
Defines functions vruvinv cruv4 tregress_obj_wrapper tregress_obj tregress_fix tregress_em fa_ml rotate_model cruv4_multicov vruv4

Documented in cruv4 cruv4_multicov fa_ml rotate_model tregress_em tregress_fix tregress_obj tregress_obj_wrapper vruv4 vruvinv

#' Calibrated RUV4 where the control genes are used to estimate hidden
#' confounders and a variance inflation parameter.
#' This function will perform a variant of Removing Unwanted Variation
#' 4-step (RUV4) (Gagnon-Bartsch et al, 2013) where the control genes
#' are used not only to estimate the hidden confounders, but to
#' estimate a variance inflation parameter. This variance inflation
#' step is akin to the "empirical null" approach of Efron (2004).
#' The model is \deqn{Y = XB + ZA + E,} where \eqn{Y} is a matrix of
#' responses (e.g. log-transformed gene expression levels), \eqn{X} is
#' a matrix of covariates, \eqn{B} is a matrix of coefficients,
#' \eqn{Z} is a matrix of unobserved confounders, \eqn{A} is a matrix
#' of unobserved coefficients of the unobserved confounders, and
#' \eqn{E} is the noise matrix where the elements are independent
#' Gaussian and each column shares a common variance. The rows of
#' \eqn{Y} are the observations (e.g. individuals) and the columns of
#' \eqn{Y} are the response variables (e.g. genes).
#' This model is fit using a two-step approach proposed in
#' Gagnon-Bartsch et al (2013) and described in Wang et al (2015),
#' modified to include estimating a variance inflation parameter. An
#' additional modification is to use a t-likelihood in the second step
#' of the procedure, improving robustness to model misspecification.
#' For instructions and examples on how to specify your own factor analysis, run the following code in R:
#' \code{utils::vignette("customFA", package = "vicar")}. If it doesn't work, then you probably haven't built
#' the vignettes. To do so, see \url{https://github.com/dcgerard/vicar#vignettes}.
#' @param Y A matrix of numerics. These are the response variables
#'     where each column has its own variance. In a gene expression
#'     study, the rows are the individuals and the columns are the
#'     genes.
#' @param X A matrix of numerics. The covariates of interest.
#' @param k A non-negative integer.The number of unobserved
#'     confounders. If not specified and the R package sva is
#'     installed, then this function will estimate the number of
#'     hidden confounders using the methods of Buja and Eyuboglu
#'     (1992).
#' @param cov_of_interest A vector of positive integers. The column
#'     numbers of the covariates in X whose coefficients you are
#'     interested in. The rest are considered nuisance parameters and
#'     are regressed out by OLS.
#' @param ctl A vector of logicals of length \code{ncol(Y)}. If
#'     position i is \code{TRUE} then position i is considered a
#'     negative control.
#' @param include_intercept A logical. If \code{TRUE}, then it will
#'     check \code{X} to see if it has an intercept term. If not, then
#'     it will add an intercept term. If \code{FALSE}, then \code{X}
#'     will be unchanged.
#' @param gls A logical. Should we use generalized least squares
#'     (\code{TRUE}) or ordinary least squares (\code{FALSE}) for
#'     estimating the confounders? The OLS version is equivalent to
#'     using RUV4 to estimate the confounders.
#' @param likelihood Either \code{"normal"} or \code{"t"}. If
#'     \code{likelihood = "t"}, then the user may provide the degrees
#'     of freedom via \code{degrees_freedom}.
#' @param degrees_freedom if \code{likelihood = "t"}, then this is the
#'     user-defined degrees of freedom for that distribution. If
#'     \code{degrees_freedom} is \code{NULL} then the degrees of
#'     freedom will be the sample size minus the number of covariates
#'     minus \code{k}.
#' @param limmashrink A logical. Should we apply hierarchical
#'     shrinkage to the variances (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE})?
#'     If \code{degrees_freedom = NULL} and \code{limmashrink = TRUE}
#'     and \code{likelihood = "t"}, then we'll also use the limma
#'     returned degrees of freedom.
#' @param fa_func A factor analysis function. The function must have
#'     as inputs a numeric matrix \code{Y} and a rank (numeric scalar)
#'     \code{r}. It must output numeric matrices \code{alpha} and
#'     \code{Z} and a numeric vector \code{sig_diag}. \code{alpha} is
#'     the estimate of the coefficients of the unobserved confounders,
#'     so it must be an \code{r} by \code{ncol(Y)} matrix. \code{Z}
#'     must be an \code{r} by \code{nrow(Y)} matrix. \code{sig_diag}
#'     is the estimate of the column-wise variances so it must be of
#'     length \code{ncol(Y)}. The default is the function
#'     \code{pca_naive} that just uses the first \code{r} singular
#'     vectors as the estimate of \code{alpha}. The estimated
#'     variances are just the column-wise mean square.
#' @param fa_args A list. Additional arguments you want to pass to
#'     fa_func.
#' @param adjust_bias A logical. Should we also use the control genes
#'     to adjust for bias (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE})
#' @return A list whose elements are:
#'     \code{multiplier} A numeric. The estimated variance inflation
#'     parameter.
#'     \code{betahat_ols} A vector of numerics. The ordinary least
#'     squares estimates of the coefficients of the covariate of
#'     interest. This is when not including the estimated confounding
#'     variables.
#'     \code{sebetahat_ols} A vector of positive numerics. The
#'     pre-inflation standard errors of \code{ruv$betahat} (NOT
#'     \code{ruv$betahat_ols}).
#'     \code{betahat} A matrix of numerics. The ordinary least squares
#'     estimates of the coefficients of the covariate of interest WHEN
#'     \code{sebetahat} A matrix of positive numerics. This is equal
#'     to \code{sebethat_ols * sqrt(multiplier)}. This is the
#'     post-inflation adjusted standard errors for \code{ruv$betahat}.
#'     \code{tstats} A vector of numerics. The t-statistics for
#'     testing against the null hypothesis of the coefficient of the
#'     covariate of interest being zero. This is after estimating the
#'     variance inflation parameter.
#'     \code{pvalues} A vector of numerics. The p-values of said test
#'     above.
