pkg <- "epigrowthfit"
obj <- "covid19.ontario"
if (!file.exists("DESCRIPTION") ||
read.dcf("DESCRIPTION", fields = "Package")[1L] != pkg)
stop(gettextf("script must be run in package [%s] root directory", pkg),
domain = NA)
## Otherwise 403
options(HTTPUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0")
## From
url <- ""
csv <- tempfile()
download.file(url, csv)
dat <- raw <- read.csv(csv, check.names = FALSE)
nms <- c("Reported Date", "Total Cases",
"Total patients approved for testing as of Reporting Date",
"Total tests completed in the last day")
stopifnot(exprs = {
match(nms, names(dat), 0L) > 0L
vapply(dat[nms], typeof, "") == c("character","integer", 3L))
dat <- dat[nms]
names(dat) <- c("date", "cases", "00tests", "tests")
dat[["date"]] <- as.Date(dat[["date"]], format = "%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00")
## Discard counts after 2022-05-01 00:00:00
s <- dat[["date"]] <= as.Date("2022-05-01")
dat <- dat[s, , drop = FALSE]
stopifnot(exprs = {
identical(range(dat[["date"]]), as.Date(c("2020-02-06", "2022-05-01")))
identical(range(diff(dat[["date"]])), .difftime(c(1, 1), "days"))
## Account for changes in reporting of tests on two dates;
## see ./covid19.ontario.definitions.tsv
i0 <- match("2020-03-30", dat[["date"]], 0L)
i1 <- match("2020-04-15", dat[["date"]], 0L)
i2 <- nrow(dat) + 1L
dat[["tests"]][1L:(i0 - 1L)] <- NA
dat[["tests"]][i0:(i1 - 1L)] <- dat[["00tests"]][i0:(i1 - 1L)]
dat[["tests"]][i1:(i2 - 1L)] <- cumsum(dat[["tests"]][i1:(i2 - 1L)]) + dat[["tests"]][i1 - 1L]
dat[["00tests"]] <- NULL
stopifnot(exprs = {
identical(which([["cases"]])), 1L:2L)
identical(which([["tests"]])), 1L:(i0 - 1L))
## Discard leading NA
dat <- dat[-(1L:min(2L, i0 - 1L)), , drop = FALSE]
## Force automatic row names
row.names(dat) <- NULL
assign(obj, dat)
save(list = obj, file = file.path("data", paste0(obj, ".rda")))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.