# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Jure Demšar, Nina Purg, Grega Repovš
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#' @title evaluate_model
#' @description A function for evaluating the model against the data.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @param d A dataframe with the signal data: roi, t and y. ROI is the name of
#' the region, t is the timestamp and y the value of the signal.
#' @param model A data frame containing information about the model to use
#' and its events (event, start_time and duration).
#' @param tr MRI's repetition time.
#' @param roi_weights A data frame with ROI weights: roi, weight. ROI is the
#' name of the region, weight a number that defines the importance of that roi,
#' the default weight for a ROI is 1. If set to 2 for a particular ROI that ROI
#' will be twice as important.
#' @param hrf Method to use for HRF generation, can be "boynton" or "spm".
#' @param t The t parameter for Boynton or SPM HRF generation.
#' @param p_boynton Parameters for the Boynton's HRF.
#' @param p_spm Parameters for the SPM HRF.
#' @param f Upsampling factor.
#' @param verbose Whether to print a report of the evaluation results.
#' @return Returns a list that contains the model, fits of events for
#' each ROI, convolved events, TR and evaluation scores for each ROI.
#' @examples
#' # create the model
#' m <- data.frame(event = c("encoding", "delay", "response"),
#' start_time = c(0, 2.5, 12.5), duration = c(2.5, 10, 5))
#' # evaluate
#' df <- flanker
#' res <- evaluate_model(df, m, tr = 2.5)
evaluate_model <- function(d,
roi_weights = NULL,
hrf = "spm",
t = 32,
p_boynton = c(2.25, 1.25, 2),
p_spm = c(6, 16, 1, 1, 6, 0),
f = 100,
verbose = TRUE) {
ce <- autohrf::convolve_events(model = model,
tr = tr,
max_duration = max(d$t),
hrf = hrf,
t = t,
p_boynton = p_boynton,
p_spm = p_spm,
f = f)
rm <- run_model(d, ce, model, roi_weights)
by_roi <- data.frame(roi = rm$c$r, r2 = rm$c$r2, r2w = rm$c$r2w,
bic = rm$c$bic, bicw = rm$c$bicw)
em <- list(model = model, rm = rm, ce = ce,
tr = tr, coefficients = rm$c, by_roi = by_roi)
# report
if (verbose) {
cat("\nMean R2: ", rm$r2$mean)
cat("\nMedian R2: ", rm$r2$median)
cat("\nMin R2: ", rm$r2$min)
cat("\nWeighted R2: ", rm$r2$weighted)
cat("\n\nMean BIC: ", rm$bic$mean)
cat("\nMedian BIC: ", rm$bic$median)
cat("\nMin BIC: ", rm$bic$min)
cat("\nWeighted BIC: ", rm$bic$weighted, "\n")
#' @title plot_model
#' @description Plots a manually constructed model.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr case_when mutate
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @export
#' @param model_evaluation The output from the evaluate_model function.
#' @param by_roi Whether to plot the fit for each ROI independently.
#' @param ncol Number of columns in the facet wrap.
#' @param nrow Number of rows in the facet wrap.
#' @param scales Whether to free certain axes of the facet wrap.
#' @param rois A subset of ROIs to visualize.
#' @return A ggplot visualization of the model.
