# Given a genomic range, plot the genes in the interval.
# Daniel Gatti
# Dan.Gatti@jax.org
# Feb. 13, 2013
# Arguments: mgi.file: data.frame, containing genes (or other features) as
# returned by get.mgi.features().
# rect.col: color, the color of the gene rectangles.
# text.col: color, the color of the gene names.
# ...: other arguments to be passed to plot.
# Returns: data.frame with gene symbol, gene start, gene end, text start,
# text end and row.
gene.plot = function(mgi, rect.col = "grey30", text.col = "black", ...) {
# If we have no genes, just plot an empty frame and return.
if(is.null(mgi) || length(mgi) == 0) {
plot(0, 0, col = 0, xlab = "", xaxs = "i", ylab = "", yaxt = "n", ...)
} # if(is.null(mgi) || nrow(mgi) == 0)
previous.cex = par("cex")
call = match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
mgi$Name = as.character(mgi$Name)
# Convert the mgi gene start and stop locations to Mb.
if(all(mgi$start > 200)) {
mgi$start = mgi$start * 1e-6
} # if(all(mgi$start > 200))
if(all(mgi$stop > 200)) {
mgi$stop = mgi$stop * 1e-6
} # if(all(mgi$stop > 200))
# Place names on the colors so that we can keep track of which
# colors are associated with which genes. Also, expand them if they are
# shorter than nrow(mgi).
if(length(rect.col) < nrow(mgi)) {
rect.col = rep(rect.col, ceiling(nrow(mgi) / length(rect.col)))[1:nrow(mgi)]
} # if(length(rect.col) < nrow(mgi))
names(rect.col) = mgi$Name
if(length(text.col) < nrow(mgi)) {
text.col = rep(text.col, ceiling(nrow(mgi) / length(text.col)))[1:nrow(mgi)]
} # if(length(text.col) < nrow(mgi))
names(text.col) = mgi$Name
# If we have xlim in the arguments, then make the plot using the user
# defined xlim and subset the mgi data to include only genes within the
# plot limits.
if(any(names(call) == "xlim")) {
xlim = eval(call$xlim, envir = parent.frame())
plot(0, 0, col = 0, xlab = "", xaxs = "i", ylab = "", yaxt = "n", ...)
mgi = mgi[mgi$stop >= xlim[1] & mgi$start <= xlim[2],]
# If we have no genes to plot, just return.
if(nrow(mgi) == 0) {
} # if(nrow(mgi) == 0)
} else {
plot(0, 0, col = 0, xlim = c(min(mgi$start), max(mgi$stop)),
xlab = "", ylab = "", yaxt = "n", ...)
} # else
mtext(side = 1, line = 2, text = paste("Chr", mgi$seqid[1], "(Mb)"))
# Line the genes up sequentially in columns.
# Locs holds the gene symbol, the gene start and end, the text start and end,
# as well as the row to plot on. Use strwidth("W") as the space after a gene.
locs = data.frame(name = mgi$Name, gstart = mgi$start,
gend = mgi$stop, tstart = mgi$stop + strwidth("i"),
tend = mgi$stop + strwidth("W") + sapply(mgi$Name, strwidth),
stringsAsFactors = F)
locs = locs[order(locs$gstart),]
par(lend = 2)
usr = par("usr")
nrows = 1 # Number of rows in the current plot.
row = 10 # Number of rows that we need.
ymin = 1 # Lowest y-value for the gene closest to the bottom of the plot.
iter = 0 # Number of iterations.
# We need at least enough rows in the plot to fit the data.
while((nrows < row | (usr[4] - ymin) / diff(usr[3:4]) < 0.7) & iter < 20) {
last.strht = strheight("I")
retval = get.gene.locations(locs, usr)
ymin = retval$newloc$bottom[nrow(retval$newloc)]
nrows = retval$nrows
row = retval$row
# If we need more rows in the plot, then decrement cex until strheight("I") decreases.
if(row > nrows) {
while(strheight("I") == last.strht) {
par(cex = par("cex") * 0.98)
} # while(strheight("I") == last.strht)
} else if (row < nrows) {
while(strheight("I") == last.strht) {
par(cex = par("cex") * 1.02)
} # while(strheight("I") == last.strht)
} # else if (row < nrows)
iter = iter + 1
} # while((nrows < row | (usr[4] - ymin) ...
# If we have any horizontal collisions, shrink the font size slightly.
if(any((retval$newloc$textx + strwidth(retval$newloc$name))[-1] -
retval$newloc$left[-nrow(retval$newloc)] < 0)) {
last.strht = strheight("I")
while(strheight("I") == last.strht) {
par(cex = par("cex") * 0.99)
} # while(strheight("I") == last.strht)
retval = get.gene.locations(locs, usr)
} # if(any((retval$newloc$textx ...
# Plot the genes.
rect(retval$newloc$left, retval$newloc$bottom, retval$newloc$right,
retval$newloc$top, col = rect.col[retval$newloc$name],
border = rect.col[retval$newloc$name])
text(retval$newloc$textx, retval$newloc$texty, retval$newloc$name,
col = text.col[retval$newloc$name], adj = c(0,0))
par(cex = previous.cex)
} # gene.plot()
# Helper function to set gene locations on plot.
get.gene.locations = function(locs, usr) {
boxheight = 1.1 * strheight("I")
offset = 0.15 * boxheight
rowheight = boxheight + offset
nrows = floor(diff(usr[3:4]) / rowheight)
row = 1
x = min(locs$gstart)
tmp = locs # tmp is a sacrificial data frame from which we will remove plotted genes.
# Try to fill in the genes without collisions.
# newloc holds the positions of the gene rectangles and names in user coordiantes.
newloc = data.frame(name = rep("", nrow(locs)), left = rep(0, nrow(locs)),
bottom = rep(0, nrow(locs)), right = rep(0, nrow(locs)),
top = rep(0, nrow(locs)), textx = rep(0, nrow(locs)),
texty = rep(0, nrow(locs)), stringsAsFactors = F)
i = 1 # Gene counter.
while(i <= nrow(locs)) {
# Find the gene with the minimum start position past the current X position.
wh = which(tmp$gstart >= x)
# If we found one, then add it to our list of positions (newloc).
if(length(wh) > 0) {
# idx indexes the current gene row in tmp.
idx = min(wh)
newloc$name[i] = tmp$name[idx]
newloc$left[i] = tmp$gstart[idx]
newloc$bottom[i] = usr[4] - row * rowheight + offset
newloc$right[i] = tmp$gend[idx]
newloc$top[i] = usr[4] - (row - 1) * rowheight - offset
newloc$textx[i] = tmp$tstart[idx]
newloc$texty[i] = usr[4] - row * rowheight + offset
x = newloc$textx[i] + strwidth(newloc$name[i]) + strwidth("i")
# Remove this gene from tmp.
tmp = tmp[-idx,]
# If our X position has moved past the right end of the plot, advance to the next
# row and reset the X position to the left edge of the plot (in user coordinates).
if(x > usr[2]) {
row = row + 1
x = min(locs$gstart)
} # if(x > usr[2])
# Increment the gene counter.
i = i + 1
} else {
# If we didn't find a gene past out current X position, advance to the next
# row and reset the X position to the left edge of the plot (in user coordinates).
row = row + 1
x = min(locs$gstart)
} # else
} # while(i <= nrow(locs))
return(list(nrows = nrows, row = row, newloc = newloc))
} # get.gene.locations()
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