
vec.required_packages <- c("iterators", "foreach", "doParallel")
vec.new_packages <- vec.required_packages[!(vec.required_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(vec.new_packages)) install.packages(vec.new_packages)

#' Main function to train a neural network based on the AMNFIS architecture.
#' @param X input numeric matrix with the trining data of dimensions mxn where m are the number of examples and n the number of features(attributes)
#' @param d input numeric vector with the classes of the training data
#' @param clusters matrix with the centroids of each cluster
#' @return object a model which contains the params(weights) of the neural network
#' @export
fn.amnfis <- function(X, d, clusters){

  k <- nrow(clusters)

  ################ HELPER FUNCTIONS ###################

  fn.object_to_params <- function(object){
    return(c(c(object$phi_0), c(object$PHI)))

  fn.params_to_object <- function(object, params, k, n, m){
    i <- 1

    object$phi_0 <- c(params[i: (i + k -1)])
    i <- i + k

    object$PHI <- matrix(data = params[i:(i + k * n - 1)],
                         nrow = k, ncol = n)
    i <- i + k * n


  fn.optim <- function(v){
    obj <- fn.params_to_object(obj, v, k, n, m)
    y <- fn.amnfis_simulate(obj, X, clusters)
    y[y == 0] = 0.00001
    y[y == 1] = 0.99999
    # error = sum((d - y)^2) # MSE
    error <- -sum(d * log(y) + (1 - d) * log(1 - y)) # Cross entropy

  fn.load_random_vector <- function(size){

  fn.load_random_phi <- function(k ,n){
    phi_params <- matrix(rnorm(k * n), nrow = k, ncol = n)

  ################### MAIN FUNCTION ###############
  m <- dim(X)[1]
  n <- dim(X)[2]
  obj <- NULL

  obj$phi_0 <- fn.load_random_vector(k)
  obj$PHI <- fn.load_random_phi(k,n)

  ################## BEGIN TRAINING #####################

  v <- fn.object_to_params(obj)

  convergence <- FALSE
  while(convergence == FALSE){
    optimizer <- optim(v, fn.optim, method = 'BFGS')
    if(optimizer$convergence == 0){
      convergence <- TRUE
      v <- optimizer$par

  obj <- fn.params_to_object(obj, optimizer$par, k, n, m)


############# HELPER FUNCTIONS #########################

fn.get_Xi_Ci_Distances <- function(X, C){
  m <- dim(X)[1]
  n <- dim(X)[2]
  k <- dim(C)[1]
  replByCol <- rep(k, n)
  replByRow <- rep(m, n)
  transformedX <- X[,rep(1:n, replByCol)]
  transformedC <- matrix(rep(C, each=nrow(X)), nrow=m)
  dista <- (transformedX - transformedC)^2
  distaces3D <- array(dista, c(m,k,n))
  distancesList <- lapply(seq(dim(distaces3D)[3]), function(x) distaces3D[ , , x])
  rsp <- Reduce('+', distancesList)

fn.get_membership <- function(distances){
    distances <- matrix(distances)

fn.contrib <- function(membership){

#' Function that makes a prediction of the class given the data
#' @param obj input object with the network parameters(weights)
#' @param X input numeric matrix which contains the input data
#' @param C input numeric matrix with the centroids of each cluster
#' @return y a numeric vector which contains the class predicted for each instance in X
#' @export
fn.amnfis_simulate <- function(obj, X, C) {
  n <- dim(X)[2]
  # Layer 1: calculate the distance between the Inputs(Xi) and each Cluster(Ci)
  DISTANCES <- fn.get_Xi_Ci_Distances(X, C)
  # Layer 2: calculate the membership function from each Input to each Cluster
  MEMBERSHIP = fn.get_membership(DISTANCES)
  # Layer 3: calculate the contribution of each Cluster
  # Layer 4: calculate the output for each cluster
  X_PHI = X %*% t(obj$PHI)
  phi_0_matrix <- matrix(rep(obj$phi_0, times = nrow(X_PHI)), ncol = length(obj$phi_0), byrow = TRUE)
  PHI_0_X_PHI <- phi_0_matrix + X_PHI
  # Layer 5: calculate the output as the weighted average from the two previous layers
  y <- 1/(1+exp(-y))