#'     \code{alphahat} A matrix of numerics. The estimates of the
#'     coefficients of the hidden confounders. Only identified up to a
#'     rotation on the rowspace.
#'     \code{Zhat} A matrix of numerics. The estimates of the
#'     confounding variables. Only identified up to a rotation on the
#'     columnspace.
#'     \code{sigma2} A vector of positive numerics. The estimates of
#'     the variances PRIOR to inflation.
#'     \code{sigma2_adjusted} A vector of positive numerics. The
#'     estimates of the variances AFTER to inflation. This is equal to
#'     \code{sigma2 * multiplier}.
#'     \code{mult_matrix} A matrix of numerics. Equal to
#'     \code{solve(t(R22) \%*\% R22)}. One multiplies \code{sigma2} or
#'     \code{simga2_adjused} by the diagonal elements of
#'     \code{mult_matrix} to get the standard errors of
#'     \code{betahat}.
#'     \code{degrees_freedom} The degrees of freedom. If
#'     \code{likelihood = "t"}, then this was the degrees of freedom
#'     used.
#'     \code{R22} A matrix of numerics numeric. This is the submatrix
#'     of the R in the QR decomposition of X that corresponds to the
#'     covariates of interest. This is mostly returned for debugging
#'     purposes and may be removed in the future.
#'     \code{Z2} A matrix of numerics of length 1. This is the
#'     estimated confounders (after a rotation). Not useful on it's
#'     own and is mostly returned for debugging purposes. It may be
#'     removed in the future.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{ruv3}} for a version of RUV4 that can also be considered a version of RUV2.
#'     \code{\link[ruv]{RUV4}} For the version of RUV4 in the ruv package.
#'     \code{\link[cate]{cate}} For the version of RUV4 in the cate package.
#' @author David Gerard
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{Buja, A. and Eyuboglu, N., 1992. "Remarks on parallel analysis." \emph{Multivariate behavioral research}, 27(4), pp.509-540. \doi{10.1207/s15327906mbr2704_2}}
#'   \item{Efron, B., 2004. "Large-scale simultaneous hypothesis testing: the choice of a null hypothesis." \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 99(465), pp.96-104. \doi{10.1198/016214504000000089}}
#'   \item{Gagnon-Bartsch, J., Laurent Jacob, and Terence P. Speed, 2013. "Removing unwanted variation from high dimensional data with negative controls." Berkeley: Department of Statistics. University of California. \url{https://statistics.berkeley.edu/tech-reports/820}}
#'   \item{Gerard, David, and Matthew Stephens. 2021. "Unifying and Generalizing Methods for Removing Unwanted Variation Based on Negative Controls." \emph{Statistica Sinica}, 31(3), 1145-1166. \doi{10.5705/ss.202018.0345}}
#'   \item{Wang, Jingshu, Qingyuan Zhao, Trevor Hastie, and Art B. Owen. 2017. "Confounder adjustment in multiple hypothesis testing." \emph{The Annals of Statistics} 45, no. 5: 1863-1894. \doi{10.1214/16-AOS1511}}
#' }
#' @examples
#' library(vicar)
#' ## Generate data and controls ---------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(1327)
#' n <- 13
#' p <- 201
#' k <- 2
#' q <- 3
#' is_null       <- rep(FALSE, length = p)
#' is_null[1:101] <- TRUE
#' ctl           <- rep(FALSE, length = p)
#' ctl[1:73]     <- TRUE
#' X <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n * q), nrow = n)
#' B <- matrix(stats::rnorm(q * p), nrow = q)
#' B[2, is_null] <- 0
#' Z <- X %*% matrix(stats::rnorm(q * k), nrow = q) +
#'      matrix(rnorm(n * k), nrow = n)
#' A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(k * p), nrow = k)
#' E <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n * p, sd = 1 / 2), nrow = n)
#' Y <- X %*% B + Z %*% A + E
#' ## Fit RUV4 assuming only second covariate is of interest -----------------
#' ruvout <- vruv4(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, k = k, include_intercept = FALSE,
#'                 likelihood = "normal", cov_of_interest = 2)
#' graphics::plot(ruvout$pvalue, col = is_null + 3, ylab = "pvalues")
#' graphics::legend("topleft", col = 3:4, legend = c("non-null", "null"),
#'                  pch = 1)
#' ## should look uniform
#' graphics::hist(ruvout$pvalue[is_null], xlab = "pvalues", main = NULL)
#' ## Compare to linear model ------------------------------------------------
#' lmout <- coefficients(summary(stats::lm(Y ~ X)))
#' lmp <- sapply(lmout, function(x) { x[3, 4] })
#' graphics::plot(lmp, col = is_null + 3, ylab = "pvalues")
#' graphics::legend("topleft", col = 3:4, legend = c("non-null", "null"),
#'                  pch = 1)
#' ## should look uniform
#' graphics::hist(lmp[is_null], xlab = "pvalues", main = NULL)
#' ## Other ways to fit RUV4 from various packages ------------------------------
#' ruv4out <- cate::cate.fit(Y = Y, X.primary = X[, 2, drop = FALSE],
#'                           X.nuis = X[, -2, drop = FALSE], r = k, fa.method = "pc",
#'                           adj.method = "nc", nc = ctl, calibrate = FALSE,
#'                           nc.var.correction = FALSE)
#' vruv4out <- vruv4(Y = Y, X = X, k = k, cov_of_interest = 2,
#'                   include_intercept = FALSE, ctl = ctl,
#'                   limmashrink = FALSE, likelihood = "normal")
#' vruv4ols <- vruv4(Y = Y, X = X, k = k, cov_of_interest = 2,
#'                   include_intercept = FALSE, ctl = ctl,
#'                   limmashrink = FALSE, likelihood = "normal",
#'                   gls = FALSE)
#' ruv4ols  <- ruv::RUV4(Y = Y, X = X[, 2, drop = FALSE],
#'                       Z = X[, -2, drop = FALSE], ctl = ctl, k = k)
#' ruv4p <- ruv4out$beta.p.value
#' vruv4p <- vruv4out$pvalues
#' ruv4olsp <- ruv4ols$p
#' vruv4olsp <- vruv4ols$pvalues
#' ## These should be monotonically related
#' ## They often aren't because CATE often returns p-values that are exactly 0.
#' graphics::plot(ruv4p, vruv4p)
#' cor(c(ruv4p), c(vruv4p), method = "kendall")
#' ## These should be monotonically related
#' graphics::plot(ruv4olsp, vruv4olsp)
#' cor(c(ruv4olsp), c(vruv4olsp), method = "kendall")
vruv4 <- function(Y, X, ctl, k = NULL,
                  cov_of_interest = ncol(X),
                  likelihood = c("t", "normal"),
                  limmashrink = TRUE, degrees_freedom = NULL,
                  include_intercept = TRUE, gls = TRUE,
                  fa_func = pca_naive, fa_args = list(),
                  adjust_bias = FALSE) {

