# Main function for running the haplotype HMM for DO mice.
# You must supply either a set of founders with your data or a set of
# founder means and variances. This means that either is.founder.F1 must have
# true values for at least one sample from each founder or init.means and
# init.covars must be populated with state mean and covariance estimates for all
# SNPs.
# Arguments: data: list containing x & y intensities or genotypes.
# chr: character vector, with chromosomes to run. Must match
# the chromosome IDs in the snps table.
# snps: data.frame with SNP IDs, chr, Mb and cM positions.
# output.dir: character, with the file directory for the final
# theta & rho mean and variance files.
# trans.prob.fxn: the transition probability function for these
# samples.
# plot: boolean that is true if the user would like to plot a sample
# chromosome as the model progresses.
calc.genoprob.intensity = function(data, chr, founders, snps, output.dir = ".",
trans.prob.fxn, plot = FALSE, clust = c("mclust", "pamk")) {
clust = match.arg(clust)
# Extract the sample and founder temporary data file names.
tmpfiles = list(dx = data$x, dy = data$y, fx = founders$x, fy = founders$y)
# Loop through each chromosome.
for(curr.chr in chr) {
print(paste("CHR", curr.chr))
# Get SNPs for the current chromosome.
cur.snps = snps[[which(names(snps) == curr.chr)]]
# Read in the sample and founder data.
d = NULL # d is the variable that is loaded in the load() statements below.
chr.pattern = paste("chr", curr.chr, "\\.", sep = "")
load(tmpfiles$dx[grep(chr.pattern, tmpfiles$dx)])
data$x = d
load(tmpfiles$dy[grep(chr.pattern, tmpfiles$dy)])
data$y = d
load(tmpfiles$fx[grep(chr.pattern, tmpfiles$fx)])
founders$x = d
load(tmpfiles$fy[grep(chr.pattern, tmpfiles$fy)])
founders$y = d
# Normalize the samples and founders.
# MegaMUGA founders seem to be well aligned to the data, so we're
# not normalizing MegaMUGA data at the moment.
if(attr(data, "array") == "muga") {
newxy = quantilenorm(x1 = data$x, y1 = data$y, x2 = founders$x,
y2 = founders$y)
founders$x = newxy[[1]]
founders$y = newxy[[2]]
} # if(attr(data, "array") != "muga")
# If this is the X chromosome, split the samples by sex, using 36 states
# for the females and 8 states for the males.
if(curr.chr == "X") {
# Run the females first.
females = which(data$sex == "F")
female.prsmth = NULL
female.r.t.means = NULL
female.r.t.covars = NULL
# Only run if there are samples that are female.
if(length(females) > 0) {
data$theta = (2.0 / pi) * atan2(data$y, data$x)
data$rho = sqrt(data$x^2 + data$y^2)
cur.data = list(theta = (2.0 / pi) * atan2(data$y[females,],
data$x[females,]), rho = sqrt(data$x[females,]^2 +
sex = data$sex[females], gen = data$gen[females])
attr(cur.data, "sampletype") = attr(data, "sampletype")
founder.subset = which(founders$sex == "F")
cur.founders = list(theta = (2.0 / pi) * atan2(founders$y[founder.subset,],
rho = sqrt(founders$x[founder.subset,]^2 +
sex = founders$sex[founder.subset],
code = founders$code[founder.subset],
states = founders$states$X$F)
tmp = hmm.intensity(data = cur.data, founders = cur.founders,
sex = "F", snps = cur.snps, chr = curr.chr,
trans.prob.fxn = trans.prob.fxn, clust = clust)
female.r.t.means = tmp$params$r.t.means
female.r.t.covars = tmp$params$r.t.covars
female.prsmth = tmp$prsmth
} # if(length(females) > 0)
males = which(data$sex == "M")
male.prsmth = NULL
male.r.t.means = NULL
male.r.t.covars = NULL
# Only run if there are samples that are male. If only founders are
# male, there's no point in running this.
if(length(males) > 0) {
cur.data = list(theta = (2.0 / pi) * atan2(data$y[males,],
data$x[males,]), rho = sqrt(data$x[males,]^2 +
data$y[males,]^2), sex = data$sex[males],
gen = data$gen[males])
attr(cur.data, "sampletype") = attr(data, "sampletype")
founder.subset = which(founders$sex == "M")
cur.founders = list(theta = (2.0 / pi) * atan2(founders$y[founder.subset,],
rho = sqrt(founders$x[founder.subset,]^2 +
sex = founders$sex[founder.subset],
code = founders$code[founder.subset],
states = founders$states$X$M)
cur.founders = keep.homozygotes(cur.founders)
tmp = hmm.intensity(data = cur.data, founders = cur.founders,
sex = "M", snps = cur.snps, chr = curr.chr,
trans.prob.fxn = trans.prob.fxn, clust = clust)
male.r.t.means = tmp$params$r.t.means
male.r.t.covars = tmp$params$r.t.covars
male.prsmth = tmp$prsmth
} # if(length(males) > 0)
