
Defines functions fix_database_error

Documented in fix_database_error

#' Function to make database fixes after import
#' Use this function to make updates to your data while avoiding adding PHI,
#' such as MRNs, to your code and subsequently PHI in GitHub. You provide a file
#' of database fixes that is three columns: 1. An expression that selects a line
#' in the database to update (e.g. `MRN == "12345678"`), 2. The column name that
#' will be updated, and 3. The updated value.  See the examples for the
#' structure of the database fix input.
#' @param data data frame with errors
#' @param engine function to import file of database fixes
#' @param ... arguments passed to the engine function to import the database fixes
#' @return updated data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df_fixes <-
#'   tibble::tribble(
#'     ~id, ~variable, ~value,
#'     "id == 1", "age", "56",
#'     "id == 2", "trt", "Drug C"
#'   )
#' trial %>%
#'   dplyr::mutate(id = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
#'   fix_database_error(
#'     engine = I,
#'     x = df_fixes
#'   )

fix_database_error <- function(data, engine = readr::read_csv, ...) {

  # importing list of database fixes -------------------------------------------
  database_fixes <- do.call(engine, list(...))

  # checking inputs ------------------------------------------------------------
  # checking the names of the imported database fixes
  if (!identical(names(database_fixes), c("id", "variable", "value"))) {
    stop("Expecting a database fix file with columns `id`, `variable`, and `value`.",
         call. = FALSE)

  # checking all variables are in `data=`
  if (any(!unique(database_fixes$variable) %in% names(data))) {
    missing_vars <-
      unique(database_fixes$variable)[!unique(database_fixes$variable) %in% names(data)] %>%
      {glue::glue_collapse(sQuote(.), sep = ", ", last = ", and ")}
    stop(glue::glue("Columns {missing_vars} are not in `data`."), call. = FALSE)

  # checking that there are no factor variables
  # if there are, give an error and suggest using character variables instead
  if(purrr::every(data %>%
                  dplyr::select(dplyr::intersect(database_fixes[["variable"]], names(data))),
                  ~!is.factor(.x)) == FALSE) {
        "Factor variables cannot be updated. ",
        " To update factor variables, convert using `as.character()` first. ",
        "The following variables are factors: ",
          data %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::intersect(database_fixes[["variable"]], names(data))) %>%
            dplyr::select_if(is.factor) %>% names(), sep = ", ")
      call. = FALSE

  # checking there are no duplicates in file
  dup_n <- database_fixes %>% dplyr::group_by(.data$id, .data$variable) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(n = dplyr::n()) %>% dplyr::pull("n") %>% max()
  if (dup_n > 1) {
    stop("There are duplicates in the database fixes.", call. = FALSE)

  # Note... there is no difference between a date and a datetime in POSIX dates.
  # The lubridate::as_datetime function gives you a POSIX object (because these can deal with times)
  # If there is a time associated with a date this will automatically be included in POSIX
  # TODO: Confirm that merging a "date" (from database fixes) with a "datetime" (from main data) works correctly

  # setting up fixed data ------------------------------------------
  database_fixes2 <-
    database_fixes %>%
      id_expr = purrr::map(.data$id, rlang::parse_expr),
      nrows_modified =
          list(.data$id_expr, .data$id),
          ~ check_id_logical(data, ..1, ..2)
      variable_type = purrr::map_chr(.data$variable, ~ class(data[[.x]])[1]),
      value_type = purrr::pmap(
        list(.data$id, .data$variable, .data$variable_type, .data$value),
        function(id, variable, variable_type, value) {
            "character" = as.character(value),
            "logical" = as.logical(value),
            "integer" = fix_integer(variable, value, id),
            "numeric" = as.numeric(value),
            #"factor" = fix_factor($data, variable, value, id),
            "POSIXct" = fix_date(variable_type, variable, value, id),
            "POSIXlt" = fix_date(variable_type, variable, value, id),
            "POSIXt" = fix_date(variable_type, variable, value, id), # TODO: Is this necessary??
            "Date" = fix_date(variable_type, variable, value, id),
            "difftime" = fix_difftime(data, variable, value)
          ) %||% stop("ERROR")


  # more checking --------------------------------------------------------------

  # Print a message if any IDs don't match
  if(any(database_fixes2$nrows_modified) == 0) {
        "The following IDs did not match any rows: ",
          database_fixes2 %>% dplyr::filter(.data$nrows_modified == 0) %>% dplyr::pull("id"),
          sep = ", ")))

  # checking that each id identifies one row and only one row
  if(any(database_fixes2$nrows_modified > 1)) {
    stop("Each `id` must be associated with only one observation in the main data.",
         call. = FALSE)

  # checking there is a value type of each correction
  values_error <- purrr::map_lgl(database_fixes2$value_type, is.na) %>% sum()

  if(sum(values_error) > 0) {
    print(database_fixes2[values_error, c("variable", "value")])
    stop(paste("Could not identify variable type/class.",
               "If the class is a Base R class, please file a GitHub issue."),
         call. = FALSE)

  # make changes in database ---------------------------------------------------

  # create updated dataset
  data_updated <- data
  for (i in 1:nrow(database_fixes2)) {
    data_updated[with(data, eval(database_fixes2$id_expr[[i]])), database_fixes2$variable[i]] <-

  # checking updated data against old data -------------------------------------
  if (!identical(names(data), names(data_updated))) {
    stop("Error in column names after updating data.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!identical(purrr::map_chr(data, ~class(.x)[1]), purrr::map_chr(data_updated, ~class(.x)[1])) |
      !identical(purrr::map_chr(data, ~typeof(.x)[1]), purrr::map_chr(data_updated, ~typeof(.x)[1]))) {
    stop("Error where column class changed after updating data.", call. = FALSE)

  # returning updated data ------------------------------------------------------
ddsjoberg/bstfun documentation built on June 1, 2024, 11:46 p.m.