
Defines functions compute_subdist_worker3_regress compute_subdist_worker3 compute_subdist3 compute_subdist_sge_wrapper3 compute_subdist_wrapper3 test_sdist .subdist_distance .distance_mahalanobis .distance_chebyshev .distance_euclidean .distance_concordance_ref .distance_concordance .distance_kendall .distance_spearman .distance_icov .distance_pearson_shrink .distance_pearson .distance_quick_fix

.distance_quick_fix <- function(dmat) {
    diag(dmat) <- 0
    dmat[is.na(dmat)] <- 0

.distance_pearson <- function(seedMaps, dmats, colind, transpose=FALSE, ...) {
    TOL <- .Machine$double.eps
    scale_fast(seedMaps, to.copy=FALSE, byrows=transpose)
    .Call("subdist_pearson_distance", seedMaps, dmats, as.double(colind), 
          as.logical(transpose), as.double(TOL), PACKAGE="connectir")
    dmat <- matrix(dmats[,colind], sqrt(nrow(dmats)))
    dmats[,colind] <- .distance_quick_fix(dmat)

.distance_pearson_shrink <- function(seedMaps, dmats, colind, transpose=FALSE, ...) {
    TOL <- .Machine$double.eps
    seedMaps <- ifelse(transpose, t(seedMaps[,]), seedMaps[,])
    dmat <- sqrt(2*((1+TOL) - cor.shrink(seedMaps, verbose=FALSE, ...)[,]))

.distance_icov <- function(seedMaps, dmats, colind, transpose=FALSE, ...) {
    TOL <- .Machine$double.eps
	# since we are just centering
	center_fast(seedMaps, to.copy=FALSE, byrows=transpose)
	# big_cor will give covariance & not correlation matrix
	oc <- big_cor(seedMaps, byrows=transpose)
	if (transpose)
		r <- norm_glasso(t(oc[,]), ...)
		r <- norm_glasso(oc[,], ...)
    dmat <- sqrt(2*((1+TOL) - r))
    dmats[,colind] <- .distance_quick_fix(dmat)
	rm(oc, r); gc(F,T)

.distance_spearman <- function(seedMaps, dmats, colind, transpose=FALSE, ...) {
    seedMaps <- ifelse(transpose, t(seedMaps[,]), seedMaps[,])
    smat <- cor(seedMaps, method="spearman")
    dmat <- sqrt(2*(1-smat))
    dmats[,colind] <- .distance_quick_fix(dmat)

.distance_kendall <- function(seedMaps, dmats, colind, transpose=FALSE, ...) {    
    seedMaps <- ifelse(transpose, t(seedMaps[,]), seedMaps[,])
    smat <- cor(seedMaps, method="kendall")
    dmat <- sqrt(2*(1-smat))
    dmats[,colind] <- .distance_quick_fix(dmat)

.distance_concordance <- function(seedMaps, dmats, colind, transpose=FALSE, ...) {
    TOL <- .Machine$double.eps
    if (transpose)
        seedMaps <- as.big.matrix(t(seedMaps[,]))
    n   <- ncol(seedMaps)
    k   <- nrow(seedMaps)
    b   <- colmean(seedMaps)
    s2  <- colvar(seedMaps) * (k-1)/k

    scale_fast(seedMaps, to.copy=FALSE)
    r   <- big_cor(seedMaps)[,]
    r   <- r[lower.tri(r)]

    s2m <- as.matrix(s2)
    sxy <- r * sqrt(pair.prod(s2m))
    p   <- 2 * sxy/(pair.sum(s2m) + (pair.diff(s2m))^2)
    pd  <- sqrt(2*((1+TOL)-p))
    class(pd) <- "dist"
    attr(pd, 'Size') <- n
    pd  <- as.matrix(pd)

    dmats[,colind] <- .distance_quick_fix(pd)

# below not really to be used
.distance_concordance_ref <- function(seedMaps, dmats, colind, transpose=FALSE, ...) {
    seedMaps <- ifelse(transpose, t(seedMaps[,]), seedMaps[,])
    n <- ncol(seedMaps)
    smat <- matrix(1, n, n)
    for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
        for (j in (i+1):n) {
            smat[i,j] <- smat[j,i] <- epi.ccc(seedMaps[,i], seedMaps[,j])$rho.c[[1]]
    dmats[,colind] <- sqrt(2*as.vector(1-smat))

