#' Create a series of sections, displayed sequentially.
#' To begin a section, call [begin_section()] with the desired section, to end a section, call [end_section()].
#' @param ... named sections, to be displayed in the given order.
#' @param .group_id id for this group of sections.
#' @return a list of sections.
#' @importFrom shinyjs useShinyjs
#' @importFrom shiny NS
#' @export
create_sections <- function (..., .group_id) {
section_titles <- list(...)
if (is.null(names(section_titles)) || any(names(section_titles) == '')) {
stop("All sections must have names.")
group_id <- if (missing(.group_id)) {
} else {
paste('seq-section', .group_id, sep = '_')
sections <- vector('list', length(section_titles))
names(sections) <- names(section_titles)
for (i in seq_along(sections)) {
next_section_id <- if (i < length(sections)) {
as.character(i + 1L)
} else {
sections[[i]] <- structure(list(group_id = group_id, sid = as.character(i), next_sid = next_section_id,
id = NS(group_id, i), title = render_markdown_as_html(section_titles[[i]])),
class = 'sequential_section')
return(structure(sections, class = 'sequential_sections', gid = group_id))
#' Initialize sections for this session
#' @param sections the sections object
#' @param hide should sections be hidden by default.
#' @param randomize_order randomize the order of sections. Can be a vector defining "strata"
#' (`NA` meaning "leave section in this order").
#' @return sections in the new order.
#' @importFrom shiny getDefaultReactiveDomain
#' @importFrom shinyjs useShinyjs
#' @export
init_sections <- function (sections, hide = TRUE, randomize_order = FALSE, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
assert_class(sections, 'sequential_sections')
if (isTRUE(randomize_order)) {
randomize_order <- seq_along(sections)
} else if (!isFALSE(randomize_order) & !isTRUE(length(sections) == length(randomize_order))) {
stop('If `randomize_order` is a vector defining strata, it must be the same length as `sections`')
useShinyjs(html = TRUE)
if (!isFALSE(randomize_order)) {
sections <- .reorder_sections(sections, randomize_order)
callModule(.init_sections_module, attr(sections, 'gid', TRUE), sections = sections, hide = hide)
## Reorder the sections based on strata.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
.reorder_sections <- function (sections, strata) {
gid <- attr(sections, 'gid', TRUE)
uq_strata <- unique(na.omit(strata))
strata_order <- sample.int(length(uq_strata))
rand_strata <- unlist(lapply(uq_strata[strata_order], function (st) {
which(strata == st)
rand_order <- seq_along(strata)
rand_order[!is.na(strata)] <- rand_strata
sections <- sections[rand_order]
for (i in seq_len(length(sections) - 1L)) {
sections[[i]]$next_sid <- sections[[i + 1L]]$sid
sections[[length(sections)]]$next_sid <- NULL
attr(sections, 'gid') <- gid
#' Show a specific section.
#' @param section section to show.
#' @param session shiny reactive domain.
#' @param hide_others hide all other sections.
#' @importFrom shiny getDefaultReactiveDomain
#' @importFrom shinyjs hideElement showElement
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_class
#' @export
show_section <- function (section, hide_others = TRUE) {
if (!inherits(section, 'sequential_section')) {
section <- list(
group_id = sub('^(.+)-[0-9]+$', '\\1', section),
sid = sub('^.+-([0-9]+)$', '\\1', section)
callModule(.show_section_module, section$group_id, sid = section$sid, hide_others = !isFALSE(hide_others))
#' Begin a section.
#' This renders the section title.
#' @param section section object.
#' @param container_class additional HTML class attribute
#' @param container a function to generate an HTML element to contain the section title.
#' @return section start elements.
#' @importFrom htmltools h2
#' @export
begin_section <- function (section, container_class, title_container = h2) {
section$rendered_title <- title_container(stat305templates:::render_markdown_as_html(section$title))
section$additional_class <- if (missing(container_class) || is.null(container_class)) {
} else {
assert_class(section, 'sequential_section')
class(section) <- c(class(section), 'sequential_section_begin')
#' End a section.
#' This renders a button to submit the answers to the section.
#' When users click the button, a modal dialog is shown for the user to confirm they want to submit the section.
#' @param section section object.
#' @param label submission button text.