#' @examples
#' # prepare model specs
#' model3 <- data.frame(event = c("encoding", "delay", "response"),
#' start_time = c(0, 2.65, 12.5),
#' duration = c(2.65, 9.85, 3))
plot_model <- function(model_evaluation,
by_roi = FALSE,
ncol = NULL,
nrow = NULL,
scales = "free_y",
rois = NULL) {
# init local variables for CRAN check
event <- NULL
roi <- NULL
y <- NULL
signal <- NULL
# set events
events <- model_evaluation$rm$events
# prepare af
af <- list(models = list(model_evaluation$model),
fitness = 0,
ce = model_evaluation$ce,
tr = model_evaluation$tr)
# plot
if (by_roi) {
# fit
fit <- model_evaluation$rm$fit
# filter
if (!is.null(rois)) {
fit <- fit %>% dplyr::filter(roi %in% rois)
fit$roi <- factor(fit$roi, levels = rois)
# visualization
event_data <- fit[fit$event %in% events, ]
signal_data <- fit[!(fit$event %in% events), ]
signal_data <- signal_data %>%
mutate(signal = case_when(event == "y" ~ "bold", TRUE ~ "model"))
legend_order <- c("bold", "model", events)
my_palette <- c("#000000", "#FF7E79", brewer.pal(length(events), "Set1"))
p <- ggplot() +
geom_line(data = signal_data,
aes(x = t, y = y, color = signal, group = signal), size = 1) +
geom_line(data = event_data,
aes(x = t, y = y, color = event, group = event)) +
ylab("y") +
xlab("time") +
scale_fill_manual(values = my_palette, breaks = legend_order) +
scale_color_manual(values = my_palette, breaks = legend_order) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
facet_wrap(~ roi, scales = scales)
if (!is.null(ncol) && !is.null(nrow)) {
cat("\nWARNING: Both ncol and nrow are provided, using only ncol!\n")
nrow <- NULL
if (is.null(ncol) && !is.null(nrow)) {
p <- p + facet_wrap(~ roi, nrow = nrow, scales = scales)
} else if (!is.null(ncol) && is.null(nrow)) {
p <- p + facet_wrap(~ roi, ncol = ncol, scales = scales)
} else {
p <- p + facet_wrap(~ roi, scales = scales)
# plot
} else {
#' @title run_model
#' @description A helper function for evaluating a model.
#' @export
#' @param d A dataframe with the signal data: roi, t and y. ROI is the name of
#' the region, t is the timestamp and y the value of the signal.
#' @param ce Result of the convolve_events function.
#' @param model A data frame containing information about the model to use
#' and its events (event, start_time and duration).
#' @param roi_weights A data frame with ROI weights: roi, weight. ROI is the
#' name of the region, weight a number that defines the importance of that roi,
#' the default weight for a ROI is 1. If set to 2 for a particular ROI that ROI
#' will be twice as important.
#' @return Returns the model's evaluation.
run_model <- function(d,
roi_weights = NULL) {
# init local variables for CRAN check
event <- NULL
y <- NULL
# set up variables
coeffs <- c()
fit <- c()
rois <- unique(d$roi)
events <- as.character(model$event)
n_events <- length(events)
# create weights if not defined
default_roi_weights <- data.frame(roi = unique(d$roi), weight = 1)
if (!is.null(roi_weights)) {
roi_weights <- merge(default_roi_weights, roi_weights,
by = "roi", all.x = TRUE)
roi_weights <-
data.frame(roi = roi_weights$roi,
weight = ifelse(is.na(roi_weights$weight.y),
roi_weights$weight.x, roi_weights$weight.y))
} else {
roi_weights <- default_roi_weights
# expand the dataframe
d[, c("(Intercept)", events, "y_m", "r")] <- 0
d[, "(Intercept)"] <- 1
l <- dim(d[d$roi == rois[1], ])[1]
# normalize
ce[1:l, ] <- ce[1:l, ] /
matrix(apply(as.matrix(ce[1:l, ]), 2, FUN = function(x) max(abs(x))),
nrow = l,
ncol = n_events,
byrow = TRUE)
# run through rois
for (roi in rois) {
# compute the linear model
d[d$roi == roi, events] <- ce[1:l, ]
m <- lm(formula(d[, c("y", events)]), d[d$roi == roi, ])
# save component timeseries
d[d$roi == roi, events] <- ce[1:l, ] *
l, length(model$event), byrow = TRUE)
d[d$roi == roi, "(Intercept)"] <- m$coefficients["(Intercept)"][[1]]
d[d$roi == roi, "y_m"] <-
apply(as.matrix(d[d$roi == roi, c("(Intercept)", events)]), 1, FUN = sum)
d[d$roi == roi, "r"] <- m$residuals
d[d$roi == roi, events] <-
ce[1:l, ] *
matrix(m$coefficients[events], l, length(model$event), byrow = TRUE) +
# calculate r2
r2 <- 1 - var(m$residuals) / var(d[d$roi == roi, "y"])
# calculate r2w
r2w <- r2 * roi_weights[roi_weights$roi == roi, "weight"]
# calculate bic
bic <- BIC(m)
# calculate bicw
bicw <- bic * roi_weights[roi_weights$roi == roi, "weight"]
