
Defines functions create_CohortDtstm.model_def create_CohortDtstm create_CohortDtstmTrans.params_mlogit_list create_CohortDtstmTrans.msm create_CohortDtstmTrans.multinom_list create_CohortDtstmTrans

Documented in create_CohortDtstm create_CohortDtstm.model_def create_CohortDtstmTrans create_CohortDtstmTrans.msm create_CohortDtstmTrans.multinom_list create_CohortDtstmTrans.params_mlogit_list

# CohortDtstmTrans class -------------------------------------------------------
#' Transitions for a cohort discrete time state transition model
#' @description
#' Simulate health state transitions in a cohort discrete time state transition model.
#' @format An [R6::R6Class] object.
#' @seealso [create_CohortDtstmTrans()] creates a [`CohortDtstmTrans`] object from either
#' a fitted statistical model or a parameter object. A complete economic model can be implemented
#' with the [`CohortDtstm`] class.
#' @example man-roxygen/example-CohortDtstmTrans.R
#' @name CohortDtstmTrans

#' @rdname CohortDtstmTrans
#' @export
CohortDtstmTrans <- R6::R6Class(
  private = list(
    .start_stateprobs = NULL,
    .trans_mat = NULL,
    set_start_stateprobs = function(x){
      if (any(x < 0)){
        stop("All elements of 'state_stateprobs' must be non-negative.")
      if (any(is.infinite(x))){
        stop("Elements of 'state_stateprobs' cannot be infinite.")
      if (all(x == 0)) {
        x_len <- length(x)
        private$.start_stateprobs <- rep(1/x_len, x_len)
      } else{
        private$.start_stateprobs <- x/sum(x)
    set_trans_mat = function(x){
      if (is.null(x)){
        private$.trans_mat <- x
      } else{
        if (!is.matrix(x)){
          stop("'trans_mat' must be a matrix.")
        K <- ncol(x)
        for (i in 1:K) {
          NA_count <- sum(is.na(x[i, ]))
          max_value <- ifelse(NA_count, NA, K - 1 - NA_count)
          if (!is.na(max_value)){
            if (!all(x[i, ] == 0:max_value)){
              stop(paste0("'trans_mat' is not of the correct form. Each row should ",
                          "contain integers from 0 to K - 1 where K is the number of ",
                          "possible transitions (i.e., non-NA elements)"))
        private$.trans_mat <- x
    set_absorbing = function(x) {
      if (!is.null(x)) {
        self$absorbing <- x
      } else if (!is.null(private$.trans_mat)) {
        self$absorbing <- absorbing(private$.trans_mat)
      } else {
        self$absorbing <- absorbing(self$params)
    get_n_states = function(){
      if (is.null(self$input_data)){
      } else{
  active = list(
    #' @field start_stateprobs A non-negative vector with length equal to the number of
    #' health states containing the probability that the cohort is in each health
    #' state at the start of the simulation. For example, 
    #' if there were three states and the cohort began the simulation in state 1,
    #' then `start_stateprobs = c(1, 0, 0)`. Automatically normalized to sum to 1.
    #' If `NULL`, then a vector with the first element equal to 1 and 
    #' all remaining elements equal to 0.
    start_stateprobs = function(x) {
      if (missing(x)) return(private$.start_stateprobs)
    #' @field trans_mat A transition matrix describing the states and transitions
    #' in a discrete-time multi-state model. Only required if the model is 
    #' parameterized using multinomial logistic regression. The `(i,j)` element 
    #' represents a transition from state `i` to state `j`. Each possible transition 
    #' from row `i` should be based on a separate multinomial logistic regression
    #' and ordered from `0` to `K - 1` where `K` is the number of 
    #' possible transitions. Transitions that are not possible should be `NA`.
    #' and the reference category for each row should be `0`.    
    trans_mat = function(x){
      if(missing(x)) return(private$.trans_mat)

