
Defines functions readRowList readDeserializeWithKeysInArrow readDeserializeInArrow readMultipleObjectsWithKeys readMultipleObjects readDeserialize readRawLen readRaw readStruct readEnv readList readArray readTime readDate readType readBoolean readDouble readInt readString readStringData readTypedObject readObject writeSerializeInArrow writeArgs writeTime writeDate writeEnv writeList writeArray writeType writeRaw serializeRow writeRowSerialize writeRawSerialize writeBoolean writeDouble writeInt writeString writeJobj writeVoid writeObject getSerdeType

invokeJava <- function (isStatic, objId, methodName, ...) {
  if (!exists(".sparkRCon", SparkR:::.sparkREnv)) {
    stop("No connection to backend found. Please re-run spark_session()")
  if (!isRemoveMethod(isStatic, objId, methodName)) {
    objsToRemove <- ls(.toRemoveJobjs)
    if (length(objsToRemove) > 0) {
      sapply(objsToRemove, function(e) {
      rm(list = objsToRemove, envir = .toRemoveJobjs)
  rc <- rawConnection(raw(0), "r+")
  writeBoolean(rc, isStatic)
  writeString(rc, objId)
  writeString(rc, methodName)
  args <- list(...)

  lapply(args, function(x) {
    if (inherits(x, "Column")) {
      stop("Column object passed to a Java call, use the jobj instead 'x@jc'")

  writeInt(rc, length(args))
  writeArgs(rc, args)
  bytesToSend <- rawConnectionValue(rc)
  rc <- rawConnection(raw(0), "r+")
  writeInt(rc, length(bytesToSend))
  writeBin(bytesToSend, rc)
  requestMessage <- rawConnectionValue(rc)
  conn <- get(".sparkRCon", SparkR:::.sparkREnv)
  writeBin(requestMessage, conn)
  returnStatus <- readInt(conn)
  handleErrors(returnStatus, conn)
  while (returnStatus == 1) {
    returnStatus <- readInt(conn)
    handleErrors(returnStatus, conn)

isRemoveMethod <- function (isStatic, objId, methodName) {
  isStatic == TRUE && objId == "SparkRHandler" && methodName == "rm"

handleErrors <- function (returnStatus, conn) {
  if (length(returnStatus) == 0) {
    stop("No status is returned. Java tidyspark backend might have failed.")
  if (returnStatus < 0) {

removeJObject <- function (objId) {
  invokeJava(isStatic = TRUE, "SparkRHandler", "rm", objId)

# Serialize --------------------------------------------------------------------

getSerdeType <- function(object) {
  type <- class(object)[[1]]
  if (is.atomic(object) & !is.raw(object) & length(object) > 1) {
  } else if (type != "list") {
  } else {
    # Check if all elements are of same type
    elemType <- unique(sapply(object, function(elem) { getSerdeType(elem) }))
    if (length(elemType) <= 1) {
    } else {

writeObject <- function(con, object, writeType = TRUE) {
  # NOTE: In R vectors have same type as objects
  type <- class(object)[[1]]  # class of POSIXlt is c("POSIXlt", "POSIXt")
  # Checking types is needed here, since 'is.na' only handles atomic vectors,
  # lists and pairlists
  if (type %in% c("integer", "character", "logical", "double", "numeric")) {
    if (is.na(object)) {
      object <- NULL
      type <- "NULL"

  serdeType <- getSerdeType(object)
  if (writeType) {
    writeType(con, serdeType)
         NULL = writeVoid(con),
         integer = writeInt(con, object),
         character = writeString(con, object),
         logical = writeBoolean(con, object),
         double = writeDouble(con, object),
         numeric = writeDouble(con, object),
         raw = writeRaw(con, object),
         array = writeArray(con, object),
         list = writeList(con, object),
         struct = writeList(con, object),
         jobj = writeJobj(con, object),
         environment = writeEnv(con, object),
         Date = writeDate(con, object),
         POSIXlt = writeTime(con, object),
         POSIXct = writeTime(con, object),
         stop("Unsupported type for serialization ", type))

writeVoid <- function(con) {
  # no value for NULL

writeJobj <- function(con, value) {
  if (!isValidJobj(value)) {
    stop("invalid jobj ", value$id)
  writeString(con, value$id)

writeString <- function(con, value) {
  utfVal <- enc2utf8(value)
  writeInt(con, as.integer(nchar(utfVal, type = "bytes") + 1))
  writeBin(utfVal, con, endian = "big", useBytes = TRUE)

writeInt <- function(con, value) {
  writeBin(as.integer(value), con, endian = "big")

writeDouble <- function(con, value) {
  writeBin(value, con, endian = "big")

writeBoolean <- function(con, value) {
  # TRUE becomes 1, FALSE becomes 0
  writeInt(con, as.integer(value))