.distance_euclidean <- function(seedMaps, dmats, colind, transpose=FALSE, ...) {
    # Since the euclidean dist is based on row comparison, 
    # the transpose has an opposite function here than the other fcts
    seedMaps <- ifelse(transpose, seedMaps[,], t(seedMaps[,]))
    dmat <- as.matrix(dist(seedMaps, method="euclidean"))
    dmats[,colind] <- .distance_quick_fix(dmat)

.distance_chebyshev <- function(seedMaps, dmats, colind, transpose=FALSE, ...) {
    seedMaps <- ifelse(transpose, t(seedMaps[,]), seedMaps[,])
    n <- ncol(seedMaps)
    dmat <- matrix(0, n, n)
    for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
        for (j in (i+1):n) {
            dmat[i,j] <- dmat[j,i] <- max(abs(seedMaps[,i] - seedMaps[,j]))
    dmats[,colind] <- .distance_quick_fix(dmat)    

.distance_mahalanobis <- function(seedMaps, dmats, colind, transpose=FALSE, ...) {
    seedMaps <- ifelse(transpose, t(seedMaps[,]), seedMaps[,])
    invCov <- solve(cov(seedMaps))
    SQRT <- with(svd(invCov), u %*% diag(d^0.5) %*% t(v))
    dmat <- as.matrix(dist(seedMaps %*% SQRT))
    dmats[,colind] <- .distance_quick_fix(dmat)

.subdist_distance <- function(seedMaps, dmats, colind, 
                              transpose=FALSE, method="pearson", ...)
    dfun <- get(sprintf(".distance_%s", method))
    dfun(seedMaps, dmats, colind, transpose, ...)

test_sdist <- function(...) .subdist_distance(...)

compute_subdist_wrapper3 <- function(sub.funcs1, list.dists, 
                                    blocksize, superblocksize, 
                                    verbose=1, parallel=FALSE, ...)
    verbosity <- verbose
    verbose <- as.logical(verbose)
    sdist <- list.dists$sdist
    gdist <- list.dists$gdist
    bpath <- list.dists$bpath
    zcheck1 <- c(); zcheck2 <- c()
    nsubs <- length(sub.funcs1)
    if (nsubs != length(sub.funcs2))
        stop("length mismatch between 2 set of functional files")
    nvoxs <- ncol(sdist)
    superblocks <- niftir.split.indices(1, nvoxs, by=superblocksize)
    if (!is.null(design_mat)) {
        k <- qlm_rank(design_mat)
        if (k < ncol(design_mat))
            stop("design matrix is rank deficient")
    vcat(verbose, "will run through %i large blocks", superblocks$n)
    for (i in 1:superblocks$n) {
        vcat(verbose, "large block %i", i)
        start.time <- Sys.time()
        firstSeed <- superblocks$start[i]; lastSeed <- superblocks$ends[i]
        firstDist <- 1; lastDist <- lastSeed - firstSeed + 1
        ncol <- lastDist
        # create temporary RAM-based matrix
        vcat(verbose, "...creating temporary distance matrices")
        tmp_sdist <- big.matrix(nsubs^2, ncol, type="double", shared=parallel)
        # subdist
        vcat(verbose, "...compute distances")
        compute_subdist3(sub.funcs1, firstSeed, lastSeed, sub.funcs2, 
                         tmp_sdist, firstDist, lastDist, 
                         blocksize=blocksize, design_mat=design_mat, 
                         verbose=verbosity, parallel=parallel, type="double", 
        # save subdist
        vcat(verbose, "...saving distances")
        firstCol <- superblocks$start[i]; lastCol <- superblocks$ends[i]
        sub_sdist <- sub.big.matrix(sdist, firstCol=firstCol, lastCol=lastCol, 
        deepcopy(x=tmp_sdist, y=sub_sdist)
        ## checks
        tmp <- (sub_sdist[2,]!=0)*1 + 1
        zcheck1 <- c(zcheck1, tmp)
        if (any(tmp==1))
            vcat(verbose, "...there are %i bad voxels", sum(tmp==1))
        ## clear file-backed RAM usage
        flush(sub_sdist); flush(sdist)
        rm(sub_sdist); gc(FALSE, TRUE)
        sdist <- free.memory(sdist, bpath)

