
#' Visualize the stoichiometry matrix
#' Creates a graphical representation of the stoichiometry matrix.
#' @param model Object of class \code{rodeo} representing the model.
#' @param time Time at which stoichiometry is to be evaluated.
#' @param vars Named vector of the state variables' initial values.
#' @param pars Named vector of parameters.
#' @param funsR File with function definitions as R code.
#' @return Name of a temporary file containing generated HTML code.
#' @author David Kneis \email{david.kneis@@tu-dresden.de}
#' @export
visStoi <- function(model, time, vars, pars, funsR) {
  signsymbol <- function(x) {
    if (as.numeric(x) > 0) return("<span style='color: #E09114;'>&Delta;</span>") #return("&#9651;")
    if (as.numeric(x) < 0) return("<span style='color: #5684C1;'>&nabla;</span>") #return("&#9661;")
    return("") #return("&empty;")
  m <- model$stoichiometry(section=1, time=time)
  tbl <- cbind(data.frame(process=rownames(m), stringsAsFactors=FALSE), as.data.frame(m))
  html <- exportDF(x=tbl, tex=FALSE,
    colnames= stats::setNames(c("Process",model$getVarsTable()$html[match(colnames(m),
      model$getVarsTable()$name)]), names(tbl)),
    align= c(process="left", stats::setNames(rep("center",ncol(m)), colnames(m))),
    funCell= stats::setNames(replicate(ncol(m),signsymbol), colnames(m))
  #tf <- tempfile()
  #write(x=html, file=tf)

#' Find a reasonable time format
#' Finds an appropriate time format specifier for a given time range
#' @param tmin Lower limit of time axis (\code{POSIXct}).
#' @param tmax Upper limit of time axis (\code{POSIXct}).
#' @return A format string.
#' @author David Kneis \email{david.kneis@@tu-dresden.de}

timeFmt <- function(tmin, tmax) {
  secrange <- as.numeric(difftime(tmax, tmin, units="secs"))
  if (secrange > 86400*62) {
    fmt <- "%d %b '%y"
  } else if ((secrange > 86400*7) && (secrange <= 86400*62)) {
    fmt <- "%d %b"
  } else if ((secrange > 86400) && (secrange <= 86400*7)) {
    fmt <- "%d %b %Hh"
  } else {
    fmt <- "%H:%M:%S"

#' Create a vector of times for labelling a time axis.
#' This algorithm usually gives better results than axis.POSIXt.
#' @param tmin Lower limit of time axis (\code{POSIXct}).
#' @param tmax Upper limit of time axis (\code{POSIXct}).
#' @param n Desired number of axis ticks.
#' @return A list with components \code{values} and \code{format}. See example
#'   for usage.
#' @author David Kneis \email{david.kneis@@tu-dresden.de}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   times= prettyTimes(lower, upper, 10)
#'   axis.POSIXct(1, at=times$values, format=times$format, las=2, xlab="")
#' }