coeffs <-
data.frame(c(r = roi,
r2 = r2,
r2w = r2w,
bic = bic,
bicw = bicw)))
for (v in c("y", events, "y_m")) {
t <- d[, c("roi", "t", v)]
t$event <- v
names(t) <- c("roi", "t", "y", "event")
fit <- rbind(fit, t)
fit$event <- factor(fit$event, levels = c("y", events, "y_m"), ordered = TRUE)
# weighted r2
r2w <- sum(coeffs$r2w) / sum(roi_weights$weight)
# weighted r2
bicw <- sum(coeffs$bicw) / sum(roi_weights$weight)
# store evaluation
r2 <- list(mean = mean(coeffs$r2),
median = median(coeffs$r2),
min = min(coeffs$r2),
weighted = r2w)
bic <- list(mean = mean(coeffs$bic),
median = median(coeffs$bic),
min = min(coeffs$bic),
weighted = bicw)
return(list(fit = fit, d = d, c = coeffs, r2 = r2, bic = bic, events = events))
#' @title autohrf
#' @description A function that automatically finds the parameters of model's
#' that best match the underlying data.
#' @importFrom lubridate day hour minute second seconds_to_period
#' @import doParallel
#' @import foreach
#' @import gtools
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @param d A dataframe with the signal data: roi, t and y. ROI is the name of
#' the region, t is the timestamp and y the value of the signal.
#' @param model_constraints A list of model specifications to use for fitting.
#' Each specification is represented as a data frame containing information
#' about it (event, start_time, end_time, min_duration and max_duration).
#' @param tr MRI's repetition time.
#' @param roi_weights A data frame with ROI weights: roi, weight. ROI is the
#' name of the region, weight a number that defines the importance of that roi,
#' the default weight for a ROI is 1. If set to 2 for a particular ROI that ROI
#' will be twice as important.
#' @param allow_overlap Whether to allow overlap between events.
#' @param population The size of the population in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param iter Number of iterations in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param mutation_rate The mutation rate in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param mutation_factor The mutation factor in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param elitism The degree of elitism (promote a percentage of the best
#' solutions) in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param hrf Method to use for HRF generation.
#' @param t The t parameter for Boynton or SPM HRF generation.
#' @param p_boynton Parameters for the Boynton's HRF.
#' @param p_spm Parameters for the SPM HRF.
#' @param f Upsampling factor.
#' @param cores Number of cores to use for parallel processing. Set to the
#' number of provided model constraints by default.
#' @param autohrf Results of a previous autohrf run to continue.
#' @param verbose Whether to print progress of the fitting process.
#' @return A list containing model fits for each of the provided model
#' specifications.
#' @examples
#' # prepare model specs
#' model3 <- data.frame(
#' event = c("encoding", "delay", "response"),
#' start_time = c(0, 2.65, 12.5),
#' end_time = c(3, 12.5, 16)
#' )
#' model4 <- data.frame(
#' event = c("fixation", "target", "delay", "response"),
#' start_time = c(0, 2.5, 2.65, 12.5),
#' end_time = c(2.5, 3, 12.5, 15.5)
#' )
#' model_constraints <- list(model3, model4)
#' # run autohrf
#' df <- flanker
#' autofit <- autohrf(df, model_constraints, tr = 2.5,
#' population = 2, iter = 2, cores = 1)
autohrf <- function(d,
roi_weights = NULL,
allow_overlap = FALSE,
population = 100,
iter = 100,
mutation_rate = 0.1,
mutation_factor = 0.05,
elitism = 0.1,
hrf = "spm",
t = 32,
p_boynton = c(2.25, 1.25, 2),
p_spm = c(6, 16, 1, 1, 6, 0),
f = 100,
cores = NULL,
autohrf = NULL,
verbose = TRUE) {
# parameters
n_models <- length(model_constraints)
elitism <- ceiling(population * elitism)
# set cores to number of model constraints
if (is.null(cores)) {
cores <- n_models
# decrease cores if too large
if (cores > parallel::detectCores() - 1) {
cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
# setup parallelism
cl <- NULL
if (cores != 1) {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores, outfile = "")
i <- 1
results <- foreach(i = 1:n_models) %dopar% {
# close cluster
if (!is.null(cl)) {
#' @title fit_to_constraints
#' @description A helper function for fitting a model to constraints.