    assertthat::are_equal(nrow(Y), nrow(X))
    assertthat::are_equal(ncol(Y), length(ctl))
    assertthat::assert_that(all(abs(cov_of_interest - round(cov_of_interest)) < 10 ^ -14))
    assertthat::assert_that(all(cov_of_interest >= 1 & cov_of_interest <= ncol(X)))

    likelihood <- match.arg(likelihood)

    ## RUN THE ROTATED MODEL HERE -------------------------------------------
    rotate_out <- rotate_model(Y = Y, X = X, k = k,
                               cov_of_interest = cov_of_interest,
                               include_intercept = include_intercept,
                               limmashrink = limmashrink, fa_func = fa_func,
                               fa_args = fa_args, do_factor = TRUE)

    betahat_ols     <- rotate_out$betahat_ols
    k <- rotate_out$k

    ## Deal with degrees of freedom
    if (likelihood == "normal") {
        if (!is.null(degrees_freedom)) {
            message("likelihood = \"normal\" but degrees_freedom not NULL. Setting degrees_freedom to Inf")
        degrees_freedom <- Inf
    if (!is.null(rotate_out$prior_df) & is.null(degrees_freedom) & likelihood == "t") {
        degrees_freedom <- rotate_out$prior_df + nrow(X) - ncol(X) - k
        if (degrees_freedom == Inf) {
            message("limma estimated df = Inf . Changing likelihood to \"normal\".")
            likelihood <- "normal"
    } else if (is.null(degrees_freedom) & likelihood == "t") {
        degrees_freedom <- nrow(X) - ncol(X) - k
    assertthat::assert_that(length(degrees_freedom) == 1 | length(degrees_freedom) == ncol(Y))
    assertthat::assert_that(all(degrees_freedom > 0))

    ## RUN RUV4 HERE ----------------------------------------------------------
    Y2       <- rotate_out$Y2
    alpha    <- rotate_out$alpha
    if (adjust_bias) {
        alpha <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(alpha)), alpha)
    sig_diag <- rotate_out$sig_diag
    R22      <- rotate_out$R22
    ruv4_out <- cruv4_multicov(Y2 = t(Y2), alpha = alpha,
                               sig_diag = sig_diag, ctl = ctl,
                               R22 = R22,
                               degrees_freedom = degrees_freedom,
                               gls = gls, likelihood = likelihood)

    ## Estimate rest of the hidden confounders.
    Y1  <- rotate_out$Y1
    if (adjust_bias) {
        Z2 <- ruv4_out$Z2[-1, , drop = FALSE]
        additivor <- ruv4_out$Z2[1, , drop = FALSE]
        alpha <- alpha[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        Z2 <- ruv4_out$Z2
    Z3 <- rotate_out$Z3
    if (!is.null(Y1)) {
        R12 <- rotate_out$R12
        R11 <- rotate_out$R11
        Q   <- rotate_out$Q
        beta1_ols <- solve(R11) %*% (Y1 - R12 %*% t(ruv4_out$betahat_ols))
        resid_top <- Y1 - R12 %*% t(ruv4_out$betahat) - R11 %*% beta1_ols
        if (gls) {
            Z1  <- solve(t(alpha) %*% diag(1 / sig_diag) %*% alpha) %*%
                t(alpha) %*% diag(1 / sig_diag) %*% t(resid_top)
        } else {
            Z1  <- solve(t(alpha) %*%  alpha) %*% t(alpha) %*% t(resid_top)
        Zhat <- Q %*% rbind(t(Z1), t(Z2), Z3)
    } else {
        Q   <- rotate_out$Q
        Zhat <- Q %*% rbind(t(Z2), Z3)

