
Defines functions rdocx_document get_docx_uncached absolute_path file_with_meta_ext get_fun

Documented in rdocx_document

# utils ----
#' @importFrom utils getAnywhere getFromNamespace
get_fun <- function(x){
  if( grepl("::", x, fixed = TRUE) ){
    coumpounds <- strsplit(x, split = "::", x, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    z <- getFromNamespace(coumpounds[2], ns = coumpounds[1] )
  } else {
    z <- getAnywhere(x)
    if(length(z$objs) < 1){
      stop("could not find any function named ", shQuote(z$name), " in loaded namespaces or in the search path. If the package is installed, specify name with `packagename::function_name`.")

file_with_meta_ext <- function(file, meta_ext, ext = tools::file_ext(file)) {
        ".", meta_ext, ".", ext,
        sep = ""

absolute_path <- function(x){
  if (length(x) != 1L)
    stop("'x' must be a single character string")
  epath <- path.expand(x)
  if( file.exists(epath)){
    epath <- normalizePath(epath, "/", mustWork = TRUE)
  } else {
    if( !dir.exists(dirname(epath)) ){
      stop("directory of ", x, " does not exist.", call. = FALSE)
    cat("", file = epath)
    epath <- normalizePath(epath, "/", mustWork = TRUE)

# tables_default_values ----
tables_default_values <- list(
  style = "Table",
  layout = "autofit",
  width = 1,
  tab.lp = "tab:",
  topcaption = TRUE,
  caption = list(
    style = "Table Caption",
    pre = "Table", sep = ":",
    tnd = 0,
    tns = "-",
    fp_text = fp_text_lite(bold = TRUE)
  conditional = list(
    first_row = TRUE,
    first_column = FALSE,
    last_row = FALSE,
    last_column = FALSE,
    no_hband = FALSE,
    no_vband = TRUE

# plots_default_values ----
plots_default_values <- list(
  style = "Figure",
  align = "center",
  fig.lp = "fig:",
  topcaption = FALSE,
  caption = list(
    style = "Image Caption",
    pre = "Figure ", sep = ": ",
    tnd = 0,
    tns = "-",
    fp_text = fp_text_lite(bold = TRUE)

# lists_default_values ----
lists_default_values <- list(
  ol.style = NULL,
  ul.style = NULL

# page_size_default_values ----
page_size_default_values <- list(
  width = 8.3,
  height = 11.7,
  orient = "portrait"
# page_mar_default_values ----
page_mar_default_values <- list(
  bottom = 1.25,
  top = 1.25,
  right = 0.5,
  left = .5,
  header = 0.5,
  footer = 0.5,
  gutter = 0.5

# memoise reference_docx ----

#' @importFrom officer get_reference_value
get_docx_uncached <- function() {
  ref_docx <- read_docx(get_reference_value(format = "docx"))

#' @importFrom memoise memoise forget
get_reference_rdocx <- memoise(get_docx_uncached)

# main ----
#' @export
#' @title Advanced R Markdown Word Format
#' @description 'R Markdown' Format for converting from 'R Markdown'
#' document to an MS Word document.
#' The function enhances the output offered by [rmarkdown::word_document()] with
#' advanced formatting features.
#' @param base_format a scalar character, the format to be used as a
#' base document for 'officedown'. Default to [word_document][rmarkdown::word_document] but
#' can also be `word_document2()` from bookdown.
#' When the `base_format` used is `bookdown::word_document2`, the `number_sections`
#' parameter is automatically set to `FALSE`. Indeed, if you want numbered titles,
#' you are asked to use a Word document template with auto-numbered titles (the title
#' styles of the default `rdocx_document' template are already set to FALSE).
#' @param tables see section 'Tables' below.
#' @param plots see section 'Plots' below.
#' @param lists see section 'Lists' below.
#' @param mapstyles a named list of style to be replaced in the generated
#' document. `list("Normal" = c("Author", "Date"))` will result in a document where
#' all paragraphs styled with stylename "Date" and "Author" will be then styled with
#' stylename "Normal".
#' @param reference_num if `TRUE`, text for references to sections will be
#' the section number (e.g. '3.2'). If FALSE, text for references to sections
#' will be the text (e.g. 'section title').
#' @param page_size,page_margins default page and margins dimensions. If
#' not null (the default), these values are used to define the default Word section.
#' See [page_size()] and [page_mar()].
#' @param ... arguments used by [word_document][rmarkdown::word_document]
#' @return R Markdown *output format* to pass to [render][rmarkdown::render].
#' @section Tables:
#' ```{r child = "man/rdocx/tables.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @section Plots:
#' ```{r child = "man/rdocx/plots.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @section Lists:
#' ```{r child = "man/rdocx/lists.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @section Finding stylenames:
#' ```{r child = "man/rdocx/stylenames.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @section R Markdown yaml:
#' ```{r child = "man/rdocx/rmarkdown-yaml.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @examples
#' # rdocx_document basic example -----
#' @example examples/rdocx_document.R
#' @importFrom officer change_styles
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
rdocx_document <- function(base_format = "rmarkdown::word_document",
                           tables = list(), plots = list(), lists = list(),
                           mapstyles = list(), page_size = NULL, page_margins = NULL,
                           reference_num = TRUE, ...) {

