
#' @title Valid Inference for Model-based Gradient Boosting Models
#' @param obj mboost object
#' @param method character; if possible, choose custom method. See details.
#' @param vars numeric vector; a single numeric value or vector of numeric values for the 
#' variance used in the linear model (preferably the true variance or an estimation from a 
#' consistent estimator). If NULL, the empirical response variance is used, which will result 
#' in rather conservative inference.
#' @param varForSampling variance used for generate new samples. 
#' Defaults to the first entry of \code{vars} if not given.
#' @param B numeric; number of samples drawn for inference.
#' @param alpha numeric; significance level for p-value / size of selective interval 
#' (\code{1 - alpha}).
#' @param ncore numeric; number of cores to use (via \code{mclapply})
#' @param refit.mboost function; this is needed if \code{obj} was created by a direct call 
#' to \code{mboost_fit}. 
#' In this case, \code{refit.mboost} should be a function of the response, 
#' refitting the exact model 
#' as given by \code{obj} with the response vector.
#' @param Ups list of residual matrix produces by \code{\link{getUpsilons}}.
#' @param checkBL logical; if \code{TRUE} checks whether base-learner only include linear, 
#' group and spline base-learner (which are currently supported)
#' @param vT list of test vectors as produced by \code{\link{getTestvector}}.
#' @param computeCI logical; whether or not to compute selective confidence intervals
#' @param returnSamples logical; whether or not (default = FALSE) to only return 
#' the samples produced. Per default, p-values (and intervals) are calculated using the 
#' samples using \code{\link{format_iboost_res}}.
#' @param which numeric; selects only certain base-learner, for which inference is conducted.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to the sampling method.
#' @import parallel mboost intervals selectiveInference
#' @importFrom intervals Intervals
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom stats as.formula dnorm pnorm qnorm rnorm runif uniroot
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom msm ptnorm
#' @export
#' @details iboost provides inference for L_2-Boosting models fitted with \code{mboost} 
#' with linear, group or spline base-learner based on 
#' Ruegamer and Greven (2018) when \code{method = unifsamp}, 
#' Yang et al. (2016) when \code{method = impsamp}, 
#' Tibshirani et al. (2016) when \code{method = analytic},
#' Loftus and Taylor (2015) when \code{method = slice} and
#' two variations of the \code{unifsamp} approach when \code{method} is 
#' \code{normalsamp} or \code{normaladjsamp}.
#' Only the methods \code{impsamp} and \code{slice} can be used for testing 
#' group effects or whole spline functions. 
#' @references 
#' Ruegamer, D. and Greven, S. (2018), 
#' Valid Inferece for L2-Boosting, 
#' arXiv e-prints arXiv:1805.01852.
#' Yang, F., Barber, R. F., Jain, P. and Lafferty, J. (2016), 
#' Selective inference for group-sparse linear models, 
#' Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 2469-2477. 
#' Tibshirani, R. J., Taylor, J., Lockhart, R. & Tibshirani, R. (2016), 
#' Exact post-selection inference for sequential regression procedures, 
#' Journal of the American Statistical Association 111(514), 600-620.
#' Loftus, J. R. & Taylor, J. E. (2015), 
#' Selective inference in regression models with groupsof variables, 
#' arXiv e-prints arXiv:1511.01478.
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{iboost} or, if \code{length(vars)>1}, a 
#' list of \code{iboost} objects for each variance.
#' An \code{iboost} object is a list containing the following items
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{dist}: a list obtained by the sampling procedure 
#'   including \code{rB}, the sampled values, \code{logvals}, logical values whether 
#'   the corresponding \code{rB} yields to a congruent model with the initial model fit, 
#'   \code{obsval}, the actual observed value 
#'   in the initial model fit and corresponding \code{weights} of the importance sampling 
#'   procedure.
#'   \item \code{method}: name of the method used
#'   \item \code{alpha}: alpha level used for the confidence interval limits
#'   \item \code{vT}: the test vector(s)
#'   \item \code{yorg}: original response value
#'   \item \code{resDF}: a data.frame consisting of the \code{lower} and 
#'   \code{upper} confidence interval limits, the observed value \code{mean}, 
#'   the calculated p-value \code{pval} and the truncation limits of the effect 
#'   \code{lowtrunc} and \code{uptrunc}.
