permute))

#' Calculates the various hat matrices
#' @author Zarrar Shehzad
#' @param rhs Right-hand matrix
#' @param qrhs QR deconmposition of right-hand matrix
#' @return list of different hat matrices
mdmr_model.hat_matrices <- function(rhs, qrhs, perms=NULL)
    grps <- attr(qrhs, "grps")
    u.grps <- unique(grps)
    factors2perm <- attr(qrhs, "factors2perm")
    nobs <- nrow(rhs)
    if (is.null(perms))
        perms <- 1:nobs
    H2s <- lapply(factors2perm, function(j) 
                    mdmr_model.hat_matrix_2(rhs, grps, j, perms))
    IHs <- lapply(factors2perm, function(j) 
                    mdmr_model.hat_matrix_ih(rhs, grps, j, perms))
    # Return
        H2s = H2s, 
        IHs = IHs

#' Calculates the degrees of freedom
#' @author Zarrar Shehzad
#' @param qrhs QR decomposition of model matrix
#' @return list of dfs of residual and predictor variables
mdmr_model.df <- function(qrhs)
    n <- nrow(qrhs$qr)
    grps <- attr(qrhs, "grps")
    u.grps <- attr(qrhs, "u.grps")
    factors2perm <- attr(qrhs, "factors2perm")
    df.Res <- n - qrhs$rank
    df.Exp <- sapply(u.grps[factors2perm], function(i) sum(grps == i))
        res = df.Res, 
        exp = df.Exp

#parallel.perm = function(D.array, X, test.columns=ncol(X), permat=NULL, nperm=if (!is.null(permat)) ncol(permat) else 999, H2mat=NULL, IHmat=NULL, report.every=50) {
#	require(MASS)
#	n = nrow(X)
#	if (is.null(permat)) {
#		permat = matrix(NA, n, nperm)
#		for (k in 1:nperm) permat[ , k] = sample(n)
#	}
#	ndim = length(dim(D.array))
#    if (ndim==2) D.mat = D.array
#    else if (ndim==3) D.mat = matrix(D.array, ncol=dim(D.array)[3])
#    else stop("'D.array' must be either 3-way array of distance matrices, or a matrix whose columns are vectorized distance matrices")
#    if (nrow(D.mat) != n^2) stop("Distance matrices in 'D.array' must be n x n, where n is the number of rows of 'X'")
#    Amat = -D.mat[,]*D.mat[,]/2
#    H = X %*% ginv(X)
#    IH = diag(n) - H
#    H2 = H - X[ , -test.columns] %*% ginv(X[ , -test.columns])
#    if (is.null(H2mat)) {        
#        H2mat = IHmat = matrix(NA, n^2, nperm)
#        for (k in 1:nperm) {
#    	    if (k %% report.every==0) cat("Permutation", k, "\n")
#    	    prm = permat[ , k]
#    	    H2mat[ , k] = H2[prm, prm]
#    	    IHmat[ , k] = IH[prm, prm]
#    	}
#        # H2mat = H2mat - 1/n  # no!!!
#    }
#    F = ((n-ncol(X)) / length(test.columns)) * as.vector(crossprod(Amat, as.vector(H2)) / crossprod(Amat, as.vector(IH)))
#    permF = ((n-ncol(X)) / length(test.columns)) * crossprod(H2mat, Amat) / crossprod(IHmat, Amat)
#    maxpermF=apply(permF, 1, max)
#    list(F=F, permF=permF, pvalue=apply(rbind(F, permF), 2, function(v) sum(v[1]<=v)) / (nperm+1), maxpermF=maxpermF, corrected.p=(rowSums(outer(F, maxpermF, "<="))+1) / (nperm+1), H2mat=H2mat, IHmat=IHmat)
#H2mat[ , k] = (I-H1) %*% H2[prm, prm] %*% (I-H1)
#IHmat[ , k] = (I-H1) %*% IH[prm, prm] %*% (I-H1)
czarrar/connectir documentation built on Nov. 22, 2020, 12:13 p.m.