  args <- list(...)
    args$reference_docx <- system.file(
      package = "officedown", "examples",
      "bookdown", "template.docx"
  if(!is.null(args$number_sections) && isTRUE(args$number_sections)){
    args$number_sections <- FALSE

  args$reference_docx <- absolute_path(args$reference_docx)

  base_format_fun <- get_fun(base_format)
  output_formats <- do.call(base_format_fun, args)

  tables <- modifyList(tables_default_values, tables)
  plots <- modifyList(plots_default_values, plots)
  lists <- modifyList(lists_default_values, lists)

  if (!is.null(page_size)) {
    page_size <- modifyList(page_size_default_values, page_size)
  if (!is.null(page_margins)) {
    page_margins <- modifyList(page_mar_default_values, page_margins)

  output_formats$knitr$opts_chunk <- append(
    list(tab.cap.style = tables$caption$style,
         tab.cap.pre = tables$caption$pre,
         tab.cap.sep = tables$caption$sep,
         tab.cap.tnd = tables$caption$tnd,
         tab.cap.tns = tables$caption$tns,
         tab.cap.fp_text = tables$caption$fp_text,
         tab.lp = tables$tab.lp,
         tab.topcaption = tables$topcaption,
         tab.style = tables$style,
         tab.width = tables$width,

         first_row = tables$conditional$first_row,
         first_column = tables$conditional$first_column,
         last_row = tables$conditional$last_row,
         last_column = tables$conditional$last_column,
         no_hband = tables$conditional$no_hband,
         no_vband = tables$conditional$no_vband,

         fig.cap.style = plots$caption$style,
         fig.cap.pre = plots$caption$pre,
         fig.cap.sep = plots$caption$sep,
         fig.cap.tnd = plots$caption$tnd,
         fig.cap.tns = plots$caption$tns,
         fig.cap.fp_text = plots$caption$fp_text,
         fig.align = plots$align,
         fig.style = plots$style,
         fig.lp = plots$fig.lp,
         fig.topcaption = plots$topcaption,
         is_rdocx_document = TRUE
    output_formats$knitr$knit_hooks <- list()
  output_formats$knitr$knit_hooks$plot <- plot_word_fig_caption

  # This is the intermediate_dir and wll be updated if `intermediates_generator` is called
  intermediate_dir <- "."

  temp_intermediates_generator <- output_formats$intermediates_generator
  output_formats$intermediates_generator <- function(...){
    intermediate_dir <<- list(...)[[2]]

  output_formats$post_knit <- function(
    metadata, input_file, runtime, ...){

    output_file <- file_with_meta_ext(input_file, "knit", "md")
    output_file <- file.path(intermediate_dir, output_file)
    if (!file.exists(output_file)) {
      output_file <- gsub("\\.spin\\.Rmd$", ".knit.md", input_file)
      output_file <- file.path(intermediate_dir, output_file)
    if (!file.exists(output_file)) {
      stop("can not find md file for 'post-knit' treatment.")

    content <- readLines(output_file)
    content <- post_knit_caption_references(content, lp = tables$tab.lp)
    content <- post_knit_caption_references(content, lp = plots$fig.lp)
    content <- post_knit_std_references(content, numbered = reference_num)
    content <- block_macro(content)
    writeLines(content, output_file)

  output_formats$post_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, output_file, clean, verbose) {
    x <- officer::read_docx(output_file)
    x <- process_par_settings(x)
    x <- process_list_settings(x, ul_style = lists$ul.style, ol_style = lists$ol.style)
    x <- change_styles(x, mapstyles = mapstyles)

    if (!is.null(page_size) && !is.null(page_margins)) {
      # default section
      default_sect_properties <- prop_section(
        page_size = page_size(
          orient = page_size$orient,
          width = page_size$width,
          height = page_size$height),
        type = "continuous",
        page_margins = page_mar(
          bottom = page_margins$bottom,
          top = page_margins$top,
          right = page_margins$right,
          left = page_margins$left,
          header = page_margins$header,
          footer = page_margins$footer,
          gutter = page_margins$gutter)
      x <- body_set_default_section(x, default_sect_properties)

    print(x, target = output_file)
  output_formats$bookdown_output_format = 'docx'
davidgohel/worded documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 1:09 a.m.