## A frequent case of 'unlist' usage
unlist1 <-
unlist(x, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
## Format probabilities as percentages {a copy of stats:::.format_perc}
formatp <-
function(probs, digits)
paste(format(100 * probs, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE, digits = digits),
## Creates and prints headings;
## used to section 'print' method output
heading <-
function(text, width = 0.9 * getOption("width"), symbol = ".") {
line <- strrep(symbol, max(0L, width - 1L - nchar(text)))
cat(text, " ", line, "\n", sep = "")
## Conditionally pluralizes most singular English nouns;
## used to make sure that 'print' and 'plot' method output is grammatical
pluralize <-
function(word, n) {
plural <- n > 1L
word[plural] <- paste0(word[plural], "s")
## Formats tables of text;
## used by 'print' methods instead of hacking 'print.default'
align <-
function(..., justify = "right", gap = 1L) {
dots <- list(...) # list of column vectors
dots <- .mapply(format, list(x = dots, justify = justify), NULL)
dots[["sep"]] <- strrep(" ", gap)
do.call(paste, dots)
## Disambiguates duplicated strings (or names)
disambiguate <-
function(x, nms = FALSE, fmt = "%s[%d]") {
if (nms) {
if (!is.null(nx <- names(x)))
names(x) <- disambiguate(nx, nms = FALSE, fmt = fmt)
x <- as.character(x)
f <- factor(x)
n <- tabulate(f, nlevels(f))
i <- unsplit(lapply(n, seq_len), f)
sprintf(fmt, x, i)
if (FALSE) {
## A drop-in replacement for 'rle' that regards NA as equal to previous NA
## and (in double vectors) NaN as equal to previous NaN
rle1 <-
function(x) {
n <- length(x)
if (n == 0L)
return(list(lengths = integer(0L), values = x))
l <- x[-n] != x[-1L]
if (any(argna <- is.na(x))) {
l[is.na(l)] <- FALSE
if (is.double(x)) {
argnan <- is.nan(x)
argna <- argna & !argnan
l <- l | (argnan[-n] & !argnan[-1L]) | (!argnan[-n] & argnan[-1L])
l <- l | (argna[-n] & !argna[-1L]) | (!argna[-n] & argna[-1L])
i <- c(which(l), n)
list(lengths = diff(c(0L, i)), values = x[i])
## Last observation carried forward, with optional replacement of leading NA
locf <-
function(x, x0 = NULL) {
if (!anyNA(x))
rle.x <- rle1(x)
y <- rle.x[["values"]]
if (is.na(y[1L]) && !is.null(x0))
y[1L] <- x0
if (anyNA(y[-1L])) {
argna.y <- which(c(FALSE, is.na(y[-1L])))
y[argna.y] <- y[argna.y - 1L]
rle.x[["values"]] <- y
## Computes confidence intervals from point estimates, standard errors
wald <-
function(value, se, level) {
h <- 0.5 * (1 - level)
p <- c(h, 1 - h)
q <- qnorm(p)
ans <- value + rep(q, each = length(se)) * se
dim(ans) <- c(length(se), 2L)
## Real symmetric positive definite matrix to packed representation
cov2theta <-
function(Sigma) {
n <- dim(Sigma)[1L]
R <- chol(Sigma)
R1 <- R * rep(1 / diag(R, names = FALSE), each = n)
c(0.5 * log(diag(Sigma, names = FALSE)), R1[upper.tri(R1)])
## Real symmetric positive definite matrix from packed representation
theta2cov <-
function(theta) {
n <- as.integer(round(0.5 * (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(theta)))))
h <- seq_len(n)
R1 <- diag(n)
R1[upper.tri(R1)] <- theta[-h]
S <- crossprod(R1)
scale <- exp(theta[h] - 0.5 * log(diag(S, names = FALSE)))
scale * S * rep(scale, each = n)
## op(Matrix::fac2sparse(x)), more directly
fastFactorAsSparse <- function(x, margin = 1L) {
x <- as.factor(x)
l <- levels(x)
m <- length(x)
n <- length(l)
if (!anyNA(x)) {
p <- 0L:m
j <- as.integer(x) - 1L
else {
k <- is.na(x)
p <- c(0L, cumsum(!k))
j <- as.integer(x)[!k] - 1L
if (margin == 1L) {
A <- new("dgRMatrix")
A@Dim <- c(m, n)
A@Dimnames <- list(names(x), l)
A@j <- j
else if (margin == 2L) {
A <- new("dgCMatrix")
A@Dim <- c(n, m)
A@Dimnames <- list(l, names(x))
A@i <- j
else stop("should never happen")
A@p <- p
A@x <- rep.int(1, length(j))
## Matrix::KhatriRao(Matrix::fac2sparse(x), Y), more directly
fastKhatriRao <- function(x, Y) {
Y <- as(Y, "CsparseMatrix")
d <- Y@Dim
if (length(x) != d[2L])
stop("should never happen")
p.diff <- Y@p[-1L] - Y@p[-length(Y@p)]
x <- as.factor(x)
i <- (as.integer(x) - 1L) * d[1L]
A <- new("dgCMatrix")
A@Dim <- d * c(nlevels(x), 1L)
if (!anyNA(x))
A@p <- Y@p
else {
k <- is.na(x)
p.diff[k] <- 0L
A@p <- c(0L, cumsum(p.diff))
Y <- Y[, !k, drop = FALSE]
A@i <- Y@i + rep.int(i, p.diff)
A@x <- Y@x
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