    ## sebetahats --- used a new mult-matrix. Hopefully this works better.
    ## mult_matrix_old <- solve(t(R22) %*% R22)
    XZ <- cbind(X, Zhat)
    mult_matrix <- solve(t(XZ) %*% XZ)[cov_of_interest, cov_of_interest, drop = FALSE]

    sebetahat       <- sqrt(outer(ruv4_out$sigma2_adjusted, diag(mult_matrix), FUN = "*"))
    sebetahat_ols   <- sqrt(outer(sig_diag, diag(mult_matrix), FUN = "*"))
    tstats          <- ruv4_out$betahat / sebetahat
    pvalues         <- 2 * (stats::pt(q = -abs(tstats), df = degrees_freedom))

    ## output list
    ruv4_out$Zhat <- Zhat
    ruv4_out$sebetahat <- sebetahat
    ruv4_out$sebetahat_ols <- sebetahat_ols
    ruv4_out$tstats <- tstats
    ruv4_out$pvalues <- pvalues
    ruv4_out$mult_matrix <- mult_matrix
    ruv4_out$degrees_freedom <- degrees_freedom
    if (adjust_bias) {
        ruv4_out$additivor <- additivor

#' RUV4's second step.
#' @param Y2 A matrix of numerics with p rows and q columns, where q
#'     is the number of covariates of interest and p is the number of
#'     genes.
#' @param alpha A matrix of numerics of dimension p by k, where k is
#'     the number of hidden confounders. The estimated coefficients of
#'     the unobserved confounders.
#' @param sig_diag A vector of positive numerics. The estimates of the
#'     variances.
#' @param degrees_freedom A positive numeric. The degrees of freedom
#'     of the t-likelihood if using it.
#' @param R22 A matrix of numerics numeric. This is the submatrix
#'     of the R in the QR decomposition of X that corresponds to the
#'     covariates of interest. May be removed in the future.
#' @inheritParams vruv4
#' @author David Gerard
cruv4_multicov <- function(Y2, alpha, sig_diag, ctl, R22, degrees_freedom,
                           gls = TRUE, likelihood = "t") {
    assertthat::assert_that(all(sig_diag > 0))
    assertthat::assert_that(length(degrees_freedom) == 1 | length(degrees_freedom) == ncol(Y2))
    assertthat::assert_that(all(degrees_freedom > 0))
    assertthat::are_equal(nrow(Y2), nrow(alpha))

    k <- ncol(alpha)

    ## Use control genes to jointly estimate Z2 and variance scaling parameter.
    Yc <- Y2[ctl, , drop = FALSE]
    if (k != 0) {
        alphac       <- alpha[ctl, , drop = FALSE]
        sig_diag_inv <- 1 / sig_diag[ctl]
        if (gls) {
            Z2 <- crossprod(solve(crossprod(alphac, sig_diag_inv * alphac)),
                            crossprod(alphac, sig_diag_inv * Yc))
        } else {
            Z2 <- crossprod(solve(crossprod(alphac, alphac)),
                            crossprod(alphac, Yc))
        resid_mat <- Yc - alphac %*% Z2
        betahat <- (Y2 - alpha %*% Z2) %*% solve(t(R22))
    } else {
        Z2        <- NULL
        resid_mat <- Yc
        betahat   <- Y2 %*% solve(t(R22))

    ## Gaussian MLE of variance inflation parameter.
    assertthat::are_equal(ncol(resid_mat), sum(ctl))
    multiplier <- mean(t(resid_mat ^ 2) / sig_diag[ctl])

    ## multiplier should be the exact same as below
    ## sum(diag(t(resid_mat) %*% diag(1 / sig_diag[ctl]) %*% resid_mat)) / prod(dim(resid_mat))

    ## T-likelihood regression and estimate variance inflation
    ## parameter using control genes.
    if (likelihood == "t") {
        if (k != 0) {
            if (!gls) {
                message("gls = FALSE not supported for t-likelihood, using gls = TRUE.")
            alphac <- alpha[ctl, , drop = FALSE]
            tout <- tregress_em(Y = Yc, alpha = alphac,
                                sig_diag = sig_diag[ctl],
                                nu = degrees_freedom, lambda_init = multiplier,
                                Z_init = Z2)
            Z2         <- tout$Z
            betahat    <- (Y2 - alpha %*% Z2) %*% solve(t(R22))
            multiplier <- tout$lambda
        } else if (k == 0) {
            tout <- stats::optim(par = multiplier, fn = tregress_obj_wrapper,
                                 Z = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(Yc)), Y = Yc,
                                 alpha = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Yc), ncol = 1),
                                 sig_diag = sig_diag[ctl],
                                 nu = degrees_freedom, method = "Brent",
                                 lower = 0, upper = 10,
                                 control = list(fnscale = -1))
            multiplier <- tout$par

    ## Output values
    ruv4_out                 <- list()
    sig_diag_adjusted        <- sig_diag * multiplier
    betahat_ols              <- Y2 %*% solve(t(R22))
    ruv4_out$sigma2          <- sig_diag
    ruv4_out$multiplier      <- multiplier
    ruv4_out$sigma2_adjusted <- sig_diag_adjusted
    ruv4_out$betahat_ols     <- betahat_ols
    ruv4_out$betahat         <- betahat
    ruv4_out$Z2              <- Z2
    ruv4_out$alphahat        <- alpha
    ruv4_out$R22             <- R22

