invokeJava <- function (isStatic, objId, methodName, ...) {
if (!exists(".sparkRCon", SparkR:::.sparkREnv)) {
stop("No connection to backend found. Please re-run spark_session()")
if (!isRemoveMethod(isStatic, objId, methodName)) {
objsToRemove <- ls(.toRemoveJobjs)
if (length(objsToRemove) > 0) {
sapply(objsToRemove, function(e) {
rm(list = objsToRemove, envir = .toRemoveJobjs)
rc <- rawConnection(raw(0), "r+")
writeBoolean(rc, isStatic)
writeString(rc, objId)
writeString(rc, methodName)
args <- list(...)
lapply(args, function(x) {
if (inherits(x, "Column")) {
stop("Column object passed to a Java call, use the jobj instead 'x@jc'")
writeInt(rc, length(args))
writeArgs(rc, args)
bytesToSend <- rawConnectionValue(rc)
rc <- rawConnection(raw(0), "r+")
writeInt(rc, length(bytesToSend))
writeBin(bytesToSend, rc)
requestMessage <- rawConnectionValue(rc)
conn <- get(".sparkRCon", SparkR:::.sparkREnv)
writeBin(requestMessage, conn)
returnStatus <- readInt(conn)
handleErrors(returnStatus, conn)
while (returnStatus == 1) {
returnStatus <- readInt(conn)
handleErrors(returnStatus, conn)
isRemoveMethod <- function (isStatic, objId, methodName) {
isStatic == TRUE && objId == "SparkRHandler" && methodName == "rm"
handleErrors <- function (returnStatus, conn) {
if (length(returnStatus) == 0) {
stop("No status is returned. Java tidyspark backend might have failed.")
if (returnStatus < 0) {
removeJObject <- function (objId) {
invokeJava(isStatic = TRUE, "SparkRHandler", "rm", objId)
# Serialize --------------------------------------------------------------------
getSerdeType <- function(object) {
type <- class(object)[[1]]
if (is.atomic(object) & !is.raw(object) & length(object) > 1) {
} else if (type != "list") {
} else {
# Check if all elements are of same type
elemType <- unique(sapply(object, function(elem) { getSerdeType(elem) }))
if (length(elemType) <= 1) {
} else {
writeObject <- function(con, object, writeType = TRUE) {
# NOTE: In R vectors have same type as objects
type <- class(object)[[1]] # class of POSIXlt is c("POSIXlt", "POSIXt")
# Checking types is needed here, since '' only handles atomic vectors,
# lists and pairlists
if (type %in% c("integer", "character", "logical", "double", "numeric")) {
if ( {
object <- NULL
type <- "NULL"
serdeType <- getSerdeType(object)
if (writeType) {
writeType(con, serdeType)
NULL = writeVoid(con),
integer = writeInt(con, object),
character = writeString(con, object),
logical = writeBoolean(con, object),
double = writeDouble(con, object),
numeric = writeDouble(con, object),
raw = writeRaw(con, object),
array = writeArray(con, object),
list = writeList(con, object),
struct = writeList(con, object),
jobj = writeJobj(con, object),
environment = writeEnv(con, object),
Date = writeDate(con, object),
POSIXlt = writeTime(con, object),
POSIXct = writeTime(con, object),
stop("Unsupported type for serialization ", type))
writeVoid <- function(con) {
# no value for NULL
writeJobj <- function(con, value) {
if (!isValidJobj(value)) {
stop("invalid jobj ", value$id)
writeString(con, value$id)
writeString <- function(con, value) {
utfVal <- enc2utf8(value)
writeInt(con, as.integer(nchar(utfVal, type = "bytes") + 1))
writeBin(utfVal, con, endian = "big", useBytes = TRUE)
writeInt <- function(con, value) {
writeBin(as.integer(value), con, endian = "big")
writeDouble <- function(con, value) {
writeBin(value, con, endian = "big")
writeBoolean <- function(con, value) {
# TRUE becomes 1, FALSE becomes 0
writeInt(con, as.integer(value))
writeRawSerialize <- function(outputCon, batch) {
outputSer <- serialize(batch, ascii = FALSE, connection = NULL)
writeRaw(outputCon, outputSer)
writeRowSerialize <- function(outputCon, rows) {
invisible(lapply(rows, function(r) {
bytes <- serializeRow(r)
writeRaw(outputCon, bytes)
serializeRow <- function(row) {
rawObj <- rawConnection(raw(0), "wb")
writeList(rawObj, row)
writeRaw <- function(con, batch) {
writeInt(con, length(batch))
writeBin(batch, con, endian = "big")
writeType <- function(con, class) {
type <- switch(class,
NULL = "n",
integer = "i",
character = "c",
logical = "b",
double = "d",
numeric = "d",
raw = "r",
array = "a",
list = "l",
struct = "s",
jobj = "j",
environment = "e",
Date = "D",
POSIXlt = "t",
POSIXct = "t",
stop("Unsupported type for serialization ", class))
writeBin(charToRaw(type), con)