  public = list(
    #' @field params Parameters for simulating health state transitions.
    #' Supports objects of class [`tparams_transprobs`] or [`params_mlogit_list`].
    params = NULL,
    #' @field input_data An object of class [`input_mats`].
    input_data = NULL,
    #' @field cycle_length The length of a model cycle in terms of years.
    #' The default is `1` meaning that model cycles are 1 year long.
    cycle_length = NULL,
    #' @field absorbing A numeric vector denoting the states that are 
    #' absorbing states; i.e., states that cannot be transitioned from. 
    #' Each element should correspond to a `state_id`, 
    #' which should, in turn, be the index of the health state. 
    absorbing = NULL,
    #' @description
    #' Create a new `CohortDtstmTrans` object.
    #' @param params The `params` field.
    #' @param input_data The `input_data` field.
    #' @param trans_mat The `trans_mat` field.
    #' @param start_stateprobs The `start_stateprobs` field.
    #' @param cycle_length The `cycle_length` field.
    #' @param absorbing The `absorbing` field. If `NULL`, then the constructor
    #' will determine which states are absorbing automatically; non `NULL` values
    #' will override this behavior.
    #' @return A new `CohortDtstmTrans` object.
    initialize = function(params,
                          input_data = NULL,
                          trans_mat = NULL,
                          start_stateprobs = NULL, 
                          cycle_length = 1,
                          absorbing = NULL){
      self$params <- params
      self$input_data <- input_data
      if (!is.null(input_data) & is.null(trans_mat)){
        stop("If 'input_data' is not NULL, then 'trans_mat' cannot be NULL")
      if (!is.null(start_stateprobs)){
      } else{
        self$start_stateprobs <- c(1, rep(0, private$get_n_states() - 1))
      self$cycle_length <- cycle_length
    #' @description
    #' Simulate probability of being in each health state during each model cycle. 
    #' @param n_cycles The number of model cycles to simulate the model for.
    #' @return An object of class [`stateprobs`].
    sim_stateprobs = function(n_cycles){
      times <- seq(0, n_cycles * self$cycle_length, length.out = n_cycles + 1)
      stprobs <- C_cohort_dtstm_sim_stateprobs(self, times)
      stprobs <- data.table(stprobs)
      stprobs[, sample := sample + 1]
      stprobs[, state_id := state_id + 1]
      check_patient_wt(self, stprobs)
      setattr(stprobs, "class", 
              c("stateprobs", "data.table", "data.frame"))
      setattr(stprobs, "size", 
              c(get_size(self), n_states = private$get_n_states()))
      setattr(stprobs, "absorbing", self$absorbing)

# create_CohortDtstmTrans methods ----------------------------------------------
#' Create `CohortDtstmTrans` object
#' A generic function for creating an object of class [`CohortDtstmTrans`].
#' @param object An object of the appropriate class containing either a 
#' fitted statistical model or model parameters.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to `CohortDtstmTrans$new()` in 
#' [`CohortDtstmTrans`].
#' @param input_data An object of class `expanded_hesim_data` returned by 
#' [expand.hesim_data()]
#' @param cycle_length The length of a model cycle in terms of years. The default 
#' is 1 meaning that model cycles are 1 year long.
#' @param trans_mat A transition matrix describing the states and transitions 
#' in a discrete-time multi-state model. See [`CohortDtstmTrans`].
#' @param uncertainty Method determining how parameter uncertainty should be handled. 
#' If `"normal"`, then parameters are randomly drawn from their multivariate normal 
#' distribution. If `"none"`, then only point estimates are returned.
#' @inheritParams create_params
#' @template details-create_disease_model
#' @seealso See [`CohortDtstmTrans`] for examples. 
#' @export
create_CohortDtstmTrans <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("create_CohortDtstmTrans", object)

#' @export
#' @rdname create_CohortDtstmTrans
create_CohortDtstmTrans.multinom_list <- function(object, input_data,
                                                  n = 1000, 
                                                  uncertainty = c("normal", "none"),
  # For backwards compatibility until deprecated point_estimate argument is no longer supported
  dots <- list(...)  
  uncertainty <- deprecate_point_estimate(dots$point_estimate, uncertainty,
  dots <- dots[names(dots) != "point_estimate"]
  # Code to always keep
  uncertainty <- match.arg(uncertainty)
  input_mats <- create_input_mats(object, input_data)
  params <- create_params(object, n = n, uncertainty = uncertainty)
          c(list(params = params, input_data = input_mats, trans_mat = trans_mat),