#' Function that train a neural network on the training data and gets the correct clusters and weights for making predictions
#' @param df input dataframe with the training data. Should also contains the class column
#' @param X input numeric matrix which contains the input data without the class column
#' @param d input numeric vector with correct classes for the training data
#' @param formula input formula specifying which are the descriptors and which is the class column in the df. i.e V9~.
#' @param n_clusters the number of clusters to find
#' @return object with the best centroids and the best parameters for the network (weights)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(mlbench)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(caret)
#' data("PimaIndiansDiabetes")
#' pima_all <- PimaIndiansDiabetes %>% mutate(diabetes = ifelse(diabetes == "pos", 1, 0))
#' ## split the data to get the training set
#' pima_train_index <- createDataPartition(y = pima_all$diabetes, p = 0.7989, list = FALSE, times = 1)
#' df.pima_train <- pima_all[pima_train_index, ]
#' ## get all the columns but not the class
#' mat.pima_train <- as.matrix(df.pima_train[,1:8])
#' vec.pima_out_train <- df.pima_train$diabetes
#' ## this instruction get the rigth parameters to make predictions on the test set
#' obj.res_pima <- fn.train_amnfis(df=df.pima_train, X=mat.pima_train, d=vec.pima_out_train, formula=diabetes~., n_clusters=8)
fn.train_amnfis <- function(df, X, d, formula, n_clusters){

  ############## HELPER FUNCTIONS ###########################

  fn.transform_output <- function(output){
    rsp <- ifelse(as.vector(output) > 0.5, 1, 0)

  # Function to define the centroids of each cluster
  fn.getcentroids <- function(all_data, n, formula){
    print("Calculating centroids for clusters...")

    fn.groupdata <- function(all_data, n, formula){

      if(n ==1){
        data <- list(all_data)
        models <- list()

        initial_model <- fn.splitdata(formula, all_data)
        initial_model <- initial_model[[1]]
        part1 <- initial_model$data[initial_model$part1,]
        part2 <- initial_model$data[initial_model$part2,]

        idx_loop <- 3

        while(idx_loop <= n){
          model_a <- fn.splitdata(formula, part1)
          model_b <- fn.splitdata(formula, part2)
          model_a <- model_a[[1]]
          model_b <- model_b[[1]]

          if(length(models) == 0){
            models <- list(model_a, model_b)
            models[[length(models) + 1]] <- model_a
            models[[length(models) + 1]] <- model_b
          errors <- lapply(models, fn.fetcherrors)
          idx_min_error <- which.min(errors)
          obj <- models[[idx_min_error]]
          models[[idx_min_error]] <- NULL
          part1 <- obj$data[obj$part1,]
          part2 <- obj$data[obj$part2,]
          idx_loop <- idx_loop + 1
        data <- lapply(models, fn.datafrommodels)
        data[[length(data) + 1 ]] <- part1
        data[[length(data) + 1 ]] <- part2

    fn.splitdata <- function(formula, data){
      original <- data
      mat <- apply(as.matrix(data[,1:ncol(data) -1]), 2, fn.getpartitions, formula = formula, data = data)
      errors <- unlist(lapply(mat, fn.fetcherrors))
      lowest_error_idx <- which.min(errors)

    fn.fetcherrors <- function(object){

    fn.datafrommodels <- function(model){

    fn.getpartitions <- function(v, formula, data){
      v_replicated <- fn.replicatedata(v)
      partitions <- t(ifelse(t(v_replicated) >= v, 1, 0))
      fit_errors <- apply(partitions, 2, fn.fitdata, formula = formula, data = data)
      errors <- lapply(fit_errors, fn.fetcherrors)
      errors <- unlist(errors)
      lowes_error_idx <- which.min(errors)
      best_partition <- fit_errors[[lowes_error_idx]]

