
Defines functions optionsLSODA optionsLSODE optionsLSODES predtimes objtimes getSteps getStepIndices saveShiny_dMod.frame

Documented in getStepIndices getSteps objtimes optionsLSODA optionsLSODE optionsLSODES predtimes saveShiny_dMod.frame

#' SaveShiny for dMod.frames
#' @param dMod.frame dmod.frame
#' @param hypothesis hypothesis
#' @param reactions eqnlist which are the basis for prd
#' @param pubref character. pubmed link or similar
#' @param fixed 
#' @param projectname Name of the folder being created on fermi
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/saveShiny_dMod.frame.R
saveShiny_dMod.frame <- function(dMod.frame, hypothesis = 1, 
                                 reactions = dMod.frame$reactions[[hypothesis]], pubref = "none", fixed = dMod.frame$fixed[[hypothesis]],
                                 projectname, appfolder = "/home/mfehling/ShinyApps/dModtoShiny/"
) {
  # TODO: Detect which names are present in dMod.frame. This way, stuff like "reactions" could be passed with the dMod.frame as well.
  # TODO: Find a way to compare multiple hypotheses. 
      # Maybe allow for the option to pass dMod.frame$profile as complete list
      # But this doesn't solve the issue of comparing different steps -> Problem of dModtoShiny?
  saveShiny(x = dMod.frame$prd[[hypothesis]], 
            errmodel = dMod.frame$e[[hypothesis]],
            data = dMod.frame$data[[hypothesis]],
            parameters = dMod.frame$parframes[[hypothesis]], 
            profiles = dMod.frame$profiles[[hypothesis]], 
            reactions = reactions,
            pubref = pubref,
            fixed = fixed
  # make a subfolder on the server (dModtoShiny should contain app.R)
  system(paste0("ssh fermi mkdir ", appfolder, projectname))
  # copy the .RData file to the subfolder and also all needed .so files
  folder <- paste0("fermi:", appfolder, projectname, "/")
  system(paste0("scp input_shiny.RData ", folder, "."))
  models <-  
    lapply(do.call(c, dMod.frame[hypothesis, drop = F]), function(i) {
      mymodelname <- try(modelname(i), silent = T)
      if (!inherits(mymodelname, "try-error")) return(mymodelname)
      else return(NULL)
  models <- unique(do.call(c,models))
  .so <- .Platform$dynlib.ext
  files <- paste0(outer(models, c("", "_s", "_sdcv", "_deriv"), paste0), .so)
  files <- files[file.exists(files)]
  for(file in files){
    system(paste0("scp ", file, " ", folder, "."))

#' Get the indices of the n largest (not necessarily best) steps of a parframe
#' @param myparframe parframe, result from mstrust
#' @param nsteps number of steps
#' @param tol tolerance for stepdetection
#' @return indices of the largest steps
#' @export
#' @seealso \link{parframe}
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @example inst/examples/getSteps.R
getStepIndices <- function(myparframe, nsteps = 5, tol = 1) {
  steps <- stepDetect(myparframe$value, tol)
  steps <- steps[order(c(diff(steps), nrow(myparframe)-max(steps)), decreasing = T)][1:nsteps]
  steps <- unique(sort(c(1, steps))) #include the first step no matter what
  setNames(steps, paste0("index", steps))

#' Get the rows of the n largest steps of a parframe
#' @param myparframe parframe, result from mstrust
#' @param nsteps number of steps
#' @param tol tolerance for stepdetection
#' @return parframe subsetted to the n largest steps
#' @export
#' @seealso \link{parframe}
#' @example inst/examples/getSteps.R
getSteps <- function(myparframe, nsteps = 5, tol = 1) {
  steps <- steps0 <- stepDetect(myparframe$value, tol)
  steps <- steps[order(c(diff(steps), nrow(myparframe)-max(steps)), decreasing = T)][1:nsteps]
  steps <- unique(sort(c(1, steps))) #include the first step no matter what
  if(length(steps0) <= nsteps) {
    nsteps <- length(steps0)
  steps0 <- c(steps0, nrow(myparframe))
  steps <- c(steps, nrow(myparframe))
  steps_indices <- which(steps0%in%steps)
  step_members <- lapply(1:nsteps, function(i) {
  step_members <- do.call(c,step_members)

#' Get vector of logarithmically spaced time points
#' to help the objective function integrator
#' @param datatimes times present in data
#' @param eventtimes times present in events (not yet implemented)
#' @return vector of times, including datatimes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' objtimes(c(0,30,60,90,600))
#' objtimes(c(30,60,90,600))
#' objtimes(c(-30,60,90,600))
objtimes <- function(datatimes, eventtimes = NULL, Nobjtimes = 25) {
  mint <- min(min(datatimes), 0)
  maxt <- max(datatimes)
  tbefore0 <- if (mint < 0) seq(mint, 0, length.out = Nobjtimes) else 0
  tafter0 <- exp(seq(-3, log(maxt), length.out = Nobjtimes))
  # [ ] eventtimes
  sort(unique(c(0, tbefore0, tafter0, datatimes)))

#' Get a vector of linearly spaced time points for prediction
#' for nice plots
#' @param datatimes 
#' @param eventtimes 
#' @param Nobjtimes number of time points in total
#' @return vector of time points
#' @export
#' @examples
#' predtimes(c(30,60,60,90))
#' predtimes(c(-30,60,60,90))
predtimes <- function(datatimes, eventtimes = NULL, Nobjtimes = 100) {
  mint <- min(min(datatimes), 0)
  maxt <- max(datatimes)
  tbefore0 <- if (mint < 0) seq(mint, 0, length.out = Nobjtimes) else 0
  tafter0 <- seq(0, maxt, length.out = Nobjtimes)
  # [ ] eventtimes
  sort(unique(c(0, tbefore0, tafter0, datatimes)))

#' Get default arguments for integrators
#' @return List of arguments
#' @export
optionsLSODES <- function(rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-6, 
                          jacvec = NULL, sparsetype = "sparseint", nnz = NULL,
                          inz = NULL,  rootfunc = NULL,
                          verbose = FALSE, nroot = 0, tcrit = NULL, hmin = 0,
                          hmax = NULL, hini = 0, ynames = TRUE, maxord = NULL,
                          maxsteps = 5000, lrw = NULL, liw = NULL) {
  args <- as.list(environment())
  c(list(method = "lsodes"), args)

#' @rdname optionsLSODES
#' @export
optionsLSODE <- function(rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-6,  
                         jacfunc = NULL, jactype = "fullint", mf = NULL, rootfunc = NULL,
                         verbose = FALSE, nroot = 0, tcrit = NULL, hmin = 0, hmax = NULL, 
                         hini = 0, ynames = TRUE, maxord = NULL, bandup = NULL, banddown = NULL,
                         maxsteps = 5000, rpar = NULL, ipar = NULL, nout = 0,
                         outnames = NULL) {
  args <- as.list(environment())
  c(list(method = "lsode"), args)

#' @rdname optionsLSODES
#' @export
optionsLSODA <- function(rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-6,
                         jacfunc = NULL, jactype = "fullint", rootfunc = NULL,
                         verbose = FALSE, nroot = 0, tcrit = NULL,
                         hmin = 0, hmax = NULL, hini = 0, ynames = TRUE,
                         maxordn = 12, maxords = 5, bandup = NULL, banddown = NULL,
                         maxsteps = 5000) {
  args <- as.list(environment())
  c(list(method = "lsoda"), args)
dkaschek/dMod documentation built on Aug. 16, 2024, 1:37 a.m.