#' @export
#' @rdname create_CohortDtstmTrans
create_CohortDtstmTrans.msm <- function(object, input_data,
                                        n = 1000, 
                                        uncertainty = c("normal", "none"),
  uncertainty <- match.arg(uncertainty)
  qmat <- qmatrix(object, newdata = input_data, uncertainty = uncertainty, n = n)
  tpmat <- expmat(qmat, t = cycle_length)
  if (uncertainty == "none") n <- 1
  tpmat_id <- tpmatrix_id(input_data, n)
  tparams <- tparams_transprobs(tpmat, tpmat_id)
  CohortDtstmTrans$new(params = tparams, cycle_length = cycle_length)

#' @export
#' @rdname create_CohortDtstmTrans
create_CohortDtstmTrans.params_mlogit_list <- function(object, input_data,
                                                       trans_mat, ...){
  input_mats <- create_input_mats(object, input_data)
  CohortDtstmTrans$new(params = object, input_data = input_mats,
                       trans_mat = trans_mat, ...)

# CohortDtstm class ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Cohort discrete time state transition model
#' @description
#' Simulate outcomes from a cohort discrete time state transition model.
#' @format An [R6::R6Class] object.
#' @seealso `CohortDtstm` objects can be created from model objects as 
#' documented in [create_CohortDtstm()]. The [`CohortDtstmTrans`] documentation
#' describes the class for the transition model and the [`StateVals`] documentation
#' describes the class for the cost and utility models. A [`CohortDtstmTrans`] 
#' object is typically created using [create_CohortDtstmTrans()]. 
#' There are currently three relevant vignettes. `vignette("markov-cohort")` 
#' details a relatively simple Markov model and 
#' `vignette("markov-inhomogeneous-cohort")` describes a more complex time
#' inhomogeneous model in which transition probabilities vary in every model
#' cycle. The `vignette("mlogit")` shows how a transition model can be parameterized
#' using a multinomial logistic regression model when transition data is collected
#' at evenly spaced intervals.
#' @references [Incerti and Jansen (2021)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.09437).
#' See Section 2.1 for a description of a cohort DTSTM and details on 
#' simulating costs and QALYs from state probabilities. An example in oncology 
#' is provided in Section 4.3.
#' @example man-roxygen/example-CohortDtstm.R
#' @name CohortDtstm

#' @rdname CohortDtstm
#' @param dr Discount rate.
#' @param integrate_method Method used to integrate state values when computing 
#' costs or QALYs. Options are `trapz` for the trapezoid rule,
#' `riemann_left` for a left Riemann sum, and  
#' `riemann_right` for a right Riemann sum.
#' @export
CohortDtstm <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field trans_model The model for health state transitions. Must be an object 
    #' of class [`CohortDtstmTrans`]. 
    trans_model = NULL,
    #' @field utility_model The model for health state utility. Must be an object of
    #' class [`StateVals`].
    utility_model = NULL,
    #' @field cost_models The models used to predict costs by health state. 
    #' Must be a list of objects of class [`StateVals`], where each element of the 
    #' list represents a different cost category.
    cost_models = NULL,
    #' @field stateprobs_ An object of class [`stateprobs`] simulated using `$sim_stateprobs()`.
    stateprobs_ = NULL,
    #' @field qalys_ An object of class [`qalys`] simulated using `$sim_qalys()`.
    qalys_ = NULL,
    #' @field costs_ An object of class [`costs`] simulated using `$sim_costs()`.
    costs_ = NULL,
    #' @description
    #' Create a new `CohortDtstm` object.
    #' @param trans_model The `trans_model` field.
    #' @param utility_model The `utility_model` field.
    #' @param cost_models The `cost_models` field.
    #' @return A new `CohortDtstm` object.
    initialize = function(trans_model = NULL, utility_model = NULL, cost_models = NULL) {
      self$trans_model <- trans_model
      self$utility_model = utility_model
      self$cost_models = cost_models
    #' @description
    #' Simulate health state probabilities using `CohortDtstmTrans$sim_stateprobs()`.
    #' @param n_cycles The number of model cycles to simulate the model for.
    #' @return An instance of `self` with simulated output of class [stateprobs] 
    #' stored in `stateprobs_`.
    sim_stateprobs = function(n_cycles){
      self$stateprobs_ <- self$trans_model$sim_stateprobs(n_cycles)
      setattr(self$stateprobs_, "class", 
              c("stateprobs", "data.table", "data.frame"))
    #' @description
    #' Simulate quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) as a function of `stateprobs_` and
    #' `utility_model`. See `sim_qalys()` for details.
    #' @param lys If `TRUE`, then life-years are simulated in addition to QALYs.
    #' @return An instance of `self` with simulated output of class [qalys] stored
    #' in `qalys_`.
    sim_qalys = function(dr = .03,
                         integrate_method = c("trapz", "riemann_left", "riemann_right"),
                         lys = TRUE){
      self$qalys_ <- sim_qalys(self$stateprobs_, self$utility_model, dr, integrate_method,
    #' @description
    #' Simulate costs as a function of `stateprobs_` and `cost_models`. 
    #' See `sim_costs()` for details.
    #' @return An instance of `self` with simulated output of class [costs] stored
    #' in `costs_`.
    sim_costs = function(dr = .03, 
                         integrate_method = c("trapz", "riemann_left", "riemann_right")){
      self$costs_ <- sim_costs(self$stateprobs_, self$cost_models, dr, integrate_method)