#'    \item \code{var}: the variance used for inference calculation
#'    \item \code{dur}: total duration of sampling in seconds
#' }
#' @description Function computes selective p-values (and confidence intervals) 
#' for \code{\link[mboost]{mboost}} objects. Currently \code{iboost} supports Gaussian 
#' family models (L2-Boosting) with linear, group and spline base-learners.
#' @examples 
#' if(require("mboost")){
#' set.seed(0)
#' n <- 200
#' x1 <- rnorm(n)
#' x2 <- rnorm(n) + 0.25 * x1
#' x3 <- rnorm(n)
#' eta <- 3 * sin(x1) + x2^2
#' y <- scale(eta + rnorm(n), scale = FALSE)
#' spline1 <- bbs(x1, knots = 20, df = 4)
#' knots.x2 <- quantile(x2, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))
#' spline2 <- bbs(x2, knots = knots.x2, df = 4)
#' spline3 <- bbs(x3, knots = 20, df = 4)
#' data <- data.frame(y=y, x1=x1, x2=x2, x3=x3)
#' mod1 <- mboost(y ~ spline1 + spline2 + spline3,
#' control=boost_control(mstop = 73), offset = 0, 
#' data = data)
#' # calculate p-values and intervals for model with 
#' # fixed stopping iteration:
#' # this is done with only B = 100 samples for
#' # demonstrative purposes and should be increased 
#' # for actual research questions
#' res <- iboost(mod1, method = "impsamp", B = 100)
#' # do the same with crossvalidation
#' \dontrun{
#' fixFolds <- cv(weights = model.weights(mod1),
#' type = "kfold", B = 10)
#' cvr <- cvrisk(mod1, folds = fixFolds, papply = lapply)
#' modf <- mod1[mstop(cvr)]
#' # define corresponding refit function
#' modFun <- function(y){
#'  mod <- mboost_fit(response = y,                
#'                    blg = blList,
#'                    offset = 0, 
#'                    control = boost_control(mstop = 73))
#'  cvr <- cvrisk(mod, folds = fixFolds, papply = lapply)
#'  return(mod[mstop(cvr)])
#'  }
#'  # this will take a while
#' (res <- iboost(modf, refit.mboost = modFun, method = "impsamp", B = 1000))
#' }
#' }
iboost <- function(obj, 
                   method = c("unifsamp",
                   vars = NULL,
                   varForSampling = NULL,
                   B = 1000,
                   alpha = 0.05,
                   ncore = 1,
                   refit.mboost = NULL,
                   Ups = NULL,
                   checkBL = TRUE,
                   vT = NULL,
                   computeCI = TRUE,
                   returnSamples = FALSE,
                   which = NULL,
  # get method
  method <- match.arg(method)
  ####### checks #######

  # check model class
  if(all(class(obj) != "mboost")) 
    stop("obj must be of class mboost.")
  # check that offset is (almost) zero
  if(abs(obj$offset) > 0.000001) 
    stop(paste0("Please refit the model by substracting", 
                " the offset from the response before calling mboost / glmboost."))
  # check alpha level
  if(alpha >= 1 | alpha <= 0.001) 
    stop("Please provide an alpha value in between 0.001 and 1.")

  # check that family == Gaussian
  if(obj$family@name != "Squared Error (Regression)")
    stop("Inference for families other than Gaussian is currently not available.")
  # check for group base-learners and restrict method
  nrcol <- if(class(obj)[1] == "glmboost") rle(obj$assign)$lengths else 
    unlist(lapply(extract(obj, "design"), "ncol"))
  if(any(nrcol > 1) & method %in% c("analytic", 
                                    "normalsamp") & is.null(vT)) 
    stop("Method analytic not available for group base-learner.") 

  # check for not supported base-learners  
  learners <- gsub("(.*)\\(.*\\)","\\1",names(obj$baselearner))
  if(checkBL && any(sapply(learners, function(x) !x %in% c("bbs","bols"))))
    stop(paste0("Inference is currently restricted to model with", 
                " linear and b-spline base-learner only."))