#' QR rotation to independent models.
#' @inheritParams vruv4
#' @param do_factor A logical. Should we do the factor analysis or just rotation?
#' @return A list that contains some of the following elements.
#'    \itemize{
#'       \item{\code{betahat_ols}: }{The OLS estimates of the coefficients of interest.}
#'       \item{\code{Q}: }{The Q from the QR decomposition of \code{X}}
#'       \item{\code{R11}: }{The top left element of the R matrix from the QR decomposition of \code{X}}
#'       \item{\code{R12}: }{The top right element of the R matrix from the QR decomposition of \code{X}}
#'       \item{\code{R22}: }{The bottom right element of the R matrix from the QR decomposition of \code{X}}
#'       \item{\code{Y1}: }{The rows of the rotated Y matrix that correspond to the uninteresting covariates in \code{X}}
#'       \item{\code{Y2}: }{The rows of the rotated Y matrix that correspond to the interesting covariates in \code{X}}
#'       \item{\code{Y3}: }{The rows of the rotated Y matrix that correspond to the nullspace of \code{X}}
#'       \item{\code{k}: }{The number of latent factors. Estimated with \code{\link[sva]{num.sv}} if not provided in the function arguments.}
#'       \item{\code{X}: }{The provided \code{X} matrix. This might differ from the original \code{X} matrix up to a permutation of the columns. The interesting covariates are placed at the end of \code{X} and the uninteresting covariates are placed at the start of \code{X}.}
#'       \item{\code{Y_tilde}: }{The rotated Y matrix.}
#'       \item{\code{alpha}: }{The estimates of the coefficients of the unobserved confounders. Only returned if \code{do_factor = TRUE}}
#'       \item{\code{Z3}: }{The estimates of the unobserved confounders (third part). Only returned if \code{do_factor = TRUE}}
#'       \item{\code{sig_diag}: }{The estimates of the column-specific variances (NOT standard deviations). A vector. Only returned if \code{do_factor = TRUE}}
#'       \item{\code{prior_df}: }{The estimated prior degrees of freedom. Returns NULL if \code{limmashrink = FALSE}. Only returned if \code{do_factor = TRUE}}
#'    }
#' @author David Gerard
rotate_model <- function(Y, X, k, cov_of_interest = ncol(X),
                         include_intercept = TRUE,
                         limmashrink = FALSE, fa_func = pca_naive,
                         fa_args = list(), do_factor = TRUE) {


    if (include_intercept) {
        X_scaled <- apply(X, 2, function(x) {
            x / sqrt(sum(x ^ 2))
        int_term <- rep(1, length = nrow(X)) / sqrt(nrow(X))

        any_int <- any(colSums( (int_term - X_scaled) ^ 2) < 10 ^ -14)
        if (!any_int) {
            X <- cbind(X, rep(1, length = nrow(X)))

    if (is.null(k)) {
        if (requireNamespace("sva", quietly = TRUE)) {
            message("Number of confounders not provided so being estimated with package sva.")
            k <- sva::num.sv(dat = t(Y), mod = X)
        } else {
            stop("If sva is not installed, then k needs to be provided. To install sva, run in R\n   source(\"https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R\")\n   biocLite(\"sva\")")

    assertthat::assert_that(k + ncol(X) < nrow(X))

    ## Place desired covariate as last covariate
    X <- X[, c( (1:ncol(X))[-cov_of_interest], cov_of_interest), drop = FALSE]
    cov_of_interest <- (ncol(X) - length(cov_of_interest) + 1):ncol(X)

    qr_x <- qr_ident(X)
    ## multiply by sign so that it matches with beta_hat_ols
    Q <- qr_x$Q
    R <- qr_x$R
    ## discard first q-1 rows.
    Y_tilde <- crossprod(Q, Y)

    y2start_index <- ncol(X) - length(cov_of_interest) + 1
    y3start_index <- ncol(X) + 1

    if (y2start_index > 1) {
        Y1 <- Y_tilde[1:(y2start_index - 1), , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        Y1 <- NULL
    Y2 <- Y_tilde[y2start_index:(y3start_index - 1), , drop = FALSE]

    Y3 <- Y_tilde[y3start_index:nrow(Y_tilde), , drop = FALSE]

    if (do_factor) {
        ## Factor analysis using all but first row of Y_tilde
        fa_args$Y <- Y3
        fa_args$r <- k
        fa_out    <- do.call(what = fa_func, args = fa_args)
        alpha     <- fa_out$alpha
        sig_diag  <- fa_out$sig_diag
        Z3        <- fa_out$Z

        ## make sure the user didn't screw up the factor analysis.
        assertthat::are_equal(length(sig_diag), ncol(Y))
        assertthat::assert_that(all(sig_diag > 0))
        if (k != 0) {
            assertthat::are_equal(ncol(alpha), k)
            assertthat::are_equal(nrow(alpha), ncol(Y))
            assertthat::are_equal(ncol(Z3), k)
            assertthat::are_equal(nrow(Z3), nrow(Y))
        } else {

        ## Shrink variances if desired.
        if (requireNamespace("limma", quietly = TRUE) & limmashrink) {
            limma_out <- limma::squeezeVar(var = sig_diag,
                                           df = nrow(X) - ncol(X) - k)
            sig_diag <- limma_out$var.post
            prior_df <- limma_out$df.prior
        } else if (!requireNamespace("limma", quietly = TRUE) & limmashrink) {
            stop("limmashrink = TRUE but limma not installed. To install limma, run in R:\n    source(\"https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R\")\n    biocLite(\"limma\")")
        } else {
            prior_df <- NULL

