#' Plot Predicted vs. Observed Quantiles
#' Plot predicted vs. observed quantiles of continuous variable against predicted
#' and observed (cumulative) category probabilities
#' @param cumsum whether to use cumulative sums of probabilities on the x axis
#' (especially usefull for trees with more than 2 categories).
#' @param quantiles used for continuous variable
#' @param ncol maximum number of plots per row
#' @inheritParams predict.gpt_fit
#' @inheritParams test_fit
#' @export
pqplot <- function(gpt_fit, cumsum = FALSE, quantiles = seq(.1,.9,.2),
ncol = 4, dim = 1, group){
mfrow <- par()$mfrow
mar <- par()$mar
cat.names <- gpt_fit$gpt@mpt@cat.names
gpt_fit <- gpt_fit_grouped(gpt_fit, group)
x <- gpt_fit$data$x
y <- gpt_fit$data$y[,dim]
N <- length(x)
freq <- c(table(factor(x, labels=cat.names)))
# predictions
pred <- obs <- predict(gpt_fit, quantiles=quantiles, dim=dim)
sel.q <- 4+1:length(quantiles)
N.per.tree <- c(by(freq, gpt_fit$gpt@mpt@tree.idx, sum))
names(N.per.tree) <- gpt_fit$gpt@mpt@tree.names
cnt <- 0
for(tt in 1:length(N.per.tree)){
sel <- which(gpt_fit$gpt@mpt@tree.idx == tt)
cats <- obs$cat[sel]
# observed probabilities and quantiles
obs$prob[sel] <- freq[match(cats, names(freq))]/N.per.tree[tt]
for(cc in 1:length(sel)){
obs[sel[cc],sel.q] <- quantile(y[x == sel[cc]], quantiles)
pred[sel,"prob"] <- cumsum(pred[sel,"prob"])
obs[sel,"prob"] <- cumsum(obs[sel,"prob"])
mini <- min(obs[,sel.q], pred[,sel.q], na.rm =TRUE)
maxi <- max(obs[,sel.q], pred[,sel.q], na.rm = TRUE)
bb <- min(ncol, length(N.per.tree))
aa <- ceiling( length(N.per.tree)/bb)
par(mfrow=c(aa,bb), mar=c(2,2,2,.5))
for(tt in 1:length(N.per.tree)){
sel <- which(gpt_fit$gpt@mpt@tree.idx == tt)
cats <- cat.names[sel]
plot(x=obs$prob[sel], obs[sel,5], type="p", xlim=0:1, col="blue",
xlab="", main=paste0(names(N.per.tree)[tt]," (N=",
N.per.tree[tt],")"), pch=8)
text(x=obs$prob[sel], y= maxi-seq( 0,.1,length.out=length(cats))*(maxi-mini), cats)
points(x=pred$prob[sel], pred[sel,5], pch=16)
lines(x=pred$prob[sel], pred[sel,5])
if(length(quantiles) > 1){
for(i in 2:length(quantiles)){
points(x=obs$prob[sel], obs[sel,4+i], pch=8,col="blue")
points(x=pred$prob[sel], pred[sel,4+i], pch=16)
lines(x=pred$prob[sel], pred[sel,4+i])
par(mfrow=mfrow, mar=mar)
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