    # Split into two datasets, for training and for getting the errors. this is done for each column
    fn.fitdata <- function(v_logic, formula, data){
      part1 <- which(v_logic == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
      part2 <- which(v_logic == 0, arr.ind = FALSE)
      data_part1 <- data[part1,]
      data_part2 <- data[part2,]
      error1 <- ifelse((nrow(data_part1) > 0 && nrow(data_part2) > 0), fn.fit_linear_classifier(formula, data_part1), 100)
      error2 <- ifelse((nrow(data_part1) > 0 && nrow(data_part2) > 0), fn.fit_linear_classifier(formula, data_part2), 100)
      obj <- list(error = error1 + error2, part1 = part1, part2 = part2, data = data)

    # Replicates data
    fn.replicatedata <- function(v){
      n <- length(v)
      return(matrix(rep(v, each = n), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE))

    # Removes the class columns
    fn.removeclass <- function(v){
      v <- v[1:length(v) - 1]

    # Fits a linear classifier for a sample data and returns the error
    fn.fit_linear_classifier <- function(formula, data){
      y <- data[,ncol(data)]
      response <- glm(formula, data = data)
      mse <- fn.error(y, response$fitted.values)

    # Calculates the MSE
    fn.error <- function(y, predictions){
      mse <- sum((y - predictions)^2)/length(y)

    groups <- fn.groupdata(all_data, n, formula)
    centroids <- lapply(groups, colMeans)
    columns <- ncol(all_data) - 1
    centroids <- lapply(centroids, fn.removeclass)
    centroid_matrix <- matrix(unlist(centroids), ncol = columns, byrow = TRUE)
    print("Centroids calculated...")

  ############# BODY FUNCTION #########################

  centroids <- fn.getcentroids(all_data = df, n = 2, formula = formula)
  model <- fn.amnfis(X = X, d = d, clusters = centroids)
  predict <- fn.amnfis_simulate(obj = model, X = X, C = centroids)
  predict <- fn.transform_output(predict)
  acc <- length(d[d == predict]) / length(d)
  result <- NULL
  result$acc <- c(acc)
  result$model <- c(model)


  for (j in 3:n_clusters) {
    print(paste("iteration ", j))
    acc <- 0
    vec_best_data_point <- c()
    response <- foreach (i = 1:nrow(X)) %dopar% {
      vec_data_point <- X[i,]
      centroids_tmp <- rbind(centroids, vec_data_point)
      model <- fn.amnfis(X = X, d = d, clusters = centroids_tmp)
      predict <- fn.amnfis_simulate(obj = model, X = X, C = centroids_tmp)
      predict <- fn.transform_output(predict)
      accuracy <- length(d[d == predict]) / length(d)
      my_res <- NULL
      my_res$acc <- accuracy
      my_res$centroid <- vec_data_point
      my_res$model <- model
    best_record <- response[[which.max(lapply(response, function(x) x$acc))]]
    vec_best_data_point <- best_record$centroid
    acc <- best_record$acc
    mdl <- best_record$model

    centroids <- rbind(centroids, vec_best_data_point)
    result$acc <- c(result$acc, acc)
    result$model <- c(result$model, mdl)
    print(paste("centroids ", nrow(centroids)))
  result$clusters <- centroids

fn.model_to_obj <- function(model, dataset='pima'){
  obj <- NULL
  if(dataset == 'pima'){
    obj$PHI <- matrix(unlist(model[14]), ncol = 8, byrow = FALSE)
    obj$phi_0 <- unlist(model[13], use.names=FALSE)
  }else if(dataset == 'bupa'){
    obj$PHI <- matrix(unlist(model[6]), ncol = 6, byrow = FALSE)
    obj$phi_0 <- unlist(model[5], use.names=FALSE)
  }else if(dataset == 'ionosphere'){
    obj$PHI <- matrix(unlist(model[4]), ncol = 34, byrow = FALSE)
    obj$phi_0 <- unlist(model[3], use.names=FALSE)

fn.get_predictions <- function(params, X, C){
  output <- fn.amnfis_simulate(params, X, C)
  output <- ifelse(as.vector(output) > 0.5, 1, 0)
deybvagm/amnfisClassifier documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:23 p.m.