    R22 <- R[cov_of_interest, cov_of_interest, drop = FALSE]
    if (y2start_index > 1) {
        R11 <- R[(1:ncol(X))[-cov_of_interest], (1:ncol(X))[-cov_of_interest], drop = FALSE]
        R12 <- R[(1:ncol(X))[-cov_of_interest], cov_of_interest, drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        R11 <- NULL
        R12 <- NULL

    ## this is betahat from OLS, called Y1 in CATE.
    betahat_ols <- solve(R22) %*% Y2

    ## create list for returns
    return_list             <- list()
    return_list$betahat_ols <- betahat_ols
    if (do_factor) {
        return_list$alpha       <- alpha
        return_list$Z3          <- Z3
        return_list$sig_diag    <- sig_diag
        return_list$prior_df    <- prior_df
    return_list$Q           <- Q
    return_list$R11         <- R11
    return_list$R12         <- R12
    return_list$R22         <- R22
    return_list$Y1          <- Y1
    return_list$Y2          <- Y2
    return_list$Y3          <- Y3
    return_list$k           <- k
    return_list$X           <- X
    return_list$Ytilde      <- Y_tilde ## the rotated response

#' An identified QR decomposition.
#' This just re-jiggers the output from \code{\link[base]{qr}} so that
#' the upper triangular matrix has positive diagonal elements. This
#' one will only work if the column dimension is less than or equal to
#' the row dimension.
#' @param X A matrix.
qr_ident <- function (X)
    assertthat::assert_that(ncol(X) <= nrow(X))
    qr_X <- qr(X)
    R <- qr.R(qr_X, complete = TRUE)
    Q <- qr.Q(qr_X, complete = TRUE)
    sign_vec <- sign(diag(R))
    Q[, 1:ncol(X)] <- t(t(Q)[1:ncol(X), , drop = FALSE] * sign_vec)
    R[1:ncol(X), ] <- sign_vec * R[1:ncol(X), , drop = FALSE]
    return(list(R = R, Q = Q))

#' Basic PCA.
#' Glorified truncated SVD. The variance estimates are just the
#' column-wise mean-squares, except I divide by \code{nrow(Y) - r}
#' rather than by \code{nrow(Y)}. I allow \code{r = 0}.
#' @param Y A matrix of numerics. The data.
#' @param r the rank.
#' @export
#' @author David Gerard
pca_naive <- function (Y, r) {

    assertthat::are_equal(length(r), 1)
    assertthat::assert_that(r >= 0 & r < min(dim(Y)))

    if (r == 0) {
        Gamma <- NULL
        Z <- NULL
        Sigma <- apply(Y, 2, function(x) mean(x ^ 2))
    } else {
        svd_Y <- svd(Y)
        Gamma <- svd_Y$v[, 1:r, drop = FALSE] %*% diag(svd_Y$d[1:r], r, r) /
        Z <- sqrt(nrow(Y)) * svd_Y$u[, 1:r, drop = FALSE]
        Sigma <- apply(Y - Z %*% t(Gamma), 2, function(x) sum(x ^ 2)) / (nrow(Y) - r)
    return(list(alpha = Gamma, Z = Z, sig_diag = Sigma))

#' Wrapper for cate's fa.em function.
#' @inheritParams pca_naive
#' @author David Gerard
#' @export
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Jingshu Wang and Qingyuan Zhao (2015). cate: High
#'     Dimensional Factor Analysis and Confounder Adjusted Testing and
#'     Estimation. R package version
#'     1.0.4. \url{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=cate}}
#' }
fa_ml <- function(Y, r) {
    assertthat::are_equal(length(r), 1)
    assertthat::assert_that(r >= 0 & r < min(dim(Y)))

    if (r == 0) {
        Gamma <- NULL
        Z <- NULL
        Sigma <- apply(Y, 2, function(x) mean(x ^ 2))
    } else {
        cout <- cate::fa.em(Y = Y, r = r)
        alpha <- cout$Gamma
        Z <- cout$Z
        sig_diag <- cout$Sigma
    return(list(alpha = alpha, Z = Z, sig_diag = sig_diag))

#' EM algorithm to find regression coefficients using t-likelihood
#' when variances are known up to scale.
#' When using a non-standard t-distribution for your regression
#' likelihood, there is a simple latent variable representation that
#' allows us to develop an EM algorithm. This is a very similar
#' procedure to Lange et al (1989).
#' @param Y A matrix of numerics with one column. The response
#'     variables.
#' @param alpha A matrix of numerics, the covariates. It must be that
#'     \code{nrow(Y)} is equal to \code{nrow(alpha)}.
#' @param sig_diag A vector of numerics. The variances of the elements
#'     in \code{Y}, but only assumed to be known up to a scaling
#'     factor.
#' @param nu A positive numeric scalar. The known degrees of freedom
#'     of the t-distribution.
#' @param lambda_init A positive numeric scalar. The initial value of
#'     the variance inflation parameter. Defaults to the estimate
#'     under Gaussian errors.
#' @param Z_init A matrix of numerics with one column. The initial
#'     value of the coefficients of \code{alpha}. Defaults to the
#'     estimate under Gaussian errors.
#' @param control_args A list of control arguments for the EM
#'     algorithm that is passed to SQUAREM.
#' @author David Gerard
#' @export
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{Lange, K.L., Little, R.J. and Taylor, J.M., 1989. "Robust statistical modeling using the t distribution." \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 84(408), pp.881-896. \doi{10.1080/01621459.1989.10478852}}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{tregress_obj}} for the objective function that
#'     this function maximizes, \code{\link{tregress_fix}} for the
#'     fixed point iteration that this function calls.
tregress_em <- function(Y, alpha, sig_diag, nu, lambda_init = NULL,
                         Z_init = NULL, control_args = list()) {

