
colText <- "darkblue"
colCode <- "black"
textInBox <- function(x, y, text, cex=1, pos=4, center=TRUE, family="Times New Roman", col="black")
    message("  x=", x, " y=", y)
    w <- graphics::strwidth(text)
    h <- graphics::strheight(text)
    message("  w=", w, ", h=", h)
    if (center)
        x <- x - w/2
    message("  x=", x, " y=", y)
    text(x, y, text, cex=cex, pos=pos, family=family, col=col)
    rect(x, y-h, x+1.1*w, y+h, border=col)
    invisible(list(w=w, h=h))
if (PNG) png("workflow.png", width=4, height=1.5, unit="in", res=120, pointsize=8)
plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), type="n", xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE)
x0 <- 0.2
y0 <- 0.9
dy <- 0.25
wh <- textInBox(x0, y0, "Get index from server", col=colText)
h <- wh$h * 1.2
xarrow <- x0 + 0.01 # not sure why we need to move it
arrows(xarrow, y0-h, xarrow, y0-dy+h, length=0.1, col=colText)
y0 <- y0 - dy
textInBox(x0, y0, "Get profile data files from server", col=colText)
arrows(xarrow, y0-h, xarrow, y0-dy+h, length=0.1, col=colText)
y0 <- y0 - dy
textInBox(x0, y0, "Read profile data files", col=colText)
arrows(xarrow, y0-h, xarrow, y0-dy+h, length=0.1, col=colText)
y0 <- y0 - dy
textInBox(x0, y0, "Process the data", col=colText)

x0 <- 0.8
y0 <- 0.9
dy <- 0.25
wh <- textInBox(x0, y0, "getIndex() ", family="sans", col=colCode)
h <- wh$h * 1.2
xarrow <- x0 + 0.01 # not sure why we need to move it
arrows(xarrow, y0-h, xarrow, y0-dy+h, length=0.1)
y0 <- y0 - dy
textInBox(x0, y0, "getProfiles() ", family="sans", col=colCode)
arrows(xarrow, y0-h, xarrow, y0-dy+h, length=0.1)
y0 <- y0 - dy
textInBox(x0, y0, "readProfiles() ", family="sans", col=colCode)
arrows(xarrow, y0-h, xarrow, y0-dy+h, length=0.1)
y0 <- y0 - dy
textInBox(x0, y0, " ...    ", family="sans", col=colCode)

if (PNG)
dankelley/argoFloats documentation built on April 18, 2024, 5:13 a.m.