# Used to pass arrays where all the elements are of the same type
writeArray <- function(con, arr) {
# TODO: Empty lists are given type "character" right now.
# This may not work if the Java side expects array of any other type.
if (length(arr) == 0) {
elemType <- class("somestring")
} else {
elemType <- getSerdeType(arr[[1]])
writeType(con, elemType)
writeInt(con, length(arr))
if (length(arr) > 0) {
for (a in arr) {
writeObject(con, a, FALSE)
# Used to pass arrays where the elements can be of different types
writeList <- function(con, list) {
writeInt(con, length(list))
for (elem in list) {
writeObject(con, elem)
# Used to pass in hash maps required on Java side.
writeEnv <- function(con, env) {
len <- length(env)
writeInt(con, len)
if (len > 0) {
writeArray(con, as.list(ls(env)))
vals <- lapply(ls(env), function(x) { env[[x]] })
writeList(con, as.list(vals))
writeDate <- function(con, date) {
writeString(con, as.character(date))
writeTime <- function(con, time) {
writeDouble(con, as.double(time))
# Used to serialize in a list of objects where each
# object can be of a different type. Serialization format is
# <object type> <object> for each object
writeArgs <- function(con, args) {
if (length(args) > 0) {
for (a in args) {
writeObject(con, a)
writeSerializeInArrow <- function(conn, df) {
if (requireNamespace("arrow", quietly = TRUE)) {
# There looks no way to send each batch in streaming format via socket
# connection. See ARROW-4512.
# So, it writes the whole Arrow streaming-formatted binary at once for now.
writeRaw(conn, arrow::write_arrow(df, raw()))
} else {
stop("'arrow' package should be installed.")
# Deserialize ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Utility functions to deserialize objects from Java.
# nolint start
# Type mapping from Java to R
# void -> NULL
# Int -> integer
# String -> character
# Boolean -> logical
# Float -> double
# Double -> double
# Long -> double
# Array[Byte] -> raw
# Date -> Date
# Time -> POSIXct
# Array[T] -> list()
# Object -> jobj
# nolint end
readObject <- function(con) {
# Read type first
type <- readType(con)
readTypedObject(con, type)
readTypedObject <- function(con, type) {
"i" = readInt(con),
"c" = readString(con),
"b" = readBoolean(con),
"d" = readDouble(con),
"r" = readRaw(con),
"D" = readDate(con),
"t" = readTime(con),
"a" = readArray(con),
"l" = readList(con),
"e" = readEnv(con),
"s" = readStruct(con),
"n" = NULL,
"j" = getJobj(readString(con)),
stop("Unsupported type for deserialization ", type))
readStringData <- function(con, len) {
raw <- readBin(con, raw(), len, endian = "big")
string <- rawToChar(raw)
Encoding(string) <- "UTF-8"
readString <- function(con) {
stringLen <- readInt(con)
readStringData(con, stringLen)
readInt <- function(con) {
readBin(con, integer(), n = 1, endian = "big")
readDouble <- function(con) {
readBin(con, double(), n = 1, endian = "big")
readBoolean <- function(con) {
readType <- function(con) {
rawToChar(readBin(con, "raw", n = 1L))
readDate <- function(con) {
readTime <- function(con) {
t <- readDouble(con)
as.POSIXct(t, origin = "1970-01-01")
readArray <- function(con) {
type <- readType(con)
len <- readInt(con)
if (len > 0) {
l <- vector("list", len)
for (i in 1:len) {
l[[i]] <- readTypedObject(con, type)