#' @export
#' @param model_id ID of the model.
#' @param d A dataframe with the signal data: roi, t and y. ROI is the name of
#' the region, t is the timestamp and y the value of the signal.
#' @param model_constraints A list of model specifications to use for fitting.
#' Each specification is represented as a data frame containing information
#' about it (event, start_time, end_time, min_duration and max_duration).
#' @param tr MRI's repetition time.
#' @param roi_weights A data frame with ROI weights: roi, weight. ROI is the
#' name of the region, weight a number that defines the importance of that roi,
#' the default weight for a ROI is 1. If set to 2 for a particular ROI that ROI
#' will be twice as important.
#' @param allow_overlap Whether to allow overlap between events.
#' @param population The size of the population in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param iter Number of iterations in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param mutation_rate The mutation rate in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param mutation_factor The mutation factor in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param elitism The degree of elitism (promote a percentage of the best
#' solutions) in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param hrf Method to use for HRF generation.
#' @param t The t parameter for Boynton or SPM HRF generation.
#' @param p_boynton Parameters for the Boynton's HRF.
#' @param p_spm Parameters for the SPM HRF.
#' @param f Upsampling factor.
#' @param autohrf Results of a previous autohrf run to continue.
#' @param verbose Whether to print progress of the fitting process.
#' @return Returns the best model given provided constraints.
fit_to_constraints <- function(model_id,
autohrf = NULL,
verbose = TRUE) {
# iterate over all models
execution_time <- Sys.time()
# get model
current_model <- model_constraints[[model_id]]
# get number of events
n_events <- nrow(current_model)
# some basic checks
if (!"event" %in% colnames(current_model)) {
cat("\nERROR: Missing event column in one of provided model constraints!")
if (!"start_time" %in% colnames(current_model)) {
cat("\nERROR: Missing start_time column in one of provided model
if (!"end_time" %in% colnames(current_model)) {
cat("\nERROR: Missing end_time column in one of provided model
for (j in 1:n_events) {
# get event
event <- current_model[j, ]
# check if end_time larger than start_time
if (event$end_time < event$start_time) {
cat("\nERROR: end_time is smaller than start_time in one of provided
model constraints!")
# set min duration to default if not set
if (!"min_duration" %in% colnames(current_model)) {
current_model$min_duration <- rep(0.01, nrow(current_model))
# set max duration to default if not set
if (!"max_duration" %in% colnames(current_model)) {
current_model$max_duration <-
current_model$end_time - current_model$start_time
# create first generation if not continuing
if (is.null(autohrf)) {
times <- autohrf::create_first_generation(current_model,
start_time <- times[[1]]
end_time <- times[[2]]
start_iter <- 1
} else {
ah <- autohrf[[model_id]]
start_time <- ah$start_time
end_time <- ah$end_time
iter <- iter + ah$iter
start_iter <- ah$iter + 1
# check if populations sizes are matcing
if (population != length(start_time)) {
cat(paste0("ERROR: population in the previous run, [", length(start_time),
"] does not match the population in the new run [",
population, "]!"))