  # check model call and data argument
  if(is.null(refit.mboost) && (is.null(obj$call) || class(obj$call$data)!="name") && 
    stop("Need data object as parameter in initial model call.")
  # check variances
  if(is.null(vars)) vars <- var(obj$response) * (length(obj$response)-1)/length(obj$response)
  if(is.null(varForSampling)) varForSampling <- vars[1]
  ####### prepare inference #######
  sel <- sort(unique(selected(obj)))
  # function definition for the check of congruent selection sets
  is_congruent <- function(mod) setequal(selected(mod), sel)
  y <- obj$response
  n <- length(y)  

  # testvector(s)
  if(is.null(vT)) vT <- getTestvector(obj)
  if(!is.null(which)) vT <- vT[which]
  # check if method complies with vT
  if(any(sapply(vT, NROW)>1) & !method%in%c("impsamp", "slice"))
    method <- "impsamp"
    warning(paste0("The supplied method does not allow for inference ",
                   "of grouped variable parameters.\n", 
                   "method has changed to impsamp.\n", 
                   "If linear effects are given and you wish",
                   "to use a different method, please use the which argument to only select", 
                   "effects of linear base-learners.")
    refit.mboost <- function(newY){
      call <- obj$call
      olddat <- eval(call$data, parent.frame())
      yname <- all.vars(as.formula(obj$call))[1]
      olddat[[yname]] <- newY
      assign(as.character(call$data), olddat)
      if(as.character(as.list(call)[[1]]) == "glmboost.formula")
        stop("Please provide a refit.mboost function.")

  var <- varForSampling
  ####### call distribution helper functions #######
  tstart <- Sys.time()
  res <- switch (method,
    analytic = polyh_inf(obj, vT, var, alpha, Ups = Ups),
    slice = mclapply(lapply(vT, t), function(v) getVloVup(mod = obj, v = v, Ups = Ups), 
                     mc.cores = ncore),
    # linesearch = mclapply(vT, function(vt) 
    #   infsamp(refit.mboost, y, vT = vt, is_congruent, B, var, ...), 
    #                       mc.cores = ncore),
    normalsamp = mclapply(vT, function(vt) 
      normalsamp(refit.mboost, y, vT = vt, is_congruent, B, var, ...), 
                          mc.cores = ncore),
    normaladjsamp = mclapply(vT, function(vt) 
      normaladjsamp(refit.mboost, y, vT = vt, is_congruent, B, var), 
      mc.cores = ncore),
    impsamp = mclapply(vT, function(vt) 
      impsamp(refit.mboost, y, vT = vt, is_congruent, B, var, ...), 
                       mc.cores = ncore),
    unifsamp = mclapply(vT, function(vt) 
      unifsamp(refit.mboost, y, vT = vt, is_congruent, B, var, ...),
                        mc.cores = ncore)
  dur <- as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), tstart, units = "secs"))
  ####### format results #######
  if(returnSamples) return(list(res = res, 
                                alpha = alpha, 
                                method = method, 
                                vT = vT, 
                                this_var = vars[i],
                                computeCI = computeCI,
                                y = y))
  ret <- vector("list", length(vars))
  for(i in 1:length(vars)){
    ret[[i]] <- format_iboost_res(res = res, 
                                  alpha = alpha, 
                                  method = method, 
                                  vT = vT, 
                                  this_var = vars[i],
                                  computeCI = computeCI,
                                  y = y)
    ret[[i]]$dur <- dur
  if(length(ret)==1) ret <- ret[[1]]


#' @title Function to calculate selective inference based on sampled values
#' @description This function calculates p-values and confidence intervals 
#' based on sampled values and weights obtained by the \code{\link{iboost}} function.
#' @details The specific use of this function is to (internally) compute inference based 
#' on samples in the \code{\link{iboost}} function, to recalculate inference for 
#' given samples \code{dist} from an \code{iboost} object or to calculate inference in 
#' the first place when \code{\link{iboost}} has been ran with 
#' argument \code{returnSamples = TRUE}. 
#' In the first and third case, use \code{format_iboost_res}, otherwise \code{format_iboost}.