        # gower centered matrices
        vcat(verbose, "...gower centering")
        sub_gdist <- sub.big.matrix(gdist, firstCol=firstCol, lastCol=lastCol, 
        gower.subdist2(tmp_sdist, outmat=sub_gdist, verbose=verbosity, parallel=parallel)
        ## checks
        tmp <- (sub_gdist[2,]!=0)*1 + 1
        zcheck2 <- c(zcheck2, tmp)
        if (any(tmp==1))
            vcat(verbose, "...there are %i bad voxels", sum(tmp==1))
        ## clear file-backed RAM usage
        flush(sub_gdist); flush(gdist)
        rm(sub_gdist); gc(FALSE, TRUE)
        gdist <- free.memory(gdist, bpath)
        # remove temporary matrix
        rm(tmp_sdist); gc(FALSE, TRUE)
        # how long?
        end.time <- Sys.time()
        time.total <- as.numeric(end.time-start.time, units="mins")
        time.left <- time.total*(superblocks$n-i)
        vcat(verbose, "...took %.1f minutes (%.1f minutes left)\n", 
             time.total, time.left)
    list(sdist=zcheck1, gdist=zcheck2)

compute_subdist_sge_wrapper3 <- function(inlist1, list.dists, 
                                         blocksize, superblocksize, 
                                         verbose=1, parallel=FALSE, ...)
    # Variables to indicate level of verbosity
    ## inform will show debugging information
    inform <- verbose==2
    verbosity <- verbose
    verbose <- as.logical(verbose)
    vcat(verbose, "Subject Distances SGE Wrapper")
    # Subject and Gower Distance Matrices
    ## want to get filenames and path since will load within caller function
    sdist.fname <- describe(list.dists$sdist)$filename
    gdist.fname <- describe(list.dists$gdist)$filename
    bpath <- list.dists$bpath
    # Confirm that output matrices are file-backed
    if (!is.filebacked(lists.dists$sdist) || !is.filebacked(lists.dists$gdist))
        stop("Output distance and gower matrices must be file-backed")
    # N details
    ## # of subjects
    nsubs <- length(inlist1$files)
    if (!is.null(inlist2) && nsubs != length(inlist2$files))
        stop("length mismatch between 2 set of functional files")
    ## # of voxels
    nvoxs <- ncol(list.dists$sdist)
    if (nvoxs != sum(inlist1$mask))
        stop("nvoxs in distance matrix does not match nvoxs in mask")
    # Super Blocks
    ## steps in which will go through the voxels or ROIs (related to inlist1)
    superblocks <- niftir.split.indices(1, nvoxs, by=superblocksize)
    # Design Matrix
    ## includes factors to regress out before computing connectivity
    if (!is.null(design_mat)) {
        ## check rank deficiency
        k <- qlm_rank(design_mat)
        if (k < ncol(design_mat))
            stop("design matrix is rank deficient")
        ## since Rsge won't properly copy a big.matrix for each job
        ## convert it to a regular matrix for now
        design_mat <- as.matrix(design_mat)
    # Scale the time-series?
    ## no scaling if connectivity is computed via an inverse covariance matrix
    glasso <- list(...)$glasso
    scale <- ifelse(is.null(glasso), FALSE, !glasso)
    # Function that does the heavy lifting (somewhat)
    caller_for_superblocks <- function(i) {
        vcat(verbose, "large block %i", i)
        start.time <- Sys.time()
        # Indices
        ## The subset of seeds (voxels/ROIs) for this block
        ## in the complete distance matrix
        firstSeed <- superblocks$start[i]; lastSeed <- superblocks$ends[i]
        ## The associated index location
        ## in the temporary distance matrix
        firstDist <- 1; lastDist <- lastSeed - firstSeed + 1
        ncol <- lastDist
        # Convert design mat to big matrix
        ## should have been in the env as a matrix
        design_mat <- as.big.matrix(design_mat)
        # Load output (distances)
        vcat(verbose, "...loading file-backed distance matrices")
        sdist <- attach.big.matrix(sdist.fname, backingpath=bpath)
        gdist <- attach.big.matrix(gdist.fname, backingpath=bpath)
        # Load inputs (functional data)
        vcat(verbose, "...loading and scaling functional data - set #1")
        inlist1 <- load_funcs.read(inlist1, verbose, type="double", 
        inlist1 <- load_funcs.scale(inlist1, verbose, parallel=parallel, 
        if (is.null(inlist2)) {
            vcat(verbose, "...copying set #1 => set #2")
            inlist2 <- inlist1
        } else {
            vcat(verbose, "...loading and scaling functional data - set #2")
            inlist2 <- load_funcs.read(inlist2, verbose, type="double", 
            inlist2 <- load_funcs.scale(inlist2, verbose, parallel=parallel, 
        # Temporary RAM-based matrix (subset of distances)
        vcat(verbose, "...creating temporary distance matrices")
        tmp_sdist <- big.matrix(nsubs^2, ncol, type="double", shared=parallel)
        # Distance Computation
        ## hand off to another function
        vcat(verbose, "...compute distances")
        compute_subdist3(inlist1$funcs, firstSeed, lastSeed, inlist2$funcs, 
                         tmp_sdist, firstDist, lastDist, 
                         blocksize=blocksize, design_mat=design_mat, 
                         verbose=verbosity, parallel=parallel, type="double", 
        # Save distances
        vcat(verbose, "...saving distances")
        sub_sdist <- sub.big.matrix(sdist, firstCol=firstSeed, lastCol=lastSeed, 
        deepcopy(x=tmp_sdist, y=sub_sdist)
        ## checks
        zcheck1 <- (sub_sdist[2,]!=0)*1 + 1
        if (any(zcheck1==1))
            vcat(verbose, "...there are %i bad voxels", sum(zcheck1==1))
        ## clear file-backed RAM usage
        flush(sub_sdist); flush(sdist)
        rm(sub_sdist, sdist); invisible(gc(FALSE, TRUE))
        # Gower center distances
        vcat(verbose, "...gower centering")
        sub_gdist <- sub.big.matrix(gdist, firstCol=firstSeed, lastCol=lastSeed, 
        gower.subdist2(tmp_sdist, outmat=sub_gdist, verbose=verbosity, parallel=parallel)
        ## checks
        tmp <- (sub_gdist[2,]!=0)*1 + 1
        zcheck2 <- c(zcheck2, tmp)
        if (any(zcheck2==1))
            vcat(verbose, "...there are %i bad voxels", sum(zcheck2==1))
        ## clear file-backed RAM usage
        flush(sub_gdist); flush(gdist)
        rm(sub_gdist, gdist); invisible(gc(FALSE, TRUE))
        # Remove temporary distances
        rm(tmp_sdist); invisible(gc(FALSE, TRUE))
        # How long did it take?
        end.time <- Sys.time()
        time.total <- as.numeric(end.time-start.time, units="mins")
        time.left <- time.total*(superblocks$n-i)
        vcat(verbose, "...took %.1f minutes (%.1f minutes left)\n", 
             time.total, time.left)
        # Return the results of the two checks
        return(list(sdist=zcheck1, gdist=zscheck2))
    vcat(verbose, "will run through %i large blocks", superblocks$n)
    if (sge.info$run) {
        list.checks <- sge.parLapply(1:superblocks$n, caller_for_superblocks, 
                                    debug=inform, trace=inform, 
    } else {
        # This part is only here for debugging
        list.checks <- lapply(1:superblocks$n, caller_for_superblocks)
    # Collate outputs from checks
    zcheck1 <- c(); zcheck2 <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(list.checks)) {
        zcheck1 <- c(zcheck1, list.checks$zcheck1)
        zcheck2 <- c(zcheck2, list.checks$zcheck2)
    # Return only the checks
    return(list(sdist=zcheck1, gdist=zcheck2))