} else {
# Read a list. Types of each element may be different.
# Null objects are read as NA.
readList <- function(con) {
len <- readInt(con)
if (len > 0) {
l <- vector("list", len)
for (i in 1:len) {
elem <- readObject(con)
if (is.null(elem)) {
elem <- NA
l[[i]] <- elem
} else {
readEnv <- function(con) {
env <- new.env()
len <- readInt(con)
if (len > 0) {
for (i in 1:len) {
key <- readString(con)
value <- readObject(con)
env[[key]] <- value
listToStruct <- function (list) {
stopifnot(class(list) == "list")
class(list) <- "struct"
# Read a field of StructType from SparkDataFrame
# into a named list in R whose class is "struct"
readStruct <- function(con) {
names <- readObject(con)
fields <- readObject(con)
names(fields) <- names
readRaw <- function(con) {
dataLen <- readInt(con)
readBin(con, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big")
readRawLen <- function(con, dataLen) {
readBin(con, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big")
readDeserialize <- function(con) {
# We have two cases that are possible - In one, the entire partition is
# encoded as a byte array, so we have only one value to read. If so just
# return firstData
dataLen <- readInt(con)
firstData <- unserialize(
readBin(con, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big"))
# Else, read things into a list
dataLen <- readInt(con)
if (length(dataLen) > 0 && dataLen > 0) {
data <- list(firstData)
while (length(dataLen) > 0 && dataLen > 0) {
data[[length(data) + 1L]] <- unserialize(
readBin(con, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big"))
dataLen <- readInt(con)
unlist(data, recursive = FALSE)
} else {
readMultipleObjects <- function(inputCon) {
# readMultipleObjects will read multiple continuous objects from
# a DataOutputStream. There is no preceding field telling the count
# of the objects, so the number of objects varies, we try to read
# all objects in a loop until the end of the stream.
data <- list()
while (TRUE) {
# If reaching the end of the stream, type returned should be "".
type <- readType(inputCon)
if (type == "") {
data[[length(data) + 1L]] <- readTypedObject(inputCon, type)
data # this is a list of named lists now
readMultipleObjectsWithKeys <- function(inputCon) {
# readMultipleObjectsWithKeys will read multiple continuous objects from
# a DataOutputStream. There is no preceding field telling the count
# of the objects, so the number of objects varies, we try to read
# all objects in a loop until the end of the stream. This function
# is for use by gapply. Each group of rows is followed by the grouping
# key for this group which is then followed by next group.
keys <- list()
data <- list()
subData <- list()
while (TRUE) {
# If reaching the end of the stream, type returned should be "".
type <- readType(inputCon)
if (type == "") {
} else if (type == "r") {
type <- readType(inputCon)
# A grouping boundary detected
key <- readTypedObject(inputCon, type)
index <- length(data) + 1L
data[[index]] <- subData
keys[[index]] <- key
subData <- list()
} else {
subData[[length(subData) + 1L]] <- readTypedObject(inputCon, type)
list(keys = keys, data = data) # this is a list of keys and corresponding data
readDeserializeInArrow <- function(inputCon) {
if (requireNamespace("arrow", quietly = TRUE)) {
# Arrow drops `as_tibble` since 0.14.0, see ARROW-5190.
useAsTibble <- exists("as_tibble", envir = asNamespace("arrow"))
# Currently, there looks no way to read batch by batch by socket connection in R side,
# See ARROW-4512. Therefore, it reads the whole Arrow streaming-formatted binary at once
# for now.
dataLen <- readInt(inputCon)
arrowData <- readBin(inputCon, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big")
batches <- arrow::RecordBatchStreamReader$create(arrowData)$batches()
if (useAsTibble) {
as_tibble <- get("as_tibble", envir = asNamespace("arrow"))
# Read all groupped batches. Tibble -> data.frame is cheap.
lapply(batches, function(batch)
} else {
lapply(batches, function(batch)
} else {
stop("'arrow' package should be installed.")
readDeserializeWithKeysInArrow <- function(inputCon) {
data <- readDeserializeInArrow(inputCon)
keys <- readMultipleObjects(inputCon)
# Read keys to map with each groupped batch later.
list(keys = keys, data = data)
readRowList <- function(obj) {
# readRowList is meant for use inside an lapply. As a result, it is
# necessary to open a standalone connection for the row and consume
# the numCols bytes inside the read function in order to correctly
# deserialize the row.
rawObj <- rawConnection(obj, "r+")
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