prettyTimes <- function(tmin, tmax, n) {
  # Correct unreasonable n
  if (n < 2)
    n <- 2
  # Years
  s <- seq.POSIXt(from= tmin, to=tmax, by="year")
  k <- length(s) 
  if (k >= n) {
    i <- 1:n * ceiling(k/n)
    t1 <- ISOdatetime(format(s[1],"%Y"),1,1,0,0,0)
    t2 <- ISOdatetime(format(s[k],"%Y"),1,1,0,0,0)
    x <- seq.POSIXt(from=t1, to=t2, by="year")
    return(list(values=x[i[i<=k]], format=timeFmt(tmin,tmax)))
  # Months
  s <- seq.POSIXt(from= tmin, to=tmax, by="month")
  k <- length(s) 
  if (k >= n) {
    i <- 1:n * ceiling(k/n)
    t1 <- ISOdatetime(format(s[1],"%Y"),format(s[1],"%m"),1,0,0,0)
    t2 <- ISOdatetime(format(s[k],"%Y"),format(s[k],"%m"),1,0,0,0)
    x <- seq.POSIXt(from=t1, to=t2, by="month")
    return(list(values=x[i[i<=k]], format=timeFmt(tmin,tmax)))
  # Days
  s <- seq.POSIXt(from= tmin, to=tmax, by="day")
  k <- length(s) 
  if (k >= n) {
    i <- 1:n * ceiling(k/n)
    t1 <- ISOdatetime(format(s[1],"%Y"),format(s[1],"%m"),format(s[1],"%d"),0,0,0)
    t2 <- ISOdatetime(format(s[k],"%Y"),format(s[k],"%m"),format(s[k],"%d"),0,0,0)
    x <- seq.POSIXt(from=t1, to=t2, by="day")
    return(list(values=x[i[i<=k]], format=timeFmt(tmin,tmax)))
  # Hours
  s <- seq.POSIXt(from= tmin, to=tmax, by="hour")
  k <- length(s) 
  if (k >= n) {
    i <- 1:n * ceiling(k/n)
    t1 <- ISOdatetime(format(s[1],"%Y"),format(s[1],"%m"),format(s[1],"%d"),format(s[1],"%H"),0,0)
    t2 <- ISOdatetime(format(s[k],"%Y"),format(s[k],"%m"),format(s[k],"%d"),format(s[k],"%H"),0,0)
    x <- seq.POSIXt(from=t1, to=t2, by="hour")
    return(list(values=x[i[i<=k]], format=timeFmt(tmin,tmax)))
  # Minutes
  s <- seq.POSIXt(from= tmin, to=tmax, by="min")
  k <- length(s) 
  if (k >= n) {
    i <- 1:n * ceiling(k/n)
    t1 <- ISOdatetime(format(s[1],"%Y"),format(s[1],"%m"),format(s[1],"%d"),format(s[1],"%H"),format(s[1],"%M"),0)
    t2 <- ISOdatetime(format(s[k],"%Y"),format(s[k],"%m"),format(s[k],"%d"),format(s[k],"%H"),format(s[k],"%M"),0)
    x <- seq.POSIXt(from=t1, to=t2, by="min")
    return(list(values=x[i[i<=k]], format=timeFmt(tmin,tmax)))
  # Seconds
  x <- seq.POSIXt(from= tmin, to=tmax, length.out=n)
  return(list(values=x, format=timeFmt(tmin,tmax)))