compute_subdist3 <- function(sub.funcs1, firstSeed, lastSeed, sub.funcs2, 
                             dmats, firstDist, lastDist, 
                             design_mat=NULL, verbose=1, parallel=FALSE, 
    nseeds <- lastSeed - firstSeed + 1
    ndists <- lastDist - firstDist + 1
    if (nseeds != ndists)
        stop("length mismatch between # of seeds  and # of distance matrices")
    seeds <- firstSeed:lastSeed
    dists <- firstDist:lastDist
    blocks <- niftir.split.indices(2, nseeds-1, by=blocksize)
    use_shared <- ifelse(parallel, TRUE, FALSE)
    progress <- ifelse(as.logical(verbose), "text", "none")
    inform <- verbose==2
    verbose <- as.logical(verbose)
    if (!is.big.matrix(sub.funcs1[[1]]) || !is.big.matrix(sub.funcs2[[1]]) || !is.big.matrix(dmats))
        stop("inputs and outputs must be big matrices")
    if (parallel && (!is.shared(sub.funcs1[[1]]) || !is.shared(sub.funcs2[[1]]) || !is.shared(dmats)))
        stop("if running in parallel inputs and outputs must be of type shared")
    if (is.null(design_mat)) {
        dfun <- function(starti, lasti, ...) {
            sub.firstSeed <- seeds[starti]; sub.lastSeed <- seeds[lasti]
            sub.firstDist <- dists[starti]; sub.lastDist <- dists[lasti]
            compute_subdist_worker3(sub.funcs1, sub.firstSeed, sub.lastSeed, sub.funcs2, 
                                    dmats, sub.firstDist, sub.lastDist, 
                                    shared=FALSE, ...)
    } else {
        dfun <- function(starti, lasti, ...) {
            sub.firstSeed <- seeds[starti]; sub.lastSeed <- seeds[lasti]
            sub.firstDist <- dists[starti]; sub.lastDist <- dists[lasti]
            compute_subdist_worker3_regress(sub.funcs1, sub.firstSeed, sub.lastSeed, sub.funcs2, 
                                            dmats, sub.firstDist, sub.lastDist, 
                                            shared=FALSE, ...)
    # Test
    vcat(verbose, "...running a test on first seed")
    dfun(1, 1, ...)
    check_dmat(matrix(dmats[,dists[1]], sqrt(nrow(dmats))))
    vcat(verbose, "...running a test on last seed")
    dfun(ndists, ndists, ...)
    check_dmat(matrix(dmats[,dists[ndists]], sqrt(nrow(dmats))))
    # Subdist Calculation
    vcat(verbose, "...now the real deal with %i blocks and %i seeds", blocks$n, nseeds-2)
    llply(1:blocks$n, function(i, ...) {
        starti <- blocks$starts[i]; lasti <- blocks$ends[i]
        dfun(starti, lasti, ...)
    }, ..., .progress=progress, .parallel=parallel, .inform=inform)