# iterate over generations
max_fitness <- vector()
for (i in start_iter:iter) {
# calculate eta
seconds <- difftime(Sys.time(), execution_time, units = "secs")
eta <- round(seconds * (iter - i + 1), 1)
eta <- seconds_to_period(eta)
eta <- sprintf("%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d",
day(eta), hour(eta), minute(eta), round(second(eta)))
# time of execution
execution_time <- Sys.time()
# print
if (verbose) {
cat("Model:", model_id, "\t|\t",
"Iteration:", i, "/", iter, "\t|\t",
"ETA:", eta, "\n")
# evaluate each model
fitness <- vector()
for (j in 1:population) {
# round
start_time[[j]] <- round(start_time[[j]], 2)
end_time[[j]] <- round(end_time[[j]], 2)
# create model from data
model <- data.frame(event = current_model$event,
start_time = start_time[[j]],
duration = end_time[[j]] - start_time[[j]])
em <- autohrf::evaluate_model(d = d,
model = model,
roi_weights = roi_weights,
tr = tr,
f = f,
hrf = hrf,
t = t,
p_boynton = p_boynton,
p_spm = p_spm,
verbose = FALSE)
fitness <- append(fitness, em$rm$r2$weighted)
# sort
start_time <- start_time[mixedorder(fitness, decreasing = TRUE)]
end_time <- end_time[mixedorder(fitness, decreasing = TRUE)]
fitness <- sort(fitness, decreasing = TRUE)
max_fitness <- append(max_fitness, max(fitness))
# create next gen (skip in last generation)
if (i != iter) {
times <- autohrf::create_new_generation(elitism,
start_time <- times[[1]]
end_time <- times[[2]]
# construct new models
new_models <- list()
for (j in 1:population) {
# round
start_time[[j]] <- round(start_time[[j]], 2)
end_time[[j]] <- round(end_time[[j]], 2)
# create model from data
model <- data.frame(event = current_model$event,
start_time = start_time[[j]],
duration = end_time[[j]] - start_time[[j]])
new_models[[j]] <- model
# store convolved events
ce <- autohrf::convolve_events(model = new_models[[1]],
tr = tr,
max_duration = max(d$t),
hrf = hrf,
t = t,
p_boynton = p_boynton,
p_spm = p_spm,
f = f)
result <- list(models = new_models,
fitness = max_fitness,
ce = ce,
tr = tr,
start_time = start_time,
end_time = end_time,
iter = iter)
#' @title create_first_generation
#' @description A helper function for creating the first generation.
#' @export
#' @param current_model The constraints of the current model.
#' @param n_events Number of events in the model.
#' @param population The size of the population in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param allow_overlap Whether to allow overlap between events.
#' @return Returns the first generation of models.
create_first_generation <- function(current_model,
allow_overlap) {
start_time <- list()
end_time <- list()
for (i in 1:population) {
# variables for start and end times
starts <- NULL
ends <- NULL
for (j in 1:n_events) {
# get event
event <- current_model[j, ]
# create random and add to variable
duration <- runif(1, event$min_duration, event$max_duration)
start <- runif(1, event$start_time, event$end_time - duration)
end <- start + duration
# round to 2 digits
start <- round(start, 2)
end <- round(end, 2)
starts <- append(starts, start)
ends <- append(ends, end)
# sort in case of overlaps
if (!allow_overlap) {
starts <- sort(starts)
ends <- sort(ends)
# store
start_time[[i]] <- starts
end_time[[i]] <- ends
times <- list()
times[[1]] <- start_time
times[[2]] <- end_time
#' @title create_new_generation
#' @description A helper function for creating a new generation of possible
#' solutions.
#' @importFrom lubridate day hour minute second seconds_to_period
#' @import doParallel
#' @import foreach
#' @import gtools
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @param elitism The degree of elitism (promote a percentage of the best
#' solutions) in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param population The size of the population in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param start_time A list with model's event start times.
#' @param end_time A list with model's event end times.
#' @param fitness A fitness score of all candidate models.
#' @param n_events Number of events in the model.
#' @param mutation_factor The mutation factor in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param mutation_rate The mutation rate in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param current_model The constraints of the current model.
#' @param allow_overlap Whether to allow overlap between events.
#' @return A new generation of candidate models.
create_new_generation <- function(elitism,
allow_overlap) {
new_start <- list()
new_end <- list()
# copy the best ones (elitism)
for (e in 1:elitism) {
new_start[[e]] <- start_time[[e]]
new_end[[e]] <- end_time[[e]]
# create new ones with genetic algorithms
for (j in (elitism + 1):population) {
# get parents
parents <- autohrf::get_parents(fitness)
p1 <- parents[[1]]
p2 <- parents[[2]]
# create child
child <- autohrf::create_child(start_time,
# store
new_start[[j]] <- child[[1]]
new_end[[j]] <- child[[2]]
# replace old generation with new
times <- list()
times[[1]] <- new_start
times[[2]] <- new_end
#' @title get_parents
#' @description A helper function for getting parents for the child model.