#' @param confirm_dialog a modal dialog created with [shiny::modalDialog()] to display for confirming submission of the
#' section. If `NULL`, or `FALSE`, no confirmation will be shown. This dialog needs to have at least one button
#' with the `data-exam` attribute set to `continue`!
#' @param success_dialog a modal dialog created with [shiny::modalDialog()] to display after successful submission
#' of the section. If `NULL`, or `FALSE`, no dialog will be shown.
#' @param error_dialog a modal dialog created with [shiny::modalDialog()] to display after successful submission
#' of the section. If `NULL`, or `FALSE`, no dialog will be shown. This dialog needs to have at least one button
#' with the `data-exam` attribute set to `reload`!
#' @param container a function to generate an HTML element to contain the button.
#' @return section end elements.
#' @importFrom htmltools h2 div tags
#' @importFrom shiny modalDialog
#' @export
end_section <- function (label = "Submit Question", confirm_dialog, success_dialog, error_dialog,
btn_class = 'btn-primary btn-lg', container = div) {
end <- list(
container = container,
btn_class = paste(btn_class %||% '', 'submit-section'),
btn_label = label
end$confirm_dialog <- if (missing(confirm_dialog)) {
modalDialog(title = "Are you sure you want to continue?",
HTML("When you submit your answers to this section, you
<strong>can not come back to this section!</strong>"),
footer = div(tags$button("No, I want to check my answers.", type = 'button',
class = 'btn btn-default', `data-dismiss` = 'modal'),
tags$button("Yes, save answers and continue.", `data-exam` = 'continue',
type = 'button', class = 'btn btn-danger')))
} else if (isFALSE(confirm_dialog) || is.null(confirm_dialog)) {
} else {
assert_class(confirm_dialog, 'shiny.tag')
end$success_dialog <- if (missing(success_dialog)) {
modalDialog(title = "Answers saved!", "Your answers have been saved successfully.",
footer = modalButton('Continue.'), easyClose = TRUE)
} else if (isFALSE(success_dialog) || is.null(success_dialog)) {
} else {
assert_class(success_dialog, 'shiny.tag')
end$error_dialog <- if (missing(error_dialog)) {
modalDialog(title = "Answers could not be saved!",
div(class = 'alert alert-danger',
tags$p("Your answers could not be saved. Please take not of your answers so far, encoded in the
following text:"),
tags$p(class = 'code')),
footer = modalButton('Reload page'))
} else if (isFALSE(error_dialog) || is.null(error_dialog)) {
} else {
assert_class(error_dialog, 'shiny.tag')
class(end) <- c(class(end), 'sequential_section_end')
## Print the section begin elements
## This opens a <div>, but does not close it! It is closed by the "end" section.
#' @inheritParams knitr::knit_print
#' @importFrom htmltools htmlPreserve
#' @importFrom knitr asis_output opts_chunk
#' @importFrom shiny NS
#' @method knit_print sequential_section_begin
#' @rdname knit_print
#' @export
knit_print.sequential_section_begin <- function (x, ...) {
ns <- NS(x$group_id)
opts_chunk$set('stat305templates.in_section' = x)
asis_output(htmlPreserve(sprintf('<div id="%s" class="sequential-section %s">%s', ns(x$sid),
x$additional_class, as.character(x$rendered_title))))