#' @examples 
#' if(require("mboost")){
#' set.seed(0)
#' n <- 200
#' x1 <- rnorm(n)
#' x2 <- rnorm(n) + 0.25 * x1
#' x3 <- rnorm(n)
#' eta <- 3 * sin(x1) + x2^2
#' y <- scale(eta + rnorm(n), scale = FALSE)
#' spline1 <- bbs(x1, knots = 20, df = 4)
#' knots.x2 <- quantile(x2, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))
#' spline2 <- bbs(x2, knots = knots.x2, df = 4)
#' spline3 <- bbs(x3, knots = 20, df = 4)
#' data <- data.frame(y=y, x1=x1, x2=x2, x3=x3)
#' mod1 <- mboost(y ~ spline1 + spline2 + spline3,
#' control=boost_control(mstop = 73), offset = 0, 
#' data = data)
#' # calculate p-values and intervals for model with 
#' # fixed stopping iteration:
#' # this is done with only B = 100 samples for
#' # demonstrative purposes and should be increased 
#' # for actual research questions
#' res <- iboost(mod1, method = "impsamp", B = 100)
#' # recalculate inference for different variance or alpha level
#' format_iboost(res, alpha = 0.1, this_var = var(y)*5)
#' }
#' @param res list of sampled values either directly obtained in the \code{\link{iboost}} 
#' call or when using \code{\link{iboost}} with \code{returnSamples = TRUE}.
#' @param alpha numeric; level for confidence interval(s)
#' @param method character; method used for sampling
#' @param vT list of test vector(s)
#' @param this_var numeric; variance to be used for inference
#' @param computeCI logical; whether or not to compute confidence intervals
#' @param fac numeric; used in inverse search for confidence interval limits
#' @param y vector; response vector
#' @export
#' @rdname format_iboost
#' @aliases format_iboost
format_iboost_res <- function(
  fac = 2, 
  resDF <- list()
    method <- "unifsamp"
    computeCI <- FALSE
  for(j in 1:length(res)){
    if(method %in% c("linesearch", "analytic")){
      res[[j]] <- sort(res[[j]])
      vlo <- res[[j]][1]
      vup <- res[[j]][2]
    }else if(method == "slice"){ # slice
      vlo <- res[[j]]$ul[[1]]
      vup <- res[[j]]$ul[[2]]
    }else if(method %in% c("normalsamp", "normaladjsamp", "impsamp", "unifsamp", "impsamp")){
      # if("extrcase" %in% names(attributes(res[[j]]))){
      #   resDF[[j]] <- data.frame(lower = NA, mean = res[[j]]$obsval, upper = NA, pval = 0,
      #                            lowtrunc = NA, uptrunc = NA)
      #   next
      # }
      if(sum(res[[j]]$logvals) == 0){
        warning("No sample survived. Most likely reason: truncated space very small.")
        resDF[[j]] <- data.frame(lower = NA, mean = res[[j]]$obsval, upper = NA, pval = NA,
                                 lowtrunc = NA, uptrunc = NA)
      vlo <- min(res[[j]]$rBs)
      vup <- max(res[[j]]$rBs)
      mu <- res[[j]]$obsval
      l1 <- res[[j]]$logvals
      survr <- res[[j]]$rBs[l1]
      l2 <- survr > mu
      survr_gr <- survr[l2]
      survr_le <- survr[!l2]
      pval <- sum(res[[j]]$weights(var = this_var)[l2]) / 
        sum(res[[j]]$weights(var = this_var))
      vt <- vT[[j]]
      vTv <- as.numeric(tcrossprod(vT[[j]]))
        # define binary search and get confidence intervaĺ
        if(method %in% c("normalsamp", "unifsamp", "normaladjsamp"))
          w <- res[[j]]$weights(var = this_var)
          if(all(w<1e-7)) w <- w / max(w)
          ftlo <- function(t) sum(exp(survr_gr * t / (this_var * vTv)) * w[l2]) / 
            sum(exp(survr * t / (this_var * vTv)) * w)
          ftup <- function(t) sum(exp(survr_le * t / (this_var * vTv)) * w[!l2]) / 
            sum(exp(survr * t / (this_var * vTv)) * w)
            ci <- c(-Inf, Inf)
            # check admissible values
            testvals <- seq(vlo - 4*sqrt(this_var * vTv), 