#' Plot state variables
#' Plots the simulated dynamics of state variables.
#' @param out Object returned from latest call to \code{simul}.
#' @param out_old Object returned from an earlier call to \code{simul}.
#' @param timeUnit Unit of numeric simulation time info (as a string).
#' @param timeBase Date and time of the startpoint of the simulation as a
#'   value of class \code{POSIXct}.
#' @param model Object of class \code{rodeo} representing the model.
#' @param mult Named vector with multipliers to apply to variables before plotting.
#' @param show Named logical vector to enable plotting of individual variables.
#' @param rangeT Range of the x-axis (time axis).
#' @param rangeY Range of the y-axis.
#' @param gridT Logical to enable/disable grid for x-axis (time axis).
#' @param gridY Logical to enable/disable grid for y-axis.
#' @param logY Logical to switch between linear and log axis.
#' @param labelY Y-axis label.
#' @param showOld Logical. Enables/disables plotting of data in \code{out_old}.
#' @param obs \code{NULL} or a data frame with observations (numeric time info
#'   is expected in the first column).
#' @return \code{NULL}.
#' @author David Kneis \email{david.kneis@@tu-dresden.de}
#' @export
plotStates <- function(out, out_old, timeUnit, timeBase,
  model, mult, show, rangeT, rangeY,
  gridT, gridY, logY, labelY, showOld, obs) {
  clrHelp <- grDevices::colorRamp(c("violetred4","orangered2","indianred",
    "darkseagreen","dodgerblue3","blue4"), space="rgb")
  clr <- function(i) {
    if ("color" %in% names(model$getVarsTable())) {
      res <- model$getVarsTable()[i,"color"]
    } else {
      res <- grDevices::rgb(clrHelp((i-1)/(model$lenVars()-1)), maxColorValue=255)
  # Convert times
  timeMult <- c(Undefined=1, Days=86400, Hours=3600, Seconds=1)
  if (!(timeUnit %in% names(timeMult)))
    stop(paste0("time unit '",timeUnit,"' not supported"))
  # Time base and unit specified --> use POSIXct axis; no label required
  if ((timeBase != "") && (timeUnit != "Undefined")) {
    timeBase <- as.POSIXct(timeBase, tz="UTC")
    if (!is.finite(timeBase))
      stop(paste0("base time '",timeBase,"' invalid or mal-formatted"))
    xlabel <- ""
    numericTimeAxis <- FALSE
  # Either time base or unit not specified --> use a numeric axis; use label
  } else {
    timeBase <- out[1,1]  # start axis at first time of simulation (numeric)
    if (timeUnit == "Undefined") {
      xlabel <- "Unspecified time units"
    } else {
      xlabel <- timeUnit       # only use as label
      timeUnit <- "Undefined"  # but don't use as multiplier
    numericTimeAxis <- TRUE
  times <- timeBase + (out[,1] - out[1,1]) * timeMult[timeUnit]
  rangeT <- timeBase + (rangeT - out[1,1]) * timeMult[timeUnit]
  opar <- graphics::par(c("mar", "cex"))
  graphics::par(mar=c(6,4.1,1.5,0.5), cex=1.25)
  graphics::plot(rangeT, rangeY, type="n", log=ifelse(logY,"y",""), xaxt="n",
    xlab=xlabel, ylab=labelY)
  if (numericTimeAxis) {
    timeTicks <- list(values=graphics::axTicks(side=1))
    graphics::axis(side=1, las=1)
  } else {
    timeTicks <- prettyTimes(rangeT[1], rangeT[2], 10)
    graphics::axis.POSIXct(side=1, at=timeTicks$values, format=timeTicks$format, las=2)
  usr <- graphics::par("usr")
  graphics::rect(xleft=usr[1], xright=usr[2], ybottom=ifelse(logY,10^usr[3],usr[3]),
    ytop=ifelse(logY,10^usr[4],usr[4]), col="grey90")
  if (gridT)
    graphics::abline(v=timeTicks$values, col="grey60")
  if (gridY)
    graphics::grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL, col="grey60")
  # Previous output
  if ((!is.null(out_old)) && showOld) {
    times_old <- timeBase + (out_old[,1] - out_old[1,1]) * timeMult[timeUnit]
    for (i in 1:model$lenVars()) {
      varname <- model$namesVars()[i]
      if (show[varname]) {
        graphics::lines(times_old, out_old[,1+i]*mult[varname], lty=i, lwd=2, col="white")
  # Latest output
  for (i in 1:model$lenVars()) {
    varname <- model$namesVars()[i]
    if (show[varname]) {
      graphics::lines(times, out[,1+i]*mult[varname], lty=i, lwd=2, col=clr(i))
      if ((!is.null(obs)) && (varname %in% names(obs))) {
        timesObs <- timeBase + (obs[,1] - out[1,1]) * timeMult[timeUnit]
        graphics::points(timesObs, obs[,varname]*mult[varname], pch=i, col=clr(i))
  graphics::par(mar=opar$mar, cex=opar$cex)

  # Legend
  opar <- graphics::par(c("mar", "cex"))
  graphics::par(mar=c(.1, .1, .1, .2), cex=1.25)
  inds <- which(model$namesVars() %in% names(show)[show])
  graphics::legend("left", bty="n", seg.len=1.5, lty=inds, lwd=2, col=clr(inds),
  graphics::par(mar=opar$mar, cex=opar$cex)
dkneis/rodeoApp documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:12 a.m.