# Combine the male and female prsmth data.
if(length(females) > 0) {
if(length(males) > 0) {
prsmth = array(-.Machine$double.xmax, c(length(founders$states$X$F),
nrow(data$x), nrow(cur.snps)), dimnames =
list(founders$states$X$F, rownames(data$x), cur.snps[,1]))
m = match(dimnames(female.prsmth)[[2]], dimnames(prsmth)[[2]])
prsmth[,m,] = female.prsmth
m = match(dimnames(male.prsmth)[[2]], dimnames(prsmth)[[2]])
m2 = match(paste(dimnames(male.prsmth)[[1]], dimnames(male.prsmth)[[1]],
sep = ""), dimnames(prsmth)[[1]])
prsmth[m2,m,] = male.prsmth
rm(female.prsmth, male.prsmth)
} else {
prsmth = female.prsmth
} # else
} else if(length(males) > 0) {
prsmth = male.prsmth
} # else if(length(males) > 0)
# Write out the smoothed probabilities and the founder state means and
# variances.
if(!is.null(female.r.t.means)) {
write.results(prsmth = prsmth, theta.rho.means = female.r.t.means,
theta.rho.covars = female.r.t.covars,
output.dir = output.dir, chr = curr.chr, all.chr = chr,
sex = "F")
} # if(!is.null(female.r.t.means))
if(!is.null(male.r.t.means)) {
# We don't want to pass prsmth in twice or else it will be written
# out twice.
write.results(theta.rho.means = male.r.t.means, theta.rho.covars =
male.r.t.covars, output.dir = output.dir, chr = curr.chr,
all.chr = chr, sex = "M")
} # if(!is.null(male.r.t.means))
} else if (curr.chr == "Y") {
stop("Chr Y not implemented yet.")
# Keep only the males.
males = which(data$sex == "M")
founder.males = which(founders$sex == "M")
# Get founder centers.
fx = founders$x[founder.males,]
fy = founders$y[founder.males,]
fx = aggregate(fx, list(founders$code[founder.males]), mean)
fy = aggregate(fy, list(founders$code[founder.males]), mean)
# Get distances between founders and samples.
x = t(rbind(founders$x[founder.males,], data$x[males,]))
y = t(rbind(founders$y[founder.males,], data$y[males,]))
d = matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(x), dimnames = list(colnames(x), colnames(x)))
for(i in 1:ncol(x)) {
d[i,] = sqrt(colSums((x[,i] - x)^2) + colSums((y[,i] - y)^2))
} # for(i)
d = d[!is.na(d[1,]), !is.na(d[,1])]
# Cluster using CLARA.
# cl = pamk(x = d, usepam = FALSE)
# Calculate means and covariances for each cluster.
# mean.covar = as.list(1:length(founders$states$founders))
# names(mean.covar) = founders$states$founders
# for(i in 1:length(founders$states$founders)) {
# rng = which(cl$clustering == i)
# mean.covar[[i]]$mean = cbind(rowMeans(x[,rng]), rowMeans(y[,rng]))
# mean.covar[[i]]$covar = cov(t(x[,rng]), t(y[,rng]))
# } # for(i)
} else if (curr.chr == "M") {
stop("Chr M not implemented yet.")
} else {
# Autosomes.
data$theta = (2.0 / pi) * atan2(data$y, data$x)
data$rho = sqrt(data$x^2 + data$y^2)
founders$theta = (2.0 / pi) * atan2(founders$y, founders$x)
founders$rho = sqrt(founders$x^2 + founders$y^2)
old.states = founders$states
founders$states = founders$states$auto
hmm = hmm.intensity(data = data, founders = founders,
sex = "F", snps = cur.snps, chr = curr.chr,
trans.prob.fxn = trans.prob.fxn, clust = clust)
founders$states = old.states
# Write out the smoothed probabilities and the founder state means and
# variances.
write.results(prsmth = hmm$prsmth,
theta.rho.means = hmm$params$r.t.means,
theta.rho.covars = hmm$params$r.t.covars,
output.dir = output.dir, chr = curr.chr, all.chr = chr)
} # else
# Clean up memory.
# Make sure the foreach doesn't try to return something.
} # for(chr)
} # calc.genoprob.intensity()
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