#' @export
#' @param fitness A fitness score of all candidate models.
#' @return Parents for the child model.
get_parents <- function(fitness) {
sum_fitness <- sum(fitness)
# get parents
p1 <- 1
p2 <- 1
for (k in 1:2) {
# random number for parent lottery
rand <- runif(1, 0, sum_fitness)
sum <- 0
p_temp <- 1
# iterate until sum larger than random
while (TRUE) {
sum <- sum + fitness[p_temp]
if (sum >= rand) {
p_temp <- p_temp + 1
# set parents
if (k == 1) {
p1 <- p_temp
} else {
p2 <- p_temp
# store parents
parents <- list()
parents[[1]] <- p1
parents[[2]] <- p2
#' @title create_child
#' @description A helper function for creating a child from parents.
#' @export
#' @param start_time A list with model's event start times.
#' @param end_time A list with model's event end times.
#' @param n_events Number of events in the model.
#' @param mutation_rate The mutation rate in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param mutation_factor The mutation factor in the genetic algorithm.
#' @param current_model The constraints of the current model.
#' @param p1 The first selected parent.
#' @param p2 The second selected parent.
#' @param allow_overlap Whether to allow overlap between events.
#' @return A child model created from two parents.
create_child <- function(start_time,
allow_overlap) {
# crossover
start1 <- start_time[[p1]]
end1 <- end_time[[p1]]
start2 <- start_time[[p2]]
end2 <- end_time[[p2]]
# take half of p1
half1 <- ceiling(n_events / 2)
half2 <- n_events - half1
# only 1 event take start from one, end from the other
if (half2 == 0) {
start <- start1
end <- end2
} else {
# take first half from p1 and second from p2
start <- append(start1[1:half1], start2[half1 + 1:half2])
end <- append(end1[1:half1], end2[half1 + 1:half2])
# mutations modify values
for (k in 1:n_events) {
# add some random value (depends on mutation_factor)
duration <- end[k] - start[k]
mutation <- duration * mutation_factor
# start
rand <- runif(1)
if (rand < mutation_rate) {
change <- max(0.01, runif(1, -mutation, mutation))
start[k] <- start[k] + change
# end
rand <- runif(1)
if (rand < mutation_rate) {
change <- max(0.01, runif(1, -mutation, mutation))
end[k] <- end[k] + change
if (end[k] < start[k]) {
temp <- start[k]
start[k] <- end[k]
end[k] <- temp
# clamp model events to boundaries
for (k in 1:n_events) {
# get model
event <- current_model[k, ]
# extract info
st <- event$start_time
et <- event$end_time
min_d <- event$min_duration
max_d <- event$max_duration
# start time needs to be larger than start_time
# and lower than end_time - min_duration
start[k] <- max(st, min(et - min_d, start[k]))
start[k] <- round(start[k], 2)
# end time needs to be lower than end_time
# and larger than start_time + min_duration
# and lower than start_time + max_duration
end[k] <- min(et, max(st + min_d, min(st + max_d, end[k])))
end[k] <- round(end[k], 2)
child <- list()
child[[1]] <- start
child[[2]] <- end
#' @title plot_fitness
#' @description Plots how fitness changed through iterations of autohrf.
#' Use this to investigate whether your solution converged.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @param autofit Output of the autohrf function.
#' @return A ggplot visualization of fitness through time.