                            vup + 4*sqrt(this_var * vTv),
                            l = 1000)
            flovals <- sapply(testvals, ftlo)
            fupvals <- sapply(testvals, ftup)
            ll <- min(which(!is.na(flovals) & 
            lu <- max(which(!is.na(flovals) & 
            low <- try(uniroot(f = function(x) ftlo(x) - alpha/2, 
                               interval = testvals[c(ll,lu)],
                               extendInt = "upX")$root)
            up <- try(uniroot(f = function(x) ftup(x) - alpha/2, 
                              interval = testvals[c(ll,lu)],
                              extendInt = "downX")$root)
            if(class(low)=="try-error") low <- -Inf
            if(class(up)=="try-error") up <- Inf
            ci <- c(low, up)
          # impsamp
          w <- res[[j]]$weights(var = this_var)
          if(all(w<1e-7)) w <- w / max(w)
          ft <- function(t) sum(exp(survr_gr * t / this_var) * w[l2]) / 
            sum(exp(survr * t / this_var) * w)
          ibins <- function(d, fac){
            uniroot(f = function(x) ft(x) - d, 
                    interval = c(0, fac * mu),
                    extendInt = "upX")
          low <- try(ibins(alpha, fac = fac)$root)
          if(class(low)=="try-error") low <- 0
          ci <- c(max(low, 0), Inf)
        ci <- c(NA, NA)
      # return two-sided p-value
      if(method != "impsamp") pval <- 2*min(1-pval,pval)
      resDF[[j]] <- data.frame(lower = ci[1], mean = mu, upper = ci[2], pval = pval,
                               lowtrunc = vlo, uptrunc = vup)
    if(method %in% c("slice", "analytic", "linesearch")){
      df <- nrow(vT[[j]])
      lin <- df==1
        vTv <- as.numeric(tcrossprod(vT[[j]]))
        mu <- as.numeric(vT[[j]] %*% y) 
        sqvTv <- sqrt(vTv)
        sd <- sqrt(this_var)*sqvTv
        gridrange = c(-fac,fac)*50
        pv <- selectiveInference:::tnorm.surv(mu, mean = 0, sd = sd, a = vlo, b = vup)
        if(mu<=0) pv <- 1 - pv
        xg = seq(gridrange[1]*sd, gridrange[2]*sd, length = 100)
        fun = function(x) { selectiveInference:::tnorm.surv(z = mu, mean = x, sd = sd, 
                                                            a = vlo, b = vup, bits = NULL) }
          ci = selectiveInference:::grid.search(xg, fun, alpha/2, 
                                                1-alpha/2, 100, 2) else
                                                  ci = c(NA, NA)
        R <- vT[[j]] %*% y
        mu <- sqrt(sum(R^2))
        pv <- selectiveInference:::TC_surv(TC = mu, sigma = sqrt(this_var), 
                                           df = df, E = Intervals(c(vlo,vup)))
        ci <- c(NA, NA)
      resDF[[j]] <- data.frame(lower = ci[1], mean = mu, upper = ci[2], 
                               pval = 2*min(pv, 1-pv),
                               lowtrunc = vlo, uptrunc = vup)   

  resDF <- do.call("rbind", resDF)
  if(is.null(vT)) rownames(resDF) <- names(res[[1]]$dist)
  ret <- list(dist = res,
              method = method, 
              alpha = alpha,
              vT = vT,
              yorg = y,
              resDF = resDF,
              var = this_var)
  class(ret) <- "iboost"

#' @export
#' @param obj an iboost object
#' @rdname format_iboost_res   
format_iboost <- function(
  alpha = 0.05,
  method = obj$method, 
  vT = obj$vT,
  this_var = obj$var,
  computeCI = TRUE,
  fac = 2,
  y = obj$yorg)
  format_iboost_res(obj$dist, alpha, method, vT, this_var, computeCI, fac, y)
davidruegamer/iboost documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:10 a.m.