options(warn = 2L, error = if (interactive()) recover)
example("egf", package = "epigrowthfit"); o.1 <- m1; o.2 <- m2
.S3method("split", "formula",
function(x, f, drop = FALSE, ...) {
l <- epigrowthfit:::split_effects(x)
`attr<-`(l[[1L]], "random", l[-1L])
## fixef ###############################################################
o.2c <- coef(o.2, random = TRUE, full = TRUE)
o.2f <- fixef(o.2)
o.2f.e <- data.frame(bottom = epigrowthfit:::disambiguate("beta", 2L)),
top = gl(2L, 1L, labels = c("log(r)", "log(c0)")),
term = gl(1L, 2L, labels = "(Intercept)"),
colname ="(Intercept)", 2L),
value = o.2c[1:2])
stopifnot(identical(o.2f, o.2f.e))
## ranef ###############################################################
o.2c <- coef(o.2, random = TRUE, full = TRUE)
o.2r <- ranef(o.2, makeSigma = TRUE)
o.2r.e <- data.frame(cov = gl(1L, 40L, labels = epigrowthfit:::disambiguate("Sigma")),
vec = gl(20L, 2L, labels = epigrowthfit:::disambiguate("u", 20L))),
bottom = epigrowthfit:::disambiguate("b", 40L)),
top = gl(2L, 1L, 40L, labels = c("log(r)", "log(c0)")),
term = gl(1L, 40L, labels = "(Intercept)"),
group = gl(1L, 40L, labels = "country:wave"),
level = gl(20L, 2L, labels = paste0(gl(10L, 1L, 20L, labels = LETTERS[1:10]), ":", gl(2L, 10L))),
colname = sprintf("((Intercept) | country%s:wave%s)", gl(10L, 2L, 40L, labels = LETTERS[1:10]), gl(2L, 20L)),
value = o.2c[-(1:5)])
Sigma <- list(theta2cov(o.2c[3:5]))
names(Sigma) <- levels(o.2r[["cov"]])
dimnames(Sigma[[1L]])[1:2] <- list(levels(o.2r[["top"]]))
attr(o.2r.e, "Sigma") <- Sigma
stopifnot(identical(o.2r, o.2r.e))
## vcov ################################################################
## getCall #############################################################
o <- list(call = call("egf.method"))
class(o) <- "egf"
stopifnot(identical(getCall(o), call("egf")))
class(o) <- "egf_no_fit"
stopifnot(identical(getCall(o), call("egf")))
## model.frame #########################################################
mf0 <- model.frame(o.1, which = "ts", full = FALSE)
mf1 <- model.frame(o.1, which = "ts", full = TRUE)
mf2 <- model.frame(o.1, which = "windows")
mf3 <- model.frame(o.1, which = "parameters", top = "log(r)")
mf4 <- model.frame(o.1, which = "extra")
mf5 <- model.frame(o.1, which = "combined")
frame <- o.1[["frame"]]
d5 <-, unname(frame[["parameters"]]))
d5 <- cbind(d5, frame[["extra"]])
d5 <- d5[!duplicated(names(d5))]
stopifnot(exprs = {
identical(mf0, frame[["ts"]][![["ts"]][["window"]]), , drop = FALSE])
identical(mf1, frame[["ts"]])
identical(mf2, frame[["windows"]])
identical(mf3, frame[["parameters"]][["log(r)"]])
identical(mf4, frame[["extra"]])
identical(mf5, d5)
## model.matrix ########################################################
X <- model.matrix(o.1, which = "fixed")
Z <- model.matrix(o.1, which = "random")
X1 <- model.matrix(o.1, which = "fixed", top = "log(r)")
Z1 <- model.matrix(o.1, which = "random", top = "log(r)")
Z2 <- model.matrix(o.1, which = "random", top = "log(r)",
random = quote(1 | country:wave))
o.1f <- fixef(o.1)
o.1r <- ranef(o.1)
stopifnot(exprs = {
contrasts = o.1[["contrasts"]][["X"]]))
contrasts = o.1[["contrasts"]][["Z"]]))
as.double(X[, o.1f[["top"]] == "log(r)", drop = FALSE]))
as.double(Z[, o.1r[["top"]] == "log(r)", drop = FALSE]))
identical(Z2, Z1)
## terms ###############################################################
stopifnot(identical(terms(o.1, top = "log(r)"),
terms(model.frame(o.1, which = "parameters", top = "log(r)"))))
## formula #############################################################
o.1f.0 <- formula(o.1, top = "log(r)", split = FALSE)
o.1f.1 <- formula(o.1, top = "log(r)", split = TRUE)
stopifnot(exprs = {
identical(o.1f.0, formula(terms(o.1, top = "log(r)")))
identical(o.1f.1, split(o.1f.0))
## nobs ################################################################
x <- model.frame(o.1, which = "ts", full = FALSE)[["x"]]
stopifnot(identical(nobs(o.1), sum(!
## df.residual #########################################################
as.double(nobs(o.1)) - sum(!o.1[["random"]])))
## logLik ##############################################################
df = sum(!o.1[["random"]]),
nobs = nobs(o.1),
class = "logLik")))
## extractAIC ##########################################################
ll <- logLik(o.1)
df <- attr(ll, "df")
stopifnot(identical(extractAIC(o.1), c(df, -2 * as.double(ll) + 2 * df)))
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