#' @examples
#' # prepare model specs
#' model3 <- data.frame(
#' event = c("encoding", "delay", "response"),
#' start_time = c(0, 2.65, 12.5),
#' end_time = c(3, 12.5, 16)
#' )
#' model4 <- data.frame(
#' event = c("fixation", "target", "delay", "response"),
#' start_time = c(0, 2.5, 2.65, 12.5),
#' end_time = c(2.5, 3, 12.5, 15.5)
#' )
#' model_constraints <- list(model3, model4)
#' # run autohrf
#' df <- flanker
#' autofit <- autohrf(df, model_constraints, tr = 2.5,
#' population = 2, iter = 2, cores = 1)
#' # plot fitness
#' plot_fitness(autofit)
plot_fitness <- function(autofit) {
# init local variables for CRAN check
index <- NULL
fitness <- NULL
model <- NULL
# empty variables for
fitness <- NULL
# iterate over all fits and prepare the data frame
for (i in seq_len(length(autofit))) {
fit <- data.frame(fitness = autofit[[i]]$fitness,
index = seq(length(autofit[[i]]$fitness)),
model = as.factor(i))
fitness <- rbind(fitness, fit)
# plot the results
ggplot(data = fitness, aes(x = index, y = fitness, color = model)) +
geom_line(size = 1) +
ylab("Fitness") +
xlab("Iteration") +
labs(color = "Model") +
scale_color_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Set1")
#' @title plot_best_models
#' @description Plots the best fitted model for each of the specs in autohrf.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import cowplot
#' @export
#' @param autofit Output of the autohrf function.
#' @param ncol Number of columns in the plot.
#' @param nrow Number of rows in the plot.
#' @return Plots the grid containing a visualization of the best models for each
#' of the provided constraints.
#' @examples
#' # prepare model specs
#' model3 <- data.frame(
#' event = c("encoding", "delay", "response"),
#' start_time = c(0, 2.65, 12.5),
#' end_time = c(3, 12.5, 16)
#' )
#' model4 <- data.frame(
#' event = c("fixation", "target", "delay", "response"),
#' start_time = c(0, 2.5, 2.65, 12.5),
#' end_time = c(2.5, 3, 12.5, 15.5)
#' )
#' model_constraints <- list(model3, model4)
#' # run autohrf
#' df <- flanker
#' autofit <- autohrf(df, model_constraints, tr = 2.5,
#' population = 2, iter = 2, cores = 1)
#' # plot best models
#' plot_best_models(autofit)
plot_best_models <- function(autofit, ncol = NULL, nrow = NULL) {
# plot list storage
graphs <- list()
i <- 1
# iterate over models
for (af in autofit) {
graphs[[i]] <- autohrf::plot_events(af, i)
i <- i + 1
if (is.null(ncol) && is.null(nrow)) {
nrow <- i - 1
ncol <- 1
} else if (!is.null(ncol) && !is.null(nrow)) {
cat("\nWARNING: Both ncol and nrow are provided, using only ncol!\n")
nrow <- NULL
# plot grid
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = graphs, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, scale = 0.95)
#' @title get_best_models
#' @description Returns and prints the best fitted model for each of the specs
#' used in autohrf.
#' @import utils
#' @export
#' @param autofit Output of the autohrf function.
#' @param return_fitness Whether to return models or fitness.
#' @param verbose Whether to print information or only return the result.
#' @return Returns a list containing the best models for each of the provided
#' constraints.
#' @examples
#' # prepare model specs
#' model3 <- data.frame(
#' event = c("encoding", "delay", "response"),
#' start_time = c(0, 2.65, 12.5),
#' end_time = c(3, 12.5, 16)
#' )
#' model4 <- data.frame(
#' event = c("fixation", "target", "delay", "response"),
#' start_time = c(0, 2.5, 2.65, 12.5),
#' end_time = c(2.5, 3, 12.5, 15.5)
#' )
#' model_constraints <- list(model3, model4)
#' # run autohrf
#' df <- flanker
#' autofit <- autohrf(df, model_constraints, tr = 2.5,
#' population = 2, iter = 2, cores = 1)
#' # print best models
#' get_best_models(autofit)
get_best_models <- function(autofit, return_fitness = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
# best models storage
models <- list()
fitness <- vector()
# iterate over models
i <- 1
for (af in autofit) {
models[[i]] <- af$models[[1]]
fitness <- c(fitness, tail(af$fitness, 1))
if (verbose) {
cat("\nModel", i, "\n\n")
cat("Fitness: ", tail(af$fitness, 1), "\n\n")
i <- i + 1
if (return_fitness) {
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