    assertthat::assert_that(all(sig_diag > 0))
    assertthat::assert_that(length(nu) == 1 | length(nu) == nrow(Y))
    assertthat::assert_that(all(nu > 0))
    assertthat::are_equal(nrow(Y), nrow(alpha))
    assertthat::are_equal(nrow(Y), length(sig_diag))

    sig_diag_inv <- 1 / sig_diag
    if (is.null(Z_init)) {
        Z_init <- crossprod(solve(crossprod(alpha, sig_diag_inv * alpha)),
                            crossprod(alpha, sig_diag_inv * Y))

    resid_init <- Y - alpha %*% Z_init

    if (is.null(lambda_init)) {
        lambda_init <- mean(resid_init ^ 2 * sig_diag_inv)

    assertthat::are_equal(ncol(alpha), nrow(Z_init))
    assertthat::are_equal(length(lambda_init), 1)
    assertthat::assert_that(lambda_init > 0)

    zlambda <- c(c(Z_init), lambda_init)

    sqout <- SQUAREM::squarem(par = zlambda, fixptfn = tregress_fix,
                              objfn = tregress_obj, Y = Y, alpha = alpha,
                              sig_diag = sig_diag, nu = nu,
                              control = control_args)

    Z <- matrix(sqout$par[-length(sqout$par)], nrow = ncol(alpha))
    lambda <- sqout$par[length(sqout$par)]

    return(list(Z = Z, lambda = lambda))

#' Fixed point iteration for EM algorithm for regression with
#' t-errors where the variance is known up to scale.
#' @inheritParams tregress_em
#' @param zlambda A vector containing the current estimates of the
#'     coefficients (Z) and the variance inflation parameter
#'     (lambda). The last element is lambda and all other elements are
#'     Z.
#' @author David Gerard
#' @seealso \code{\link{tregress_em}} where this function is called,
#'     \code{\link{tregress_obj}} for the objective function that this
#'     fixed-point iteration increases.
tregress_fix <- function(zlambda, Y, alpha, sig_diag, nu) {

    assertthat::are_equal(nrow(alpha), nrow(Y))
    assertthat::assert_that(length(nu) == 1 | length(nu) == nrow(Y))
    assertthat::assert_that(all(nu > 0))

    if (length(nu) == nrow(Y)) {
      nu <- matrix(rep(nu, times = ncol(Y)), nrow = nrow(Y), byrow = FALSE)

    Z <- matrix(zlambda[-length(zlambda)], nrow = ncol(alpha))
    lambda <- zlambda[length(zlambda)]

    resid_vec <- Y - alpha %*% Z

    wvec <- (nu + 1) / (resid_vec ^ 2 / (lambda * sig_diag) + nu)

    wsig <- wvec / sig_diag

    Znew <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(Z), ncol = ncol(Z))
    for (zindex in 1:ncol(wsig)) {
      Znew[, zindex] <- crossprod(solve(crossprod(alpha, wsig[, zindex] * alpha)),
                        crossprod(alpha, wsig[, zindex] * Y[, zindex]))

    resid_new <- Y - alpha %*% Znew

    lambda_new <- mean(resid_new ^ 2 * wsig)

    zlambda_new <- c(c(Znew), lambda_new)



#' The likelihood for regression with t-errors where the variance is
#' known up to scale.
#' @inheritParams tregress_fix
#' @author David Gerard
#' @seealso \code{\link{tregress_em}} where this function is called,
#'     \code{\link{tregress_fix}} for the fixed point iteration that
#'     increases this objective function.
tregress_obj <- function(zlambda, Y, alpha, sig_diag, nu) {

    assertthat::are_equal(nrow(alpha), nrow(Y))
    assertthat::assert_that(length(nu) == 1 | length(nu) == nrow(Y))
    assertthat::assert_that(all(nu > 0))

    Z <- matrix(zlambda[-length(zlambda)], nrow = ncol(alpha))
    lambda <- zlambda[length(zlambda)]

    standard_t<- (Y - alpha %*% Z) / sqrt(lambda * sig_diag)

    if (length(nu) == nrow(Y)) {
      nu <- matrix(rep(nu, times = ncol(Y)), nrow = nrow(Y), byrow = FALSE)

    llike <- sum(stats::dt(x = standard_t, df = nu, log = TRUE)) -
        prod(dim(Y)) * log(lambda) / 2 - ncol(Y) * sum(log(sig_diag)) / 2


#' Wrapper for \code{\link{tregress_obj}}.
#' This is mostly so I can run \code{stats::optim} with just
#' \code{lambda}.
#' @author David Gerard
#' @inheritParams tregress_obj
#' @param lambda A positive numeric. The variance inflation parameter.
#' @param Z A matrix of numerics with one column. The coefficients.
tregress_obj_wrapper <- function(lambda, Z, Y, alpha, sig_diag, nu) {
    zlambda <- c(c(Z), lambda)
    llike <- tregress_obj(zlambda = zlambda, Y = Y, alpha = alpha,
                          sig_diag = sig_diag, nu = nu)

