
Defines functions vegan.null estNbPerm compPvalue

Documented in compPvalue

##' Compute P-values from F scores using the methods available in the \code{\link{vegan}} package. 
##' Method \code{\link[vegan]{adonis}} is used for sQTL testing and method 
##' \code{\link[vegan]{betadisper}} for svQTLs.
##' @title P-values computation.
##' @param res.df a data.frame with the F scores and number of groups.
##' @param tre.mt a matrix with the transcript relative expression (samples x transcripts). 
##' @param min.nb.ext.scores the minimum number of permuted scores higher than
##' 'F.lead' to allow the computation to stop. Default is 1000.
##' @param nb.perm.max the maximum number of permutations. Default is 1e6.
##' @param svQTL should svQTL test be performed instead of sQTL. Default is \code{FALSE}.
##' @return An updated data.frame res.df with new columns 'pv' and 'nb.perms'.
##' @author Diego Garrido-Martín, Jean Monlong
##' @keywords internal
compPvalue <- function(res.df, tre.mt, min.nb.ext.scores = 1000, 
                       nb.perm.max = 1e6, svQTL = FALSE)
    nb.gp <- res.df$nb.groups[1]
      F <- res.df$F.svQTL
    } else {
      F <- res.df$F
    if(length(F) > 1){
        F.f <- factor(F)
        F.nb.ext.FP <- rep(0, length(F.f))
        pv.lead <- 1
        nbP.tot <- 0
        while( ( pv.lead * nbP.tot < min.nb.ext.scores ) && ( nbP.tot < nb.perm.max ) ){
            nbP.new <- min(c(nb.perm.max, estNbPerm(pv.lead, 
                                                    min.nb.ext.scores, nb.perm.max) - nbP.tot))
            if(nbP.new > 0){
                FP <- vegan.null(tre.mt, nbP.new, nb.gp, svQTL = svQTL)
                FP.c <- cut(FP, c(-Inf, levels(F.f), Inf), right = FALSE)
                FP.sum <- table(FP.c)
                FP.cs <- cumsum(FP.sum)[-length(FP.sum)]
                names(FP.cs) <- levels(F.f)
                F.nb.ext.FP <- F.nb.ext.FP + FP.cs[F.f] 
                nbP.tot <- nbP.tot + nbP.new
                pv <- 1 - ( F.nb.ext.FP / (nbP.tot + 1) )
                pv.lead <- min(pv)
    } else {
        F.nb.ext.FP <- 0
        pv <- 1
        nbP.tot <- 0
        while( ( pv * nbP.tot < min.nb.ext.scores ) && ( nbP.tot < nb.perm.max ) ){
            nbP.new <- estNbPerm(pv, min.nb.ext.scores, nb.perm.max)
            if(nbP.new > 0){
                FP <- vegan.null(tre.mt, nbP.new, nb.gp, svQTL = svQTL)
                F.nb.ext.FP <- F.nb.ext.FP + sum(F <= FP)
                nbP.tot <- nbP.tot + nbP.new
                pv <- (F.nb.ext.FP + 1) / (nbP.tot + 1)
        res.df$nb.perms.svQTL <- nbP.tot
        res.df$pv.svQTL <- as.numeric(pv)
    } else {
        res.df$nb.perms <- nbP.tot
        res.df$pv <- as.numeric(pv)

estNbPerm <- function(pv, min.nb.ext.scores = 1000, nb.perm.max = 1e6)
    return(min(ceiling(min.nb.ext.scores / pv  + min.nb.ext.scores / 10), 
               nb.perm.max + min.nb.ext.scores / 10))

vegan.null <- function(tre, permutations, nb.gp, svQTL = FALSE)
    groups.f <- factor(sample(1:nb.gp, nrow(tre), replace = TRUE))
        bd <- vegan::betadisper(stats::dist(tre), groups.f, type = "centroid")
        bd.perm <- permutest.betadisper(bd, control = permute::how(nperm = permutations)) 
    } else {
        res <- vegan::adonis(stats::dist(tre) ~ groups.f, permutations = permutations)
        return(as.numeric(res$f.perms[, 1]))
dgarrimar/sQTLseekeR2 documentation built on Nov. 22, 2021, 3:23 a.m.