    #' @description
    #' Summarize costs and QALYs so that cost-effectiveness analysis can be performed. 
    #' See [summarize_ce()].    
    #' @param by_grp If `TRUE`, then costs and QALYs are computed by subgroup. If
    #' `FALSE`, then costs and QALYs are aggregated across all patients (and subgroups).    
    summarize = function(by_grp = FALSE) {
      return(summarize_ce(self$costs_, self$qalys_, by_grp))

# create_CohortDtstm methods ---------------------------------------------------
#' Create \code{CohortDtstm} object
#' A generic function for creating an object of class [`CohortDtstm`].
#' @param object An object of the appropriate class. 
#' @param input_data 	An object of class [`expanded_hesim_data`][expand.hesim_data()].
#' @param cost_args A list of further arguments passed to `StateVals$new()` in 
#' [`StateVals`] when initiating cost models.
#' @param utility_args A list of further arguments passed to `StateVals$new()` in
#' [`StateVals`] when initiating the utility model.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to `CohortDtstmTrans$new()` in 
#' [`CohortDtstmTrans`]. 
#' @export
create_CohortDtstm <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("create_CohortDtstm", object)

#' @export
#' @rdname create_CohortDtstm
create_CohortDtstm.model_def <- function(object, input_data, cost_args = NULL,
                                         utility_args = NULL, ...){
  model_inputs <- eval_model(object, input_data)
  # Individual models
  ## Transition model
  if (is.null(model_inputs$tpmatrix)){
    trans_model <- NULL
  } else{
    tparams <- tparams_transprobs(model_inputs)
    trans_model <- CohortDtstmTrans$new(params = tparams, ...) 
  ## Utility model
  if (is.null(model_inputs$utility)){
    utility_model <- NULL
  } else{
    utility_model <- create_StateVals(model_inputs, 
                                      cost = FALSE,
                                      init_args = utility_args)
  ## Cost models
  n_cost_models <- length(model_inputs$cost)
  if (n_cost_models > 0){
   cost_models <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(model_inputs$cost))
   names(cost_models) <- names(model_inputs$cost)
   for (i in 1:n_cost_models){
     cost_models[[i]] <- create_StateVals(model_inputs, 
                                          name = names(cost_models)[i],
                                          init_args = cost_args[[i]]) 
  } else{
    cost_models <- NULL
  # Combine
  econ_model <- CohortDtstm$new(trans_model = trans_model,
                                utility_model = utility_model,
                                cost_models = cost_models)
dincerti/cea documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 1:15 p.m.