#' RUV4's second step.
#' This is the old version that only works for one covariate of
#' interest. Use \code{\link{cruv4_multicov}} for the more recent
#' version.
#' @param betahat_ols A matrix of numerics with one column. The ols
#'     estimates of beta.
#' @param alpha_scaled A matrix of numerics. The estimated
#'     coefficients of the unobserved confounders.
#' @param sig_diag_scaled A vector of positive numerics. The estimated
#'     standard errors of \code{betahat_ols}.
#' @param degrees_freedom A positive numeric. The degrees of freedom
#'     of the t-likelihood if using it.
#' @inheritParams vruv4
#' @author David Gerard
cruv4 <- function(betahat_ols, alpha_scaled, sig_diag_scaled, ctl, degrees_freedom,
                  gls = TRUE, likelihood = "t") {

    assertthat::assert_that(all(sig_diag_scaled > 0))
    assertthat::assert_that(length(degrees_freedom) == 1 | length(degrees_freedom) == ncol(betahat_ols))
    assertthat::assert_that(all(degrees_freedom > 0))
    assertthat::are_equal(nrow(betahat_ols), nrow(alpha_scaled))

    k <- ncol(alpha_scaled)

    ## Use control genes to jointly estimate Z1 and variance scaling parameter.
    Yc <- betahat_ols[ctl, , drop = FALSE]
    if (k != 0) {
        alphac       <- alpha_scaled[ctl, , drop = FALSE]
        sig_diag_inv <- 1 / sig_diag_scaled[ctl]
        if (gls) {
            Z1 <- crossprod(solve(crossprod(alphac, sig_diag_inv * alphac)),
                            crossprod(alphac, sig_diag_inv * Yc))
        } else {
            Z1 <- crossprod(solve(crossprod(alphac, alphac)),
                            crossprod(alphac, Yc))
        resid_mat <- Yc - alphac %*% Z1
        betahat <- betahat_ols - alpha_scaled %*% Z1
    } else {
        Z1        <- NULL
        resid_mat <- Yc
        betahat   <- betahat_ols

    ## Gaussian MLE of variance inflation parameter.
    multiplier <- mean(resid_mat ^ 2 / sig_diag_scaled[ctl])

    ## T-likelihood regression and estimate variance inflation
    ## parameter using control genes.
    if (likelihood == "t") {
        if (k != 0) {
            if (!gls) {
                message("gls = FALSE not supported for t-likelihood, using gls = TRUE.")
            alphac <- alpha_scaled[ctl, , drop = FALSE]
            tout <- tregress_em(Y = Yc, alpha = alphac,
                                sig_diag = sig_diag_scaled[ctl],
                                nu = degrees_freedom, lambda_init = multiplier,
                                Z_init = Z1)
            Z1         <- tout$Z
            betahat    <- betahat_ols - alpha_scaled %*% Z1
            multiplier <- tout$lambda
        } else if (k == 0) {
            tout <- stats::optim(par = multiplier, fn = tregress_obj_wrapper,
                                 Z = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1), Y = Yc,
                                 alpha = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Yc), ncol = 1),
                                 sig_diag = sig_diag_scaled[ctl],
                                 nu = degrees_freedom, method = "Brent",
                                 lower = 0, upper = 10,
                                 control = list(fnscale = -1))
            multiplier <- tout$par

    ## Output values
    sebetahat <- sqrt(sig_diag_scaled * multiplier)

    ruv4_out <- list()
    ruv4_out$multiplier    <- multiplier
    ruv4_out$betahat_ols   <- betahat_ols
    ruv4_out$sebetahat_ols <- sqrt(sig_diag_scaled)
    ruv4_out$betahat       <- betahat
    ruv4_out$sebetahat     <- sebetahat
    ruv4_out$tstats        <- betahat / sebetahat
    ruv4_out$pvalues       <- 2 * (stats::pt(q = -abs(ruv4_out$tstats),
                                             df = degrees_freedom))

    ruv4_out$Z1            <- Z1


#' Variance inflated RUV-inverse.
#' RUV-inverse as described in Gagnon-Bartsch et al (2013) is just
#' RUV4 using the maximum number of confounders allowed by the model,
#' followed by estimating the variances using a method-of-moments type
#' approach. \code{vruvinv} is similar in spirit to this by using the
#' maximum number of confounders allowed by the model, but we still
#' estimate the variance inflation using the confounders. We force
#' \code{limmashrink = TRUE}, otherwise there is only one degree of
#' freedom to estimate the variance.
#' Hence, this is just a wrapper for \code{\link{vruv4}}, but with a
#' special choice for the number of confounders and forcing
#' \code{limmashrink = TRUE}.
#' @inheritParams vruv4
#' @return See \code{\link{vruv4}} for the elements returned.
#' @author David Gerard
#' @export
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{Gagnon-Bartsch, J., Laurent Jacob, and Terence P. Speed, 2013. "Removing unwanted variation from high dimensional data with negative controls." Berkeley: Department of Statistics. University of California. \url{https://statistics.berkeley.edu/tech-reports/820}}
#' }
vruvinv <- function(Y, X, ctl, cov_of_interest = ncol(X),
                    likelihood = c("t", "normal"),
                    include_intercept = TRUE, fa_func = pca_naive,
                    fa_args = list(), adjust_bias = FALSE) {

    k1 <- sum(ctl) - ncol(X) - include_intercept - adjust_bias - 1
    k2 <- nrow(X) - ncol(X) - include_intercept - adjust_bias - 1
    k <- min(k1, k2)
    assertthat::assert_that(k > 0)
    likelihood <- match.arg(likelihood)
    vout <- vruv4(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, k = k, likelihood = likelihood, limmashrink = TRUE,
                  include_intercept = include_intercept, gls = TRUE, fa_func = fa_func,
                  fa_args = fa_args, adjust_bias = adjust_bias)

dcgerard/vicar documentation built on July 7, 2021, 1:08 p.m.