# table to MPT
make.mpt <- function(tab){
branch.names <- paste(tab$tree,tab$cat,sep="_" )
# simple extractions
cat.names <- unique(tab$cat)
J <- length(cat.names)
B <- nrow(tab)
reduce.idx <- match(tab$cat,cat.names)
names(reduce.idx) <- paste0("br", 1:B)
tree.names <- unique(tab$tree)
num.tree <- length(tree.names)
tree.vec <- match(tab$tree , tree.names)
# JxB matrix: reduce branch to category probabilities
reduce <- matrix(0, J, B,
dimnames=list( cat=cat.names,
for(rr in 1:B)
reduce[reduce.idx[rr], rr] <- 1
# assignment of categories to trees:
cat.to.tree <- matrix(tree.vec, J, B, byrow=T)*reduce
tree.idx <- apply(cat.to.tree, 1,
function(xx) unique(xx[xx!=0]))
warn <- paste0("check definition of categories and trees:",
"\n some categories are assigned to more than one tree!")
print(rbind(Tree=tree.names[tree.idx], Category=cat.names))
####### 2. MPT model structure: build matrices a and b
mpt.list <- strsplit(tab$mpt, split="*", fixed=T)
mpt.unique <- unique(unlist(mpt.list))
selpar <- grep("(",mpt.unique, fixed=T, invert=T)
P1 <- length(selpar)
theta.names <- sort(mpt.unique[selpar])
theta.comp <- paste0("(1-",theta.names,")")
a <- b <- matrix(0, B, P1, dimnames=list(branch.names,theta.names))
for(bbb in 1:B){
tmp <- table(mpt.list[[bbb]])
sel_a <- theta.names %in% rownames(tmp)
a[bbb,sel_a] <- tmp[rownames(tmp) %in% theta.names]
sel_b <- theta.comp %in% rownames(tmp)
b[bbb,sel_b] <- tmp[rownames(tmp) %in% theta.comp]
list(a=a, b=b,
# reduce branches to categories:
# trees:
# labels:
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