# file: path to table
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
read.file.to.tab <- function(file){
if (grepl("\n", file)){
file <- textConnection(file)
tab <- read.delim(file, sep=";",
header = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
# number of continuous variables:
n.contin <- ncol(tab) - 3
if (n.contin<1)
stop ("Specification of continuous distributions missing in model file.")
# remove spaces
for (i in 1:ncol(tab)){
tab[,i] <- gsub(" ","",tab[,i], fixed = TRUE)
if (any(tab == ""))
stop ("Model file not completely specified (missing/empty entries)!")
colnames(tab) <- c("tree", "cat", "mpt", paste0("c",1:n.contin))
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