compute_subdist_worker3 <- function(sub.funcs1, firstSeed, lastSeed, sub.funcs2, 
                                    dmats, firstDist, lastDist, 
                                    ztransform=FALSE, method="pearson", 
                                    type="double", shared=FALSE, ...)
    nsubs <- length(sub.funcs1)
    nvoxs <- ncol(sub.funcs2[[1]])
    nseeds <- lastSeed - firstSeed + 1
    ndists <- lastDist - firstDist + 1
    if (nseeds != ndists)
        stop("mismatch in length of seed and distance matrix indices")
    voxs <- 1:nvoxs
    seeds <- firstSeed:lastSeed
    dists <- firstDist:lastDist
    subs.cormaps <- vbca_batch3(sub.funcs1, c(firstSeed, lastSeed), sub.funcs2, 
                                type=type, shared=shared, ...)
    # check first subject for any inf or NAs and save those
    seedCorMaps <- big.matrix(nvoxs, nsubs, type=type, shared=shared)
    for (i in 1:nseeds) {
        .Call("subdist_combine_submaps", subs.cormaps, as.double(i), 
              as.double(voxs), seedCorMaps, PACKAGE="connectir")
        .subdist_distance(seedCorMaps, dmats, dists[i], FALSE, method)
    rm(subs.cormaps, seedCorMaps)
    gc(FALSE, TRUE)

compute_subdist_worker3_regress <- function(sub.funcs1, firstSeed, lastSeed, sub.funcs2, 
                                            dmats, firstDist, lastDist, 
                                            ztransform=FALSE, method="pearson", 
                                            type="double", shared=FALSE, ...)
    nsubs <- length(sub.funcs1)
    nvoxs <- ncol(sub.funcs2[[1]])
    nseeds <- lastSeed - firstSeed + 1
    ndists <- lastDist - firstDist + 1
    if (nseeds != ndists)
        stop("mismatch in length of seed and distance matrix indices")
    voxs <- 1:nvoxs
    seeds <- firstSeed:lastSeed
    dists <- firstDist:lastDist
    subs.cormaps <- vbca_batch3(sub.funcs1, c(firstSeed, lastSeed), sub.funcs2, 
                                type=type, shared=shared, ...)
    seedCorMaps <- big.matrix(nsubs, nvoxs, type=type, shared=shared)
    r_seedCorMaps <- big.matrix(nsubs, nvoxs, type=type, shared=shared)
    for (i in 1:nseeds) {
        .Call("subdist_combine_and_trans_submaps", subs.cormaps, as.double(i), 
              as.double(voxs), seedCorMaps, PACKAGE="connectir")
        qlm_residuals(seedCorMaps, design_mat, FALSE, r_seedCorMaps, TRUE)
        .subdist_distance(r_seedCorMaps, dmats, dists[i], TRUE, method)
    rm(subs.cormaps, seedCorMaps)
    gc(FALSE, TRUE)
czarrar/connectir documentation built on Nov. 22, 2020, 12:13 p.m.