writeRawSerialize <- function(outputCon, batch) {
  outputSer <- serialize(batch, ascii = FALSE, connection = NULL)
  writeRaw(outputCon, outputSer)

writeRowSerialize <- function(outputCon, rows) {
  invisible(lapply(rows, function(r) {
    bytes <- serializeRow(r)
    writeRaw(outputCon, bytes)

serializeRow <- function(row) {
  rawObj <- rawConnection(raw(0), "wb")
  writeList(rawObj, row)

writeRaw <- function(con, batch) {
  writeInt(con, length(batch))
  writeBin(batch, con, endian = "big")

writeType <- function(con, class) {
  type <- switch(class,
                 NULL = "n",
                 integer = "i",
                 character = "c",
                 logical = "b",
                 double = "d",
                 numeric = "d",
                 raw = "r",
                 array = "a",
                 list = "l",
                 struct = "s",
                 jobj = "j",
                 environment = "e",
                 Date = "D",
                 POSIXlt = "t",
                 POSIXct = "t",
                 stop("Unsupported type for serialization ", class))
  writeBin(charToRaw(type), con)

# Used to pass arrays where all the elements are of the same type
writeArray <- function(con, arr) {
  # TODO: Empty lists are given type "character" right now.
  # This may not work if the Java side expects array of any other type.
  if (length(arr) == 0) {
    elemType <- class("somestring")
  } else {
    elemType <- getSerdeType(arr[[1]])

  writeType(con, elemType)
  writeInt(con, length(arr))

  if (length(arr) > 0) {
    for (a in arr) {
      writeObject(con, a, FALSE)

# Used to pass arrays where the elements can be of different types
writeList <- function(con, list) {
  writeInt(con, length(list))
  for (elem in list) {
    writeObject(con, elem)

# Used to pass in hash maps required on Java side.
writeEnv <- function(con, env) {
  len <- length(env)

  writeInt(con, len)
  if (len > 0) {
    writeArray(con, as.list(ls(env)))
    vals <- lapply(ls(env), function(x) { env[[x]] })
    writeList(con, as.list(vals))

writeDate <- function(con, date) {
  writeString(con, as.character(date))

writeTime <- function(con, time) {
  writeDouble(con, as.double(time))

# Used to serialize in a list of objects where each
# object can be of a different type. Serialization format is
# <object type> <object> for each object
writeArgs <- function(con, args) {
  if (length(args) > 0) {
    for (a in args) {
      writeObject(con, a)

writeSerializeInArrow <- function(conn, df) {
  if (requireNamespace("arrow", quietly = TRUE)) {
    # There looks no way to send each batch in streaming format via socket
    # connection. See ARROW-4512.
    # So, it writes the whole Arrow streaming-formatted binary at once for now.
    writeRaw(conn, arrow::write_arrow(df, raw()))
  } else {
    stop("'arrow' package should be installed.")

# Deserialize ------------------------------------------------------------------

# Utility functions to deserialize objects from Java.

# nolint start
# Type mapping from Java to R
# void -> NULL
# Int -> integer
# String -> character
# Boolean -> logical
# Float -> double
# Double -> double
# Long -> double
# Array[Byte] -> raw
# Date -> Date
# Time -> POSIXct
# Array[T] -> list()
# Object -> jobj
# nolint end

readObject <- function(con) {
  # Read type first
  type <- readType(con)
  readTypedObject(con, type)

readTypedObject <- function(con, type) {
         "i" = readInt(con),
         "c" = readString(con),
         "b" = readBoolean(con),
         "d" = readDouble(con),
         "r" = readRaw(con),
         "D" = readDate(con),
         "t" = readTime(con),
         "a" = readArray(con),
         "l" = readList(con),
         "e" = readEnv(con),
         "s" = readStruct(con),
         "n" = NULL,
         "j" = getJobj(readString(con)),
         stop("Unsupported type for deserialization ", type))

readStringData <- function(con, len) {
  raw <- readBin(con, raw(), len, endian = "big")
  string <- rawToChar(raw)
  Encoding(string) <- "UTF-8"

readString <- function(con) {
  stringLen <- readInt(con)
  readStringData(con, stringLen)

readInt <- function(con) {
  readBin(con, integer(), n = 1, endian = "big")

readDouble <- function(con) {
  readBin(con, double(), n = 1, endian = "big")

readBoolean <- function(con) {

readType <- function(con) {
  rawToChar(readBin(con, "raw", n = 1L))

readDate <- function(con) {

readTime <- function(con) {
  t <- readDouble(con)
  as.POSIXct(t, origin = "1970-01-01")

readArray <- function(con) {
  type <- readType(con)
  len <- readInt(con)
  if (len > 0) {
    l <- vector("list", len)
    for (i in 1:len) {
      l[[i]] <- readTypedObject(con, type)
  } else {