## Print the section end elements
## This closes the <div> that was opened by the "begin" section.
#' @inheritParams knitr::knit_print
#' @importFrom htmltools htmlPreserve div tags
#' @importFrom knitr asis_output opts_current opts_chunk
#' @importFrom shiny NS actionButton
#' @importFrom rmarkdown shiny_prerendered_chunk
#' @method knit_print sequential_section_end
#' @rdname knit_print
#' @export
knit_print.sequential_section_end <- function (x, ...) {
section <- opts_current$get('stat305templates.in_section')
if (is.null(section)) {
stop("end_section() can only be called after begin_section()")
section_ns <- NS(c(section$group_id, section$sid))
ui <- div(x$container(actionButton(section_ns('btn'), label = x$btn_label, class = x$btn_class,
`data-errorDialogId` = section_ns('dialog-error'),
`data-confirmDialogId` = section_ns('dialog-confirm'))),
.add_id_to_dialog(x$confirm_dialog, section_ns('dialog-confirm')),
.add_id_to_dialog(x$success_dialog, section_ns('dialog-success')),
.add_id_to_dialog(x$error_dialog, section_ns('dialog-error')))
x$container <- NULL
shiny_prerendered_chunk('server', code = sprintf('stat305templates:::.submit_section_btn_prerendered_chunk(%s)',
asis_output(htmlPreserve(paste(as.character(ui), '</div>')))
.add_id_to_dialog <- function (dialog, id) {
if (!is.null(dialog)) {
dialog$attribs$id <- id
.submit_section_btn_prerendered_chunk <- function (options) {
global_session <- getDefaultReactiveDomain()
callModule(.submit_section_btn_server, options$group_id, options = options,
all_inputs = global_session$input, global_session = global_session)
#' @importFrom shinyjs showElement hideElement
#' @importFrom shiny showModal observeEvent modalDialog modalButton reactiveValuesToList
#' @importFrom htmltools tags div
#' @importFrom shinyjs useShinyjs runjs toggleState
.submit_section_btn_server <- function (input, output, session, options, all_inputs, global_session) {
full_ns <- NS(session$ns(options$sid))
ns <- NS(options$sid)
save_fun <- tryCatch(match.fun(getOption('stat305templates.section_submitted', NULL)),
error = function (...) { function (...) { return(TRUE); } })
# Emit JS event that a section is available
shinyjs::runjs(sprintf('$("#%s").trigger("exam:sectioninitialized")', full_ns(NULL)))
visible_sections <- .visible_sections()
section_order <- get_session_data('section_order')
next_sid <- if (!is.null(section_order)) {
} else {
next_section_id <- if (!is.null(next_sid)) {
} else {
observeEvent(visible_sections[[options$sid]], {
toggleState(ns('btn'), condition = isTRUE(isolate(visible_sections[[options$sid]])))
observeEvent(input[[ns('btn')]], {
is_visible <- isTRUE(isolate(visible_sections[[options$sid]]))
if (is_visible) {
# Save all inputs
success <- tryCatch(save_fun(isolate(reactiveValuesToList(all_inputs)), next_section_id, global_session),
error = function (e) {
warning("Can not save section: ", e)
# Give feedback to user
hideElement(selector = '.spin-container', asis = TRUE)
js_success <- tolower(as.character(isTRUE(success)))
runjs(sprintf('if (window.exam) window.exam.showDialog("%s", %s);
$("#%s").trigger("exam:sectionsaved", {"success": %s})',
full_ns('dialog-'), js_success, full_ns(NULL), js_success))
# Show next section
.show_section_module(input, output, session, next_sid, hide_others = options$sid)
} else {
hideElement(selector = '.spin-container', asis = TRUE)
.visible_sections <- function (section) {
if (missing(section)) {
return(get_session_data('visible_sections', reactiveValues()))
} else if (is.null(section)) {
} else {
get_session_data(NS(section$group_id, 'visible_sections'), reactiveValues(), asis = TRUE)
#' @importFrom shinyjs runjs
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom shiny isolate
.init_sections_module <- function (input, output, session, sections, hide = TRUE) {
# Preserve the order of sections.
section_order <- lapply(sections, `[[`, 'next_sid')
names(section_order) <- sapply(sections, `[[`, 'sid')
set_session_data('section_order', section_order)
visible_sections <- get_session_data('visible_sections')
if (is.null(visible_sections)) {
visible_sections <- reactiveValues()
set_session_data('visible_sections', visible_sections)
vis <- !isTRUE(hide)
for (section in sections) {
visible_sections[[section$sid]] <- vis
if (!vis) {
## @param hide_others can be `TRUE`` (in which case all other sections are hidden), or a character (vector) of *scoped*
## section ids
.show_section_module <- function (input, output, session, sid, hide_others) {
visible_sections <- get_session_data('visible_sections', reactiveValues())
if (isTRUE(hide_others)) {
hide_others <- isolate(names(reactiveValuesToList(visible_sections)))
if (is.character(hide_others)) {
for (scoped_sid in hide_others) {
if (!isTRUE(scoped_sid == sid)) {
visible_sections[[scoped_sid]] <- FALSE
# Now make the section visible.
if (!is.null(sid)) {
visible_sections[[sid]] <- TRUE
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.