
Defines functions read_database save_database make_database

Documented in make_database read_database save_database

#' Make Database
#' This function takes three inputs of CSV files and transforms them into
#' a RSQLite database. The three inputs are: \cr
#' 1. gtseq: Output of the GTseq pipeline \cr
#' 2. metadata: Metadata about the samples \cr
#' 3. allele_info: Information of the loci being used \cr
#' @param gtseq Comma separated file that is the output of the GT-seq pipeline.
#' Sample IDs must match the Sample IDs in the `metadata` CSV file. The Allele IDs
#' from the column names must match the `site_id` found in the `allele_info` CSV file.
#' @param metadata Comma separated file that includes two columns: `Sample` and `Sex`.
#' The Sample IDs must match the Sample IDs from the `gtseq` CSV file. Other metadata
#' columns may be present.
#' @param allele_info Comma separated file with information about the loci of interest.
#' The `site_id` must match the Allele IDs from the GT-seq output. the `advantage` column
#' is required if the `type` `all_alleles` is specified.
#' @param verbose show messages, logical - default = TRUE
#' @return An RSQLite database saved to memory
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' DBs <- make_database(gtseq = geno, metadata = meta_data,
#'                      allele_info = allele_info)
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @import RSQLite
#' @import stringr
#' @import tidyverse

make_database <- function(gtseq, metadata, allele_info, verbose=TRUE){
  # check sample ids match in both dfs
  if((length(which(metadata$Sample %in% gtseq$Sample)) == nrow(metadata)) &
     (length(which(gtseq$Sample %in% metadata$Sample)) == nrow(gtseq))) {
    if(verbose == TRUE) {
      message("All Sample IDs found")
  } else {
    if(length(which(!(metadata$Sample %in% gtseq$Sample))) > 0) {
      meta.n <- metadata$Sample[which(!(metadata$Sample %in% gtseq$Sample))]
      warning("\nWARNING: not all sample IDs match - missing sample IDs from gtseq input: ", meta.n)
    if(length(which(!(gtseq$Sample %in% metadata$Sample))) > 0) {
      gt.n <- gtseq$Sample[which(!(gtseq$Sample %in% metadata$Sample))]
      warning("\nWARNING: not all sample IDs match - missing sample IDs from metadata input: ", gt.n)

  # check allele loci id match in both dfs
  ## get correct columns
  gtseq.c <- gtseq %>%
    select(-c(Sample:IFI)) %>%
  ## run the check
  if((length(which(allele_info$site_id %in% gtseq.c)) == nrow(allele_info)) &
     (length(which(gtseq.c %in% allele_info$site_id)) == length(gtseq.c))) {
    if(verbose == TRUE) {
      message("All loci allele IDs found")
  } else {
    if(length(which(!(allele_info$site_id %in% gtseq.c))) > 0) {
      allele.a <- allele_info$site_id[which(!(allele_info$site_id %in% gtseq.c))]
      warning("\nWARNING: not all site IDs match - missing site IDs from gtseq input: ", allele.a)
    if(length(which(!(gtseq.c %in% allele_info$site_id))) > 0) {
      gt.a <- gtseq.c[which(!(gtseq.c %in% allele_info$site_id))]
      warning("\nWARNING: not all site IDs match - missing site IDs from allele_info input: ", gt.a)

  # Start Database
  DB_Test <- RSQLite::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
  ## Get original DF
  dbWriteTable(DB_Test, "original_df", gtseq)
  ## Get the experimental data
  ### Need gtseq dataframe
  Experimental_data <-
    gtseq %>%
    select(Sample:IFI) %>%
              list(~(str_replace(., "X", "Percent")))) %>%
    rename_with(~gsub(".", "_", .x, fixed = TRUE))
  ### Check data types
  if (!all(sapply(Experimental_data, class) ==
           c("character", "integer", "integer",
             "numeric", "numeric", "numeric"))) {
    message("Not all columns are expected type. Do you have proper input data?")
  ### Make table - Experimental_data
  s<- sprintf("create table %s(%s, primary key(%s))", "Experimental_data",
              paste(colnames(Experimental_data), collapse = ", "),
  dbSendStatement(DB_Test, s)
  dbWriteTable(DB_Test, "Experimental_data",
               Experimental_data, append = TRUE,
               row.names = FALSE,
  ### Make table - MetaData
  s.m <- sprintf("create table %s(%s, primary key(%s))", "meta_data",
                 paste(colnames(metadata), collapse = ", "),
  dbSendStatement(DB_Test, s.m)
  dbWriteTable(DB_Test, "meta_data",
               metadata, append = TRUE,
               row.names = FALSE,
  ### Make table - allele_info
  s.a <- sprintf("create table %s(%s, primary key(%s))", "allele_info",
                 paste(colnames(allele_info), collapse = ", "),

  dbSendStatement(DB_Test, s.a)
  dbWriteTable(DB_Test, "allele_info",
               allele_info, append = TRUE,
               row.names = FALSE,

#' Save Database
#' This function saves the database you made with make_database to disk
#' @param DB Object your database is saved in memory to.
#' @param path path to where you want the database saved
#' @return An RSQLite database saved to disk
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' save_database(DB = DBs, path = "database.sqlite")
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @import RSQLite
#' @import stringr
#' @import tidyverse

save_database <- function(DB, path){
  RSQLite::sqliteCopyDatabase(DB, path)

#' Read Database
#' This function reads an sqlite database from disk to memory
#' @param path path to saved sqlite database
#' @return An RSQLite database to memory
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' DBs <- read_database(path = "database.sqlite")
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @import RSQLite
#' @import stringr
#' @import tidyverse

read_database <- function(path){
  return(RSQLite::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), path))
danagibbon/MultifacitedChoice documentation built on Dec. 31, 2020, 11:10 p.m.