# Read a list. Types of each element may be different.
# Null objects are read as NA.
readList <- function(con) {
  len <- readInt(con)
  if (len > 0) {
    l <- vector("list", len)
    for (i in 1:len) {
      elem <- readObject(con)
      if (is.null(elem)) {
        elem <- NA
      l[[i]] <- elem
  } else {

readEnv <- function(con) {
  env <- new.env()
  len <- readInt(con)
  if (len > 0) {
    for (i in 1:len) {
      key <- readString(con)
      value <- readObject(con)
      env[[key]] <- value

listToStruct <- function (list) {
  stopifnot(class(list) == "list")
  class(list) <- "struct"

# Read a field of StructType from SparkDataFrame
# into a named list in R whose class is "struct"
readStruct <- function(con) {
  names <- readObject(con)
  fields <- readObject(con)
  names(fields) <- names

readRaw <- function(con) {
  dataLen <- readInt(con)
  readBin(con, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big")

readRawLen <- function(con, dataLen) {
  readBin(con, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big")

readDeserialize <- function(con) {
  # We have two cases that are possible - In one, the entire partition is
  # encoded as a byte array, so we have only one value to read. If so just
  # return firstData
  dataLen <- readInt(con)
  firstData <- unserialize(
    readBin(con, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big"))

  # Else, read things into a list
  dataLen <- readInt(con)
  if (length(dataLen) > 0 && dataLen > 0) {
    data <- list(firstData)
    while (length(dataLen) > 0 && dataLen > 0) {
      data[[length(data) + 1L]] <- unserialize(
        readBin(con, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big"))
      dataLen <- readInt(con)
    unlist(data, recursive = FALSE)
  } else {

readMultipleObjects <- function(inputCon) {
  # readMultipleObjects will read multiple continuous objects from
  # a DataOutputStream. There is no preceding field telling the count
  # of the objects, so the number of objects varies, we try to read
  # all objects in a loop until the end of the stream.
  data <- list()
  while (TRUE) {
    # If reaching the end of the stream, type returned should be "".
    type <- readType(inputCon)
    if (type == "") {
    data[[length(data) + 1L]] <- readTypedObject(inputCon, type)
  data # this is a list of named lists now

readMultipleObjectsWithKeys <- function(inputCon) {
  # readMultipleObjectsWithKeys will read multiple continuous objects from
  # a DataOutputStream. There is no preceding field telling the count
  # of the objects, so the number of objects varies, we try to read
  # all objects in a loop until the end of the stream. This function
  # is for use by gapply. Each group of rows is followed by the grouping
  # key for this group which is then followed by next group.
  keys <- list()
  data <- list()
  subData <- list()
  while (TRUE) {
    # If reaching the end of the stream, type returned should be "".
    type <- readType(inputCon)
    if (type == "") {
    } else if (type == "r") {
      type <- readType(inputCon)
      # A grouping boundary detected
      key <- readTypedObject(inputCon, type)
      index <- length(data) + 1L
      data[[index]] <- subData
      keys[[index]] <- key
      subData <- list()
    } else {
      subData[[length(subData) + 1L]] <- readTypedObject(inputCon, type)
  list(keys = keys, data = data) # this is a list of keys and corresponding data

readDeserializeInArrow <- function(inputCon) {
  if (requireNamespace("arrow", quietly = TRUE)) {
    # Arrow drops `as_tibble` since 0.14.0, see ARROW-5190.
    useAsTibble <- exists("as_tibble", envir = asNamespace("arrow"))

    # Currently, there looks no way to read batch by batch by socket connection in R side,
    # See ARROW-4512. Therefore, it reads the whole Arrow streaming-formatted binary at once
    # for now.
    dataLen <- readInt(inputCon)
    arrowData <- readBin(inputCon, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big")
    batches <- arrow::RecordBatchStreamReader$create(arrowData)$batches()

    if (useAsTibble) {
      as_tibble <- get("as_tibble", envir = asNamespace("arrow"))
      # Read all groupped batches. Tibble -> data.frame is cheap.
      lapply(batches, function(batch) as.data.frame(as_tibble(batch)))
    } else {
      lapply(batches, function(batch) as.data.frame(batch))
  } else {
    stop("'arrow' package should be installed.")

readDeserializeWithKeysInArrow <- function(inputCon) {
  data <- readDeserializeInArrow(inputCon)

  keys <- readMultipleObjects(inputCon)

  # Read keys to map with each groupped batch later.
  list(keys = keys, data = data)

readRowList <- function(obj) {
  # readRowList is meant for use inside an lapply. As a result, it is
  # necessary to open a standalone connection for the row and consume
  # the numCols bytes inside the read function in order to correctly
  # deserialize the row.
  rawObj <- rawConnection(obj, "r+")
danzafar/tidyspark documentation built on Sept. 30, 2020, 12:19 p.m.